Friday, February 10, 2012

The Charismatic Man

When it comes to attracting women, most men
take FOREVER trying to learn all that is required
to get women to notice them, or into learning 
"how to impress women" to go out with them,
and into learning how to "get physical."

A lot of men ask the following question:
"Is there a SHORT CUT to attracting women?"

The answer is, it depends on whether a man has
CHARISMA or not.

When a man has CHARISMA, he can “break every rule”
about attraction and STILL attract fantastic women.

He can be nice, or he can not be nice.
He can give compliments, or not.

He can be great looking, but he can also be
way LESS than average looking.

He can dress like a regular dude, or dress like
a vagrant. He can even get away with tons of
self-deprecating remarks.

When a man has charisma, he can have a way
less-than-regular job, and even be looked at by
MANY as some kind of “loser”.

And yet, with all this, he will STILL get way MORE
options, with SUPER ATTRACTIVE women, than
most men will EVER have.

In the INSTANT that a charismatic man approaches
a woman, she SENSES his personality immediately,
she gets "that feeling" inside, and she KNOWS that
she is going to soon end up in bed with him.

Why Charisma Is So Powerful In Attracting Women

There is ONE reason for her overwhelming
"surrender" to such a man: It’s because
UNDERNEATH it all, he gives off a PRIMAL
VIBE that he is PURE SEX, that he is raw lust,
that he is beyond CONTROL, and in fact that
he is beyond HUMAN.

Such is the ESSENCE of charisma.

I know that sounds crazy, but it IS the truth.
It's not that he IS beyond human, it's that he
gives off that VIBE, he makes a woman
FEEL that he is all these things.

Here's An Example Of How Charisma Works To
Make A Woman Sexually ADDICTED To A Man

Let me illustrate with one quick point:

Women are just as sexual as men, but we as
men have been made to believe that they aren’t.

So men try to appeal to women with things like

So what this ends up doing is making a woman
SLOW down the flow of the “milk” so to speak,
to any man that seems willing to PAY to be with her.

She will NOT provide the sex because she can see
that her value will only go DOWN since there is
nowhere but DOWN for her value to go, since
the guy is ALREADY paying to impress her!

It’s not like he is going to pay MORE once
he GETS what he wants!

If anything, he will get LESS impressed with her
after that, and pay LESS for being with her.

Now, meanwhile, women are just as sexual,
and WANT sex.

And they can’t give it to the guy who is PAYING
them, or they LOSE that flow of cash!

So who do they go to?

While Most Men Work In Vain To "Impress" Women,
The Man That Women ACTUALLY Go To Is...

Women go to the man who KNOWS women are
sexual, who doesn’t PRETEND that women
need presents and kissing-up and money and
all these other things.

They go to the man who also doesn’t make
them feel GUILTY for having sex with them.

They go to the man who does all this while
being totally RELAXED about it, because
it’s no big DEAL to him, since he knows
the TRUTH about reality and women.

He is calm about it, he doesn’t need to be
OVERT about the sexuality, because it is
such a part of him, it’s like breathing.

If he DOES give a compliment to a woman,
it’s not because he is trying to get SEX from
her. It’s just part of a human conversation.

He can get sex without compliments.
The fact he has no money or no prestige or fame
doesn’t mean jack-squat, because women don’t
NEED those things!

They NEED a guy who takes care of their NEEDS!
Their sexual and emotional NEEDS.

Now, most men have been brainwashed to believe
they need to be all these OTHER things to women,
things that women really DON'T need!

Men have been conditioned to think that men must
also HAVE all these other things, in order to be
“allowed” into the land of sex with women.

That’s all HOGWASH!

It Actually Goes FURTHER Than All This!
"Working To Impress A Woman" Actually
Makes Her Repulsed!

Once you are already in a relationship with a woman
who has truly earned your affection, it's different, but
as far as ATTRACTING a woman in the FIRST place,
doing what most men do is the WORST thing you can
do for attraction.

The very fact that most men try so hard to impress
women with all the wrong things makes women
feel, on a deep subconscious level, that these men
are somehow INFERIOR in some way, and therefore
need to “compensate” a woman for being with them.

So the women subconsciously feel those guys
are LESS attractive. And now, the charismatic
guy, on a PRIMAL level, seems all that much

As you can see, it’s not just that women see him
as more SEXUAL, women ALSO feel he is
MORE attractive than all the other guys.

PLUS, for most women life is stressful enough as
it is, so one of the big things when approaching
any woman, ESPECIALLY a woman who is a total
stranger, is the ability to RELAX her.

Not through compliments, not through buying
her things, which can actually make a guy
seem CREEPY as if he lacks the HUMAN
touch, but through his PERSPECTIVES on
things that make life intriguing, exciting,
inspiring, and fun, rather than stressful,
boring and mundane.

It’s easy to get CAUGHT UP in the CONDITIONING
by society to think you NEED all these other things
to enter the land of women, and that is why so many
men fall into this trap.

The Charismatic Man Stands Out In All The Right Ways

In CONTRAST, the man who DOESN’T fall into this
trap seems so RARE, so COOL, that he actually
seems to have a touch of the SUPERNATURAL.

She is thinking:


So when you are THIS type of guy, there
are no RULES you need to follow, because
EVERYTHING you do passes through the
CHARISMATIC filter and ends up saying
the RIGHT things about you.

So if a guy happens to look like a cross
between Oscar the Grouch and the Loch Ness
Monster, it STILL doesn't matter, because
now she thinks that he’s CUTE and that his
looks are charming and ENDEARING.

If he happens to be BROKE, now she lovingly
calls him, begging him to visit her for a romp
in bed and calls him “a bum-bum” in a LOVING

If he happens to be unkempt, now she enjoys
running her hands through his messy hair.

When you are charismatic, she turns EVERYTHING
about you into PERFECTION.

Why does she do this?

You make her feel good about sex.
You are chilled out and you don’t allow
her own emotional reactions to her own
stresses get YOU down.
You stay CALM through her STORMS.

In a nutshell, you are her MAN.

Where The "Other Guys" End Up

Meanwhile, the other guy is still stuck on
buying her a thousandth present, and she
is still keeping him in the ULTRA FAR
DISTANT ‘FRIEND’ zone, where she
WANTS to keep him and, ironically, would
feel GUILTY about if she brought him to
anything CLOSER than the friend zone!

This is because she has now created this
NON-SEXUAL dynamic with the other
dude, where the only sexual dynamic is
some kind of distant dream that the guy
has, but she definitely does NOT.

So Let’s Get Back To Square ONE Here:

Success with women, and being able to
BREAK all the rules, boils down to having
that magical quality called CHARISMA.

The charismatic man is the man who has
the ULTIMATE in choice with women.

And now, in my special 1-hour JAM-PACKED
MP3 instant-download audio program called
THE CHARISMATIC MAN’, you will learn
how to make women feel your INFINITE
CHARISMA from the very first moment you
APPROACH them all the way to being in bed
and beyond.

Here Are Just SOME Of The Powerful CHARISMA
Strategies For Attracting Women That You Will
Learn From This Crucial MP3 Audio Program:


How to make being “average” looking
rather than having “model” looks actually
HELP you in making successful ‘COLD
APPROACHES’ going up to women who
are total strangers!


How to avoid the ‘creepy vibes’ that
so many men involuntarily send out
when approaching women who are
total strangers!


You’ll also learn how to develop the
natural way to capture her interest while
simultaneously releasing her from any
sexual inhibitions.

The greatest part of this “Whirlwind Effect”
is that the longer she speaks to you, the
more she becomes drawn to the emotions
she is getting from you, and in the process
becomes ADDICTED to being with you.


How to use the power of PERSPECTIVE to
spark COMPELLING conversations with women
in a way that conveys ALL THE RIGHT

This strategy immediately distinguishes you in
a powerful and positive way from the masses
of other men out there, and shows a woman that
you are a force that to be reckoned with and a
man who is respected by ALL.


Plus, you’ll also discover the most effective way
to ENSURE that you TAKE ACTION on making
the CHANGES required to become MASSIVELY
SUCCESSFUL with women.

The steps that need to be taken for changing yourself
are NOT hard, but due to HABIT, most men will
never even make the SMALLEST changes! I’ll
show you a way to ENSURE you make the right

I’ll also reveal to you how to use the power of
MOMENTUM to take ANY successes you make
with women and SNOWBALL them into MASSIVE
successes in just DAYS.


You’ll also find out how to prevent yourself from
ever “FREEZING OUT” at any opportunity where
you find women that you want to approach. This
way you will never back down from any
opportunity to meet a fantastic woman!


A crucial RULE to follow if you ever happen to feel
CONFUSED at what to do in ANY situation with a

This rule will ensure you NEVER “screw up”.


You’ll also learn when you should be using humor to
get a conversation going, and when to be using a more
“serious” approach such as being INTRIGUING.

Knowing this makes the difference between a 
woman MELTING for you versus pushing her 
AWAY and making her want to run for the hills!


A GENIUS strategy for getting yourself into the
PERFECT state of mind before going out to meet
and attract women.

The great thing about this strategy is that it’s actually FUN
to use and will not only get you in the right STATE but will
also get a WOMAN into a FANTASTIC emotional state so
that she is TOTALLY RECEPTIVE to your approach!


I’LL also show you one of the most POWERFUL
strategies to get a woman talking to you, a strategy
that most men would NEVER be able to guess,
figure out, or come up with!

This strategy is so easy that literally ANY man could
use it. The other great thing about this strategy is that
it takes ZERO “thinking”, ZERO “memorizing”, and
ZERO time, AND it gets a woman to put MORE
energy into chasing YOU!

PLUS, this strategy also shows her that you are totally
secure AND it makes a woman feel you are already
very experienced and successful with women.


You’ll ALSO learn a way to detect a woman’s ENTIRE
personality- her “PERSONALITY DNA” in just SECONDS!
Use this strategy to save yourself from the wrong women
and only deal with the absolute CREAM OF THE CROP!


How to create a “SUPERNATURAL” vibe about
yourself that sucks a woman into your reality to
the point she can’t think of any other man!


How to quickly make yourself the most INTRIGUING man
that she has ever met.  You will separate yourself from all those
men out there who only know to say, "Hey what's up?"

Plus much, MUCH more that you will be able to
use IMMEDIATELY to attract women in this most
powerful charismatic way, right NOW.

You Can Be Using This Program In Minutes From Now!

In order for you to be able to get results IMMEDIATELY,
I have made this program available for you through

I could EASILY get away with charging HUNDREDS
for this special program.

Think about it. How much would this program be
worth if even just ONE of the strategies in  it helped 
you GET the next woman you really wanted?

And I promise you, this program is PACKED with
TONS of golden strategies for SKYROCKETING 
women's attraction to you in the most sexual way.

I've decided to go ALL OUT:
I'm charging only $19.97 for this program that is worth at
least TEN times that price.

So get this program and get the women you want 
NOW by going here immediately:

Till next time,

Michael Marks

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