Saturday, February 25, 2012

The Heart Of Attraction With Women

Some great emails came in I thought I would
share with you:


Hey Mike,

I've been meaning to get around to write to you,
but too busy using this stuff.  I've actually taken
two different bootcamps from other guys before
I heard of you from a friend. I was getting some
results, but the whole process felt like I was
conducting a massively complex operation
that involved endless monitoring and tactics.
Like I was flying the space shuttle. 

Anyway, I read your site and even though
I couldn't afford another bootcamp right then,
I was intrigued.  So I got your eBook.  It hit
me hard, the whole mentality was vastly
different than the gurus who preach being
the "entertainer" who learns all kinds of
"acts" to create a "show" for the girls.

I always felt something was weird about
their emphasis on having to create a "show"
for the girls, because the "naturals" who
I knew were far more laid back and seemed
to be trying way less hard and yet had
more women than they could handle.

Your approach was similar to the naturals,
but the difference is that your approach
creates far more emotional impact on
women since it's all about developing
our natural skill in that area.  This way,
there is no being a "clown", there is only
developing a natural side of yourself to
feel certain states, and then learning how
to project all that. So you aren't trying to
impress, you are just being you, a
better you.      

That got me very intrigued to get your
CD Set, so I ordered it in December.


Now, I want to be honest, before your
material, I had spent some time working
on my skills as I said, but I was not
getting the results I wanted, especially
not without feeling insecure all the time
that I was missing some of the complex
patterns, routines, or points that I had
been taught.  

So if anything, that should only make
what I am about to say even more

The first thing I want to say is that after
completing listening to your CDs, I've
never experienced such a massive impact
on my inner game before.  Instead of
just saying "inner game counts" like
most gurus, you actually explain and
show how emotions work and how to
control them, so that I can do something
about it, besides just approach women,
as I was doing that before anyway. 

In addition to understanding how to get
any woman emotional, which I can see is
a huge key to success with women, there
were also so many massive reframes that
I got from your series, that I knew something
had then shifted internally in me. So I went
back out doing my regular pick-up, and
took a whole new approach to it all. I was
giving up a lot of stuff that I had actually
spent years memorizing and forcing myself
to get into, but I just knew it was the right
thing to abandon it all now.
It's really true, as you explain, that when you
are totally congruent to feeling that you are
bursting with value, then you exhibit all the
right behaviors in the "real" physical world. 

I've been experimenting with using your
principles, including the principle of "minimum
game" when I pull girls now. I have all the tools
you teach at my disposal, and yet following your
principle of using as little as possible and
only using "techniques" when I feel the situation
needs it, I can feel the vibe is way stronger,

For example, now when I go to clubs, if I see
some girls sitting down on a couch, I just chill
out and roll right up and open them up with
anything that is playful and not too deep.
I think it works because it's just the opening,
it's all leading to the real vibe.  

The key is that every tiny little thing in my
presentation, body language, tonality, is on
target because I'm already in state.  I'm chilled
out, feeling good, sexual, dominant. And
the reason I'm in state, is because I've
worked on not being dependent on my
"material".  Also, of course it helps that
you explain many profound insights into
women's behavior and thinking so that
I also now know when to do what.

Another thing that I've learned from
you is to make my environment work
for me, so the great music they play
in the club is totally doing half the work
for me by getting her in a great mood! 

In the past, I would try to counter the
environment, but now I work with it. 
Similarly, in quiet places like bookstores,
I use your principle to make the
environment work for me as well, by
first creating more emotional impact,
but then letting the quieter atmosphere
lead to deeper conversations that build
far more connection.  

To think that clubs were my old fear,
when now it's no harder than "daytime"

And thanks to you, I don't believe attraction
is about my "material" (I know having
material can sometimes help, but it's never
the life force of the vibe) I am more
chilled out, and the girls obviously can sense
it.  I try less hard, which makes the girls
feel more relaxed in addition to attracted.

They can sense there is no pressure here,
and at the same time, they can sense there
is something sexy here too.

I don't speak like some wind up doll
trying to impress them with all my cool
"pick up artist" tactics and speeches.

I know it's me, not anything else.  And
when I couple that with also having the
huge array of "tactics" you equip me with,
I really am ready to take care even of
"surprise" situations, i.e. if everything is
going great, and her friends are trying to
pull her away because of some
"emergency" blah blah blah.

The other thing is, because I'm doing so little
and yet getting good results, this makes me
feel even better, so my state is even
more resourceful and then I kick into
"the zone" where I can access that
part of my brain that can be playful,
cocky, funny, dominant, etc.

You really weren't kidding when you
said in the CDs that emotions are
the fuel of your success - they shortcut
the path to "material" in the same way
when you are angry you find good
reasons to do angry things, similarly
when you are feeling playful, sexual,
dominant, you then naturally show the
actions and words without thinking
about it.

I hope you'll print this letter because as
kick-ass as your stuff is, I don't think
you are doing justice to explaining how
your stuff is so different from the
"three-hundred step" methods out there.
I think the biggest difference is that
your system works from building the
inside first, then the outside, rather
than the other way around.

Usually, within a few minutes of chatting
to a girl and her friends, I can get her seated
with me, (I just tell her to come with me,
and if she resists, I play it cool and chat
some more and then get her to come with
me a few minutes later) and then chill out
with her and get into that comfortable
physical contact zone but not too far in
a sleazy way.

The funny thing is that by this point, the
girls want to talk. I'm not in this mode
of "trying to make" things happen.
Which only kicks my confidence up even

I know I used to have this image of having
to "make" things happen all the time, so I
wanted a routine to cover for everything,
for every situation.

But now I realize these weak beliefs were
coming across to women through my body
language.  I was coming across as insecure
and needy even though I had tons of cool
things to say.  And like you said in a newsletter
a while ago, it's not about learning endless
body language secrets so much, but realizing
that this itself is a product of your
emotions and thoughts.  

I'm careful not to get "too intensely physical"
and freak her out in a club, but it's definitely
something that **I** am controlling intentionally
rather than it being something I can't do or
don't feel comfortable with.     
Well, there's more that I think guys ought
to hear, especially about the way emotions
are all interconnected, but I got to get going,
seriously, I'm about to call back this chick
I met a couple of days ago. 

Your CDs have been a massive help.
And I wish I had taken your Bootcamp
a long time ago. It would have saved
me years of time, money, and stress.
And it would have saved me from
absorbing all the wrong ideas from
supposed "experts", ideas that only
now, with your help have finally
been detoxed from my emotional

Thanks for what you've taught me,
and print this letter!!! 


H T, Texas


Hey man, thanks first of all for the
props on the CDs (the program is
actually now available on my site
for INSTANT download) and eBook.  A
lot of work went into them and I'm
glad it's accomplishing the objective:
Making a serious DIFFERENCE
in your RESULTS .

The biggest thing you hit on in your
email is the fact that ALL this stuff
including not only women's but
also YOUR OWN!!!!

This is the HEART of attraction.

Yes, absolutely, it's about getting a woman
into emotional states, but the problem is
that guys are coming at this all too often
from a CEREBRAL ROBOTIC angle,
which explains the mistaken emphasis by
so many guys on learning "a move" or
a "cool story" to handle each situation.
You see, that in ITSELF is a cerebral
robotic approach, and is a symptom
of the problem.

Guys have this image in their head that
they will walk into a situation with all
these "MOVES" at their disposal, like
Batman with his utility belt stacked
with gadgets to solve every situation.
Every guy has this image that he wants
who can ZAP away any issue with
his super clever situation-specific and
ingenius TACTIC.   And who can
make EVERY GIRL love him by
forcing her into his TWO HUNDRED
step process, and heaven forbid he
should "miss" one step, then he's
HISTORY, right?

I have to hand it to the guys who started
this whole fabrication of the "super human
pick up artist".  They actually got guys to
BELIEVE that the way to get the women
who are attractive, is to figure out the
200 steps"! The "super opener"! 
The "special closer line"! 

By getting menu to believe pick up and
attraction could be reduced to this
stuff, they were appealing to the
desire to NOT have to actually put
any HEART or EMOTION into this
area of his life.  So that way,
there's no emotional "risk".

But if a guy has such weak inner
game and is that needy for approval,
to the point he will be RUINED if he
actually puts some HEART into it
and it doesn't get the girl doing
cartwheels immediately, well then
THAT itself will be the BIGGEST
OBSTACLE to his success with

It's crazy how such a huge lie,
(a system based on zero emotional
input) that leads to NO RESULTS was
actually sold as the way to get SUCCESS
with women. All because it appealed
to emotional laziness.   

The biggest SECRET, for real, is learning
how human EMOTION works, and how
to CREATE those emotions internally
and in women.  And I assure you, that
trying to create emotions in women by
focusing on tactics that you force yourself
to do without even feeling anything
is the most INEFFICIENT way to
get results. 

It would be like trying to build muscle
by going through all the MOTIONS
of working out with weights, but
not actually HAVING any weights.

The WEIGHT is the HEART of
the matter. Otherwise, it's just
SIMULATING what a workout

Similarly, without the emotional content,
you are just SIMULATING what pickup
LOOKS like from afar, but you are not
actually DOING it.

Thanks again for your letter.



Hi Michael,

Took your Bootcamp back in the summer-
I was the guy who kept asking you the
"deep" stuff questions, and then, based
on your answers and the way you
reframed my perspectives on the spot,
I would then be able to open girls with
the most juvenile stuff I could think of-
and it worked!

Well, I've been continuing that tradition lol.
I am now the king of juvenile mentality.
(Combined with the dominant state of
course, the importance of which you
made ever so clear and demonstrated.)
I say this, not because I think this is the
 only way to pick up the women who are
hot, (you showed over and over again
that there are many ways), but because
my problem was that I was too serious. 

I didn't know how to not be that way. 
So I really appreciated your patience with
me each time I resorted back into my
serious mode and you took me out of it
and back into the zone, that place that
crosses between fun, playful, sexual,
dominant, and laid back, to name
just a few!  

I think that's when I knew deep down that
your Bootcamp was the best decision I
could make- I needed to have someone
who could get me into the right state,
force me back into state, again and
again and again until I could access that
state on my own because it was familiar.

But without you drilling the state
into my mind, I would have caved and
never got to that point.

You got me out of that state and into the
right ones, so many times, so that by Sunday,
I was finally free of my slavery to that
old mentality.  And your CD Set that I
listen to every time I'm in the car helps
keep me on track even today.

I think that deep down, I was using "serious"
as protection against rejection, like when a
person tightens up when they feel stress.
It was a fight-or-flight type of evolutionary
response.  Oops, there I go again, getting
serious lol.  But you know what I mean.

Now, I've had some classic juvenile-fueled
vibes that have led to me dating three women,
one of them possibly a "serious relationship"
contender. All very attractive. Let me share
one of my openers with your readers, I know
you aren't a big fan of memorizing stuff,
but that you also agree that having a
little stuff (like a couple of minutes)
can help beginners to relax about the
"how do I start the pickup" question,
and can help to establish the vibe.

So, here we go:

At the supermarket, when I see girls
in the candy section, if they are hot,
I take an obvious look at their body,
and make a "no" gesture with my head.
Like, I will look at her butt, and do the
gesture.  Only on girls who are hot,
because I know they will take it the
right way.

This usually gets girls to drop their jaw
and laugh at the same time.

To which I sometimes again do the
gesture, or say "please, I mean really."
And they say things like "What?  I shouldn't be
eating this?"  And I just go, keeping the
tension on and not saying much, "I mean
please, cummmon".  And then I will
go into a mock serious conversation
about candy and it's effects on
behavior, which I really have no idea
about, but I just play it up that it makes
people behave very badly!  

The vibe is set, to which I eventually
get around to chilling out and the more
relaxed, calmer, "getting to know you"
type of convo, which I have found leads
to more consistent, solid connections.

By the way, I did not plan this, it was
just the first thing that came to mind
when I saw her.  Now, I can re-use this,
again and again, and I sometimes do,
but it was developed in the field.

I didn't wait to have material memorized
before heading out. 

This is an attitude, man, and I love it.
It's so liberating, it's fun, it's sexual
and confident, it's all the right things.  

I had one question- you mention that you
don't need to use all the principles, tactics,
insights, all the time, and that it's important
to use "as little game as possible".  I take this
to mean that it's important to be selective and
do the right thing instead of doing everything,
right? Could you give an example possibly?     

Brandon C.
***MY COMMENTS***        

Thanks for the props on my materials
and programs, your letter really hits
home the importance of state, and
how a lot of the things that hold
guys back are NOT natural, but
guys think it is. It's not natural
to be so serious all the time, we
weren't built that way, it's only
a CONDITIONED response
that guys develop as a form of

But once guys become conscious of
this, and realize that this association is
NOT helping them in any way, they
can then begin the process of
CHANGING those beliefs and
learning the truth about what IS
effective and what DOES work
to attract the women of their

And I like your mentality, which is to
ENSURE change.  So a guy that is
way too serious should at first lean
on the side of MORE FUN rather than
more serious whenever in doubt.
Similarly, a guy who is TOO BURSTING
to the point that he is coming across
as on SERIOUS DRUGS, well he
should lean on the side of being
"serious and normal".  But the truth
is that BY FAR most guys are too
serious when it comes to their
vibes/pick-ups with women.

Perfect calibration of where exactly the
line is takes practice, but it sounds like
you've got it down PAT now.  I love
the supermarket candy aisle stuff
you shared- it's TOTALLY the
right vibe.  And also, it's really important
that you reserve that for girls who
are pretty hot, otherwise they might
think you SERIOUSLY are being
a TOTAL PRICK, because they
probably would feel too self-conscious
and feel BAD from that.  But you
already know that, so cool, I'm
just making it absolutely clear to
the readers here.

And to answer your question about
using as little game as possible, and
how this means being SELECTIVE
in what you use, the answer is YES.

Now, with practice, you develop an
INSTINCT for this, so that you don't
have to think consciously much about
what to do, about what is the best
thing to do, etc.  But YES, it's about
being selective in what you do,
as opposed to doing NOTHING or
simply using any one random
principle and calling that "minimum

So for example, I was heading home
once on a quiet Sunday night from a
club where there wasn't much happening,
not too many girls there.  So I was
looking to see what else was going
on in the area. 

I pass by a hot-dog cart, and there are
two girls there, both VERY NICE
if you know what I mean. Anyway,
I could just feel that the vibe at this
hour was very laid back and chilled
out, things were quiet. 

So I opened up the hot dog vendor,
dangling an obvious bait.  I asked
him for directions that I knew he
wouldn't know, because I made
up the street name.  The girls
started to get into it, telling
me that they only knew the name
of the street where they lived.

So I just said "Oh, is that Sesame Street?".
Just pure relaxed playfulness, with
a sprinkling of light tease.

They "get it" immediately, and
play right along, with a little talk
about neighbors being Cookie Monster
and Oscar the Grouch, and with me
making it clear that Oscar's bottomless
can RULES.  I mean, I would LOVE
to have a place like that.    

Sometimes girls will NOT provide major
resistance. Funny thing, these girls were
university educated, both with good jobs.
Cool. Not that money matters to me when
it comes to women, (seriously, it doesn't)
but it's always nice to see that this stuff
actually works BETTER on attractive,
intelligent women who are not desperate
in any way.  

Again, environment and timing also
plays into a situation.

At the same time, I know that if I escalate
too fast here or look too eager, they will
feel "cheap".  So I help them out by
walking a bit off, then turning around
and telling them that a poor guy can
get lost and hurt in the big city trying
to find his way home, and that I needed
them as my bodyguards to escort me
as we searched for my car wherever
it was parked. 

I made sure to have both the girls
flanking me, as I playfully had
my arm around each of their waists,
and I kept taking the wrong routes,
giving us all plenty of time to
chat and build connection and
even kiss the really nice one. 

As we chatted and built up contact,
some dude driving by asks the girls
if he can offer them a "lift". Anyway,
the girls hold me tighter and tell him
"We're lifting him pretty good already".
Man, that's the BEST.  When the
GIRLS do the work of getting rid
of other guys FOR you.  

And the way to do THAT is to simply
make the interaction great to begin
with, that way the girls WANT to
KEEP you and they want to keep
everyone else OUT.
By the time we reached the parking lot,
the connection was so strong that we all
drove to their apartment.  And the next
morning I found out my preferred girl
had left her camera in my car just in case,
to make sure we would hook up later.

So, in all honesty, there was nothing
too complicated there, but what
WAS done was all THE RIGHT
STUFF.  What's that line from
Hertz? "We don't want to be
the biggest, just the best."

Same thing here in pick up, it's not about
showing how many moves you have, that
will actually BLOW YOU OUT.  It's

And if you would like to GET RESULTS,
allow me to introduce you to my BOOTCAMP.

I will show you how all this works for
REAL.  No added filler. 

You will be TRAINED, exclusively by me.

I've spent a lot of time training guys, and
have found that the most powerful, efficient
way of learning is to first find out exactly
where you are at skill-wise and then based
on that, let you know what we're going
to have to focus on for your optimum
growth, in a brief "seminar" style fashion
that usually lasts only about one hour. 
Then, I IMMEDIATELY begin training
you in the FIELD. For two days and
two nights. 

At the end of this program, you will emerge
a different man, with serious gains, regardless
of what level you were at when you entered.

For ten years now, I've been known as
the guy that gives you the straight goods.
Less hype, less "moves", more substance.
Less emphasis on quantity, more emphasis
on quality, in every way, including the
women you attract.

You're not going to get a more powerful,
accurate understanding of the emotional
and sexual dynamics of attraction anywhere
else on Earth.

If you haven't yet downloaded my program
'Attraction Mastery', then definitely do
that now at:

If you haven't yet ordered my Attraction Mastery
program, then you are depriving yourself access
to the most powerful program anywhere on the topic
of attracting and keeping the most beautiful
of women.

It can be yours, at your fingertips, 24/7.

It's at:

In this newsletter, the first email from a
man also explained how important it is to
come across as the man who is the SELECTOR.

To learn more about ensuring that you
are the selector, I suggest you get
my program called 'Being The Selector'

Being The SELECTOR With Women

Till next time,

Michael Marks

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