Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Urgent Tips On Attracting Women, Approaching Women, and "Pick-Up"

If you are SERIOUS about attracting women,
then this email is URGENT. 

I have so much freaking AWESOME stuff
to share with you about attracting women
that I myself am going nuts because I cannot
believe how guys are living their lives and
NOT using this stuff simply because they
do not KNOW about it!!!!!!!!!!

What you are about to read is all ABSOLUTELY
AND COMPLETELY taken ALL from real
  A LOT of it comes from seeing it
happen in the "pick-ups" that happen during
the BOOTCAMPS which pretty much run
all year long.

You will find that I absolutely STRIP everything
down to the FACTS.  Zero superstition, zero
fluff feel good talk.  JUST THE FACTS.

So here we go:


Does this mean there is no such thing as LOVE?
Does this mean that women are not interested
in your sense of humor?
Does this mean that women do not care about
things like spirituality?

NO, it does not mean that, what it DOES mean is
that THE MAIN FORCE that WORKS for getting
a woman interested in you, is SEX.

This does not mean that you should EXPLICITLY
talk about sex when you approach a woman.

Talking explicitly about sex at the wrong
time, especially in a non night-club approach,
comes across as implying she is 'cheap' or 'easy.'

What "IT IS ALL ABOUT SEX" really means is
that you should STOP trying to look for some
super-complex EXCUSE to approach a woman,
in some massive effort to hide the fact
that you are interested in her BODY, FACE,
and her FEMININITY. 

So much energy gets WASTED into this effort to
MASK what you are really doing, that what ends
up happening is that you will come across as
awkward, insincere, insecure, and uncool.

Women are not stupid. They have a pretty good
idea that if a guy is talking to them,
that it MIGHT all be about sex intentions.

So if you really ARE interested in a woman in a
physical way,  do NOT waste precious time and
energy on coming up with some super clever
DISGUISE or excuse for approaching her.

Women LOVE sex just as much as MEN.
A lot of women cannot get ENOUGH of it.

The human race would not EXIST without
this mutual DRIVE to replicate.

It is really the most PRIMAL drive of all.
Although food and shelter are required for
SURVIVAL, most people would make
GREAT sacrifices in these areas if it meant
BEING  with the one they were truly ATTRACTED
to more than any other.

This is GOOD news, not bad news.

And in case you are thinking that all the
women who are attractive already HAVE
someone, guess what?


Relationships take a lot of WISDOM and intelligence,
which is why so few men and women are actually
IN long-term relationships.

I do not promote cheating. I am talking about the
women who are single.       

2. Make it FLIRTY.

Flirting usually boils down to playfully expressing
your OWN desirability.  Think of how in the
animal kingdom, a peacock struts its feathers.

In the human world, a lot of guys try to TALK
about how much money they have or how much
value they have, but the problem with that is that
this money stuff is really a recent invention as far
as EVOLUTION is concerned. 

This route does not ATTRACT WOMEN in a
SEXUAL way, it just attracts them in a logical
way.  A man would be better off paying a
seasoned expert prostitute.

showing signs of how DESIRED you are,
using words and body language and tonality.

So, for example, if a woman bumps into you,
and you accuse her of trying to feel you up,
THAT is playfully showing that you are


Flirting is part of your ARSENAL for turning
a woman ON to YOU.


Related to the above, but not necessarily ONLY
in a sexual way, is the idea of making sure to
keep the interaction something POSITIVE
and FUN. 

By fun, I do not mean she has to be laughing out
loud, although that is a good thing if you do it,
but what I mean is that you are not talking about

Instead, focus on things that are either fun,
Inspiring, or intriguing, or a COMBO of
ALL of them!


What I mean by this is that you should take
the opportunity to display confidence.

If you are approaching her and she is at a
table in a food court, and you stop by her
table and open her up with a comment on
the massive amount of ketchup she has put
on her fries, and she LAUGHS and then you SIT
DOWN before she even ASKS you to,
is showing confidence.

Since she was laughing, you had a pretty good
indication she would not get PISSED if you sat

A lot of guys would feel the need to ASK
if it would okay to sit down beside her.

You took a TINY risk, but BELIEVED it would
be successful. 

You are thus showing a degree of CONFIDENCE.

I could give you a TRILLION examples, but that
is ONE.    
So you take the above steps, and you INCORPORATE
all of them, you make your interaction FLIRTY, FUN,

Rather than worrying about how to pretend
you are NOT interested in her physically, just
make your conversation with her FLIRTY, FUN,

Notice also by the way, how EVERYTHING I have
told you so far all FITS PERFECTLY into each other.

Sex drive, flirtatiousness, fun, confidence, all go
HAND IN HAND, even though they are not the
exact same things. They work TOGETHER.

also known as: DO NOT EJECT, NO MATTER WHAT.

A lot of times, when guys START conversations with
women, the guys run out of things to say, and what is
the NORMAL reaction?


I used to do the same thing.  I ran out of things to say,
and felt  so WEIRD just standing there, that I felt
every SECOND I continue standing there would

That I was NOT COOL!! 
That I had nothing else to say!

Then I finally realized something which I have been
teaching to my clients for YEARS:

Usually, women are NOT thinking you are
a loser or not cool for not being able to
CONTINUE the conversation!

In fact, very often the WOMEN THEMSELVES wish
that THEY knew how to continue the conversation!

It is important to remember that women have not
STUDIED the skills of how to approach like we have!

They do not particularly KNOW how to go about
the process since they are not the ones to
do the approaching. This is not something
to blame women for; it is not their fault. 

This is part of our culture that says women
are allowed to give SIGNALS off to men, but
that women are not supposed to be nearly as
aggressive and proactive about the actual

For a woman this means she has to be in the
right places where she can be giving off
signals to the right guys, but as a guy
you can go anywhere and just go right
up to women.

So because of all this, women typically are
on the RECEIVING end of the approaches, and
they have not perfected their own skills
at how to keep the conversation going.

So most guys LEAVE BEFORE the women can even
get a CHANCE to figure out what to say, even
when the women really DO want to continue
to chat!

So it is not just MEN who are having a problem,
it is the women too, but most guys do not realize this,
and they end up EJECTING themselves out of the
interaction in order to save face, when in reality so
often the women were the ones who were EQUALLY
frustrated in not knowing what to say! 

They are so often NOT JUDGING you at all, they are
just TRYING to figure out what to do, just like the guys

So the POINT of all this is that you must give
YOURSELF the following COMMAND:


I just cannot emphasize ENOUGH how
PASSIONATELY I feel about this one.


There is ANOTHER reason for not ejecting:

Not only does STAYING in the interaction allow
you more TIME to figure out what to say, and not
only does it also allow HER more time to figure
out what to say, and not only are women so often
NOT judging the guys in a negative way just
because it is taking a while to figure out what
to say, but ALSO there is another reason,
reason, which is:


This means that the NEXT time you approach a
woman, you will be MORE confident, MORE
relaxed, MORE cool.

And when you are in these positive states, guess

You are better able to ACCESS all the creative
parts of your MIND so you can indeed say
things that are interesting, confident, flirty,

PLUS, by staying in the interaction, you start to
become FASTER at seeing how you can CONNECT
something that is said in the conversation to something
ELSE that is also fun, interesting, flirty, confident,
or intriguing.

Your RESPONSE time gets better and better, as
your mind comes up with more things to say that
actually help the conversation FLOW SMOOTHLY. 

And remember, by having this conversation, the point
is not to demonstrate that you are a GENIUS who
knows everything,
but rather to simply create a
GOOD ATMOSPHERE for her to feel good about
getting to know you and to get over the "hump"
of you being a stranger.

So you can go from being a stranger to someone
she feels she wants to get to know more, and
especially someone she wants to get "physical with"
in an intimate way.

PLUS, when you are in a more CONFIDENT
state of mind, it is easier to get into a more
HORNY state of mind, which will allow you
to exude the right degree of masculinity without
doing anything TOO OVERT, or too explicit.

It will show in subtleties in your VOICE tonality,
in your facial expressions, in your pace of movement,
etc, etc.

But you will not get ANY of these benefits if you

So, the next time you chat up a woman:


This is SUPER important.  Internal Game
refers to the way you feel and think, and even
to the inner dialogue you may have with yourself.

One of those elements of internal game revolves
around your thoughts about sex.

Women can detect your internal game very quickly
from all kinds of subtleties in your communication.

So, if you want to have a strong internal game, one
of the BIG THINGS to do is to have NO SHAME
about being a sexual person.

I used to try like CRAZY to treat women in the
most NON-SEXUAL way. I tried to show how
NICE I could be.  I was super-passive and tried
to show that I would NEVER do anything unless
a woman made it TOTALLY CLEAR TO ME THAT
SHE WANTED SEX.  It was all up to them, I would
make sure to not "make them feel uncomfortable"
by even going anywhere NEAR the possibility
of sex. 

Meanwhile, the TRUTH is that women tend to give
HINTS, they almost NEVER, EVER, EVER tell
a guy the following:

***Hey, you know, I like you, would you please
&*^% me tonight?*** 

The VERY thought of it is ABSURD and COMICAL!

This does not mean that women want to ONLY be
treated as sexual beings, but they sure DO WANT
to be viewed as sexual beings in ADDITION to
other things.  If women did not get turned on by
being viewed as sexual beings, there would be
no procreation, humans would never have made
it till today, and humans would not EXIST.    

So I am here to tell you something:

The NEXT TIME you see a woman you want to
approach, and you start to fear that maybe your
desires are somehow WRONG, I want you to
realize that women LOVE all kinds of sex.

I am not saying that EVERY woman LOVES
every kind of sex, but that in general
the fantasies and lustful desires of women
are every bit as nuanced and intense and
wild as are those of men. 

The fantasies of men and women are not ALWAYS
on the same page, but the basic NAUGHTY
and TABOO factor is EQUALLY as intense
for women as it is for men.

That nice girl who likes to read poetry may very
well have the most steaming sexual fantasies.

This is SOOOOOOOO important to not only read,


I used to think that if a situation SEEMED tough to change, 
that this was a SIGN that it was part of FATE.

So I used to think that attracting women is so hard, that
it must be something that we as men should just become
passive about, especially since I had been taught by
so many people that "your soul-mate is destined to
meet you" etc., etc.

For this reason, I believe, a LOT of men end up becoming
very PASSIVE regarding meeting and attracting women,
and the result is they NEVER meet the woman or women
they wanted to meet and attract.

When it comes to FOOD, no one ever says the following:

***You know what? I believe in FATE, so therefore, I will
prove my belief in FATE by sitting here knowing that

FOOD will fall into my LAP.***

For some reason, when it is something people NEED,
we all stop talking about FATE.

So there may very well be such a thing as fate, but even
if there is, CERTAINLY as humans we are supposed to
do OUR PART to do our best to make the things happen
that we want to happen.

In the same way that earning a living is something
people must ACTIVELY do rather than just sitting
around passively hoping for it to happen, I believe 
that a man should do EVERYTHING in his power, 
without hurting anyone else,  to get the woman or 
women that he wants.

In fact, not doing enough to take action to
get the woman you want is a CRIME against
yourself, because you are hurting yourself,
you are depriving yourself, and if you believe
humans have any dignity or any rights at all,
then certainly you yourself have these rights.

I also know that things only changed for me
once I learned that in fact not only COULD I
take more effective actions for meeting and
attracting women, but that unless I did so,
I would most likely NEVER meet and
attract the women I wanted.  I would just
go for the rest of my life in misery.

And if you are reading this right now, I suggest
that YOU take my Real World Bootcamp
program which will give you the SKILLS to attract
women so that you can choose the type of woman
you WANT.

You will LEARN how to trigger the urge in
women, to learn how to make women WILD
for you. In the Real World Bootcamp,
I will teach you these skills and provide live
demos on real women in just about ANY
place you want, and you will also PROVE
to yourself that it all WORKS for you
as well, as you actually approach women
who are total strangers and you attract
them ON THE SPOT, right in front of your
very eyes.

The Real World Bootcamp IS the REAL THING.
I have been doing this for over ten YEARS,
and I have taught just about every kind of guy
that you can imagine.

In fact, I have been teaching bootcamps since 2003, 
which is long before this stuff became trendy to do.

That means that I am one of the few guys who is really HARD-CORE  about these skills. I did not come to this field because I thought it was trendy, I came to this field because I have a BURNING PASSION for it. 

My success in helping men has also been documented
in the press, including a major report in the Toronto Star,
where I helped not just one or two guys, but an entire
GROUP of men to attract the women they wanted.

This was not just some interview with me, this
was an IN-DEPTH event that spanned over several
weeks, where the progress the men made was independently
reported by them not to me, but to the newspaper itself. 

Bootcamp provides you with the skills to attract almost LIMITLESS women immediately, with zero effort, because there are tons of women all around you already.  All you have to do is spot them and
attract them.   

You can find out more about the Real World Bootcamp at:


I truly do believe with every fiber of my soul that bootcamp is a LIFE-CHANGING experience that willgive you SUPREME CHOICE when it comes to attracting women, and I believe my bootcamp is worth at least TEN TIMES the cost of your investment. 

The reason is because it's damn hard to find
a good instructor out there, and the right
instructor can teach you in ONE bootcamp what
would take another instructor TEN BOOTCAMPS
to teach you.

These newsletters are just the TIP of the ICEBERG of what you learn in my programs, and what you learn in my LIVE Bootcamp program goes BEYOND what you can even IMAGINE.

Now, if you can't make it to bootcamp immediately, then you really need to download my
Attraction Mastery Program.  This is a professionally recorded program (all done in the studio) that is PACKED with super-effective strategies and insights on attracting women and is FOCUSED on
attracting women in a physical way. 

It stands on its own as an ESSENTIAL program for
attracting women, and it is also a GREAT program
to take before bootcamp.

The more you learn before bootcamp, the FARTHER I can take you when you come to bootcamp.

I would not promote the Attraction Mastery Program unless I KNEW it was of MASSIVE VALUE and massive EFFECTIVENESS when it comes to attracting women.

It is jam-packed with 12 hours of absolutely GOLDEN STRATEGIES on attracting women that you will not find in any of my other programs.     

It's at:


Till next time,

Michael Marks

P.S. To find out about all my programs for helping
you get the kind of woman or women you want, go here:

Michael Marks

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