Monday, July 30, 2012

How To Deal With Abusive Women

In my work over the years, and in my own
experiences with women, I've seen a certain
mistake that happens so often it's almost
as if every guy has to go through this
at least a few times in his life before
he gets the lesson INGRAINED into his soul.

So here's the lesson, and hopefully you
can save yourself years of pain and
learning it all the hard way:

If YOU are doing the right things in general
with women, that is to say that you're not
being a jerk, you're not giving into insecurity,
you're doing your part to keep things exciting,
etc., then unless you have KIDS with a woman,
there is simply NO REASON to stick with her
if she is being ABUSIVE or DISRESPECTFUL
in any way.

(And even if you do have kids with a woman,
it doesn't mean you should stay with an
abusive woman for the rest of your life,
as it's not even good for kids to see
their parents hating each other.)

And yet, most guys (and for women who are
in similar situations with abusive men)
including myself for many years, would NOT
be able to see things for what they were.

So, for example, I would somehow think that
there must be something I could DO to change
a woman, as if there was something that was
my responsibility to make it work, as if
I was being "lazy" if I didn't try one
trillion tactics to try to make it "work"
with a certain woman.

OR, what was even worse, I would start to think
that all women were so crazy, that I was still
kind of "lucky" to even be with a certain woman
who was at least "not as bad" as all the "OTHER"
crazy women out there.


It's wrong because first of all, NO WOMAN is
worth taking ABUSE from.

No matter how needy you think or feel you are,
the truth is that you are STRONGER than you
realize, and you CAN be able to survive
WITHOUT some woman, especially one who
is driving you insane.

The FEAR of being alone is so powerful, that
it distorts our thinking, it makes us think
that the WRONG woman is somehow still the
RIGHT woman.

Also, the IDEA of having to find ANOTHER woman
is, if you don't know how easy it is to meet
women, it can seem VERY SCARY and also it can
seem like SOOOOOOOOOOOOOO much work to have to
find ANOTHER woman.

So what happens is that so many men, and I used to be one of these men, end up STAYING with the
wrong woman.  If you do this, she will just RIP APART your self-esteem to the point that you really DO think you are lucky to be with her, even if she IS an abusive woman.

Meanwhile, if most men knew how EASY it can be
to meet other women, and also how much STRONGER
most men are inside than they realize, men would

(And similarly, good women would not take
crap from any abusive man.)

Here's the other thing: If a woman is making your
life miserable, at the very LEAST you should
realize that meeting THOSE kind of women is
no big deal, so why on Earth be so dedicated
to ONE particular woman who is not even
treating you well?

Another important point: Don't even get dramatic
about this whole thing.  I used to be very
dramatic about it, I would go on for hours
and days and weeks thinking about how on
Earth can some women be so downright cruel,
but then I realized there is a simple solution
that works INSTANTLY.

It's called LEAVING the wrong woman and
moving on IMMEDIATELY.

You can decide to make your own life miserable
as I used to do, by getting all dramatic about
things.  OR, you can STOP the negativity from
any abusive woman by just LEAVING and meeting
OTHER women immediately.

And of course, the SOONER you leave the
wrong situation, the SOONER you leave the
wrong woman, the LESS bitter you will be.

So I suggest that you don't spend years or
weeks or months trying to FIGURE OUT how
to "conquer" some abusive woman's mind,
and that you don't try to WIN some kind
of contest with the wrong woman by trying
to make her SEE what a huge mistake she
is making by not treating you right.

Trust me, though, I understand just how much
we as men really WANT to make a woman
REALIZE what a horrifying mistake she

But the irony is that the BEST way to
really make a woman learn any lesson
is when she sees that you really HAVE
moved on, and that you are NOT even
bitter and that you are NOT wasting
even one BIT of energy on her.

In other words, the quicker you get on with
ENJOYING your life, and with meeting other
women for real and not for the sake of
getting revenge, is ironically the BEST
way to "teach a woman a lesson".

If you want to teach those women a lesson,
then DON'T waste energy on trying to teach
those women a lesson.

I know, it sounds the opposite of what makes
sense, but it is the TRUTH.

Even though there ARE tactics that can have an
impact on making the wrong women behave
BETTER, you will not be changing these women
on their CORE level.

Just because you CAN attract a certain woman
does not mean you SHOULD.  And what I mean
by this, is you should only try to attract women
who also have the right CHARACTER, because
otherwise it's just a matter of time till the
rotten character of an abusive woman rears it's ugly
head again, and you will forever be burdened
with trying to keep her in check with attraction

Instead, focus your energies on meeting MORE
women and on learning how to detect the right
women, so that your attraction efforts truly
reach the ZENITH of their purpose, which is
to make an already great woman actually ATTRACTED
to you rather than just being with you for logical

In other words, she's already a good girl, or rather
a GREAT girl.  But you don't want her to only be
with you because of that, you want her to be with
you because she is also ATTRACTED like crazy
to you.  THAT'S the whole point of get a great girl,
it's to truly ATTRACT the great girls.  

The only way to WIN against an ABUSIVE woman
is for you to get OVER her, and the only way to do
that is to focus all your energies on YOURSELF and
on finding ANOTHER woman, A GREAT woman, and
NOT on spending even ONE DROP of your energy on
the abusive woman, not even energy on "how to teach
her a lesson".

The very ACT of trying to teach her a lesson
actually tells your OWN MIND that you feel
she is of HIGH VALUE and that she must be
so hot and so desirable. 

And of course, this will just get you even
DEEPER into wanting her even MORE. 

So again, this will just make HER win.

The real way to WIN is to NOT spend
even ONE DROP of energy on teaching
her anything. 

Taking this path, by the way, also
sends the right message to your OWN
mind, which is the message that you
DON'T NEED HER, that you are worth
MORE than her, that you are so
important that it's not worth your
precious TIME to waste any energy
at all of any sort on her.   

Women can always SENSE when they have the
power or when you have the power, and if
a woman is still wasting your time and
energy with your need to prove anything
to her, it shows her and makes her feel
that SHE is super important, otherwise
why on Earth would you feel the need
to prove anything to her?

Also, for your own peace of mind, your own
happiness, and for your own SUCCESS with
QUALITY, taking the path of NOT wasting
your energy on proving anything to the
abusive women is the way to go.

You "prove" your worth by NOT wasting
time on her (the abusive woman), and by
LEAVING her as fast as possible.

One last point:
There are a TRILLION ways to disrespect someone.
It can be through actually physically cheating.
But it can also be through infinite other ways,
and it DOESN'T matter what the specifics are,
if she is not behaving like a decent person

Don't try to become her THERAPIST and cure her
of her JERK behavior.

SHE IS A FEMALE JERK and it's not your job
to fix her.

Just MOVE ON right away.

Don't LIE to yourself either and tell yourself
that it's important to change her, the only
reason we tell this to ourselves is because
we WANT her to treat us right and we don't
want to go through the WORK of GETTING
A DIFFERENT WOMAN because we think it
either will be too hard or take too long, etc.

So this is where I come in:
I want to GIVE YOU OPTIONS when it comes to women.

I want to show you HOW to fish, rather than just
GIVE you a fish.

I want you to LEARN HOW to meet and attract
TONS of women, and how to DETECT women's
CHARACTERS and VALUES very quickly so you
can spare yourself the agony of being with
the WRONG women and you can enjoy the
pleasure of being with a great woman who
RESPECTS YOU to the ultimate degree.

For my most ADVANCED program on these topics
and on attracting a QUALITY woman go HERE:

To check out ALL my programs for meeting
and attracting women so that you have
INFINITE OPTIONS and you NEVER give into
the feelings of scarcity that can drive
you into the ABYSS of desperation with
women, go HERE immediately:

Get the POWER to be able to go out and
approach and attract women ANYTIME,

Check it all out at:

You'll be glad you did.

Till next time,

Michael Marks

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