Thursday, February 23, 2012

A Crucial Point On 'Picking Up' Women

There's just a quick, but crucial point that
I think you should know when it comes to
approaching women, especially in cold
approaches, often known as 'pick-ups',
a term I don't particularly love but
for now it gets the point across.

Women are attracted to many things in
a man, and one of those things is

Not the kind of dominance that stems from
INSECURITY and needs to CONTROL a woman.

Rather, the kind of dominance that stems
from MASSIVE security and self-belief.
When you feel these awesome emotions,
you simply TAKE THE LEAD because you KNOW
what to do, you don't DOUBT yourself, and
a woman LOVES to be with a man like this.

Now, guess what?

In those FIRST FEW MOMENTS when you meet
a woman, when you approach her as a total
stranger, you have the precious opportunity
to make that incredible FIRST impression.

She knows nothing about you, so everything
you do here will be AMPLIFIED in her mind
and interpreted by her as you being this
way ALL the time.

If your approach shows ZERO dominance, she
will figure that is how you are ALWAYS.

And you can't blame her for this, since
it's only HUMAN to make decisions on the
data we have, and so far, the only data
she has is what she is seeing from you.

But the PROBLEM is that in those first
few moments, most men SCREW IT UP,
because if the woman doesn't start to
do IMMEDIATE cart-wheels and smiling
and showing massive interest, most men
start to feel very QUEASY inside, they
start to hit the PANIC button and they
press the EJECTION button to get the heck
out of there before they 'crash', which
is a fear most men have in their own mind.

By the way, I know all this because I
used to be ONE of those men, okay? So
I ain't judging anyone.

But here's the thing to remember:

The human mind is MASSIVELY effected by the
STATE(S) OF MIND of those INTERACTING with it.

So what happens is that in this fantastic
OPPORTUNITY to show dominance, most men
see any situation with a woman where she
is NOT giving super approval IMMEDIATELY
as ALREADY being a sign that it's NOT

So, the men become MORE NEGATIVE, less
confident, and less dominant, and the
men start to feel AWKWARD.

Well guess what? It makes the WOMEN feel
all those negative emotions as well, and
since they know nothing ELSE about these
men, the women then RATIONALIZE that the
reason they are feeling negative must have
something to do with the GUY, that there
must be something WRONG with him.

And now that the WOMEN aren't thrilled, this
negative state EXACERBATES the situation even
MORE, as the negative vibes the men sent out
to the women are now BOOMERANGING right back
to the men FROM the women, and this makes the
men REALLY drop in state, which of course makes
the women DROP even further, and so on and so
forth in a horrific downward spiral of attraction
destruction--all a result of the 'BOOMERANG EFFECT'.

But you can do the OPPOSITE!
You can go in there, and even if SHE isn't
doing CARTWHEELS right away, you can be
SO MASSIVELY DOMINANT, and so massively
EMPOWERED, and even in fact turned ON,
that you actually IMPACT her state and
you get HER to fall into YOUR emotional
state, where now she starts to feel GREAT
just like YOU do, SHE starts to feel
turned on, she starts to feel sexually
playful, SHE starts to feel adventurous
with YOU.

And of course, THIS then makes YOUR
state get even MORE empowered in
all the right ways, from the sensual
to the dominant, to the playful.

You also become more RESOURCEFUL mentally
as well, because you are in the right state,
which now makes you ALSO able to say all
the RIGHT THINGS on TOP of also being in
the right state!

What you give OFF ends up coming back to YOU.
Truly, this is the BOOMERANG EFFECT.

To learn the FULL PICTURE about the
Boomerang Effect, I suggest you get
my program, The Boomerang Effect,
IMMEDIATELY, by going here:

How To Attract Women Using The BOOMERANG EFFECT 

And of course, to learn DIRECTLY as you
approach women under my live coaching,
visit my Real World Attraction Bootcamp,
which is at:

Learn How To Attract Women LIVE In My Real World Bootcamp

Till next time,

Michael Marks

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