Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Be The Stuff Of A Woman's Fantasy

Before I start today, a very quick reminder
about a program that I honestly think

It's my "Obliterating Approaching Anxiety"
program that does NOT tell you what
you already know.  It does NOT tell
you to just "be confident". 

Instead, in the most CLEAR and METHODICAL way,
it shows you HOW to overcome approach anxiety
so that you NEVER allow another opportunity
to meet another woman slip away again.

Trust me, the DETAILS are EVERYTHING,
and in this program I give you the DETAILS on
the 'HOW-TO' for obliterating approach anxiety

This program is worth it's weight in GOLD
and I know I could get away with charging
way more.  I am a TRILLION PERCENT
confident that you will LOVE this program,
and if for some wacky reason you don't, just
let me know and I'll give you a refund, no-questions

If you don't appreciate the value of this program,
then I really don't WANT a penny from you! 
Seriously, I don't want you to pay unless you
AGREE with me that this program is GOLD.

It's at:

Okay, on to today's newsletter:

The only path to ultimate attraction when it comes
to a woman is to open the floodgates of her imagination
and fantasy and then help her live that fairy tale. 

This might sound impossible, but it's
not, because
once you have sparked
her fantasies, she will do HER best to
go along with the fantasy version of you,

because we are all starving to get out
of this mundane existence and we will
suspend our disbelief to EXPERIENCE
a more intoxicating and higher
emotional plane of existence. 

So if you do YOUR part, a woman
will GLADLY do her part, and this
allows her to, for all intents and
purposes, LIVE her fantasy, for the
mind does not distinguish between
an emotion that is experienced
through fantasy or through reality,
as long as it is EXPERIENCED.

That is why, right now, if you recall a
specific happy memory in explicit and
full detail, you will EXPERIENCE the
emotion. It is not "fake". The emotional
experience is REAL.

The thing about all this, is that some
of these fantasies and types of
personalities are extremely powerful
and are not necessary nor always even
smart for attracting a woman for a
casual sexual relationship or a one-night
stand kind of thing. 

This stuff is about massive attraction, and
you don't want to hurt a girl by creating
this level of attraction and then jumping
ship.  In fact, a girl that's looking for
something casual might get emotionally
freaked out by this stuff since she knows
it will lead to HER feeling massive intense
and she's obviously not ready
for that or she wouldn't be only looking
for the casual thing. 

If you just want the one night stand
thing, go in there, tease the girl, get
her laughing, then lean back some
more and chill out and make small talk
and physically escalate.

And in fact, that is solid game for
starting off with just about any
woman. You can often also escalate
to this other stuff as she gets to
find out more about you.

Okay, so more on this whole
other DIMENSION of attraction.

How do you open up the floodgates
to her sexual fantasies and imagination?

The best thing to first do is realize that not
every woman is the SAME in this department.

You're better off to first figure out which
type of fantasy your REAL character
would most naturally fall into, and then
CULTIVATE that.  And then BE that
person always, and the women who are
INTO that will certainly be drawn to you. 

For example, if you are a brooding,
tormented soul, that might not be the
best match for being the wild bad boy. 
And if you are a wild party guy at heart,
then trying to turn yourself into the
tormented artistic soul might not be
the best match.

The dark soul, the brooding artist, attracts
many women because he is UNAFFECTED
by her beauty since he is so far beyond
that into his OWN world, his own emotional
creations, etc.

Also, when he DOES connect with her
emotionally, his passion is INTENSE and
he also has an uncanny ability to pace
her emotional reality
, so he knows
EXACTLY what to do when, because
he is brilliant at understanding
emotion. He can be in sexual sync
both physically and mentally with her
at a level that no other guy has ever

You have to choose your identity, who you
are going to be, and it makes sense to choose
who you most closely fall into and POLISH
that. It's far more natural that way, and far
less work for you as well.

Are you the Donald Trump type? The
go getter who THRIVES in that environment?

Are you more the passionate artist type?
Distant, brooding, moody, yet emotionally
brilliant and on FIRE in that environment?

Are you the adrenaline junkie, the race car
driver skydiving bad boy type?

The party animal who just breathes that
and loves that scene?

An adventurer, outdoor type who builds
his own cabin, does his own hunting, etc.?

And so many more.

These categories can sometimes overlap, but
can also totally cancel each other out, so
common sense prevails here.

One thing though about ANY of these
identities, you can still never break any
of the "laws of physics" of attraction.

Giving her the EMOTIONAL sensation of
you as BEING EXCELLENT, as being COOL,
is still PARAMOUNT, and so is the
importance of you creating that connection
so that when she DOES get the pay-off
of your validation she feels BOOSTED
by it.  And of course I cover all this in
my materials, and in an advanced manner
in my Attraction Mastery Program.    

Think about which type of identity you most
closely resemble personality-wise, and then
polish it up.  Dress the part. 

Look, the reality is that we are ALL constantly
just PLAYING different roles.  The question is, is the
role you are playing serving YOU?

We play the role of a father, son, brother,
employee, supervisor, boss, citizen, and we
act different in all these roles.  We don't
behave the same with our friends as we
do with our parents, as we do with
grandma or with the bus driver or your
brother or sister or the police etc. And
yet these are all still TRUE dimensions
of ourselves.

So why not choose the ROLE that turns
women on the MOST, and that most
closely suits YOU anyway, and
cultivate it?

If you're not sure of who you are, think
of what your passions are. Develop yourself
in that direction.

I could write infinite material on this, but let
me just state right here, that clearly, the different
identities I outlined briefly above in terms of
attractive identities that capture a woman's
imagination, these personae speak differently,
dress differently, spend their free time differently,

I'm going to now transition to a slightly different
topic now, but it's still related.  

In 1971, a Stanford university professor
conducted an experiment observing the
effects of prisoner and guard behavior and
the effect of taking on these roles.

15 students took part, and a section of
the basement of the university was
turned into a prison, complete will
cells. 7 students took on the role of
guards, 7 took on the role of prisoners.

One student was the warden. The guards
were not  allowed to physically harm the
prisoners, but were allowed to do just
about anything else to show them who
was "in charge".

The experiment was supposed to
last 2 weeks.

They had to end the experiment after
6 DAYS, because the guards had become
outright PSYCHO and cruel
beyond belief.
And every student, before the experiment
was started, was checked out to make sure
they were mentally and emotionally sound
and fine.

Also, virtually NO ONE challenged the
ethics of the experiment. Not the parents,
not the minister who visited them, no one.

"ROLES" and the thought that this was
just "not real" was not even existent anymore.

What does this have to do with your success
with women?        


If PRETENDING to be a role for only SIX
DAYS is enough to get you to change your
concept of REALITY, how MASSIVE do
you think the impact would be to you if
you REDEFINED your OWN "role", your
own identity?  

For example, instead of taking on the
role of the guy who does NOT approach
women, take on the role of a guy who
does.  You will BELIEVE you ARE
what you CONTINUOUSLY do.

Second, another point I need to bring up
is the fact that WOMEN have been given
a massive ROLE in society to act HARD
to get. But it's just a ROLE!  A role,
however that is RARELY challenged,

They kiss up, buy women things for
no good reason except out of hope
the woman will stay with them because
of it, etc.  I can honestly say that it's
been SEVERAL YEARS since I
ever bought a woman ANYTHING
in the hope that she would like
me more because of it.  The only
time I buy a woman anything is
AFTER it's clear she is into me
with no money-strings attached.

There have been times when this ROLE
that I took on was challenged by some
women, but I TRULY believe it is
crazy for a guy to BUY a woman's
affection, it's absurd and an insult,
with my role. 

And THAT leads to me giving the woman
I am with a NEW role, the role of RESPECTING
a guy who doesn't take b.s. 

Most people have weak mindsets, and so they
just follow the masses.  They take on any role
they are given if it comes from "the matrix"
i.e. "it's what you are SUPPOSED to do"
EVEN if it makes no sense.  But by the
same token, if they meet someone who
has a STRONGER frame of reality, and
who will give them a DIFFERENT role
and totally believe that it is the right thing,
then people will ACCEPT the NEW role.

i.e. If YOU have a strong enough frame
of YOUR REALITY, you can then give
a woman a DIFFERENT role with YOU
than the one she has with OTHER guys.

YOU are the guy that she RESPECTS.
The OTHER guys are the guys that she
plays for money, favors, and emotional

I'm being a little harsh here, because not
all women are like that, but definitely most
women are USED to the role that society
has given them of getting gifts and being
the ones to screen the guy, and not the
other way around.  This was a joke back
in the day 50 years ago, because men had
infinitely more power than women then.

Not now though, now with women's equality,
which is a cool thing, it only makes sense
that if men kiss ass, men are actually now
in an INFERIOR position.  Before, it was
charming, now it's self-destructive.

Finally, I'd like to answer an email here:

Before we start the letter, I just want to
make it clear that the "look-up" mentioned
below was something I was doing without
REALIZING it, until a reader who was
generous enough wrote in about it, and
shared it with everyone.  In brief, the
"look-up" is where you calmly look a
girl's entire body up and down, but don't
make it clear right away what you think. 
You are sizing her up, and it's a turn on
for her. Nice sexual tension.  

Hi Michael,

I was hoping you can enlighten me with
your wizardry...

You probably hear this allot but I'm sure it
doesn't bother you to hear it again :)  

your e-BOOK and NEWSLETTERS and soon your
Seduction Mastery Apprenticeship Program!!!

(editors' note: This program is now simply
called The Attraction Mastery Program.)

I won't get too much into details but I really just
wanted to get your opinion on this situation. 
My friends and I got together at somebody's
house to do some pre-drinking and these
3 girls were invited to join, when the girls
came in I noticed this one girl who I just
wanted to get to know...

I used your famous stare up and down move
and look away - it worked like a charm!!
She came over and introduced herself to me,
we got pretty close at the club and then one of
my friends came to me and told me to watch
out for her she's a 'gold digger and a tease'
(I wanted to find out for myself). 

The next day she got her girlfriend to get my
number and called me to set up a date with
me (I thought it was so sexy when girls do
that) I still wanted to test her by wearing so
so clothes and driving a whatever car to see
if she has a weird reaction to it. 

Throughout the date I kept the conv. light
and very easy going, when the bill came for
like $10 she reached to her purse but I said
don't worry about it (at least she reached). 

The next day she text' me all day and then all
of a sudden she stops!  I didn't think much of
it so the next day I decided to give her a call
and ask her out for that same night she agreed
and we went out to a bar and grabbed some
drinks, again, I kept the facial expression
to a min. and I played it as cool as possible
using teasing and getting her to the 'right' state. 

The bill came and she decided to go to the
bathroom (how convenient) I ended
paying for the bill, that kind of bothered
me specially when I don't really remember
her thanking me either.  I get to the car
and I turn her around and plant a nice soft
one on her then I drop her off at home and
through another kiss at her and goodnight.  

As of today I am a little confused at what
I should do next....should I keep pursuing
her even though I have other prospects I
am looking at? should I wait until she text/call
me or should I do it after a certain number
of days?  how should I handle a woman like
that?? should I even bother?

You can post this if you wish....maybe
somebody else out there is going through
the same s*&%$


Brett T..

>>>MY REPLY<<<

Thanks for the props on the eBook
and these newsletters, it's kinda cool
to hear from guys that are out there
USING it and taking action. So props
to you, and you're going to LOVE
the Mastery program.     
Sounds like you were damn CONGRUENT
off the bat with the look up, as she responded
immediately and came to YOU.  Nice.

You were sexual, confident, playful,
and chilled out.

It also sounds to me that your friend(s) might
be a bit of a party pooper, no offense.  I
could be wrong.  But when a bunch of guys
are DRINKING, and 3 CHICKS come in,
and one of the chicks is damn into you,
it's not like this is a marriage proposal
going on.  So why ruin the fun? Gold
digger, shmold digger! She's into you
and you are a smart guy who knows
not to give your gold away so fast, right?

The problem might just be that you
let them ruin your confidence and vibe. 

You went from the fun sexual guy
who attracted her, to the worried guy
focused on not losing.  Stop focusing
on NOT LOSING and get back into
the ORIGINAL vibe you had, of
being a MAN who LOVES women
and goes for it, focused on the
GOOD stuff.

That other vibe, that these guys were
giving you, is all wrong.  Even if the
chick IS a gold digger,  you can easily
find out yourself, and if she's NOT
a gold digger, your negative vibes
about this whole thing will turn her
off.  So taking the negative route will
sabotage even the best of possibilities.

So, the whole thing was wrong after that.

She got her girl to get your number, and she
set up a date with you.

No reason for you to try to act less than you

You can always find out damn fast if she's
a gold digger anyway.  Especially since you
are already IN THE KNOW from all the
cool stuff you got from the book and
the newsletter!

The negative focus changed the entire
emotional dynamic, the entire atmosphere,
the air between you two.

And still, she did reach for her purse.
I would have playfully got her to split the bill
and turned it into how I'm all for women's
independence.  This actually sets up a
great sexual dynamic, because the woman
then KNOWS she certainly isn't going
to get free dinners out of this, so she
may as well get some awesome and
serious sex.  That's all you're good for!
Anyway, it wasn't over  yet, as SHE
texted you ALL day the next day.

Methinks you continued to act a bit
suspicious and overly hard to get.

Now, a girl isn't crazy.
She was seriously ATTRACTED to you,
waaaaaaaaaaaaaay out there.

When she got the negative vibes, she still
gave you a chance.  She even texts you
the next day. A lot.  But all the time, she
keeps getting INSECURE vibes that
TOTALLY contradict the sexy fun
guy she THOUGHT she met.

You made a GREAT first impression,
but then made a total reverse. Now, 
don't get all angry at your friends.

They  meant well, maybe she is a gold digger,
but from the negative vibe you got yourself into,
that the "facial expression to a min" was not
being used to show RELAXED STATE but
rather to show her you that are not going to
get USED.

And that's again focusing on insecurities.

So she goes to the bathroom.  Yes, maybe
she is avoiding the bill, but many women
do this because they're so brainwashed
for the man to pay. Which is why I stay
away from any places that cost money
on the initial first meetings. Or I do
go, but the chick still splits the cost.
It's not something that makes a girl
particularly bad by going off to the
bathroom, you can deal with that
stuff and give her the scoop on how
you don't pay for any chicks' company.

You're now in the damage control zone.

I recommend going for other chicks and
forgetting her for a while.
  If you really
want to call her, do it and tell her, with
words, say it like a STATEMENT rather
than a plea, or a question for her
forgiveness, you catch my drift?)
that you were being a bit of a jerk lately
because your cat died or something.
Then immediately get her laughing
about something i.e. tease her,
and meet her up again, and get
into some PRIVATE location
asap with her, and SERIOUSLY
connect before getting physical, man! 

And if you are reading this right now and are the kind
of guy that is a GO GETTER and likes RESULTS, then 

do yourself a favor and get a copy of my Attraction 
Mastery Program.

This program is for guys that step AWAY from
the crowd of guys that make excuses for doing
nothing. It's for ACTION-oriented guys.

With this Program, you will have at your fingertips,
24/7, one of my most advanced resources on the
PLANET for meeting and attracting women anywhere. 
It's at:

Then, it's time to consider putting it all together
in PERSON, as I take you under my exclusive
wing to teach you one-on-one for an entire
weekend of mastering pick-up and every
component of attraction. You will be coached
through winging, through demonstration, through
prep before we go out, and through my detailed
and immediately applicable feedback on your

It's all part of the Real World Bootcamp, at:

And if you haven't yet downloaded my eBook,
The Dating Wizard: Secrets to Success with Women,
then do that first.  This book is the foundation on
which all my other programs build upon. You can
download it within MINUTES of now, and start
using it to attract the women of your choice TODAY.

This book is HARDCORE and is not meant to
be taken LITERALLY.  I say this in advance
because when I talk about "women" in the book,
I am referring to the MAJORITY of super attractive
women and in the context of trying to ATTRACT

For the MINORITY of women, for those truly
EXCEPTIONAL quality women who are also
knock-outs, I seriously suggest you get my
latest book, "Get A GREAT Girl". 
So, The Dating Wizard is at:

And "Get A Great Girl" is at:

Here's the thing, though: Until you REALLY understand
how things are when trying to attract MOST hot women,
it can be really tough to TRULY understand which are the
parts that ONLY apply to the quality women, so I seriously
suggest you get BOTH of these books.

Understanding how hard-core you have to be with
MOST hot women helps you even with attracting
the rare, better types of personality while also hot
women, as long as you ALSO understand the particulars
of what attracts these better-personality-while-also-

Till next time,

Michael Marks

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