Tuesday, August 21, 2012

The Attraction Equalizer

There's an important film out there,
it's one that I think EVERY GUY
should watch.

It's NOT an EASY film to watch.

It's called The Curious Case of
Benjamin Button.

It is actually disturbing, yet that
is the very reason for its merit.

Sometimes disturbing is worth it
if it drives home a worthy POINT.

Without giving the story away,
it shows you the value of TIME.

No matter who you think out there has it
"ALL" the truth is, he doesn't.


No one has enough TIME.

I'm not here to depress you, I'm here to
EMPOWER you to let you know that
if getting a great woman is something
you CARE about, then there is NO

You CAN get it, and the ONLY thing
holding you back is your perception
that you have something to LOSE
by taking action.

The reality is that you have nothing to
lose, because the ONLY losing strategy
is NOT taking action.

People behave as if they are going to be
on this planet forever, as if there is
something so precious that can be LOST
by taking action, but the truth is, one
day we are going to have to PART
with EVERYTHING, so why not

You have NOTHING to lose, except precious
TIME if you DON'T take action.

It's time to change your perception to the
CORRECT perception, and the perception
that actually gets you results.

You know, there is one major TRAIT that
some guys have that gets them the woman
they are interested in.

The guys withOUT this trait only get the woman
that happens to ALREADY "come on" to them,
(which is usually NOT the woman that the guy
WANTS) so for those guys, it's all a matter of

This one magical TRAIT that GETS guys results
is responsible for a "domino" effect, a chain reaction
of events and learned skills that lead to ultimately
GETTING the girl.

What is this trait?

"PRESSURES" that MAY be involved in GETTING
the GIRL, because the REWARD OUTWEIGHS
all the rest.

Yes, accepting and ENJOYING ALL the
is then considered WORTH IT, and in fact the
FUN becomes the primary focus, not
the emotional "cost".

The "price" becomes a JOKE compared to
the price of NOT taking action.

You have to decide which track of thinking
you want to travel on.

You can't be in two tracks, or two places, at once.
You are either focused on the good stuff about
attraction and meeting a woman or you are focused
on your fears.

But most guys end up focusing on the
endless fears. The fear that the girl might
make FUN of them, or the fear that the girl
might reject them, or the fear that the girl
might look DOWN on the fact he isn't
wealthy or even have a "decent" or
"cool" job.

Or even the fear that the girl might LIKE him
and the ENSUING fear that he might not be
able to deal with a possible BREAK-UP if it
doesn't work LONG TERM!

Or the fear that his "FRIENDS" might not approve
of the girl, or that his "friends" might not approve
of the fact he even HAS the skill to pull the kind
of women he desires. (This is usually just the
"friends" being jealous, of course.)

Or the fear he might GET her into bed,
but that he might not be able to "do magic"
to her satisfaction, and the fear she will
think lowly of him or that she will feel
sorry for him or whatever.

It's amazing, because the reality is that
it's no wonder most guys don't go for
it, and also that even if they do go for it,
they stop trying to LEARN how to get
better as soon as they encounter the tiniest
bit of emotional pain.

Most guys have WAY MORE FEARS
attached to GETTING the girl, than they
have associated with AVOIDING the girl!

The worst thing that happens from AVOIDING
getting the girl is that he simply doesn't get the
girl, but at least he gets a heck of a lot of

And he focuses on THAT which he has gained.
"Security from emotional pain".

And of course, you ARE what you THINK
and DO. So if you want to be ruled by
your FEARS, just FOCUS on them.

This is why it's not a coincidence that most
guys will just keep talking or thinking about
how doing pick up is just "too tiring", "too time
consuming", and how "all women are flaky"
or "b****es", and about a million other
reasons why it's not worth it.

It's because they've focused on all the things
they want to AVOID. And haven't focused
on what they can GAIN.

The reality is, whether you think it's worth
it, or you think it's not, you are RIGHT.

So while one guy is happily thinking of
how awesome it's going to be getting
to know her, getting her clothes off and
having her laughing and kissing him,
and having great times, the other guy is
just in the land of darkness, fear, and

If you focus on why it's NOT worth it
to get the girl, then you will REALLY
feel it's not. And if you focus on why
it IS worth it, you will feel it most
definitely IS.

Another thing: The reasons that guys
give as excuses for why it's not worth it
to get the skills with women, well those
reasons unfortunately tend to all boil down
to wanting to AVOID any emotional pain.

The thing is you can't get ANYTHING
worthwhile in life without putting something

Seriously, you can't get ANYTHING in
life without INPUT.

You want to get in shape?
Forget the late night ads that promise
you otherwise, you have to haul your
butt into the gym. You have
to watch what you eat.

You want to excel in school?
You have to do your damn homework,
you have to study.

You want to get somewhere in your
business or work? You have to put
IN thought, work, effort, time.

Why the heck would being GREAT with
women be any different????

The greatest hogwash we were sold as kids
was the idea that you will get a woman that
you find attractive just because you are a
good guy. As if being a good guy came with
a free ticket for at least one awesome woman.

But being a good or a bad guy has nothing to
do with it. It's about having the development,

The other thing regarding all this "wanting
to avoid emotional pain" is that it's mostly
A LOAD OF BULL anyway.

It's a load of bull because part of the skills
of attracting the kind of women you want
to all that crap, and all those fears, so that
in fact pretty soon you ENJOY the process,
and it's more of an ADRENALINE rush
than anything else.

Just like after you get into working out, it's
something challenging and INTENSE but that
you ENJOY in an exhilarating way rather than
something that is PAINFUL.

And, just like working out, you don't always
feel like JUMPING into the gym, but you're
always glad you did it on the way OUT.
You feel like you can't believe you were
thinking of NOT working out. And by
regularly working out, the weights feel
LIGHTER, and you want MORE
resistance, more challenging pressure,
you look FORWARD to it.

The challenges of life are what make
it FUN and exciting. Otherwise, you'd

Developing this stronger version of yourself
is GOOD FOR YOU anyway.

This is simply the kind of reality that
you will eventually want when you've
built yourself up to EMBRACE these
emotional "risks" with women. You
become so emotionally strong in this
area that you NEED the "emotional risks'"
or you would get BORED. Without these
"risks" or "challenges" it would be like
going to the gym and lifting paper clips!!

It would be ABSURD and boring as heck.
You would feel like a nerd if the situation
with women DIDN'T involve these
"challenging" elements.

This is a PIVOTAL first step to make
on your journey to becoming AWESOME
with women. It is a major change of


It's necessary in order for you to stick around
long enough to get GREAT at these skills, it's also
good for you in general, and it also is attractive
to women in and of itself!

And once you make this change, you will
start finding more and more reasons that
prove that gaining the skills to attract the
women of your choice is the BEST decision
you've ever made in your LIFE.

Think about it:
The biggest reason why MOST guys want
to make loads of cash is to impress WOMEN.

The biggest reason why most guys act
competitive is to impress WOMEN.

The biggest reason why guys spend their
LIFE trying to accumulate wealth and fame
and prestige and titles ultimately is to impress

What if you could BYPASS all that stuff and
just go STRAIGHT to getting the women???

Imagine how much more FUN and EFFICIENT
and RELAXING life would be!!!!

If you would like to do exactly that and bypass
all the other stuff that guys spend their LIFE
on and instead just get STRAIGHT to attracting
the kind of women you really want, then I suggest
you get my program WARRIOR WITHIN immediately, at:


And if you haven't yet downloaded my
ATTRACTION MASTERY program, then do
that FIRST, at:


Both of these programs are ESSENTIAL for your
total success with women.   

And if you haven't already downloaded my book,
'The Dating Wizard' then start THERE first, at:


Till next time,

Michael Marks

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