Friday, May 25, 2012

Can You Attract Women By Being Yourself?

A lot of men want to know if it's really
possible to attract women by being
'themselves' instead of ACTING in a way
that they think women like but is not
really the men being their real selves.

And it seems even MORE confusing to men,
when they try to FOLLOW this 'be yourself'
advice, and then find they are NOT GETTING
the results they want.

So let me clear all this up.

Attraction is about COMBINING the concept
of being YOURSELF while ALSO doing all the
right things that trigger attraction.

The WAY to do this is to UNDERSTAND
the deeper meaning behind any particular
concept or strategy of attraction, instead
of just following attraction strategies
like a robot.

So, for example, the concept of STANDING
OUT from the crowd is important, but you
want to do it in a way that is still
consistent with your identity.

If you're not into rock, don't wear
an AC/DC T-Shirt and try to get a
scruffy look and motorcycle just to
look cool.

The truth is, you could be wearing an
x-MEN t-shirt if THAT is something that
is consistent with your identity.

Similarly, the concept of DOMINANCE and
being assertive is not something that
has no boundaries, no limits, or no finesse.

There's a TIME for dominance, and a time
to chill out.  Similarly, there's a TIME
to be playful, and a time to get down
to the 'adult' stuff of making love.

Don't force the wrong action at the
wrong time.

If you're a really laid-back kind of guy,
then your dominance will be all about
making the few times that you are really
dominant COUNT. 

So let's say you're with a woman in a club,
and she's really into you, and you just KNOW
that this is the time to leave with her, so you
don't ASK her, instead you just TELL HER with
absolute clarity, conviction, and DOMINANCE:
"Let's get outta here", and you take her by the hand
and lead her out.

Same thing when if you meet a woman at a place
like a bookstore or coffee shop, maybe you can't
LEAVE with her at that moment, but if the chat
is going really well, you can just tell her with
confidence, "Write down your number here",
or give her your cell phone and tell her to enter
her number in it.

Maybe you won't be dominant as FREQUENTLY but
you will still be dominant when it COUNTS,
and it will be consistent with your identity.

If you're a more serious kind of guy, then
your playfulness might have a sarcastic or
darker tone, and make it part of your unique
VIBE, but you will STILL have moments of

One timely example of a guy who women loved
who was totally HIMSELF was the recent
winner of a show called 'American Idol.'

And it's not the fact he won a MUSIC show
that is my point, but the fact he WON OVER
the female voters when there were plenty
of other guys they could have voted for who
may have seemed like more "obvious" choices.

The winner, a guy named Philip Phillips,
was not the best in ANY category, including
even his VOICE (he himself said this, that
he didn't have the best voice), except for
ONE category:


There were plenty of other guys in the
contest that women could have responded
to based on the other guys' looks or

But every single thing Philip did, from
the way he dressed, to the way he sang,
to the kinds of messages in his music,
to the way he spoke and made comments
and answered questions, was always
completely true to himself.

And by the way, in many ways he was a
'nice guy' (actually a GOOD GUY), but he
actually showed he was ultimately more
SELF-SECURE than the others by showing
he didn't need to put on an ACT.

He was never arrogant, never all caught
up in trying to tell everyone why he
is so great--in other words, just like
the rule in interacting with women,

Same thing with women- NEVER try to
prove your worth in ways that you KNOW
deep down you would NOT do, if you
ALREADY KNEW she was crazy in love
with you.

It's when guys are INSECURE about their
value that they do things like try to
show off some kind of car, connection,
job, status, fame, etc.

And all that is an INSTANT turn-off.
Everything Philip did expressed consistency
with his real identity, and women could
SENSE this, they felt they were connecting
to his REAL self, not some ACT.

Now, if it's so easy to be yourself, then
why do so FEW men do this with women?

The answer is that learning to be YOURSELF
when you are INTERACTING with women
that you are attracted to is actually a skill in
itself.  It's a MAJOR skill.

Then, learning to best PROJECT that self
through your choices in HOW you talk,
WHAT you talk about, how you incorporate
STYLE into your wardrobe, and how you pay
attention to her, is all PART of the skill of not
just being yourself with women,  but of
EFFECTIVELY conveying that self to women.

So you can be yourself in a way that does
not EFFECTIVELY convey the truth about who
you are, or you can be yourself in a way
that DOES effectively convey who you are,
or you can do what MOST people do, which
is put on an ACT.

You'll find that in my programs, I teach
you strategies that allow you to integrate
your REAL IDENTITY into them, as I don't
force you to learn pick up lines, I don't
force you to try to act like a clown,
I don't try to turn you into some
CARICATURE of what is 'cool'.

And of course, in my private one-on-one
BOOTCAMP, I am there to TOTALLY customize
your training, in real time, so that you
are IMMEDIATELY doing all the right things
on women while simultaneously being true
to yourself.

And the truth is, that being yourself is
a HUGE PLUS in attracting women, because
it helps you establish MUCH GREATER
connection with women.  The worst thing
is when a woman senses you are somehow
putting on an ACT, as this not only
DESTROYS THE TRUST, but it also makes
her think that the guy was too INSECURE
to be himself.

So, in closing, the key is to BE YOURSELF with
women, while ALSO doing ALL THE RIGHT
ATTRACTIVE ACTIONS when interacting with

I'd love to be the one to teach you all
these skills on real women ASAP. You
can actually SEE your success with women
SKYROCKET in two DAYS with my intense
Real-World Attraction BOOTCAMP.

Not only do men meet gorgeous women in
Bootcamp, but often within days of graduating
the program, they end up meeting knockouts
who become their serious girlfriends.

This training is POWERFUL.

It's at:

And for a fantastic program where I actually
DEMONSTRATE pick up chats from SCRATCH, go here:

Till next time,

Michael Marks

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