There are a ton of things I want to share with
you today, but due to a lack of time I’m going
to focus on one SUPER important thing today
regarding attracting women.
Without exaggerating, I honestly think this
is the absolute most important newsletter
on this topic that I have ever written, even
though it’s going to be pretty quick.
Here it is:
If you want to get super-hot women to be
CRAZY attracted to you, if you want to have
that feeling of knowing that your super-hot
girlfriend can’t WAIT to get naked with you,
and if you want to be able to have TONS of
choices with attractive women, or if you want
to KNOW that these women are DESPERATELY
IN LOVE with you, then you must actually BLOW
And you must do this NOT from a place of ANGER,
or SADNESS, or BITTERNESS, but rather from
a place of DETERMINATION and WISDOM and
You see, the problem is that a lot of men mistake
the word 'love' for 'unselfish love'.
The truth is that pretty much ALL love is selfish,
and that is not a bad thing, it just is what it is.
When a mother CARES for her child, and tries
to make the child feel good, on a subconscious
level, she knows this is GOOD for the child,
and will improve that child’s chance at survival.
The child will carry her DNA and hopefully
REPRODUCE to carry ON her DNA.
But when a woman is looking at the MAN
she will REPRODUCE WITH, she is hoping
that all that work this man’s mother did has
paid off into making him at THIS point in
his life a MAN who NO LONGER needs
But a lot of men kind of are hoping that the
WOMAN in their romantic life will give them
the SAME TYPE of warmth, dedication, and
CARING that their mom did.
Now, here’s the crazy part: IF a woman senses
that you INDEED really ARE “THE MAN”
then this STRIKES the very CORE of her
sexuality, it truly makes her WEAK with
And now that she is ATTRACTED, guess what?
NOW she wants to MOTHER you, she wants
to do ANYTHING to make sure you are
absolutely, totally, completely HAPPY with
her, satisfied with her, and THINKING about
She’ll now do things that are almost IRRATIONAL
in terms of LOVE, of GIVING, of SACRIFICING
herself in order to make you HAPPY.
She might even make a lot of MOTHERS look like
NOTHING compared to the intensity of sacrifice
and effort she will make to MAKE SURE YOU
However, unlike a typical mother, if you SCREW UP
on being a MAN, you are TOTALLY SCREWED
in the sense she will pull a 180, she will totally
LOSE attraction and do almost ANYTHING to
get AWAY. All those words of LOVE and
commitment she may have said will be
will likely DENY she ever even SAID those
words, and it’s even POSSIBLE that she may
very well BELIEVE that there is no WAY
she could have EVER really fallen for you,
that somehow this just was a big mistake
where she got fooled or something.
So REMEMBER- if you WANT the love,
if you WANT the attraction, if you WANT
that hot woman to be CRAZY for you, then
you must beat the SH*! out of the part of yourself
that thinks it NEEDS this kind of ‘love’ from
a female that you plan on mating with.
ONLY then, ironically, will the love flow,
her sexy legs spread, and her devotion show.
I say this NOT to be crass, but to be HONEST
about a topic that is so important and yet so
It is so vital to also realize that none of this
makes women crazy. It ACTUALLY makes
women very NORMAL because THIS way
they can feel a lot more secure that the
CHILDREN they produce with you are
likely to be SURVIVORS and WINNERS
in the sense of making it in the evolutionary
chain of generations, and of making it in
a form of “dna” genetic immortality that
can carry on and on.
So, what this means, is that women a woman
who is HOT is not giving you love, this is
the PERFECT TIME to show that you are
But what do most men do?
They either crumble with their head between
their legs, or they try beg the woman to be
“nicer” as if their emotions depended on
the approval of these women.
And yet, doing this only FURTHER cements
women’s feeling that CLEARLY this guy
is NOT the guy who they should be mating
And again, this is not something that women
CONSCIOUSLY do. I’m just telling you that
for the REASON they feel this way, i.e. feeling
REPULSED even if the women don’t know
exactly WHY they feel repulsed by it.
And also, women don’t KNOW they are even
being repulsed by the specific BEHAVIOR,
they just feel an AVERSION to the MAN
that behaves this way.
This all makes sense once you understand that
EMOTIONS were DESIGNED to ensure humans
(or animals) take the right ACTIONS immediately.
When a woman feels the EMOTIONS of being
REPULSED, she is sure to NOT waste any time
even THINKING about whether she should or
should not be with that guy.
Her emotions just TOTALLY DRIVE HER TO
And, the opposite is ALSO true:
Show the RIGHT behaviors, and her EMOTIONS
kick in to WANT that man no matter what ELSE
is going on.
So the next time you see a hot, leggy, gorgeous-faced
woman in clothes that reveal just the right amount of
sexy, remember what ATTRACTS HER and what turns her
This isn’t about what you would LIKE.
You might LIKE for her to be really soft and nice
and treat you with kid-gloves and assure you that
everything is going to be great, and that she likes
you, etc, etc, etc.
But that is not the way it works.
And deep down, that is not really the
MAIN thing you want.
It’s about what you really WANT:
You really want her because she is a WOMAN,
and an attractive one at that. In other words, this
is a PHYSICAL thing, it really is all about the
MATING, whether you are conscious of it at
that second or not.
And if you WANT that sexiness to be all YOURS,
then you better MAN UP instead of hoping to be
treated like a nice little boy is treated by his mom.
That means if you approach a woman, let's say
at a bookstore, and you open up a conversation
with her, and she's NOT showing lots of excitement
or doing cartwheels right off the bat, you should
NOT run away.
In fact, her brain may very well be GOING INTO
HIGH GEAR knowing that this might be a situation
leading to the most wild and satisfying and
wonderful experience of her life.
OR it might be another time she is meeting just
another scared little BOY.
You have to understand that this is what is going
on in her mind, but she is not going to tell you
all this.
Remember, as a woman, all she has to say is YES
and most men would LOVE to jump in the sack with
She is not an idiot. She knows what is going on.
She needs to see if you are THE MAN for her.
If you run for the hills before she has even
had a chance to see if you are up for the task,
then she thinks you are NOT the MAN.
And if she does something like TEASE you for
because it means she is interested enough
to TEST your response to her, and your response
counts 'A PLENTY', as they say.
The way you respond to her SHOWS HER what kind
of man you are. It almost does not even matter
what she says, what matters is what YOU say in
response to convey the STRENGTH of your CHARACTER.
So if she says 'You know, this has happened twice
to me today', most guys will get freaked out, thinking
'Oh damn, this woman gets hit on so much and now she
is thinking I am just another one of those guys, there
is no WAY I am going to get her number and end up in
bed with her'.
And yet THIS FEAR AND THIS ATTITUDE is exactly what
So most men will reply with something like
'Really? Oh man, well I'm sorry, I just was
making conversation' if they even say anything
besides sorry.
Meanwhile, the MAN would say something like
'Really? Man, those guys must have been feeling
sorry for you'. And the MAN would say this with
And if she said something back like:
'Excuse me, sorry for me?'
The MAN would respond with, 'You're excused, but
do not do it again'.
With every passing SECOND, the MAN is now
making this woman get WETTER AND WETTER,
and all she is hoping for is that this
guy is for REAL and not going to suddenly
turn out to be a little scared boy later
When you behave this way, and show that you
are POWERFUL and FUN and NOT NEEDY, and
emotionally independent, she starts to
get overwhelmed in that way that only
be called the most glorious seduced
feeling in the world.
She can feel herself falling, she WANTS
this feeling, it is SO RARE for her to
MEET the man that GETS ALL OF THIS.
You are THE MAN, and it is ONLY the MAN
who will attract the SEXUAL element in a
Do anything else, and it’s ‘JUST FRIENDS’ at best.
In fact, getting a woman attracted has almost
nothing to do with her being your FRIEND.
When a woman is ATTRACTED to you, she does good
things for you not because she wants your friendship,
it's because she wants to POSSESS YOU.
And I say that in a GOOD way. She wants you so bad,
that she can't WAIT to surrender her body to you
again and again and again. She wants to rock your
world in the bedroom, she can't stop thinking
about you. And she wants YOU to be thinking about
She will go to the ends of the Earth to try to
get you to think about HER, to spend time with
That is not friendship, that is PRIMAL ATTRACTION.
She couldn't really care less about Facebooking
your or sharing coffee or tea. She wants you
in a far more compelling way.
This is one of the reasons my first book,
The Dating Wizard, hammers home the
point on BEING THE MAN.
You must BE the man even when she insists she
doesn't WANT you to be the man, because it is
THE MAN that she wants! As long as you are
the MAN, she is having wild fantasies that
keep her wet all the time, even if she is
arguing with you sometimes about wanting you
to be LESS of the man.
But when you are NOT being the man, and
becoming all soft and needy and insecure
and weak, suddenly she 'needs more space'
and more 'time to discover herself', etc,
etc, etc.
Now, here’s the thing thing though:
It’s not as SIMPLE as ONLY being the MAN.
But when picking up women, if you don’t ALSO
understand that female culture has evolved in
a way where women feel the need to show they
are NOT easy, you will also make no progress.
Women have evolved this way because men
tend to NOT want promiscuous women to be
the mothers of their children.
So, one ON hand, being a MAN is the key
to attracting women.
On the other hand, if you are too overtly sexual
in your pick-up, if you are too aggressive, you
This invisible shield is something she uses to
metaphorically BLOCK you from making
any progress with her in order for her to
PROVE to you that she is not a slut.
She wants to show that being AGGRESSIVE
is not very IMPRESSIVE to her, because LOTS
of guys suddenly get aggressive when they want
something, i.e. wanting HER.
If she were to give sex to every guy who showed
a little bit of DESIRE to her, even if it is MANLY
desire expressed without apology, she would spend
her entire life on her back.
And THIS is just one area where having the right
COACH, having the right TRAINING, becomes
Picking up women, and KEEPING women attracted
long term, requires UNDERSTANDING and SKILL.
Let’s face it, if there’s ONE area that men have
competed against other men in since the beginning
of human history, it’s in the area of attracting
There is no FINER or more WORTHY area of
getting the UTMOST skill and MASTERY in,
than the area of how to attract women.
It is for this reason, that I SERIOUSLY suggest
This program contains approximately 12 HOURS
of my most POWERFUL strategies and concepts
for attracting women no matter WHERE you find
them, and no matter WHAT situation you are in.
This program has been designed to get men to
become GREAT at attracting women. When
you become GREAT at attracting women, this
serves as a powerful foundation for all your
other success with women, including relationships
and marriage.
This way, if you decide to enter into a relationship,
or marriage, or if you decide to spend more time
on a particular woman, it will ONLY be because
you actually KNOW she is THE BEST CHOICE,
and NOT because you felt insecure that you
couldn’t get anyone else.
Insecure relationships are usually DOOMED
because the insecurities ultimately SUFFOCATE
the other person and stir resentments as well
as a lack of appreciation in the other person.
MUST have, and it is ESSENTIAL material that
you won’t find in any of my other programs.
You can download it and be using it to attract
the women of your choice in just MINUTES
from now by going here:
And if you haven’t yet downloaded my book,
“The Dating Wizard: Secrets to Success with Women”
then do that immediately.
It’s at:
BOOTCAMPS are currently sold out for February
and March, but there are a few spaces left
in April. Book your spring bootcamp NOW.
Let me sum up bootcamp in one sentence:
Till next time,
Michael Marks
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