Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Giving Women Pleasure And Sex

The only thing that really counts ultimately
for ANY human being, is how they feel.

And human beings are different from animals
because they have an incredible ability to be
creative and they've devised all kinds of ways
to feel pleasure and experience awesome
emotions, from massive adrenaline rushes to
the super feelings of inner peace and harmony,
to intrigue and wonder, and so much more.

Of course, some of these avenues cause more
pain ultimately like the problems of drug
abuse, etc.  But my point is that all people
really want are the infinite varieties of
cool sensations and emotions, whether it's a
roller coaster or tasty or satisfying foods if
they are hungry, or feeling their sense of
wonder and intrigue stimulated.

And of course, the intense emotions that they get
or feel they can get from SEX in the exact
recipe that helps unlock their inner chemicals-
for some folks that recipe means a serious
relationship, for others it's something else.
And it changes for people as well.

And the thing is, sex is actually one of the
most powerful emotional blasts a person
can experience.  It's not just sex itself
of course,  it's all the stuff you bring
to sex emotionally as well.  Otherwise,
masturbation would be where sex begins
and ends.  And in fact, there is a billion
dollar business that thrives off of ADDING
other emotional stuff to that, it's called
porn.  Clearly, it's not just the act of sex
itself.  It's the PERSPECTIVE the person
has on it- i.e. "I'm with a MODEL!!" or
whatever the person has i.e. "THIS CHICK
LOVES MEEEE!", that enhances the impact.

Do you know why most women aren't into
porn much as much? It's because they don't
need to FANTASIZE about getting sex, they
can have it easily. It's men who fantasize
about being the pizza boy who gets the
sex as he delivers the pizza lol.  I'm not
saying women don't fantasize by the way,
because they absolutely DO, it's just
DIFFERENT because of the different reality
that most women live in.   

The bottom line is that sex, in it's many
forms combined with other emotions,
is one of the most POWERFUL emotions.

And this is true for both men AND women.

Of all the emotions, sex is probably the
most powerful, WHEN mixed with the
right combination other emotions.

If you can give a woman THIS EMOTION,
she will be YOURS.

You can LEARN to do this.

Let me give you a bit of insight into how this works:

When you think of money, do you get EXCITED?
Does it feel as good as listening to awesome MUSIC?
Does it feel as good as SEX?
Does it even feel as good as a great burger????

If it does, it's only because of the things
you have associated with money, i.e.
power, self-esteem, women, sex, etc.

When you think of a woman who is
STRIKING, do you get excited?

If you do, I want you to THINK for a second
about what it IS about a specific type of
woman that makes you feel excited?

What is it SPECIFICALLY about her that makes
you FEEL it?  A specific body part? Her walk?
Her face? The way she looks at you?  All
the above?

If you're like most guys, you probably were
GIRL crazy for LOTS of girls, not just MODELS
when you first got interested in girls. 

That's because you had less conditioning.

I remember when I was in grade school, and
first got interested in girls. You know what
I liked? BOOBS and ASS!  I liked a woman
who LOOKED like a woman.  A cute face
didn't hurt either of course.  I liked "older
girls" lol then, the ones who were getting
their shape from being through puberty.

My point is that you could have showed me
a MODEL then, and I probably would have
been just as happy or even happier with the
girl who was less of a model but had more
of her WOMANLY shape to her.

I wouldn't have thought that supermodels were
"superior". In fact, even today, the supermodels
are not even what's in magazines like Playboy.
So even in our society there are discrepancies
between what is "officially good looking" and
what is actually "sexy" for women.

It took time for be to get bombarded by society
and think supermodels were better. Now I'm
actually liberated again, kinda more flexible,
I'm attracted to lots of things in women, which
makes life a lot more fun by the way and gives
you so many more fun options. For all you guys
who want the supermodels, don't get me wrong
for one SECOND, I PROVE stuff on the "hotties"
week after week, LIVE, in my Bootcamps

In fact, what I'm explaining here is a KEY to HOW
this whole attraction thing works.

You see, human PLEASURE associations are
ARTIFICIALLY limited by our environmental
messages.  Don't get me wrong on this either,
there IS a certain amount of attraction that is
pure BIOLOGY, as I actually explain in my
materials as well.  Women's hip to waist RATIOS,
etc, across cultures remain consistent.  

But there is a huge amount of FLEXIBILITY
regarding what triggers attraction in a woman,
(and men as well, but the point here is women)
as long as the PERCEPTION is being FRAMED
properly through factors you CAN control. 
And BLASTING through these artificial
LIMITATIONS and the artificial BARRIERS
to feeling PLEASURE, including the SEXUAL
kind, is not really as difficult as it seems if
you understand how pleasure works.

The key to understand is that PLEASURE
is actually a STATE of mind.  Everyone
has the potential to FEEL it independently.

But what happens is we get WEAK in this
area, we get CONDITIONED to only ALLOW
ourselves to experience it if a billion conditions
are present. 

But there is a way to CUT past it all.
And if you understand how to CUT past it
all inside a woman's MIND, you will get
her to BE ADDICTED TO YOU no matter

It really doesn't matter who you are, as
long as you know how to GET HER

You see, this is why it really IS ridiculous
to try to appeal to women with static things
like money.

Or trying to appeal to women with ANYTHING
besides DIRECTLY going for her MIND
and unleashing her PLEASURE feelings.

So how about this whole thing you hear from
women who keep on saying they want a guy
with money?  That's because they would LIKE
to ALSO have money!!!!!  Also, for a long
term relationship and having kids, having
money helps SECURE things.  But it has
Not unless the woman is literally starving,
then it's possible that attraction will really
happen simply from a guy having FOOD!

But that's not going to help most guys
in this world.  The REAL key is to
affect a woman's EMOTIONS, to
make her unleash her own pleasure

If a guy relies on things like money to
get women and does not work on his
ability to give women the experience
of pleasure, it's really a bad move.

You want a woman to be with you because
she ENJOYS it, not because she feels she

So the question then becomes:
"How do I get a woman to feel PLEASURE?"

Well, the first thing to realize is that when you
FIRST meet a woman randomly, she is often
PROGRAMMED to avoid even allowing you
a CHANCE to get her into a pleasurable state,
or in fact a chance to do ANYTHING.

This is good.
Otherwise, women would be allowing every
PSYCHO into their lives as well. It would
be too easy.

However, this means you often must know
around the maze she has created so that you
can WORK your "magic".

For example, if a woman you see at the store,
is walking out the store, and she is already
in her car, windows rolled up, and it's
NIGHT time, and it's a pretty DESERTED
parking lot, she is going to be a lot tougher to
open up than if she was at a club with her
friends having a great time. 

In that car, in that deserted parking lot,
at night, her AUTO PROGRAMMING
is keeping her in extreme CAUTION

So if you go in DIRECT, you are going to get
RESISTANCE.  And if you persist with that
directness, the resistance will only get STRONGER.

CONFIDENCE is not enough in such
a situation. It's a fantastic start, but
not enough.

so that you know what makes most sense
for that situation is what makes the
DIFFERENCE between success
and failure.  

So you have to find a way in:
For example, if you told her that her license
plate was covered with dirt at the back of her
car, and she came out to check it and then
you started to tease her that she is terrible
at keeping her car maintained, and then
as she sees it's actually fine, you then
bring up a RELEVANT story about the
situation, i.e. something you bought at
the store i.e. the incredible price on
Halloween candy, or you were wondering
what to give kids that is healthy but
not creepy like an apple lol,  and she
starts to INTERACT with you on that
topic, you are NOW in a position to start
getting her laughing, teasing her on her
answers as well showing sexual masculinity
and dominance, and yet getting her into
a happy laughing pleasurable state,
which is one step closer to a sexually
"happy" state.

And regarding the little story you made
up?  She will not only forgive you for it,
she will THANK you for it later.  Otherwise
you two would never have met.  And
besides, she FINDS out the truth within
MINUTES anyway! That story was just
a way to get IN.  It isn't what the attraction
is BUILT on.

Here's what I consider unethical: When
you are doing something that is HARMING
her emotions.  Or harming her physically.
Or being SELFISH and taking without
giving.  Or telling her a made-up story
that won't be revealed to her soon
anyway. NONE of that is present in
the above situation.

It's no different than a chick who wants
to pick you up, and comes up with some
excuse to chat YOU up that is totally
not real. (Hey, I love that pendant,
where did you get it from???") 
Is this BAD?  Would you hate a woman
for that or RESPECT her for it?
And keep in mind, imagine that she
is coming across as highly DESIRABLE.

Obviously in one newsletter, I can't do
FULL JUSTICE to the whole field
of pickup and attraction, because you have
to understand how to create ANY emotion
that is required at the moment, from the
emotion of calm, to the emotion of security,
to humor, etc.

But the point is, many times, in real life,
you can't go directly into PLEASURE,
you have to set up the situation so that
she is RECEPTIVE to that in the first

But once you are there, DEFINITELY,
the key is to UNLEASH her emotions
of pleasure.

At that point, it's definitely about

The pleasure zone means LOTS of things,
including AVOIDING all boring
topics, all gross and repulsive topics, etc.

And it also means you must ENGAGE
her in FUN communication, and then
from there bridge to MORE SEXUAL
stuff, but you have to keep the sexual
stuff playful and not too intense in the
beginning as well or you come across
as sexually NEEDY.

Again, this is a newsletter, and in my
materials I go into SUPER HIGH
LEVEL DETAIL on this and
exactly HOW to do this, with
examples as well.

The thing is, what you have to understand
is that women ENJOY pleasure yet at the
same time they can't be EASY.  They
can't be easy or they are allowing psychos
and also uncool guys to come in!

So they will throw you obstacles even though deep
down they WANT to experience more pleasure.

The problem is most guys have such fragile
egos, that the GUY shuts himself down at
the first sign of her supposed "RESISTANCE".

It isn't really a guy's fault since he has been
interpreting everything that women do to him
as being PERSONAL or somehow being an
indication of his own worth or sexual

So the first "test" a woman throws at the guy
is enough to OBLITERATE him right there
on the spot.

I'm not talking about physically obliterating
him. I'm not even talking about obliterating
his DESIRE to get her.  I'm talking about
if he was even IN one to begin with,
which is rare for a guy to even be in
the right state to begin with.

It's not about "getting all ALPHA"
on her, and show how "tough" you can be.
That's not tough, that's just REACTING,
that's being CONTROLLED by her.

You can "man up" all you want, but if you
are "manning up" in a way that is not
PLEASURE STATE, you are going
to get NOWHERE with her.  Especially
in a pickup situation, where she has
NO CONNECTION to you.  So what
are you going to do? You are going
to give her a whole "Lesson" on
how to behave with you?  That's
ridiculous as it shows SHE counts,
and more importantly, it changes
the MOOD of the moment to something
NOT fun.      

Don't get me wrong, if a chick does something
that is seriously OUT OF LINE, you don't
sit there ASKING for more, but you don't
let it affect your state.  You don't have
to suddenly become serious, you
can simply OUTWIT her, make her
LAUGH at her own test she threw
at you.

Remember, it's about STATE.
Once she is in a good state, you have
ALREADY achieved the major goal.

Don't change her LOGIC.
Just change her EMOTIONS.
Get her into STATE.

You see, you can't get a woman into
a PLEASURABLE  state if you are in
a really negative state or angry state
or bitter or sad state.

So if a woman throws you some
"resistance" (which of course she
WILL, even and in fact ESPECIALLY
if she likes you but you are a stranger)
your STATE cannot change to anger or
you RUIN her ability to FEEL pleasure
in the moment. 

You can't let your state change
to fear either.  Anger will push
her away out of her desire for
safety.  Your fear will push her
away because it makes you seem

We don't feel attraction to that
which we feel is SUCKING
value, we feel attracted to that
which seems be RADIATING
value, I.E. your GOOD VIBES!!!!

is why the guys who ALREADY
feel great around women, keep
doing even BETTER with women,
because the guys keep getting more
and more PRECISE with what
works, since they have plenty
of interactions to gain useful
feedback on what works and
what doesn't. And since they
are not needy, they aren't afraid
to try and experiment with new

(It's that circular thing in life, which
happens so much, regarding so many
different phenomena in life.  Ever notice
how the people who ADD good emotions
to other people in life are the most
valued people on the planet?  Ever
notice how on the other hand the
TAKERS of this world who ONLY
know how to TAKE, such as lazy
rip-off artists, both emotionally and
physically, are the kind that
NO ONE WANTS around them?

You'd be well advised to learn how
general, (without ever taking abuse
of course) and to CUT OFF TIES from
will not only make you better with
women and with everyone, but will
also send a message out to takers
to shape up.)

This is why I was the FIRST guy on
the PLANET to shut down the use
of NEGATIVE strategies to attract
women.  It wasn't just a MORAL
and ETHICAL issue that I believed
in, which I did, but it was also the
fact that the only way the Negative
strategy of "slamming a woman's
self-esteem" could possibly work is
if the guy doing it is experienced enough
and FEELING GOOD enough to do it
in a way where clearly HE is NOT
insecure and he actually is not saying
it out of ANGER or VENOM or
NOT be in a negative state!!!!!!!!!

So in other words, the only thing that
makes the negative strategy work is
the DELIVERY, which is the product
of his state--and in that case, there
was no need for the negative strategy
to begin with!!!! 

The whole theoretical point of the negative
strategy is to show a woman that you are not
some push over needy for approval. 

But ***I*** SAY you don't have to
even WORRY about being considered
a "pushover" if you just get straight to her

In fact, worrying about not coming across
as a pushover is totally the wrong frame
to be coming from, it is soaking in defensive
thoughts, it will screw up your "chilling-
fun-sexy" vibes.  And that will screw up
HER potential for feeling the pleasurable

So instead, just go straight for what you DO
want her to feel, rather than focusing on how
to avoid making her feel something negative
about you.

The appropriate vibes must continue
from the first moment all the way to the
bedroom and beyond.

This newsletter, though deep, has actually
just touched on ONE element of approaching
women and attraction. If you want to get
the BIG picture, you really owe it to yourself
to get a hold of my Attraction Mastery Program.
When you hear it, you're going to quickly realize
that this is the MOTHER of all programs for
success with women.

It's at:

The Attraction Mastery Program

Here's an email from another massively satisfied
client who has been putting the Program into ACTION:
(Note: This program is NOW available through
INSTANT download, which means you can use
it even FASTER than if it had to be mailed as CDs!)
Hello Michael,

Frankly, I don't know where to begin this letter!

I have continued to listen, absorb and breathe the
CDs since I bought them from you. Each time I
listen, I get more and more amazing information
on being the man!

Now hear this:

In the last 2 weeks:

I have met one absolutely gorgeous Woman, who
I am dating. High Class, good manners, etc...and
SHE PICKED ME UP! You got it.

There are 3 women, ALL attractive and smart,
NOT your average women (Sorry Girls, but you
better be the best to be with this man!) trying to
get with me RIGHT NOW! I am stalling them.....

I will keep them on "hold", as I only want to date
one woman at a time. (You heard it right!)

PLUS: I have two emails from women I met at
******** Mall,  who also rate highly in the
dress well, and looks dept.

I took all the initiatives, and the RISK in each
case....and it paid off in some cases, and in
others it did not, but who cares...there are so
many attractive, beautiful women, it is simple
to move on.

Now, I am going to tell all you guys that read
Michael's newsletters something very simple.

You can read this stuff, listen to the CD's all
you want, till you are blue in the face.....
UNLESS you step out of your comfort zone
and TRY IT,  nothing will change for you.
I mean that. I was like you skeptical, in the
beginning. But I stuck with it, and now can
meet and interact with any GORGEOUS woman,
in any situation. In fact, the plain Janes will stay
away, because they probably think I am out of
THEIR league!!

The kicker: The stuff actually works.

Here is another story for you to learn from
that I would like to share:

My buddy recently dated 3 women off a
popular internet dating site, one of the
largest in Canada, and they advertise like

Each time he spent about $50-$100 on
each date (he has a regular job, so that's
fair cash) and guess what? Not one of them
panned out at all! Nope, they did not call
him back, or avoided his calls. I mean,
I hate to be crude, but he did not even get
any action with any of them.

So, he has shelled out close to $300 for
nothing, in my opinion. That is about the
price of Michael's course, which in my
opinion is actually worth $2000 easily.
That would at least have been a better

With what I now know,  I can go out ANY
day of the week, pick up a hottie, and bed
her if that is what I chose to do..
That is not my style, so I won't. I know how
to do it if I want. I have already had several

Thank you Michael, you truly are a maverick
in your industry, and keep those newsletters

Yours Truly

Ted P.


Awesome stuff.  I love it.  Especially
when guys write in from Toronto, which
supposedly according to some folks is the
COLDEST city in the world regarding women. 
Yeah, supposedly the chicks here are all
"brrrr".  The reality is that I used to
think the SAME thing, I was TOTALLY
convinced that women here were "brrrr".

I played the ridiculous game of trying to
out-do other guys on things that were
really not the MAIN issue of attraction.

Attraction is about PLEASURE.

Think about it, where do single women
love to go when they have FREE time?
When the weekend hits?

They like to dress up in FUN clothes.
They like to go to places where upbeat
MUSIC is playing. 
They like to smell GOOD, and go to
places where everyone smells GOOD.
The lights are flashing in colorful
displays. People are laughing and
joking around, some are getting
intimate, etc, Friends meet. 

All this should be giving you a CLUE
to what MATTERS.

It's not about giving women INSULTS!!!
And it's certainly not about FOCUSING on
that stuff.

It's about creating PLEASURE.
And creating GOOD times.

And it doesn't matter if you meet women
online, you STILL have to understand
how this works.  When you understand
this, you can make ANY medium work
for you, even if you are meeting women
through using MORSE CODE. If you
DON'T understand this, then NO
medium of communication will work.
Not even having women RAIN down
from the sky will be good enough,
because once they rain down, they
will still need to feel the pleasure,
or it's all one big waste of a cool

So, if you want to learn the TRUTH, and
you want to learn the DETAILS on how to
give women the most AWESOME emotions,
then you owe it to yourself to get this
incredible program NOW at:

The Attraction Mastery Program

And if you haven't yet downloaded my program
called 'Obliterating Approach Anxiety' then
definitely do that as well.  Because even
if you know everything about attraction,
it's crucial that you actually take ACTION
as well, rather than get overwhelmed in
the moment of opportunity.   

It's at:

How To Obliterate Approach Anxiety With Women

Till next time,

Michael Marks

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