Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Attract Women With Style, Emotion, And Sexual Security

LOTS of crucial points to cover today,
all immediately relevant when it comes
to approaching and attracting women.


You know, it's AMAZING the power of
style, which includes everything from
the way you dress, your hairstyle,
your clothing, your accessories,
even the way you decorate your room.

But for now, let me focus on how
you actually present your PHYSICAL
self through clothing and accessories.

I find it BIZARRE as heck that guys
will not take ADVANTAGE of the fact that
we are living in a society that ALLOWS
you to dress HOWEVER THE HECK YOU WANT!!!!

I mean, this is CRAZY powerful.
You have no CLUE how powerful.
When I was in these private strict
schools as a kid, they DIDN'T LET US
where what we wanted.

There was a REASON for this, and it's
because they wanted to QUASH independence
of thought, they wanted to QUASH the
POWER of emotion that can be released
through COOL style.

Clothing and your grooming and style is 99%
of what people SEE on you!

You can CONTROL 99% of the visual!

Doesn't it make SENSE to USE this power????

Listen, I'm not telling you to go dress up
as BATMAN, or SPIDER-MAN, but the
fact is that YOU can have the exact
SAME EFFECT psychologically on others
just as in the reality of movies and comic
books, the COSTUME of the hero

Women do this in REALITY all the time!!!!
Have you ever seen the SAME woman
in two different hairstyles, clothing styles,
accessories, boots/shoes, and she looked

I HAVE, and I can swear to you, it's

As a man, you can still be TOTALLY masculine
and learn to use the power of STYLE and clothing
and accessories to do a MULTITUDE of things.

You can use it to enhance the SEXUAL vibe you are oozing.

You can use it to enhance your looks.

You can use it to ooze the vibe that you are
not seeking approval from anyone. You can use
it to ooze PLAYFUL and FUN vibes.

And a lot more, as well.

For me to go into all the details of style
would be beyond the scope of a newsletter,
but AWARENESS is still a huge thing
as well, so you now KNOW this is
CRUCIALLY important.

When you go out shopping, go to AS
POSSIBLE. See what is out there,
and get OUT of your comfortable
rut, if you are in one. If you always
go to the same store and get the same
clothing, then go to TEN TOTALLY
you are normally used to.

And if you feel WEIRD in a different
store/style, first ask yourself if that
is simply because the clothing you
are currently "comfortable" in is
really "you", or is it the "you" that
you have been CONDITIONED to
accept? Does your clothing right now
"fit in" real well to your environment
in a BORING way? How would you
dress if you felt AWESOME? If you
wanted to REFLECT that GREAT vibe

And by the way, this doesn't mean to
OVERDRESS either. And in fact,
there are times when I dress very
casually, when the situation CALLS
for it.

You have to use your head and think
about the environment, and where
you are going, and what the vibe is
there, and who you are going to be
speaking with, and you have to think
about your role in that situation.

There is soooo much more on the topic of
style/clothing/accessories, which of
I cover in depth in my advanced materials,
so for now, let's move on:


Although EVERY ASPECT of success
when it comes to attraction, pick-up,
and powerful emotional connection,
ALL boils down to creating emotions,
including of course the role of clothing
and accessories and style mentioned
above, what I ESPECIALLY am
referring to here is the INITIAL
BLAST you have to make when
STARTING the interaction with
a total stranger.

Although you don't want to SHOCK
a woman or scare her in that first second
you say something to her, so for that
reason it's often good to starting for a brief
instant with something that is impossible
for her to feel weird about, you must
otherwise she will start to THINK.

A woman THINKING is a bad thing,
when it comes to the first few moments

You see, once she starts THINKING
about the whole thing, her CULTURALLY
enforced conditioning kicks in, and that
condition says DO NOT MAKE IT

Even if she wants to get picked up, she feels
she MUST act a little hard to get.
She feels it's her duty as a woman.

However, if she is FEELING GOOD
EMOTIONS, she will not be thinking
very much at all. She can't think of
you BADLY since you are in fact
making her feel GOOD. It's as
simple as that.

You ever have that with a girl?
Where you were a bit pissed at her, and
you wanted to be mad at her, and then
she starts touching you, kissing you, and
you start to forget why you were pissed ;)

Of course, if she did something
REALLY bad to you, you would
not change your mood, but if it was
something small and you know you
have done things too, you WILL forget
and not even care. It's the same thing
here, the woman at first is conditioned
to think that PICK UP IS BAD! But if
deep down, you are making her feel
good, she FORGETS all that crap and
just wants to KEEP GETTING MORE

Most guys when they start an interaction
with a woman they want to pick-up,
the mistake they are making is that
they are coming in to the whole
conversation in a way that allows
the woman to THINK.

Much better to get her LAUGHING.
Laughter is an emotion.

To be honest, I've used all kinds of
emotions besides laughter, and they
all work, from intrigue to shock,
but the thing is LAUGHTER is something
that I think we all need more of, and
ALSO laughter, or even just feeling good,
is in my experienced opinion a fantastic
link to the sexual state. So you don't
need to get a woman laughing hard,
but just feeling good and chuckling
can be just as powerful and sometimes
even more so.

If you COMBINE getting her laughing with
ALSO coming across in a way that oozes
your VALUE and CONFIDENCE, you
are hitting her brain up with FEELING
good and also with FEELING ATTRACTION
to you, which work TOTALLY TOGETHER

This is one reason why PLAYFULLY,
(and NOT maliciously) teasing a girl
is so powerful. It gets her laughing,
and it shows you are not walking
on glass or putting her on a pedestal,
and yet you are in a way treating her
special still, because she instinctively
this is actually a cool guy hitting on her,
so it's kind of a compliment at the
same time to her, because he IS
showing he is interested by this!

In my programs, I explain in depth
exactly how to develop this sense
of humor so that you can come up

And also, remember, ANY powerful
and cool emotion will work. So
for example, if you notice something
about the situation or what the woman
is wearing where you can honestly give
an INTRIGUING perspective that
will get her emotional, it's just
as cool. The only difference is that
you have to make sure to then
shift to sexual state in a few
minutes or you can get stuck
in the opening stage of the
conversation where all you
are is a friend. So you just
let your tonality slow-w-w down
and become more sexual and
"kinesthetic" and your expression
and thoughts actually change. She
instinctively senses all this, and it
helps lead her into this state as well.

And IF during the first couple of minutes
of the interaction, while you are keeping
things FUN and EMOTIONALLY driven,
all the while you are still being MASCULINE,
IF she tries to shut you down with any
comment such as "Are you crazy?" or
"Do you do this to all the girls?" the
SOLUTION is NOT to answer her logically,
the solution is to GET HER FEELING
as opposed to thinking.

If you respond to this kind of thing from
her with a really long-winded answer,
you are only reinforcing her fears.

MOST OF THE TIME, the girl is NOT really
trying to be mean at all when she says
something like, "Do you do this to all
the girls?"

She is simply doing her thing out of reflex
cautious conditioning.

And she has a reflex response to ALL
the "thinking logical answers" you can
give, as she's had lots of practice with
that. What she DOESN'T have is a way to
fight EMOTION. So you can ignore her
statement and just say anything interesting
or funny, or you could answer her statement,
but in a way that gets her LAUGHING.

i.e. She asks:
"Are you crazy?"
Your response, said with a playful smirk:
"What makes you so crazy about guys that are crazy?"

She says:
"Is that a line you use on all the girls?"

Now, in a place like a bookstore, I would give a
direct quick answer, the more brief, the better.

Something like: "Actually, no.  But I was 
interested in learning more about you."

BOOM, end of that, and ON to actually
having a meaningful conversation and
getting to KNOW her. 

Now, if I can also sense that her initial comments
were PLAYFUL, and especially if this was also
in a CLUB atmosphere, I would go playful  as the 

Smiling and oblivious:
"Did you see the two girls fighting outside over
the guy with the pink pants????!! The whole group
looked like a cartoon, the girls were wearing purple
pants with red stripes and they looked like twins!
I do want the orange shirt though."

Give her the full 'movie' experience!
Laughter, intrigue, adrenaline, drama.

You don't have to do this for long, just
enough to blast through any initial moments
of her "cautious alarms".

But the thing is, once you yourself start to
get the hang of this, you suddenly start
to realize that you have been experiencing
the world in dull lifelessness, and that
NOW you are actually enjoying the full
INTENSITY of emotion yourself.
And THIS makes you add so much more
VIBE to EVERYTHING you do, including
even when it's time to go into "a real
conversation". You can actually learn
how to make the rapport and deeper
connection stage of the interaction
MEANINGFUL and emotionally
relevant for both of you in a natural

In other words:
and you adjust these different aspects
of your states much like you might
do with an graphic equalizer on
a stereo, as you the pick-up unfolds.

And to do all this, you CAN'T BE
THINKING TOO MUCH, you instead
must be FEELING, you have to BE
in state. 

The irony of much of this "game" of
attraction is that at first, you have to
think about things to become aware
of what you are doing wrong and to
realize that you have to STOP thinking
so much and to develop new habits
that focus FEELING the vibe and being
in a specific combination of great states.

But again, to pull this off, you have to
BE FEELING, and not focusing on
THINKING.   When I am training
guys live in person, I will give them
feedback and correct things, but
I will also go for long stretches
where I will hold back feedback
until later, because I want a guy
behind him, and he can't do that
if every second I am giving him
logical feedback and he has to
keep on THINKING.

Meanwhile, I am taking careful observation
so when it comes time for feedback, I can
make it as useful as possible.  

So, before you go out to pick-up any
women, definitely, think about what
you should be doing, get the insights,
and have a general game-plan.

But then, once you leave your home
and you are out there chatting to women,
it's time to let that stuff go and let whatever
was absorbed do it's thing, and then SHUT
OFF all thinking and instead focus on
just being in the right STATE. 

And as far as the best ways to do THAT,
that is another huge topic, but for now
just realize that you DON'T WANT
to be there trying to do pick-up while
running a list of things in  your head
that you think you should be doing
for success with this woman, as if you
were a robot.

It doesn't work that way.  

It's important also to FULLY realize
that women are JUST as sexual as
men, the MAIN difference is that
women tend to not be as OVERT
about in the initial interaction and

But you have to REALIZE that
women don't need to be as overt

Now, don't get the wrong idea and
think that every woman is trying
to jump you, but what I AM saying
is that if a woman is being OPEN
to your pick-up, if she is smiling
a lot, if she is TRYING to help
you along and YES, women often
DO try to help you, once you have
attracted them, they will often HELP
you pick them up, by providing
excuses to keep the convo up, by
trying to contribute to the convo, etc.

A lot of this entire thing called "attraction"
happens in a MICROSECOND.
A TON of things are all happening at ONCE.

You need to get all THIS stuff right.
This stuff will go a MASSIVE way to solving
tons of what would otherwise be "issues"
down the process of the "courtship".

And if all that stuff that has to be
done properly in the first INSTANT
and first few moments is NOT done,
then it's usually going to be MASSIVE
work taking very advanced skills to
fix the situation and the guy would
be better off just going to the next
woman and doing it right with HER.
And that might even get the first
woman interested again.

What IS important besides the initial
"attraction burst" is a deep understanding
of the elements of bonding and connection
and rapport. My Warrior Within program is
EXCEPTIONAL for this, and includes MUCH
more as well, and it's at:

The key is to use this deep understanding
and apply it in its own way to each conversation,
as each conversation will be slightly different,
as each woman is slightly different.

Getting back to our point that women are
MASSIVELY sexual beings, you should be
able to read the basic signals- not the
crazy stuff you see out there about
"decoding women's signs of interest in you"
but rather from that look in her eyes, that
smile, that tone in her voice, you can tell
it ALL. It's important that you pick up
on these signals, because women will not
scream it out to you. Of course, once
you get attuned to it, it WILL seem
like she IS screaming it out to you,
figuratively speaking.


I just had to include this as I've seen this
so often at clubs where people have stuff
like bachelorette parties or birthday parties,
etc. Often, groups of friends go out, and
the guy and his girlfriend are out at the
club with their friends. Sometimes, it's
impossible to know who's single and
who's not in these environments, and
who's who's fiancée, etc. It's a social
environment and people are socializing.

Anyway, what I notice often happens,
is that the guy who's the boyfriend/fiancée
or whatever, he comes up to the girl
when he seems some guy chatting to
her, and HE immediately gets all
clingy, kissing her, hugging her,
and basically TOTALLY REACTING
to the idea of some guy chatting to
his girlfriend. Now, I can understand
this, but I can also say that it's totally
the wrong move. The guy is NOT
being natural, he would NOT have
kissed her and acted all huggy, he
simply did it out of sudden insecurity.

I notice that NONE of these times,
does the GIRL inititate the kissing,
hugging, and the sudden clinginess.
This doesn't mean the girl is not
in love with her boyfriend, it doesn't
mean she is a terrible person, but
it DOES mean that she felt no need
for it, whereas HE did. Why?
Because HE is insecure at that point,
not her.

And acting out of insecurity is never cool.
What happens is he actually LOSES
attraction from the girl, PLUS she will
USE this in the future when she wants
to get her way with him. Since she knows
he will "LOVE HER MORE" when he
feels INSECURE, she will know that she
just has to make him insecure and or
jealous and she will get her way.

Much better to instead, come over
and tease her playfully. Tell the guy
who was chatting to her that she is
"such a pain in the ass!". And then,
the best thing after saying this
would be to give her a devilish
look and playfully spank her butt!

THIS says all the right vibes, it
says that you noticed some guy
was talking to her, and that
you came over because you are
"her man", but it ALSO says
that you are SECURE and TOTALLY
confident that she loves you
and values you. And it also
heightens the sexual tension
just the right amount.

THAT will get HER laughing and
shocked at the same time, and is much
more likely to lead to HER getting
all clingy and kissy and huggy lol.

If you've enjoyed what you've just read,
I assure you this is just a GLIMPSE of
a whole other UNIVERSE when it
comes to the skill of attracting the
very best of women.

To learn the deeper levels of sexually and sensually
attracting women who are total strangers, I suggest
you check out my program, The Boomerang Effect, at:

For the ULTIMATE TRAINING in pick-up, sign up

This is the "HANDS-ON" learning experience.

By learning in person, I will IMMEDIATELY
spot where you are going off-track in any way,
from body language to tonality to presentation
and style to rapport and connection, and I will
then with laser beam accuracy help you ZAP
away and ERADICATE all your weaknesses
in your "game". This saves you TIME and
energy from having to learn this part on your

It's all at:

For my most advanced HOME study program on
skyrocketing your success with women, go here:

Till next time,

Michael Marks

P.S. To check out ALL my programs for skyrocketing
your success with women, go here:

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