Meeting women, in general, is easy.
Attracting women, in general, is easy.
I promise you this, and I will show
you the most important elements you
need to know for this in just MINUTES,
and I will show you in this very newsletter.
The TOUGH part is meeting a woman who
actually is strong enough to not have been
corrupted and brainwashed by something
that likes to call itself “feminism”.
And let me make this super clear:
I absolutely believe that women should have
I have NO PROBLEM whatsoever with a woman
What I am NOT for, however, is the DENIAL
And make no mistake about it, feminism, mixed with
human greed, has warped into one the most destructive
forces today, a force that destroys families, relationships,
children, adults, and as a result even affects the strength
of entire countries and nations as well.
Now, let’s think to ourselves:
One of the big things that feminism fought for, supposedly,
was for women to NOT be perceived as just physical objects,
And yet, have we PROGRESSED in that regard since
feminism started? Or have we DEVOLVED?
In fact, I often hear feminists touting how women using
their bodies in the media to make themselves rich or
successful financially is a CELEBRATION of feminism.
After all, the argument goes, women have the right
to do whatever they want, and if they want to behave
this way, then the whole point is to LET them!
YAY! This is what feminists fought for!! Yay!
(This is sarcasm, by the way.)
Often, feminists like to say that men CONTROLLED
women for THOUSANDS of years.
The problem though, is that most men had very
LITTLE power throughout history. So unless
you were a KING, or a DUKE, or something like
that, you probably had very LITTLE power,
and you were competing with other men just
for a loaf of BREAD for you and your family.
So let’s get rid of this FALSE vision of these
The concept of having a VOTE is a rather new
idea in terms of human history, and most men
NEVER had such a thing until recently in human
Plus, let us not forget that it was the MEN who
fought and died in battle.
And also, there was
probably an inherent moral compass that let
men know it was WRONG to mistreat a woman,
and there were probably good men and evil men
throughout history, just like today.
But let me get to something more DIRECTLY
related to feminism and how it has perverted
the moral compass.
Throughout history, women were the GATEKEEPERS
of sexual morality.
Women, by nature, tend to want FEWER PARTNERS
than men, but women want partners who they can
see a FUTURE with (although there is also evidence
that to a degree, women have an inherent subconscious
drive to partner with men who may not be good providers
but who will bear healthy children- and yet even with this,
women still desire far fewer partners than men desire).
women still desire far fewer partners than men desire).
The result of women being "the gatekeepers" was that
men were motivated to BEHAVE BETTER AND
OF BEHAVIORS that women desired in men.
men were motivated to BEHAVE BETTER AND
OF BEHAVIORS that women desired in men.
So there was a society where men in general were
actually becoming BETTER MEN as a result of
women’s natures.
But today, we have FLIPPED IT ALL ON ITS HEAD.
Feminists have told women for so many years that
they should BE just like men! In fact, many feminists
celebrate not just women being like men, but women
behaving like the absolute WORST examples of men!
Many feminists are subtly encouraging women to
feel that they are not truly EQUAL and FREE unless
women FORCE THEMSELVES to actually emulate
celebrate not just women being like men, but women
behaving like the absolute WORST examples of men!
Many feminists are subtly encouraging women to
feel that they are not truly EQUAL and FREE unless
women FORCE THEMSELVES to actually emulate
Now, take THAT reality, in a world where many men
Especially when you consider that as a man, there isn't
much ELSE to opt for except the physical when it comes
to meeting women, unless you are the kind of man that
truly has the inner strength to persist until he finds a woman
worthy of his trust and his dedication.
Getting that kind of woman is the whole purpose
of Get A Great Girl.
The truth is, it’s not only STDs and STIs that are
resulting from all this. (Which by the way, are SO
HIGH IN NUMBER that medical professionals
have been forced to focus their awareness programs
on only the BIG STDs and STIs as otherwise, the fear
is that if they actually tried to EDUCATE people
about ALL the stis and stds, the doctors are afraid
people would just IGNORE THEM completely
since people would feel too “inconvenienced and
bothered” by all the precautions that the doctors
would suggest people take.)
would suggest people take.)
So, beyond the physical consequences, is the fact
that typical young women are having DOZENS
of partners! Yes, if
you are a man reading this
and are shocked by that number, you can read it
again- you ARE reading correctly.
Now, what feminists ALSO tell women is that
and any man that doesn’t like this, is OLD
But guess what?
The FACT REMAINS that no matter what the
feminists SAY, they can’t CHANGE THE ACTUAL
And by DNA, men are HARDWIRED to actually
NOT want to commit to any promiscuous woman.
In fact, a man is not all that hardwired to commit
for long to any woman, but a man is not REPULSED
by the idea either, a man is ABLE to commit AND to
bond IF the woman does attract him AND if she seems
to be the kind of
woman that is NOT promiscuous and
that would be a good partner and mother in general.
So when a woman says that a man who cares about
these things is OLD FASHIONED, what that woman
doesn’t understand is that it is far OLDER than
it is as PRIMAL and OLD as HUMAN CIVILIZATION itself.
It is part of our DNA.
In the same way that women, for example,
tend to like SECURITY, and will marry
a man who they feel brings SECURITY
to the future of her and her family, so too
MEN like FIDELITY in a woman.
It would be like men saying to women that want
security that such women are OLD FASHIONED
AND evil and controlling and superficial and
Asking a man to “not be old fashioned” and to
BETRAYED HIM, IS asking a man to GO
would be like expecting WOMEN to not
care about things like SECURITY.
And yet, for THOUSANDS OF YEARS, humanity
knew all these truths. Today, even men have been
affected by feminism, they are confused as to what
is what, since they want to do the right thing and
they keep on hearing that the right thing is to
support this thing that is destroying the fabric
of society.
It’s only in RECENT TIMES that humanity has
become IGNORANT.
And so what we have today is a society where
little girls start out INNOCENT. They are also
told to become EDUCATED.
So far, so good, it’s all GREAT.
But then they also get BOMBARDED by endless
messages both direct and indirect, that it’s GOOD
to be promiscuous, that it’s GOOD to be debased
and to emulate the WORST kinds of men, and
that it’s GOOD to use sexuality as a kind of
EXPERIMENT with men and even with
women, that sex exists primarily for selfish
reasons, and that it should be used to get one
AHEAD, and also there is no warning attached
that this power all comes to an end rather early,
AND there is no warning that tells them that a good
man will NOT commit to such a woman.
And the man that does not commit to such a woman,
is not doing it out of SPITE, out of jealousy, out of control,
is not doing it out of SPITE, out of jealousy, out of control,
he is doing it because he is NOT ATTRACTED and
rather is REPULSED.
rather is REPULSED.
It is DNA.
And it makes SENSE.
If you haven’t already, I implore you to read the
following two books: The Red Queen by Matt
Ridley, and The
Mating Mind: How Sexual
Choice Shaped the
Evolution of Human Nature,
by Geoffrey Miller.
You will get the full picture
on what I am about
to say:
In a nutshell, for
most of human history, it was
for men to know if for sure
THEY were the
fathers of their own children.
So, two things happened as a result, in terms of
evolution. One, men adapted to want to mate
with MORE PARTNERS, to increase the chances
that they would have SOME children of their own.
Second, men evolved to feel REPULSION for
women that were promiscuous or even FAINTLY
SEEMED to be untrustworthy in this regard.
A man needed to know if he was going to die
with NO TRACE OF HIS DNA left through
a child of his own.
From an evolutionary perspective, REPRODUCING
The joy of physical relations is just a trick
nature plays on us to MOTIVATE us to
get to it, and to STICK AROUND long
enough to raise the children together.
Unlike other species, humans invest a great
deal of TIME into raising their young, their
young are not prepared for life when they
exit the womb. Most
other species are ready
for life in far, FAR less time.
Humans are not born ready, they NEED help.
So attraction helps BOND the male and female.
than supposedly modern thinking.
Marriage is not sacred because it sounds nice to
say so, it’s REALLY about the very SURVIVAL
of the human race.
Human babies need parents
who are COMMITTED to them and to each other.
This is why THE MARRIAGE VOWS are not
just romantic hogwash, they are actually something
That’s why they have existed for thousands of years
and still evoke powerful emotions in humans till this
Evolution doesn’t care about feminism or anything
else except what helps reproductive success.
And a strong COMMITMENT helps ensure the
children, i.e. the DNA legacy of the parents, will
Now, imagine all THAT, and a man possibly doing
all that COMMITMENT for NOTHING, for raising
ANOTHER MAN’S CHILD, raising the child of a
man that impregnated HIS wife!
Forget the personal side of things here, it means
EXTINCTION for his DNA for eternity.
We as men EVOLVED to not exactly LIKE this.
If we DID like it, if we did easily tolerate it, would
result in men being their own worst enemies in
a very EXISTENTIAL sense, the wiping out of
their own chance to have a DNA legacy!
So, when a man suspects that a woman might be
a total waste of his time in this sense, it INSTINCTIVELY
So, if there is a serious chance that a woman
might be a TOTAL WASTE OF TIME in this
sense, it’s NO WONDER that men evolved to
rank promiscuous women as the lowest on the
totem pole.
In fact, so powerful is this, that even OTHER
WOMEN will tend to stay away from such
women, (so as not to be grouped along with
these women and thus be rejected by men)
which is why we have a REAL PROBLEM
on our hands, since so many women are promiscuous,
they have this SECRET SIDE to themselves which
in reality is not such a secret to any man on the
And this leads me to the first part of the newsletter,
which was all about how easy it is to meet and
attract women. The
only problem is that you
probably don’t really want to meet and attract
MOST women, and once you have met and
attracted a few women, you will start to
understand what I mean, which is why I
focus not on how to get women, but how
to get a rare woman who has not been
For those men, however, who DO genuinely
JUST want the physical, feminism has made it
OBSCENELY EASY for these men.
Which is ironic, of course, because it means that
the most feminist-brainwashed women will tend to
attract the most emotionally uncaring men on the
Unfortunately, many (not all) women are ALREADY
PROGRAMMED to DESTROY any relationship they
are in with any man who IS sincere about a long-term
They will do things that feminism has taught them
are GOOD, like being promiscuous, like flirting with
other men, like putting themselves CONSTANTLY
ahead of anything else, including even the idea of
having a family or even the family you both share,
like having so called “platonic friends” that are guys
who they constantly hang out with in private and that
you have never met, (although honestly it makes little
difference even if you have).
So, there’s a good chance that she is either single
or about to be single or wants to be single since
“her man doesn’t appreciate her” which really means
her man won’t accept her behavior.
So that should remove your worries of the
APPROACH. You SHOULD approach.
Also, to lessen your fear of approach even more,
just realize that she’s probably been with SEVERAL
guys already, and she is NOT going to freak out
when YOU approach her, she’s pretty CALM when
it comes to men. She’s pretty RELAXED when it
comes to her SUCCESS RATE in GETTING men,
although not in KEEPING a man.
So since SHE’S going to be all relaxed and cool
about it, why not YOU as well?
A lot of guys THINK it’s crazy to approach women,
but if men just knew how INSANELY COMFORTABLE
WOMEN ARE WITH MEN, men would stop fearing
the approach.
Stop thinking of women as the women on LITTLE
HOUSE ON THE PRARIE, and start thinking of
your typical attractive woman as the SHE-HULK.
Don’t SOFTEN UP, but rather approach LIKE A MAN.
Don’t swallow your words. Imagine you’re talking to
someone who is not ONE DROP “scared” of a man
approaching her.
worried about not coming across as a psycho, due to
the endless reports on the news about psycho men,
that men end up approaching women as if the women
are made from PERFECT
And the more CASUAL the approach, the
more it’s framed as something as normal
as breathing, drinking a glass of water, or
asking for the time or anything else normal,
the better.
In other words, the less of a BIG DEAL you
make the whole approach, the more likely it
will go well.
The LESS you try to emphasize how much
you are going to respect her and treat her well,
After all, feminism has brainwashed most women
into thinking that the WORST THING ON EARTH
is to get into something SERIOUS and long term
with any man.
Much better to joke around with a woman, for
example, about how you think she would make
a terrible girlfriend since she is reading a book
on where to travel instead of a book on how to cook!
Seriously, if you see a woman reading a book
on how to travel, and you joked with her that
clearly she would not be a good girlfriend since
she is reading that instead of a book on how
to cook, she would likely LAUGH and be
MORE RECEPTIVE than if you gave her
some serious approach about how you are
some sincere guy who is looking for the right
After all, now she is thinking that you are clearly
not looking for anything serious right now, which
takes all that pressure off, a pressure to possibly
be a decent wife or girlfriend or mother or all the
above. You know, all
those things that feminism
thinks are horrible forms of slavery to men.
And the irony of this, is that the LESS SERIOUS
you take the approach, the MORE SERIOUSLY
she will actually think of wanting YOU as her
ONE AND ONLY, although this of course won’t
work out long term since it ultimately will conflict
with the other feminist brainwashed attitudes she
lives by unconsciously.
Don’t make the approach serious, and also, as
you start to discover the fact that she is in tons
of contact with endless guy she claims are all
“platonic friends”, don’t judge her. Pretend it’s
all cool. This is the
advice ONLY if you don’t
care about what kind of woman you are attracting.
Right now, there is a popular video and song out,
that really illustrates what I am talking about.
It’s called ‘Habits
(Stay High)’ by a singer named
Tove Lo. In a nutshell, the video shows this young
woman about 27 years
old, who is feeling the darkness after
the end of her
relationship with some guy.
Now, there was once
a time that after breaking up
with someone, one
did a little soul-searching, a little
reflection, took
some time to possibly get into some
healthy hobbies to
give their mind a healthy outlet
and a healthy escape
from the hard emotions that
come with a breakup.
Thanks to feminism,
however, women can now benefit
from a far wiser,
more effective method (I’m being
sarcastic in case
it’s not clear) to deal with this issue-
they can do what
this woman does in this video-
she goes to lots of clubs, drinks heavily, makes
she goes to lots of clubs, drinks heavily, makes
out with a ton of
men, and a ton of women.
Is this video
unpopular? Nope, it’s very popular.
It’s been viewed
close to 60 MILLION times.
The worst part about
it all is that the singer is
actually TALENTED,
she performs it all in
a way that is very
convincing, making it all the
more problematic and
glamorizing it all the more.
What it does
simultaneously is make it seem like
she is a victim,
since she has to deal with a break-up,
and as a result of
course she has no strength to deal
with it in any other
way. It was SO BAD, we should
HER, since after all it was so
bad that she had to
drop to such degradation. So,
ultimately, it
glorifies her pain.
And will this help
her learn from her mistake?
Or will she likely
end up meeting yet ANOTHER
guy this way, that
will again probably not work out,
and will probably
lead to yet MORE of this?
Now, excuse me if
I’m reaching here, but can
one imagine all this
happening without feminism?
I don’t think it’s
honest to say that feminism has
NO connection to all
For thousands of
years, it was the role of women to
be the GATEKEEPERS of morality between men
and women, and men
and women were all the
BETTER for it.
Now, however, it’s a
morally, as women
reward the most sleazy men and
punish any good man
by calling his values OLD-FASHIONED
The only men who
truly DON’T CARE about
a woman’s
promiscuity and light-hearted attitude
toward family values
are those men who have
NO DESIRE whatsoever
to stick AROUND
after getting
It is these men who
will ENCOURAGE a woman
to “be free” in this
and all for very
selfish purposes that have nothing
to do with actually
giving a damn about women.
Also, regarding
women making out with other
women, I’ve spoken
with women who are TRULY
gay, and they’ve
told me they are actually offended
by straight women
who make out with women in clubs
just for novelty’s
sake, because it makes a mockery
of the whole
Most men have always known what decent morals are.
Most men have always known that relationships require
kindness, honesty, encouragement, and generosity of spirit.
So what did men learn from feminism?
One thing men are learning is that they will be
called old-fashioned for appealing to any values
that actually MATTER in a relationship.
One thing men are learning is that they will be
called old-fashioned for appealing to any values
that actually MATTER in a relationship.
Feminism keeps on trying to encourage women
to be more like men, and for men to be more like
Yet, study after study shows that men and women
are different in infinite ways, including in what
they find attractive in the opposite gender.
For example, men find women who SMILE to be
more attractive than women of similar appearance
who do NOT smile.
are different in infinite ways, including in what
they find attractive in the opposite gender.
For example, men find women who SMILE to be
more attractive than women of similar appearance
who do NOT smile.
And, studies also show that women find men who
DON’T smile to be more attractive than similar men
when they do smile.
This is not to say that men shouldn’t be happy or smile,
it just means that men would be WRONG to try to go
against what men have known for GENERATIONS-
that a manly man doesn’t go around SMILING as a
way to attract women.
Does BOND smile at women?
Do EASTWOOD’S characters smile at women?
Does HAN SOLO smile at women?
Does anyone, male or female, in their right MINDS
actually think that women would find BOND to be
a SEXIER character if he SMILED all the time??
This is why I wrote in my very FIRST book
ATTRACT WOMEN, we’ve just been
BRAINWASHED to the point that we’ve
REPRESSED what actually WORKS,
we’ve REPRESSED the things that come
NATURALLY to us as men and that actually
WORK to attract women!
What is also amazing is how no matter how
OBVIOUS the reality is, no matter how much
EVIDENCE is put in front of MOST women,
it won’t change them one bit, because feminism
has lodged its brainwashing power in far too
deep in most women’s minds.
So, for example, the CONSTANT barrage of
stories in the news about male celebrities, athletes,
and politicians who cheat on their wives and girlfriends
and who amass TONS of women as partners, ALL this
points to the fact that men are naturally into having
as many women as they can possibly get.
This is NOT to defend these men who cheat.
Cheating is cheating.
My point is simply to show that there are so many
men who want to have so many partners that we
must acknowledge that men are more polygamous
than women by a factor of about THREE.
By the way, it’s actually much GREATER than this
number in most societies.
Yet, at the same time, we ALSO see many men
Yet, at the same time, we ALSO see many men
who are PERFECTLY faithful.
But these men
who are faithful are usually not just faithful to
anyone, they are usually faithful to some amazing
woman who is unlike the vast majority of women
out there today.
So, women should put two and two together and
realize that a man can commit and be totally faithful;
he just ain’t going to do it for the wrong woman.
(Some men don’t even do it for the right woman.)
It used to be that a woman VALUED a man’s loyalty.
No longer is this truly the case, relatively speaking.
If it were, women would be far more careful about
who they dated.
Which brings me back round to the very beginning
of the article- finding a GREAT WOMAN, a woman
with the right VALUES and MORALS.
There still are, a few really AWESOME women around.
Women who have not been brainwashed by feminism.
Women who actually have a FAR HIGHER LEVEL
of respect for themselves, for reality, and for HUMANS,
not just men and not just women, than most feminists do.
But you have to look HARD for these women.
And you have to SCREEN HARD, you can’t
waste precious time on the wrong women, or
you will never have the time and energy it takes
to meet the RIGHT WOMAN.
You will notice that these women show you a
much HIGHER level of respect from the get-go,
and also they tend to NOT get physical as quickly
as most feminists do.
These women aren’t interested in you being rich.
They just want to make sure that you aren’t lazy.
These women don’t find it funny when you treat
the whole dating process as a complete joke, because
it’s not a joke to them- they genuinely are looking for
the right kind of person, the right kind morals, etc.
These women understand that attraction IS important,
but it’s not MORE important than character and morals.
Attracting these women is a far more NATURAL
process. You get to
be a man, you don’t have to
apologize for it. And
they enjoy being women,
they don’t want YOU to be a woman. They
WANT you to be a man, and they won’t confuse
you about that. They
appreciate respect and
they GIVE respect.
But it isn’t EASY for these women, they are
living in a CRAZY world, so the LAST thing
they need in their lives, and the last thing you
want to be, is a man who HIMSELF is confused
or weak on these issues.
You can’t be in two opposite places at once.
You have to make a decision what kind of
woman you want and what kind of path you
are going to take.
If you want the kind of woman that will
respect you as a man, and who will honor you
by not engaging in endless questionable behaviors,
then you must make it clear to her that you are not
like most men out there who are confused.
Once you get a chance to see HER personality
and her values (which you do by simply letting
her talk about anything, while you observe and
listen for all the clues she gives about herself),
and you determine she indeed IS a woman
who is what you’re looking for, then don’t waste time-
let her know your thoughts on these issues of
fidelity, trust, promiscuity, etc.
The RIGHT WOMEN absolutely need to know this,
and of course they will need further discussion to
verify if this is all true about you, but it is important
that once you determine she IS right for you,
you let her know what you are all about.
You see, many men are so confused and embittered
by bad experiences with women, that they end up
screwing things up when they DO meet a great
woman. They go only HALF-WAY in showing
their commitment to these morals, and they try
to increase their odds by also trying to appeal
to the kind of things that promiscuous women
like. The problem is those things will REPEL
the RIGHT kind of woman.
You can’t be in two different places at once.
You have to choose your path wisely.
One last thing- getting a great woman does
not mean relying on her character as a method
of her being ATTRACTED to you.
Her character may be AMAZING, but it’s
not an excuse for a man to be emotionally lazy.
You STILL have to be the MAN, you still
have to exude confidence, you still have to
be a LEADER.
And if you are reading this right now, and
want to know the next step on YOUR path
in this area, here’s what I suggest:
Read these two books:
1. The Dating Wizard.
2. Get A Great Girl.
The Dating Wizard is about opening your eyes
to REALITY, to what women TRULY respond
to on a VISCERAL level in men, as opposed to
the hogwash you’ve been told to believe in since
Get A Great Girl is about how to BALANCE
the VISCERAL appeal you will generate from
The Dating Wizard with the need to also CONNECT.
As powerful as ATTRACTION is, a relationship
also requires a supreme connection if it is going
to last, a connection that goes beyond just the
initial animal attraction. If you want to get and
keep a truly great girlfriend or wife, you NEED
to read this book as well.
Here’s where to get these books:
The Dating Wizard:
Get A Great Girl:
After these two books, there is also an entire
CATALOG of special programs I have
created that specialize in VITAL AREAS
for improving your results in meeting,
attracting, and keeping a fantastic woman.
Check out all these programs here:
If you want to go "to the max", I also have
two specialized services where I offer you
live, personalized, one-on-one coaching:
The first is my one-on-one, private, in-person
coaching services, which allows me to personalize
my coaching for you directly and allows us to speak
in real time.
This service is also available with all the same
options as a phone coaching service, if this is
more convenient for you.
my coaching for you directly and allows us to speak
in real time.
This service is also available with all the same
options as a phone coaching service, if this is
more convenient for you.
In-Person and Phone Coaching is at:
Finally, for the last step of your training,
I also do private live bootcamps where I coach
you in person on how to to meet women and how
to do the actual approaches on women who are
total strangers. You can learn how this all works
by having it demonstrated in front of your own
eyes, and then practicing it yourself as I coach you.
to do the actual approaches on women who are
total strangers. You can learn how this all works
by having it demonstrated in front of your own
eyes, and then practicing it yourself as I coach you.
Bootcamp is at:
Till next time,
Michael Marks
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