Saturday, August 4, 2012

POWER - "The Ultimate Aphrodisiac"

Many years ago, Henry Kissinger said the
following words:

"Power is the ultimate aphrodisiac."

Indeed, power is attractive, and you can almost
NEVER convey TOO MUCH POWER to a woman.

Ironically, when most men approach women
who they want to attract, the men behave as
if they are walking on EGGSHELLS with

In other words, men behave as if WOMEN must
be treated super-delicately and cautiously.

This type of behavior is MISGUIDED.

It would NOT be misguided if we really WERE
living in a society where women did not have

It would also make sense in an environment where
most men really WERE bad to women, so that
women really REQUIRED a man to show
he is not abusive.

In such environments, men walking on eggshells
in their initial interactions with women would be

But since women in our society DO have equality,
and since most men are NOT bad to women,
behaving this way is very UNATTRACTIVE. 

It prevents men from giving off the VIBES of POWER.  

And make no mistake about it, women are
ATTRACTED to vibes of POWER.

Now, I UNDERSTAND the mistake most men
are making, as I used to do it myself.

I was SO worried about doing the WRONG
thing, I was so worried about trying to show
that I was NOT a psycho, that I was NOT
a rapist, that I was not just interested in
a woman for her body, etc., etc., etc.

All this was because for my entire life I was
IMMERSED in the popular culture that tells
men how TERRIBLE men are in the way that
they treat women, from things like sexual
harassment to cheating on women, to not
viewing women as equals, etc., etc., etc.

So the picture I got as a child and young adult
growing up, is that women just want a NICE GUY
who will RESPECT them and NOT cheat on them,
and who won't be too focused on the SEXUAL,
because "women just want to be viewed as equals".

Again, I need to repeat, this thing about how so many
women complained that men are a bunch of CHEATERS.

This is a HUGE thing that men have heard from women
from the time they were little boys all the way into adulthood.

So all this results in men behaving in a SUPER CAUTIOUS
way with women, showing ultra-high level respect and not
taking any risks that can POSSIBLY be misinterpreted.

Men end up trying to PLEASE women to the ultimate
degree in the effort to show that men DO sincerely
and genuinely care about relationships and about
being faithful and about looking at women as equals.

Men will answer any question women ask, men will
give over all the power to women in an effort to
SHOW good faith.


This would be OKAY if we really WERE living in a world
where most men were BAD GUYS with women.

Because if that were really the case, then women would
APPRECIATE all this "giving up power" because men
would be having SO MUCH power that giving up power
would just be a way to restore SOME form of BALANCE.

But the FACTS ARE that actually most men are NOT
bad guys at ALL with women.  MOST MEN are actually
pretty damn GOOD to women.  And the men who ARE
the "bad apples" who abuse women are no more numerous
than the "bad apples" among women who abuse MEN.

Women are attracted to men who convey power,
but men are giving AWAY that power!

And by power, I am referring to the power that you
ALREADY possess but you don’t realize it.

That power comes in the form of NOT giving
up your various forms of power with women.

One way of giving up your power is by
behaving in a NEEDY way with women.

Another way of giving up your power is by
OVER-VALIDATING a woman who has
NOT earned it.

Another way of giving up your power with
women is if you feel you need to ANSWER
every single question a new woman asks you,
if she is asking it in a way that reeks of her
thinking the following:

“I’m the one in demand, I ask the questions,
and you answer them.”

Another way of giving up your power with 
women is telling a woman all your problems,
as if you are not her MAN, but as if you are
her CHILD.

Now, I need to bring all this up because unfortunately
there is no MEN’S LIBERATION movement like
there was/is a women’s liberation movement.
Women’s lib told men that men are a bunch of
rapists, abusers, and that men take all the jobs,
and that women just wanted to be treated with
equality and respect.

Okay, there are some women like that.

But the FACTS are that women make up 60%
of the students in universities. Men only make
up 40%.

Where is the MEN’S liberation movement here?
Where is the movement to create EQUALITY
for men?

How about regarding sex and cheating?
Supposedly it was all the MEN who were doing
the cheating.

But recent stats show us that actually women cheat
almost as much as men, and if anything women
are better at covering it up, so it’s possible they
actually cheat more but don’t honestly report it
on the stats.  Plus, it also depends on how you
define cheating.

Plus, most men don’t go reporting it when a woman
is physically abusive to them, or physically assaults
them.  So a man is supposed to just let a woman
do whatever she wants and just stand there as she
assaults him, because he usually won’t report it to
the police.

And as far as nice guys being what women want,
most women will trade a nice guy for a POWERFUL  
guy who wants to have wild sex.

In a society where clearly men do NOT have
"all the advantages over women" it is ABSURD
for men to "give up all their power" unless they
want to REPEL women. 

Now, I created get a GREAT girl for the very
SPECIFIC reason that it’s NOT about just getting
ANY girl, it’s about getting those RARE women
today who actually HAVE some decent values
and who APPRECIATE a good guy.

But a good guy is not the same thing as a

In fact, this is the reason I wrote my BOOK
called "Get A Great Girl".  It's for those
rare, super special women out there, on
how to attract and keep them.

But the thing is, it’s STILL important to understand
the DYNAMICS of power in our current society
regarding men and women. 

For one thing, people want what they CAN’T have.

I can tell you something- when it comes to sex,
most women today can have that VERY easily,
and with almost ANY GUY.

I’m not saying they can easily get the RIGHT
guy, but they can easily get TONS of guys.

Let me give you an example: I knew a woman
who was very attractive and who seriously
was interested in "one night stands".

So you would THINK  that this would be an
easy thing for her to get from men, right?

SUPPOSEDLY, most men aren’t interested in

SUPPOSEDLY, most men just want to have sex
with lots of women. 

That might be the case with some men, but in
today’s society of brainwashed men, MOST men
become VERY needy for relationships very quickly.

It's because of the PERCEPTION that it's hard
to get women, which makes men want women
to "settle" down with them even if the women
are NOT treating them right!

So, getting back to this real-life situation with this
attractive woman who wanted to get some simple
one-night stands, and who was HONEST with every
man she met, telling them UPFRONT that this
was all she was looking for, guess what happened?

Guess what happened with every SINGLE guy that
slept with her, even though she TOLD each guy right
away that this was supposed to be a one night stand?

Guess what happened even though each guy AGREED
to it just being a one night stand?

EVERY SINGLE GUY kept ON contacting her, wanting to turn it into something MORE than a one night stand.

In other words, it seems to me, that for the MOST
part, in our current society, the MEN have become
the WOMEN, and the WOMEN have become the MEN.

The WOMEN are the ones having to tell guys
"it’s just sex".

The women call the shots.
The women are confident.
The women have the power.
The women aren’t needy.
The women understand "the game".

The men are willing to accept almost ANY woman.
The men quickly become needy.
The men feel that it is almost impossible to get women
and treat even TERRIBLE women as if these women
were GOLDEN in character.

The men have become needy for relationships
for the WRONG reasons.

It’s one thing to love a woman, it’s something
else for a guy to THINK he loves her because
his mind is in a place of SCARCITY, thinking
that there aren’t TONS of options for himself.

Etc, etc, etc.

All this ALSO ends up making men all bitter and
jaded as they fail to attract women.

So jaded, in fact, that when men DO meet great
women with integrity, loyalty, and all the other
traits that men seek in women, the men do all
the wrong things that make the virtuous women
think that life will be very miserable with them.


Trust me, no matter WHAT happens, NATURE
is STILL the stronger force in our primal beings,
for both men and women.

What I mean by this is that the natural order
of things is for men to BEHAVE like men,
and NOT act needy with women, and men
WOULD behave this way if their minds
were not so brainwashed.

Women really only WANT men who behave like MEN.

Most men are NOT rapists.
Most men are NOT abusive.
Most men are DECENT PEOPLE.

And guess what?
Most women KNOW this, even though the
women’s lib propaganda keeps touting the
extremes of the worst examples of male

The women who spread the propaganda do
NOT represent most women. What is really
twisted is that the propaganda sometimes
DOES make women worry a bit more than
they should that every man might be a psycho.

However, most women will NOT think
you are a psycho just because you decided
to approach them and chat with them,
ESPECIALLY if you do it the RIGHT way
as I show you in my materials.

And most women DO want sex.
Most women do NOT need you to PROVE
that you are not a rapist or something before
you talk to them.

Most women actually ENJOY it when you
approach them in a PLAYFUL way that
is NOT too serious.

Being too serious shows a feeling of LACK
OF POWER because if you KNEW that you
could have TONS of women,  you would
treat the interaction with a lot more FUN.

You would be LESS FORMAL, because
formal is something we do to ensure we
do not offend.  But if you KNOW you
have value, you don’t WORRY about
trying so hard not to offend.

At the same time, you should NOT force
yourself to make women laugh, instead
the PLAYFULNESS should come from
your OWN state of mind that is NOT
needy for women.  So you are being
playful with her from a place of
and NOT from trying to be a court JESTER
who is a clown trying to be her entertainer.     
Next time you chat with a woman, see
how much of your OWN power you can

Stop trying to CONVINCE a woman of
your value.

Don’t try to IMPRESS her.

Ironically, THIS is the way to ATTRACT her, because you are communicating on a deep primal emotional level that you are so powerful that you don't NEED to prove yourself.

Don’t act FORMAL with her, instead, treat
her like you have already KNOWN her for
YEARS, and that you don’t HATE her, but
that she is kind of a pain in the ass that you
still have some affection for. 

Because the truth is, she is just human, she
probably WILL have some things about her
that will be a pain in the ass, but at the same
time there are probably some GOOD THINGS
about her as well.

So this is a far more REALISTIC picture and
actually by you behaving this way, you show
her that you understand the REAL picture
of who she is, which makes her a lot more
interested in YOU, since she can be HERSELF
instead of the fantasy that most men create
about her. 

If anything, turn the TABLES on the whole
DYNAMIC that is going on with most men
and women.

YOU be the one who is interviewing HER.
YOU behave the way you would if too MANY
women were trying to contact you and be with
you and sleep with you.

Finally, let me state one more POWERFUL thing.
As soon as your mind makes the JUMP to
the RIGHT WAY of thinking,  you suddenly
start to SEE and EXPERIENCE just about
EVERYTHING differently with women, in
a way that EMPOWERS you like CRAZY.

So, for example, the statistic I told you above,
regarding how women are the ones getting
the better education today?  Well if women
are 60% of the COLLEGE students, then
colleges are a GREAT place for men to
pick up women!!!!!!!

You have great odds in your favor!
You can even tease women that you’ll
have to settle for being a boy toy while
the women work at the office and you
just sit home watching tv and movies
while the women work hard and bring
home the dough for you, and that they
will be happy as long as they know
they have a hot guy like you waiting
for them at home…

But of course, you would continue
the tease, right?  That with all that
time on your hands at home, your
mind might start to drift and that
you might end up sleeping with
the milk-WOMAN!  (Yes, I know
that there is no MILK-MAN delivering
the milk anymore.)

Giving off the vibes of POWER this way,
is not only FUN, it's actually super

you want with women, you will notice
that it becomes EASIER and EASIER
to do all the RIGHT things because
you won't be ACTING, you will truly
be FEELING all the right instincts.
And if you have not yet read my book,
do that IMMEDIATELY, before anything else. 

The reason I don’t constantly mention this book
is because I figure that if you have been reading
my columns or newsletters for a while, that it’s
OBVIOUS that this book is where it all begins.

It’s at:

you want to get ANYWHERE with good women
and if you want to prevent yourself from getting
turned into MINCED MEAT by the wrong women
as well. 

Another great step would be to download my
program “Attraction Accelerators”, which will
tips you can use to attract women INSTANTLY.
are EASY to apply from the very first SECOND
you see a woman that you want to approach

It’s at:

ALL of my programs give you at least TEN TIMES
THE VALUE of your investment in them.  You’ll
see how much POWER I deliver for you when it
comes to attracting women.

To check out ALL my programs, go here:

Till next time,

Michael Marks

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