Friday, February 17, 2012

How To Attract Women And Have Infinite Choice

It's been a while since I've hit the email bag,
so here we go:


Thank you very much for the super Labor Day
weekend Bootcamp.  I knew I would reach a
higher level, I just did not know how it would
happen.  Now, I am even more aware of what is
happening when I interact with women. 

I seem to have a stronger vibe.  I #closed
this 18 year old the other day with almost
no effort (after having her give me a free
coffee drink one day and a free cookie
the next - she works at a coffee shop

Any tips on how to "date" an 18 year old?

If you ever need anything let me know. 
I would be happy to tell prospective clients
about the awesome benefits that will be
gained from spending a weekend with
you on Bootcamp.  And if you are ever
in the USA near Pittsburgh and need
anything, let me know.

Thanks for a very positive reframe. 
Thanks for the Attraction Mastery Program also.
Now I really do not need anything else.  Thanks for
clearing up some confusion I had.

And there is nothing better than in-field
experience! I wish I had not wasted so
much money on other programs over
the past 3 years.

Thanks again,

Paul B.


Hey man,

Great reading that email from you, and hearing
about your continued success including the latest
with the 18 year old.  I love it!

Regarding dating an 18 year old, the most important
thing is not to TRY to be 18, she can already GET
that from all the other 18 year old guys out there
with no experience, who tend to be needy and dorky. 

Instead of being someone else, bring her
into your reality and your cool world.

Once in a while, take her out to the
cool places, activities and events,
and hot spots in the city that she
wouldn't even know EXIST from her
own crowd.

Most importantly, it's really about
the time she spends with you because
of who you are and how you behave:

So keep up exactly what you've been
doing, by being THE MAN and being a
dominant, fun, unique, non-needy,
sexual, interesting guy. 

Let me emphasize the DON'T BE

This is even MORE important for
these chicks, because they already
have the inexperienced 18 year
old guys calling them ten times a
day who get all ANGRY and jealous
when she shows them that she
doesn't love their neediness. 

Keep it fun, and of course when she
is ready for deep rapport, give it to
her full blast, but if you don't want
a serious relationship, then don't go
rapport and creating a "soul to soul" 
connection or she will be in need of
therapy if you suddenly jump ship, and
the idea is to make women feel good,
not bad.

Thanks for the props on the bootcamp
and on the Attraction Mastery Program,
which guys can find out about at: 

Attraction Mastery Program By Michael Marks

And you're right, nothing is better than in-field
experience.  That's why I do the 'Real World
Bootcamps', and also why my home-study programs
were not made until well AFTER I had put in
YEARS of in-field experience, including years
of bootcamps training everyone from total
beginners to very advanced guys.

Great to hear from you again.

Which reminds me, if you are reading this
now and would like to have quality "problems"
like dating 18 year olds who buy you coffee
and cookies, go here:

"PUA" Bootcamp For Approaching Women

You'll get those kinds of 'problems' FAST. 

You'll learn personally from me, the guy who
first started teaching guys years ago how to
create attraction and rapport without using any
lines or routines, and without oversimplifying
this process into "go up and talk to her". 

You'll learn EXACTLY HOW to approach women so
that you attract them efficiently, and you will learn how 
to create a powerful connection with a woman even
if she is a total stranger.

You will not have to memorize pick up lines or any gimmicks.

Some pretty amazing things happen when YOU
know you have CHOICES with women:

Your confidence increases, your sense of humor is
unleashed, you raise your standards in what type
of women you are willing to date, you become
more challenging in a good way, your body language
improves, your self-esteem rises to the point that you
would never stay in a situation where you are being
abused, and you develop an "aura" that attracts a
woman within SECONDS of meeting her.

And that's just the tip of the iceberg.

The other interesting thing is that when WOMEN
know you have choices, they tend to be MORE
attracted to you even though that might mean
you have more choices with whom to possibly

So it's not only the fact that YOU gain confidence
when YOU know you have choices, but there is 
also the fact that when women KNOW you have 
choices it also makes them more attracted to you.

This was a strange thing I learned years ago
that at the time went against everything that
made sense to me.

Many years ago, I used to basically cut off
contact with other women when I would first
meet a woman that I liked and wanted to have
a relationship with. I would try to show her
through this behavior that I would be faithful,
reliable, and dedicated, etc.

The irony was that this always ended up in
women taking advantage of me and doing
the OPPOSITE to me.

In other words, the women I liked made
sure that I did see that they would have
other guys clamoring for their attention.
(Of course when this happens once you
are THE MAN, it is a sign of a woman
trying to prove to you that she is desirable
and often that she is insecure.) 

The other irony was that the whole reason
I did this in the first place was because I
always heard how women complained of
being hurt emotionally by guys and I had
heard women complaining that men are
cheaters, etc.

I wanted to prove that I was a GOOD guy
because in fact I WAS a good guy.

Unfortunately, most human beings do not
appreciate that which comes too easy.

And for a woman who is half-decently attractive,
they DO get guys too easily.

That's part of the secret that jerks know,
and why jerks are hard to get, although you
don't have to be a jerk do do this right as
I explain in detail in my programs.

Women do NOT easily get guys that know
'the game', but they get other typical guys
who like me in the old days are brainwashed
to believe that there is a terrible inequality
and that women have it terrible and that guys
are evil and all women are pristine saints
who are just looking for a good guy.

The reality is that there IS an inequality, but
it's the OTHER way around!!!!!! It's an
inequality in terms of KNOWLEDGE, in
that good guys have had their minds
WIPED BLANK of how to actually interact
with women in a way that triggers
ATTRACTION instead of creepiness or a
feeling in her that the guy is a dork.

Let me give you an example of the power
of having CHOICES that occurred one
weekend while I was conducting my
intensive One-on-One Bootcamp:

An attractive young woman was waiting for
the train at the subway station and I
mentioned to my client that he might
want to apply what he had been learning
earlier in terms of approaches for this

He asked for me to demonstrate, so I
approached her using all the detailed
concepts I speak about, but my main point
here is not to focus on me or that but
rather to focus on what happened. She
seemed to be a bit less relaxed, as English
was not her first language, and it can be
a bit intimidating sometimes when two
guys are so close to one woman depending
on the time of day, the amount of other
people there, etc.

Anyway, she was slowly getting more into the
conversation, laughing, but I could tell she
was still a bit uncomfortable, so I made it 
clear that I was not there to take advantage
of the situation that she was by herself and I let
her walk in the train as she was still smiling, and
I did not follow her.

As my client and I got in the train, I sat down
beside this other attractive girl, totally laid
back and began a conversation with her, again
using all the principles I speak about.

Now this girl was totally relaxed with it, smiling 
and laughing and having a great time.

Well guess what happened next?

the original woman from the subway platform
starts leaning in toward us from her seat
and joins in the conversation, giving her
opinion about something I had been talking
to her about five minutes earlier!

Normally that would have been a dead
conversation by now. But no, there she is,
smiling and speaking loudly as if we had
never stopped chatting, even though the
whole train could probably hear her. And
trust me, she was not some psycho. She
had just gone from being a shy slightly
nervous woman to wanting to GET WITH

Pretty soon, we had both women in conversation
with us, competing playfully for our attention,
going from complete strangers to discussing
things like who would be the better girl to
marry depending on which girl was a better
cook and had more money or ambition and was
better with kids had the better education
and who was just more fun to hang with. LOL.


This is the power that comes from both
YOU knowing that you have choices, and
from WOMEN knowing that you have choices.

In the example above, by seeing another
woman feel comfortable and trusting us and
having a great time, the original woman felt
a SURGE in all those emotions of attraction
and trust.

This is where things sometimes differ between
men and women. Most guys already KNOW
women have choices, so when a woman keeps
on proving to a guy that she has choices, it can
make him feel that she is trying to be a pain in
the ass and cause problems.

On the other hand, most women who are attractive,
they DON'T think most guys have too many choices,
so when she knows that you have choices, it makes
her feel she is with a good catch.

Of course there are exceptions and once you
both know that each other has value, it's time
for both people to chill out a bit if they are
going to have any peace in a possible relationship

By the way, if getting two women who are
total strangers not only to you but to each
other, can all be having a great time with you
within 5 minutes, think about what can be done
in a longer time frame in malls, bookstores,
cafes, and don't even get me started about
the massive ease of what to do in a club!!!!

I remember how in the old days, girls would
try to make me jealous by talking about how
they were going to a club with their girlfriends,
etc, because in those days I avoided clubs and
because I felt they were all sleezy, I was
uncomfortable in that environment and therefore
didn't have the practice to make it work to
my advantage.

These days however, meeting girls at clubs
is like picking up apples off a tree, where
the branch is at perfect easy to reach height.

Although, to be honest, finding a GREAT GIRL
(great both inside and out) at a club is not
very likely, which is why I suggest finding
women elsewhere.

These days, the last thing any girl
meet wants to do is even mention
the word club to me. Instead, they
want to do things like rent movies
or just have fun together away from
"all the crazy people out there".

Life is ironic.

It's great to know that other good guys
out there are applying what they are
learning here and getting awesome
results too, as this email letter that
I received just a couple of days ago

Email From A Reader:

I was reading your website last Friday
and thought the info on there was great.
I even tried some of your tips and stuck
to your advice.

I could not believe the feedback I was
getting. I never get numbers and I am
usually in a corner drinking a beer.

But that night I said, forget that and gave
your teasing method a try. Well, I talked
to almost every woman in the damn place
and ended up with some numbers, it was

Thanks for the help.

Roger T.,


My Response:

Thanks for the plug! It's great to hear
from guys who are turning things around
from the way it used to be. It's great to
know that instead of going for some jerk
(who they don't even know is a jerk)
those women in the club are now hoping
to hear from that cool fun guy they met
who is NOT a jerk but instead is THE MAN!!!!

By the way, the talking to a bunch of
women is a great idea, too many guys
get too caught up with one woman,
not only at clubs, but anywhere.

Certainly at a club, I think it's a great
idea to talk to a bunch of women and
find out which ones if any seem to have
the qualities that make them worthy of
spending more time. Other women will
also notice that you have choices and this
only makes them trust you MORE and feel
MORE attracted to you.

(This doesn't mean to make out with
girls at the club, though, and if girls
see you making out with several other
girls it will probably only attract
women that are psychos!)

Knowing you have choices also makes you
naturally do the attractive thing in
other situations, such as internet dating.

For example, if a girl online doesn't
respond to you contacting her, (assuming
you did it RIGHT) then you will move on.

This will often make her wonder what the
heck happened and she will contact YOU
because most guys will send her like ten
messages a day telling her how great she is
without even having MET her. This is
ludicrous of course, but many guys do
exactly that just because they think looks
are everything.

It's interesting to me personally that after
learning these skills, a girl's looks become
just ONE factor to me, and not even the MOST
important factor. Don't get me wrong, of course
I am attracted to looks, but if a girl was a
few pounds more or a few pounds less, if she
was taller or shorter I could care less - if
she had all the OTHER attractive characteristics
that I personally value.

The irony HERE is that often very attractive
girls seem to sense this about me and that
only makes them try harder to prove that
they are indeed quality people. Which is
cool by me.

I truly believe that a quality personality
is actually even more rare to find than
quality looks. Also, I have found that
although attractive girls might be a bit
spoiled in terms of ATTENTION, they
are only spoiled in the sense that a
kid might be spoiled from getting the
toys he wants, but is not necessarily
a bad kid.

In fact, sometimes those kids who were
really showered with attention are also
incredibly giving themselves because
they have not been LACKING and
because they are SECURE in their
own worth.

Also, very often the "hotties" really
DO have awesome personalities.
What I'm saying is don't jump to
conclusions just based on looks alone.

When you know you have choices, you
also tend to have the most effective
PERSPECTIVES on any interactions
you have with women and regarding
women in general. Since you believe
in your own worth, you will not take
anything that women do too personally.

Any kind of rude behavior will reflect
more about them than yourself, and also
you will pass any tests that women throw
at you easily, you will laugh at it the
same way a superhero dude like Batman
laughs as he watches a little kid who has
the nerve to try to steal the hubcaps off
the Batmobile!

In other words, you will feel that her
"nerve" is harmless and laughable and in
fact a testament to YOUR worth that she is
even trying to do it in the first place.

YOU are THE MAN, while the kid, or in this
case the woman, has no  power over you
or your worth.

When you KNOW you have choices, you don't
RUSH into a relationship before you KNOW
who you are dealing with, you don't stay
with a girl that shows she can't be trusted
or who breaks principles that you both agreed
on or who tries to beat down your self-esteem,
and you don't go around being bitter or mean.

One thing I want to say here is that I do
NOT believe in using the methods I teach
to create abusive relationships. 

Like anything else, the point is to just show
that you have worth, NOT to show that the
woman you are with does NOT have worth.

You have to be careful in how you use
this stuff, which also means not pursuing
women that have psychological issues or
otherwise are not good matches for you
even though you know very well how to
attract women. It's not an ego trip here, so
learn to hold out for the right women/woman
who are the right match, and you will thus
avoid all the negative drama that comes
with choosing the wrong women.

Often, people that are most psycho or cruel
deep down believe that no one of worth
REALLY likes the REAL them.

And more importantly, they don't like
themselves. They really feel so needy for
approval that they resort to all kinds of
warped games to get LOTS OF SUPERFICIAL
APPROVAL from others.

Stay away from these types even though
you know how to attract women such as
these, because if you are so needy that
you need to get such approval, you are
on the dangerous path to becoming low
self esteem yourself, and pursuing or
interacting with such a woman will
only DAMAGE your self-esteem.

It will actually make you FORGET everything
you learned about how to attract women.

You ARE your environment, so be damn
careful and make it a good one.

That TOO is a CHOICE.

When you know you have CHOICE, you
suddenly SKYROCKET your skills in
attracting women. You don't need to
be MEAN and you don't need to be this
overly "nice guy", you can basically
do whatever you want because guys that
have choices CONVEY that subconsciously
in things like their body language,
voice tonality, to their sense of
timing and intuition with women,
so that they tend to do the attractive

So the question becomes how do you
reach that level where you KNOW you
have choice? The answer of course is

Knowledge is crucial, you have to
understand the realities of women today
and you have to understand the triggers
of attraction, but PRACTICE is ALSO
CRITICAL because practice hones your
social reflexes, it hones your intuition,
it lets you calibrate the woman in front
of you better, for example it lets you
know exactly how much teasing is right
for her, and how much small talk is right,
and lets you determine how relaxed she is
or how nervous she is, when is the right
time to escalate, to bridge to kissing, etc.

And if are reading this now, I suggest you
IMMEDIATELY download my program
on how to approach women and attract
them QUICKLY, before they can leave
your site and before the moment is gone!

This program is called "Attraction Accelerators"
and it's at:

The next step is learning directly from me in PERSON:

"PUA" Bootcamp Program For Approaching Women

To check out all my programs on how to attract women,
click this link below:

How To Attract Women

Till next time,

Michael Marks

P.S. To see ALL my programs for skyrocketing your
success with women, go here:

Programs For Attracting Women

These programs are the great EQUALIZER when it
comes to attracting women, no matter how 'hot'
they are. They are the product of YEARS of
real world "FIELD' EXPERIENCE", and the results
that men have been getting from my coaching
has been featured and verified by several
NATIONAL and well-respected newspapers,
including The Toronto Star:

Newspaper Reports On Michael Marks Teaching How To Approach And Attract Women

Finally, I have been teaching men these skills
since long before the book "The Game" came out,
and long before being a 'pick up artist' was
a trend. My style has never relied on gimmicks
or on pick up lines, and this is why my students
have always been light years ahead of the rest
of the crowd. 

So powerful are the results that my students get
with women, that it has changed the way 'pick up'
is understood and taught today. I'm not just the
guy that the STUDENTS come to, I'm the guy that
the 'pick up' INSTRUCTORS learn from as well.

So, to wrap this up, if you want to ensure
you get the best results with women as fast
as possible, I suggest you take advantage
of ALL my programs.

If this is a matter of money, I have good news
for you.  You don't have to START with my
biggest programs.  You can start ANYWHERE,
as I've made sure that each of my programs
stands on its own as well.

In fact, you can start with my "Attraction Accelerators"
program that will have you getting results with
women TODAY, and this fantastic program is
available at a RIDICULOUSLY easy price.

It's at:

How To Attract Women

Have a great weekend and get yourself a great girl...

Michael Marks

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