Sunday, February 19, 2012

The Emotion Of Power And How To Sexually Attract Women

The most addictive emotion is the emotion of POWER.
It's actually more powerful than sex.  

In fact, people feel MOST sexually turned on 
when it's combined with feelings of empowerment. 

This is why when you are with a woman you feel is 
PRECIOUS, then even the slightest TOUCH she 
gives you feels a TRILLION times more powerful 
than the "expert" touch of someone who you are less
attracted to. 

Why is this? It's because those feelings of
SUPERIOR VALUE you have regarding this
woman are now TRANSFERRED back to you
to a degree, since SHE is touching YOU. So
you suddenly feel AWESOME about yourself.
You feel like a MILLION BUCKS.  You feel
like you can do ANYTHING.  When sexuality
combines with these feelings of empowerment,
sex is INSANELY good and you also feel
way better about yourself as well.

It's like a DRUG, but INFINITELY more powerful.

The release of these chemicals when you feel this
way is intoxicating, it opens up the pathways to
your resourcefulness, creativity, to your courage,
and much much more.

The most REVOLUTIONARY thing that I
discovered is that sex is really not about sex.
Even the most raunchy, porno-style sex, is
still not just about sex.  What makes sex
powerful is all the feelings of empowerment
and of self-esteem you think you are getting
out of it.  And there is nothing wrong with
having these feelings, I'm not here at ALL
to say that you should not enjoy these feelings
that make sex so awesome.  It's quite the rush.

What I want to say though is that if you want
to ATTRACT a woman, the goal is to make
HER feel those emotions as well.

And one of the CRITICAL components of making 
her feel this way so that she gets that rush involves

And you need to convey this to her EMOTIONS,
not to her INTELLECT.  She must FEEL you
radiate power, it's meaningless if she "knows"
you radiate power.  Rather, she must FEEL it

This is a SURVIVAL thing.  We cannot
HELP but react to this.  That's why you
hear guys saying stuff like "she was so
hot, you could FEEL the POWER she was
releasing."  What's interesting is that
even for MEN, the truth is that a woman's
by factors we are not even conscious of-
which are all the attractive BEHAVIORS
that women have perfected over thousands
of years.

Think it's all a coincidence that women, who 
are the physically weaker gender, simultaneously
developed the greater powers of seduction?

They did this because they HAD to.
Necessity is the mother of invention.

So a lot of what you think is a woman's
"hotness" is actually NOT just about
her looks.  You THINK it's only her looks,
and in fact ultimately you actually DO
feel her LOOKS are sexier, but you don't
realize this is a result of her seductive ability.

Women's powers of seduction through their
behaviors and through their sense of fashion
and style make them seem far more attractive
than they really are.

And hey, let's give credit where credit is due:
Most women, not all women, but most women
are great at this stuff.  At the same time, women
are kind of trained to do this from birth, so it's
not as cool as having to learn it from scratch.

Creating attraction is the ULTIMATE art.

And a lot of it involves creating the aura of
superior worth and power. Remember that
power is not just physical strength, it's
the ability to create EMOTIONAL IMPACT.

And now that women have equality as well,
the scales have totally tipped over and women
actually have superiority over most men, something
that doesn't have to be this way, but is for most
clueless guys.  And thus, men are getting their
asses kicked.  Men HAVE to learn how to amplify
their impact, or they will continue to do what they
have been doing in recent decades: COMING
POWER THAN WOMEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

So, let's talk a bit about how to increase
the aura of POWER you are releasing:

1. Your VOICE. 
This is so key, and yet guys let it go by
as if it's nothing.  There are many elements
to this point, but the first thing is simply
your VOLUME. 

Sounds simple?
It isn't as simple as it sounds.

When you feel you are NOT a leader,
when the words you have to say are
NOT worthy, and when you feel that
your words might be laughed at  or
or when you feel that your
words are not CRUCIAL to be HEARD,

Because that way, people can't make
FUN of you as much since after all,
it's not like even YOU really believed
in those words anyway, right?

It's giving yourself a BACK DOOR escape
in case you're UNWORTHY.

No more back doors, buddy.
That stuff is over.

You're going to FACE THE MUSIC
and COMMIT to the words you are
going to say.  And if they SEEM
"dumb" or "unworthy" to anyone,
SO BE IT.  That's their problem,
not yours.  Because I can guarantee
you that the OTHER option of using
the back door technique will RUIN
the impact of everything you say,
even if it's GENIUS stuff.   

The crazy thing is that often even
IDIOTS sound like genius when
they commit to what they say.

Of course, when you have BOTH
actual worth AND you say it with
total commitment, you are really
in the stratosphere level of results.  

Remember also, that loud does not
mean UPTIGHT.  You can be totally
cool and in control and in a great mood
and still be loud enough.
  Of course
also keep in mind the dynamics of
the location, i.e. club vs. library or
supermarket vs. street. 

2. Your VOICE part II.

The WAY you use your voice, and not
just the volume, COUNTS.  You can
use your voice with such a totally calm and
soothing tonality that it is HYPNOTIC.

Forget all the b.s. "hypnosis" tactics with
watching the watch swinging back and
forth.  You want some REAL hypnosis?
Use the power of your VOICE.  You
can put a woman into a trance simply
by the super calm and soothing sound
of your voice.  It can be ADDICTIVE.

But you need to learn to totally relax in
order to do this. I know guys who are
SO MESSED UP, but from their voice
they sound so totally in control of their
lives, they sound so calm, and it's totally
powerful when they do pick up on women.


And that's what people want.
They want to FEEL GOOD.

And this "hypnotic" effect is just ONE
example of how to use your voice. Your
voice can be used to do a ton of other things
as well, from implying humor to being
intriguing and mysterious.


Become CONSCIOUS of how often
you are laughing out of discomfort rather
than laughing because something was

When you are chatting to a woman, notice
how often you are laughing because what
she said is actually funny, or is it because
it is nervous laughter.  

Also, notice if you are laughing at your own jokes.

If something isn't funny, and the woman is
hot, then most likely the reason you are laughing
is because you are TRYING TOO HARD to
bridge the gap with the other person.  

You are instinctively feeling inferior and that she
is superior and that you want her to feel that
you LIKE her.

You can't help it at first, but you will TRAIN
yourself to grow in this area, so that you are
secure for REAL in your own worth and that
you don't need to laugh every two seconds in
order to "bridge the gap" between you and her.

There is no gap, except the one that you have
created deep in your beliefs.


It's amazing how guys will suddenly behave
with women as if they have all the time in
the world.  If you have value, then your
time is valuable.
  If you are chatting up
a woman and she says something like
she has to get going to x,y,z, then the
reality is that you should have also had
lots of other things that you have to get

You can even let her KNOW about
what you are having to go to, and tell
her something like, "yeah, I have to get
going to, to xyz, etc" and then CONTINUE

Don't stop the 'pickup', but this way you indirectly 
and effectively let her know that you are also 
super-conscious of time and its value.

In fact, let her know that you have to
get going soon as well.  

This way, she is actually more flattered
that you ARE talking to her especially if
you are congruent, in the sense that your
tonality isn't submissive to her or laughing
at stuff that isn't even funny.

It feels like you DON'T just spend all day
talking to women, which you honestly shouldn't
be doing, you should have a life beyond women
as well. 

Also, in general, if you are valuable and
you know your time is valuable, then you
don't have time for trivial arguments and
negativities.  That should show in your
reactions and behaviors and even in
your online profiles.

I've even gone so far as to verbalize it 
specifically, time is too precious to waste 
on trivial arguments and negativities.

I'd rather get on to the more fun and rewarding
stuff right away!  And women who are hot realize
this as well in their own lives, because they have a
lot of options so why would they want to waste
time on being a downer or with someone who
is a downer?????

And why should you?  This is another
example of how real success is not
about acting, this is how you really

This is also why it's CRUCIAL you make
DECISIONS when with women, it's not only
because it shows confidence and masculinity,
it also shows you don't have TIME to wait
for everyone to figure everything out, and
that rather you are the type of guy who
MAKES things happen in life, you don't waste
your life WAITING.  

These are REAL WORLD tips that will
make an IMMEDIATE difference to your
results with the women of your choice.

If you would like to learn MORE about the
kind of real world stuff that actually leads
to gorgeous women sexily and happily stripping
off their clothes to make sweet love and other
things with you, then I suggest you download
my program 'Being The Selector' IMMEDIATELY.

Women who are "in-demand" want the men
who demonstrate POWER.  The greatest
way to show this power to a woman is by
showing that you are the one who is the

It is IMPERATIVE that a woman see you 
are extremely selective with women, and
it must also be for the right reasons, and in 
this program you will learn how to show a 
woman that you ARE the SELECTOR.

This program is at:

How To Show Women You Are The SELECTOR   

Till next time,

Michael Marks

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