Monday, August 20, 2012

How To Get Over "Approach Anxiety" And Meet As Many Women As You Want

If you are able to take advantage of all the
opportunities to approach women that are
out and about EVERYWHERE, you really
have access to an almost INFINITE supply
of women, more women than you could
ever have time for in a thousand lifetimes. 

But the key is, actually APPROACHING
these women.

That's why I want to focus on ONE thing today,
a thing called APPROACH ANXIETY.

There are many things that I teach regarding
STRATEGIES and CONCEPTS that are all about

However, even if a man KNOWS all these
strategies, he may STILL feel the ANXIETY
that STOPS him from actually APPROACHING
a woman he really wants to approach.

Let me ask you a question:
How many times a WEEK do you see women
you'd love to approach, and you HESITATE?

How many times do you let them slip away
without approaching them?

Personally, from my own experience, I
found that when I did NOT approach
the women I wanted to approach, I
always felt WAY WORSE than even if
I HAD approached and it had NOT
gone so well, because at least I
KNEW I didn't just let an opportunity
pass me by.

I would drive myself up the WALL wondering
"What if it HAD worked, what if I had tried???"
"What if she was the ONE????"  

I could TOLERATE it if some chick said NO
to me, but I couldn't tolerate it when I
MYSELF didn't take the action to approach,
because then I constantly WONDERED what would
have happened, and I would blame myself.

So it's very important to understand approach
anxiety can very much be it's OWN thing,
regardless of all the other strategies one
may have mastered for attracting women.

Allow me to share with you a MAJOR insight:

How many times have you been told that to
get over the fear of approaching a woman,
you must "confront" the fear and just approach
her? How many times have you been told to
"just do it"?

But of course, what happens when one tries
to confront this fear?

Yes, you already know the answer:
What happens is the fear actually INCREASES!

It's not like men have never TRIED to confront
this fear!

So telling a guy "you have to confront this fear,
you have to just go up and do it" is NOT going
to help!

As bad as AVOIDING approaching women is, if one
is experiencing the fear, the avoidance strategy
STILL feels a lot better than actually APPROACHING
a woman, where the fear INCREASES!

So you probably already TRIED confronting this,
and the confronting only made you feel MORE
stress, right?

So it's only NORMAL to feel that the best
thing is to just AVOID it altogether. After
all, the mind is rational, it wants to prevent

But HERE'S what you need to know:
The reality is that when you first confront
this fear, it's PERFECTLY NORMAL to
at first feel WORSE, to feel GREATER
stress, greater pressure, more anxiety,


So what you have to do is actually
MORE TIMES, and then you

So don't make the mistake that most guys
make, which is to think that because the
fear goes UP and gets WORSE at first,
that therefore it's going to STAY that

No way at all, it will actually GO DOWN.

But it's GOOD for you to KNOW beforehand
that it's NORMAL for it to at first feel

That way, you can actually relax to a certain
degree, because you can PREDICT it.

You can now KNOW that THIS is part of
the process to actually getting it to be
LESS, in fact to be so little that it's no
longer stressful at ALL.

Isn't that cool?
It's a bit like an Indiana Jones adventure,
where he is trying to get to the special
object, and there are all these traps in
front, designed to scare people away,
and so therefore most people will never
get to it. Same thing with this fear,
it keeps most people away, and so
they never even get a CHANCE
with women, but if you keep at
it, you suddenly find that ALL
THE FEARS go away, and now
you have this massive choice
with women, and very few guys
in competition with you, because
so few guys even KNEW that
this fear could be solved, they
were given ILLUSIONS that
this fear could never be solved-
since they TRIED to confront
it and it only felt WORSE so
they QUIT!

Now the thing is, that as massively
important as all this is to realize,
it is ALSO essential to have a
METHODICAL PLAN for how you are
going to GO ABOUT getting over this
approach anxiety.

REALIZING that it is going to first
feel MORE intense before it gets
easier is important, but there are
a TON of other absolutely CRITICAL
insights that you must have if you

I have created a program called OBLITERATING APPROACH ANXIETY that is the absolute CREAM OF THE CROP of all the programs in this area for getting over approach anxiety.

I personally USE the information in this program myself!!

This program will provide you with a
what to do to equip yourself to
DEFEAT approach anxiety.

This program is NOT some "feel good" talk.
It's NOT some "pump you up with feeling
positive" talk.

It's going to provide you with the
EXACT steps, the exact METHOD, from
A to Z, to help ensure you obliterate
that approach anxiety so that the next
time you see women anywhere that you
want to approach, you WILL approach them.

And by the way, the program is a steal
at only $19.97. 

Seriously, I mean that.  If you find a
better program on obliterating approach
anxiety, just let me know, and I will
GLADLY refund you every penny.

I already know this program is the
absolute best of its kind ANYWHERE.

This important program can be downloaded
immediately to you, and you can use it in
MINUTES from now to take action approaching
the women you want, ANYWHERE you see them.  

It's at:

Till next time,

Michael Marks 

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