Saturday, February 18, 2012

To Get A Quality Woman, Be A Real MAN, Not A Bad-BOY

Today, I thought I would just touch on
some MAJORLY important points as a
kind of "refresher" on what is crucial
if you want to not only succeed in
attracting women, but actually
attracting a quality woman, and
in a way where it sets up a strong
foundation for her becoming a great

1. You Can't be a BADBOY if you
plan to actually have a long-term
relationship with a woman.

This is where many men get messed-up.

The "bad-boy" route might very well
work to INITIALLY attract SOME women,
but it will DEFINITELY screw up things
in the LONG term with a woman.

This is not a problem for men who
are not interested in having a
woman actually BE a girlfriend,
which is why the idea of being
a bad-boy became popular amongst
the seduction community, which is
interested not in love mixed with
sex, but just in sex alone.

If you don't believe me, just try
being a bad-boy in a relationship.

See how far you can go using backhanded
compliments, jealousy tactics, being
completely unreliable, and playing

These games are played by PLAYERS.

So here's how it goes:

Players play GAMES that manipulate women.
Nice guys are submissive and desperate for women.


That's why I created "The Assertive Man"
program, which you can download right now at:

Become The Assertive Man

On a related note:

2. 'Getting Women' Is Different Than Getting
A Great Girlfriend.  Quantity Ain't The Same
Thing As Quality. 

This is a fact that goes back to the beginning of time.
From Adam and Eve to Shakespearean times, 
till today, the wrong woman brings a man DOWN,
the right woman helps bring out the BEST in him.

For more details on getting a great woman, go here:

3. To Get A Great Girl For A Long-Term
Relationship, TRUST Is Paramount

Most quality women know they can't be foolish
if they are going to invest their emotions in a
man, ESPECIALLY if these women are seeking
a long-term relationship.

There is too much at stake, and so therefore
it becomes of PARAMOUNT importance
that a woman feels she can TRUST a man
in every way.
For a fantastic video that explore this,
please check this out:

How To Build Trust With A Woman

For my most advanced program on getting
and keeping a great woman go here:

How To Get And Keep A Quality Woman

Till next time,

Michael Marks

*Focused on helping men get a great girlfriend since 2003*

"One of Michael's passions is not only just
how to attract women but also how to find
a great woman
who would make a fantastic
, and also how to create attraction
in a way that creates and builds trust
, rather
than create attraction in a way that hurts trust
which a lot of guys do." -David DeAngelo,
best selling author.

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