Monday, December 22, 2014

If You Want To Attract A Truly Good Woman, Then You Must Absolutely Know This

When you know what you want in life,
it makes all the difference for actually 
GETTING what you want- not because
of hocus-pocus reasons, but because you

And this is the KEY to getting yourself a
GREAT GIRL – the kind of woman that
you are massively attracted to, and who is
going to treat you RIGHT.

And this is where, more than EVER, I have
a very DIFFERENT message to tell you than
the typical pick up artist or “attract women”

You see, for whatever reason, be it that
they themselves GAVE UP ON FINDING
QUALITY WOMEN, or that they simply
were not INTERESTED in quality women
and were instead just interested in promiscuity,
or possibly they feel that the men who are their
customers are only interested in the superficial
themselves, the bottom line is this:

Most of the popular pick up artist advice
draws its strength from one MAIN source,
and that source is the typical “modern young
woman” who is, for various reasons (including
devious efforts by certain feminists) extremely
LIGHT-HEADED when it comes to thinking
about relationships, family, fidelity, and honor,
and is, instead, quite SERIOUS only about things
such as being promiscuous, and emphasizing
“independence” to the degree that ALL ELSE,
even family, husband, children, are all DISTANT
SECOND thoughts.

In the story of Superman, the main source of his
powers is Earth’s YELLOW SUN. He would not have
his powers under a RED SUN.

Similarly, the power source behind most pick
up artist advice is the fact that so many women
today ARE promiscuous and DON’T want to
think deeply about important things.

Thoughts of ethics, family, virtue, these thoughts
are not on their mind - these thoughts are a whole
GALAXY away from their over-riding thoughts
of  money and sex, and selfishness, traveling, fancy
purses, etc.

If more women DID care about fidelity, family, and the
sacred bond between man and woman, the pick up artist
advice would FAIL. It would turn the “yellow sun” RED.

So pick up artist advice basically DOES AWAY
WITH ALL CONCERN in the conversation regarding
morals, ethics, fidelity, long-term thinking- these things
are actually worse than a red sun, they are like
KRYPTONITE to your attraction power for these
kinds of women.

The red sun just neutralizes Superman's power, but this 
kind of talk will DESTROY your chances with most of 
today's women.

Rather than focus on the big picture, and rather than
focus on fidelity and commitment and the meaning
of a vow, and the meaning of honor,  the focus is all
on the MOMENT, with a thin layering of connection-
more of a VENEER of connection sprinkled into the
conversation- and this is because even the “modern
woman” still wants to feel SOME level of connection
with the boatloads of men she is sleeping with –
in order not to feel “cheap” and so she can sort of
face herself in the mirror in the morning (with one
eye closed and not really thinking too much).

Let me also make it clear that promiscuity is not
the only problem, as it all falls under the general
category of “ME ME ME”- of course this changes
when the women start to get much older and start
to realize that actually the good men won’t have
anything to do with them, and the purely superficial
men aren’t interested in them anymore.

But back to the POWER SOURCE for all the
pick up artist methods – it WORKS because
it DESTROYS all sense of morals and the
meaningful with regards to commitment and
vows. Talking about these kinds of morals is
“kryptonite” for any man trying to attract these
women, because it brings up something very
SCARY for them- the thought that they might
have a rude awakening when they want to settle
down and want to find a good man.


I know this, because there was a time in my life,
before all this pick up artist stuff exploded, where
I was so disillusioned with women, that I TRULY

So I would approach women and STRIP my conversation
of all NICETIES, I was super-direct, I never did favors,
never gave compliments, teased them like crazy, and
they would all seem to think this was TOTALLY NORMAL.

And when I would suggest that they give me their number,
MOST of them DID. And I would BREAK THINGS off
with them for the most INSANELY SMALL reason,
and it only made them CHASE HARDER, it was actually
the WORST way to try to end a relationship.  The best
way to end relationships with women, I thought, because
it worked so well, was to actually start acting NICE to them.

That was a great way to get them bored with me.

Now, there are some good things about this, which
is the basic idea that NO woman is doing you a
FAVOR for going out with you, it’s a MUTUAL
benefit, and women know this, and they are more
attracted to a man who doesn’t feel BENEATH
a woman, they want a man who feels he is totally
WORTH that woman, if not MORE THAN HER.

So the basic attitude of I HAVE VALUE, and not
kissing up, and acting far more MANLY than the lying
feminists would suggest women want, all that is GOOD
STUFF. It’s attractive.  

But the problem is that attitude taken TOO FAR-
like fidelity, not sleeping around, and who believe
there is something special about a man and a woman
making a commitment to each other- a commitment
that goes beyond just the physical, of course, but that
also includes the physical, and that this part reflects
a much deeper sense of honoring each other, and
that this extends to a commitment to their raising
a family together as well.

Fidelity, honor, love, commitment. These things
are not a joke.  They resonate in men and women
on a PRIMAL level, and when people say they
are old fashioned, they indeed are as OLD as
humanity itself and as ETERNAL and as important.

Far more important to the well-being of humanity
than what feminists would have us believe- feminists
would have us believe that men don’t really CARE
about these things, and that women should try to
act like the most promiscuous men, and that women
should push off commitment as long as possible, and
that men are somehow always the bad guys no matter

There ARE some women out there who for some
reason are just DIFFERENT.  They RESISTED
and CONTINUE TO RESIST these forces.

They still want a man to act like a MAN.
They just also want a man who has HONOR.
A man who will treat his bond with a woman
as sacred.

In other words, they want the kind of man that
women have wanted for MILLENNIA.

Perhaps these rare women who still have good
values, who still cherish their femininity, who still
cherish the concept of a man and woman committing
to each other by choice, well perhaps these women
were TAUGHT differently by their parents compared
to most others.

Perhaps these women are CRITICAL THINKERS who
think outside the box and will not do stupid things no
mater HOW MANY other people say it’s cool.

Regardless of HOW it is that these fantastic women
still exist, the fact remains that they DO exist.

And yet, many men would like to believe that no such
women exist, because then it provides a great excuse
for NOT taking action. It’s so much easier to just
complain. It’s so much easier for a person to just
give excuses for why they are doing something
negative or why they are not doing something positive.

Again, the fact is: GOOD WOMEN STILL EXIST.

And, these women are BOMBARDED by the WRONG

Including, you guessed it- the guys brainwashed by
typical “how to get women” advice, that relies on
some tactic that is EXTERNAL to a man’s TRUE
personality or values or beliefs. Basically, men are
But it’s not just THESE men these women are
bombarded by- they are also bombarded by the
men who WORSHIP them just because they are
beautiful. These are men who have never been
taught that just because you FEEL attraction to
a woman DOES NOT MAKE HER the right
woman,  your soul-mate, or anything else.

Seriously, this might sound obvious to you
if you’ve known it for years, or if you learned
it from me years ago, but the bottom line is there
are still tons of men out there who DO in fact
see a beautiful woman, and their first instinct
is to kiss up, open doors for them, offer favors,
give compliments, etc.

And a woman who is looking for a man who is
about more than JUST the superficial finds it
disturbing that the only men she meets are men
who worship beauty and not character at all,
or the men she meets are men who ONLY care
about the physical.

In both cases, it’s not what she is looking for,
and the worst part of all this is that there are
some good men out there who are being led
astray by the wrong advice.

So if you ARE looking for a great woman, a
woman who is just as beautiful in her character
as she is physically, a woman who doesn’t sleep
around, a woman who is wise, you absolutely
SHOULD RESONATE that message to her-
you MUST make it clear that you are a man on
the SAME wavelength, EVEN IF IT MEANS
those other women are BRAINWASHED to
NOT APPRECIATE the right values in men.

This should really be NO SACRIFICE
in your mind at all. The reason is because
WHY ON EARTH would you be bothered
by “losing” the WRONG WOMEN??????

If you feel it IS a sacrifice, then clearly you are
not serious about finding the right woman.

Some men are so desperate, or so brainwashed, or
so weak, that they just can’t say no to any possibility
to any attractive woman.

Now, how MEANINGFUL is it to a QUALITY
woman when such a man promises to love her?


He would do anything for any attractive woman.

It also suggests that since he is so weak, that if
he DID have her, he might very well be tempted
and CHEAT on her if ANOTHER woman gave
him the opportunity.

There is ONE constant when it comes to attracting
ANY woman- and that is believing in yourself with
ZERO APOLOGY for being who you are.

But what makes it REALLY TRAGIC is when
a guy who is a good guy is so DESPERATE that
ends up sending out the message through his words
and his mannerisms, that he is playing “how to get
women game” even though he REALLY just wants

You need to learn the power of saying NO
to the wrong women.

Get out there and meet women.
Start saying NO to the wrong ones.
This will help develop your conviction in
your beliefs regarding quality women.

Don’t try to get “all” the women- or you are
going to be sending off the wrong signals to
the BEST women that would be true CONTENDERS
for being THE woman in your life.

Most pick up artist advice incorporates a degree
of cheapening the sacred element of sexuality
(and this does not mean that sex between a man
and woman can't be wild, it means that it's special
when it isn't something handed out like advertising
flyers to everyone) in order to try to appeal to the
sexual, which is a BASE LEVEL impulse of most
human beings.

Unfortunately, a lot of women in our society actually
RESPOND to this, which is the same reason we have
SKYROCKETING levels of broken relationships,
affairs, infidelity, disappointment and anxiety,
maladjusted children, and a basis sense of men and
women at war with each other when it should be men
and women in harmony with each other and honoring
each other. 

The worst war of all is the war that takes place in your
own most intimate and precious relationships.   


Don’t allow crapola into your life.
First of all, this is the way to be for your own dignity.
Second of all, it is THIS kind of man that a great
woman with great values SEEKS.   

If anything, you should have MORE conviction
in YOUR morals, your values, than MOST MEN
out there approaching women, if you are a man who
REJECTS the majority of pick up artist style advice-
in other words if you want a QUALITY WOMAN
with the right values, that is something to be PROUD
of, not apologetic about.

By the way, on the topic of quality women,
try to observe a woman’s behaviors even before
you approach her. Is she reading a book? Or is
she texting  obsessively? Can you tell what she
is reading? Is it meaningful, or is it vapid?

In general, be WEARY of any traits that suggest she
is a woman who is INVITING ATTENTION,
especially from men.

Just BEING an attractive woman, or any woman, is pretty
much enough to GUARANTEE attention anyway, so a
woman who is actually putting in EXTRA EFFORT to
DRAW MORE ATTENTION, especially if she is attractive,
is giving you a CUE to her level of DANGER as a girlfriend,
wife, etc.

On the other hand, this does not mean to show
DISRESPECT when you approach a woman.

Unless you have strong EVIDENCE to believe otherwise,
you have to leave room for the POSSIBILITY that this
woman in front of you MIGHT be a great woman.

And that means, if you are genuinely looking for
a woman with the right values, that you DO bring
up the topic of morals, fidelity, etc, at some point
in the conversation. You shouldn’t DWELL on
it unless she ALSO decides to go into it deeper,
but YES you SHOULD bring it up.

When it comes to finding women with morals,
go after what you want without apology- if
you don’t SHOW that you AUTHENTICALLY
believe in these morals, then how on earth can
you expect to get the woman that AUTHENTICALLY
believes in them?

If you try to go with the typical pick up artist advice,
and then you ALSO try to throw in some talk of morals,
she’ll think you are either full of it, or that you are weak,
or that you are confused, since you are acting in a
NAMBY PAMBY way regarding these morals.

Remember, a quality woman is investing her SOUL
in the right man, so the LAST THING SHE WANTS
is some screwball in her life who thinks that morals
are not important.

BE CONSISTENT WITH IT- and what I mean is
that if you really understand the reality of a quality woman
with morals, you should NOT expect such a woman to do
CARTWHEELS immediately just because you approached
her in person, or online, or anywhere else.

In fact, it is so RARE for a woman of modesty (and I
mean in her behaviors, not just her clothing, because I
have seen women who dressed modestly who had more
partners than math has numbers) that when she meets
a man on her wavelength, she might not BELIEVE it
or she might start to TREMBLE or get scared because
for the FIRST TIME IN HER LIFE, it’s actually
HAPPENING FOR REAL that she is meeting a
man that is actually her counterpart.

So you have to be cool and realize she might need some
time to soak it all in.  Don’t rush her. Persist, but don’t
apply too much pressure.

There IS a way to be persistent without acting desperate.
For example, let’s say a woman says she is not comfortable
giving you her number, this does NOT mean she is trying
to play some hard-to-get-game.  She may very well be
WEARY of a lot of men out there, ranging from desperate
men who will call her 99 times a day even though she never
said she was interested, to men who are only interested in
the physical.

So you don’t want to DROP such a woman.
And the way you don’t drop her, but at the same time
still don’t show desperation, is to tell her in a masculine
tonality, calm tonality, that you are cool no matter what
happens, even if things don’t work, that you like her, but
that you are man of maturity and experience and you can
move on from her if it doesn’t work out. 

And MEAN it.
Developing yourself internally to be able to
walk away from a woman, without feeling
BITTER, is one of the most powerful things
you can do for yourself.

By the way, the ability to do this comes from
ACCEPTING YOURSELF, which are easy
things to say but so few people really do.

You must realize that no woman is the sum total
of your IDENTITY. You can’t have this attitude
just a tactic to attract women, but it IS attractive
to a woman when she knows you are so strong
as a man that you don’t lose your strength just
because you didn’t get some woman. 

A woman wants to know she is with a man who
is so strong and so confident emotionally, that
he would have STILL been at peace, strong,
and confident, and never be needy for a woman,
even had he NOT met her. And she wants to
know that your moral convictions would not
be sacrificed out of desperation just to get the
approval of some woman. 

So, back to the part above where you are letting
her know you are cool no matter what happens,  
by doing that you are showing that you are persistent,
that you don’t up when something seems right, and
you are encouraging her to give you her phone number,
yet you are also showing that you are not needy for her.

This is also where social intelligence comes in:
If a woman tells you she has had a stalker, it
makes sense that you don’t push too hard too fast.
Assess the evidence- how much effort is she putting
into the conversation? Is she showing you signs of
genuine interest? Yes? Then it’s probably worth it
to have some more patience. 

Also, here’s another important tip- treat EACH
approach, each woman, as an INDIVIDUAL.

Do NOT try to sort all women into COOKIE
CUTTER categories, because this is not some
are trying to sell, it is YOU connecting to HER,
and it is all about the MOST INTIMATE CONNECTION.

You MUST listen to hear for all the nuances of her
personality, her values, her passions, her SOUL.

THIS is the kind of COMMITMENT that will
PAY OFF when you meet the RIGHT woman.

Sure, you can take the COOKIE CUTTER approach
to women, and you will get SOME results, but you
will not get the kind of woman that truly ignites
your soul, and I assure you that cookie cutter
shortcut attitude will not ignite HER soul, either.

I believe that when done right, the connection
between a man and a woman is by FAR the
most POWERFUL driving force in human nature.

So, if you are reading this right now, and would like
to learn how to go about the process of approaching
women so that you don’t BLOW IT with the kind of
woman who is worth more than all the others combined,
you may want to learn from me, because I actually care
about this as much as you do.

In fact, it’s all I’ve been focused on for over twelve YEARS.

There are all kinds of SEMINARS out there on relationships.
Some of them are even made by guys who simultaneously
promote the most superficial connections.
And guess what? When things are WRONG,
they are usually wrong from the BEGINNING.       

The whole FOUNDATION is screwed up.
So the answer to screwed up relationships is not some
SEMINAR BAND-AID for couples.   

When there is a REAL problem, the answer is 
a total RE-HAUL from the ground up.

Meet the RIGHT woman in the FIRST place,
and BE the right kind of MAN IN THE FIRST PLACE.

The right man and the right woman understand what men
and women used to know for thousands of years until
 modern so-called "experts" ranging from feminists to
others belonging to various warped ways of thinking took
over the discussion.

Meet the RIGHT woman in the FIRST place.
Be the RIGHT man.
That way, you have a solid foundation where you
GROW TOGETHER instead of grow APART.

The right foundation with a woman begins with
the very first MOMENT you approach her.

Perhaps you would like to learn through BOOTCAMP.

This is where I show you how to do everything in real
life, on women EVERYWHERE, from supermarkets to
public transit to coffee shops to bookstores and just
about everywhere else as well.

This all takes place in real places, on real women.
This isn’t actors or acting, this is the real thing.

This program is VERY different from typical
BOOTCAMP programs. It’s not about lowering
yourself to common standards, it’s about finding
and attracting the women that would make for
a truly great girlfriend or even “the one”.

Bootcamp is at:

For a full catalog of all my home-study programs,
each one of which has gone through a painstaking
process to ensure you are getting only the BEST
advice, go here:

You will find programs on every aspect of attraction
and dating, from how to approach, to how to get over
approach anxiety, and much, much more.  

For am exclusive, personal consultation with me
on any matter related to attraction or dating, go here:

Till next time,

Michael Marks

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