Thursday, January 3, 2013

How To Use TIME To Attract Women And Keep Them BEGGING For More

Today I want to share a quick but SUPER
IMPORTANT point that will help you
with women both immediately in the short
term and also in the long term as well.

It has to do with using the power of TIME
as you ally rather than your enemy.

The principle at play is that every moment
of time tends to DIMINISH the emotional
intensity of any given emotion, whether
it is positive or negative.

Here is how to USE this in your favor:

Let’s say you’ve just met a woman, either
through a 'cold approach pick-up', or through
any other method.  It would be FAR WISER
to do a bunch of MINI-EVENTS than to do
one BIG event.

What I mean by this, is that if you met for
coffee, then went for a game of pool, then
had a quick bite to eat, then had a stroll
in a trendy part of town, then did some
window shopping, etc, etc, EACH NEW
ACTIVITY would be a NEW emotional
experience and give her a new 'rush'.

Notice that NONE of those things were
expensive either.      

On the other hand, if a guy were to take a
woman to some thousand dollar restaurant
or hotel or whatever, for a few MOMENTS
or even minutes, sure it might create some
impact, but with EVERY PASSING MOMENT
the EMOTIONAL HIGH keeps dropping lower
and lower, because that is how the human
mind is hard-wired.  It ADAPTS to stimuli
and thus gets less of an emotional high with
every passing moment.

you do with her, the MORE in her mind she will
feel like she spent a LOT of time with you, since
in her mind ALL THESE EXPERIENCES feel
different, so she has a RAW EMOTIONAL
CONNECTION to the time she spent with you,
as opposed to getting bored after a half-hour
in even the most expensive restaurant or hotel,

Similarly, let’s say you meet a woman you like,
and she is also being approached by some guy
who’s got a billion dollars, looks like Brad Pitt,
etc, etc.

Most guys would feel intimidated by all this,
and not even chat to her.  This would be wrong,
and I will tell you why in a second.

Similarly, if you happen to be dating a woman
but you are not exclusive with each other yet,
i.e. you are both allowed to see other people,
and she happens to meet some guy who has tons
of money, is famous, whatever, you should NOT
try to RESTRICT her.

Think of the BIG PICTURE here, the LONG TERM.

Instead, LET her experience whatever the 'big deal'
is, because I PROMISE YOU, the 'big deal' will WEAR
OFF FAST unless the guy ALSO understands how to
KEEP things fun.

And when the 'big deal' wears off, and the guy does
NOT know how to keep her attracted, he will most
likely become insecure and try to restrict HER,
which is totally going to make you look like the
ultimate man with balls the size of mountains,
and a raging mojo, because she will perceive you
as so confident in your value that you never saw
anyone else as a threat, and she will probably
be worried that by now you are probably with
a chick who is way hotter than her.

So she will be even MORE in love with you than
ever, and come running back to you.  All this is
yours if you just play your cards right.

One last point regarding the power of time and
using it as your ally: NEVER BE TOO PREDICTABLE.

Doing the same thing all the TIME, makes her
get ADAPTED emotionally to them, because
repeated exposure to the same 'stimuli'
over time results in less and less
emotional reaction to those 'stimuli'. 

But CHANGING things up all the time SOLVES this

This way, just as her emotions are about to calm down
too much or get bored, they are SHOCKED back into
excitement since they cannot figure out your pattern.

So, for example, one night have tender lovemaking
with her. Another time, go animalistic as if she
was a porn star.  One time, take her out to a fancy
place, another time tell her you are both going
to enjoy a Big Mac.  One time, give her a compliment
that is really meaningful, but then follow it up
with a hard smack on her butt. If she asks what
is going on, just wink and do NOT explain it.

See what I mean?
As you can see, attracting women IS something
that CAN be learned, and it really IS about your
BEHAVIORS.  Attracting the women you want
is something you can CONTROL.

If you want to MASTER these skills in the
then email me a weekend that works best
for you for taking my REAL WORLD BOOTCAMP.

It is at:

For my most ADVANCED program on attraction,
go here:

And if you have not yet downloaded my program
called ‘Acing The Approach’, do that NOW, at:

Till next time,

Michael Marks

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