Sunday, September 4, 2011

A '10' Writes In

Normally I never include letters
from women, they go straight to
the "delete" pile because I figure
that women usually can't relate
to what men go through.

However, I've decided to change
my policy due to recent events.
I recently got a letter from
a woman who clearly has her
act together, and who finds
it damn hard to meet a man
who is as strong as she is
and who won't take her b.s.

Sometimes women unconsciously
test a man to see how STRONG
he is about his own self-esteem,
his own values. This usually
happens in the beginning of
the "courtship". When
a woman sees that you ARE
strong in your values,
and that you won't give
your balls over to a
woman on a silver platter
just to get in bed with
her, you gain NEW FOUND
respect and attraction
from a woman that she
almost NEVER finds in
a man.

And the better the woman,
the MORE this is true,
because she intimidates
men by the very fact she
IS both intelligent and
beautiful and she is not
interested in sleeping
with every guy, for her
self-esteem is far too
strong for that.

Here's the letter:


Dear Michael,

I am a woman in my late 20's.
For year's I was told I was the
most difficult person 'to obtain'
by guys in college etc.

My problem was I was raised by
a corporate litigator who told
me to use my logic above all
else (think of the father in

Combine that with the fact that
tons of guys hit on me. I was
getting exhausted from 'using
my logic' on guys.

(My sophomore year of high school
I told my dad that I thought the
guys were getting a little crazy
and that most other dads stepped
in for their daughters.

My dad said, "What, you can't think?
Please, what do they have that you
can not handle?")

As a result, I decided to handle
the guys myself, and I thought
they were idiots. I was nice, smart,
attractive, independent - and busy,
so why couldn't they just make me
like them?

My confusion actually broke down
some of my confidence for a while
because I could not figure out
the problem. I ended up finding
the answer myself, and then I
sent it to the next guy who
asked me to dinner.

He never called me again.
Too direct?

For now, the guy I am going on
dates with is handling me well,
but I have not told him.

For now, I have just learned to
slow my 'testing' down a little
bit, since I used to toss this
stuff a million-miles an hour
- by accident. (I mistook my
internal logic for external
reality, i.e. I thought he
could see what I was doing
because he thought this way
too. Nope, it's just me.)

How the heck did you figure
this out? I can see a lot of
ways this is important socially.

I am even meeting with some
people at a women's center
this Friday. I mean, the
transformation that is possible
for women who know this is
huge as well.

Not all my friends are up
for the news, though.

Thanks in advance,


P.S. The reason why I worked so
hard to find your work was because
I grew up in a very competitive
setting and went to an even more
competitive college.

The men and women in these
places are attacking each
other like it's World War III,
and then they go off to
Wall Street or Capitol Hill
without first figuring out
how to get what they need.

It scares me to death.
I have seen too much.

I want gender-relations to work.
We need more good people getting
as far ahead as they can. (I know
some women who are beautiful
doctors. This is all they want.
They do not need some twisted
power to get ahead. They used
their own brains to succeed
and happened to be beautiful
and fun.)

I am literally driving to meet
with one of these friends. She
has been racking her brain -
getting so close to this answer."


I figured I'd have some mercy
on you and let you have a real
man's answer since it's so
damn hard to find one in the
world today.

Wow, are guys still asking women
to dinner? I would NEVER do this
for you until I knew you were
worth it.

You should meet my students,
they'd never buy you dinner...

Anyway, regarding how did I learn
this stuff, it all boils down to
learning everything the hard way,
and to realizing that the biggest
thing I was looking for all those
years was not a woman, but....
(get ready for the secret)
I was looking for MYSELF.

Once I found that, I had a
MASSIVE epiphany that unleashed
the power of at least a trillion
atomic bombs inside my brain.

This is yet another reason I try to
steer men away from using pick up
lines, because they are not organic
to a man's actual personality, and
the inconsistency of the words to
the personality not only SHOWS
and looks 'fake', but it also
undermines a man 'inner game'
since he FEELS like he is being

Anyway, the good news for you
is that your clarity on principles
and your self-esteem drives AWAY
all the men who won't stand up
to your "tests" and who are only
prepared to kiss up to you out of
your looks.

Men who have no values greater than
the temporary need to satisfy their
other head. This is pure weakness.

Nothing is sacred, nothing is
spiritual to them. They aren't
prepared to FIGHT for the good
values they believe in.

It's time that good men started
CHAMPIONING their self-esteem
and the values that make life
something more than just the

But since most men aren't like
that, they worship beauty and
they are simply too intimidated
by you. Your dad did a great
thing though, he made you that
rare woman who is strong inside
even when beautiful on the

It may be rare, but the man who
DOES stand up for his own self-esteem
is clearly the rare man you have
been looking for.

Of course, you should send
me pics so I can see for sure
that you're not really some
hairy dude looking for guys
on the net...

Maybe I can find you one of
the men who's been through
my programs...

And if you are reading this
right now, and want to learn
the full picture, the first
thing I suggest is getting
my book "The Dating Wizard"

This book is CRAZY powerful, and
WILL massively improve the results
you get with women, and it will
give you a huge edge against the
'competition' of other men.

To take your results with women to
the ultimate level in the FASTEST
way possible, learn directly from
me, in person, 1-on-1 on real women
in real time, in my REAL WORLD BOOTCAMP.

The bottom line about bootcamp is simple:
You graduate with the skills to EFFECTIVELY
approach and attract women you see anywhere.

So you are not only learning to obliterate
the FEAR, you are also mastering the actual
SKILLS so that you ATTRACT the women you

The feeling of KNOWING you have abundance
with women will EMPOWER you in EVERYTHING
you do in life, not just with women.

The truth is, that having this power, or
LACKING this power with attracting women,
has probably affected the entire human
race since the beginning of civilization-
I personally believe that when men have
their REAL needs satisfied with women,
they tend to care less about violence,
war, and plain old showing off--because
all these things are usually an effort
to try to gain POWER- and that power
is wanted in order to impress WOMEN.

Yes, most of civilization boils down to
men wanting women, in fact even on an
evolutionary level, this is true as well,
our very chemical and psychological
fabric is really the result of wanting
to attract women.

Taking care of this need changes EVERYTHING
for you in life, and makes life more FUN.

It's as if a huge WEIGHT is taken off
your shoulders and you can finally fly.

So get these skills MASTERED, in the most
EFFICIENT way possible, by signing up

Full details are at:


Michael Marks

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