Monday, December 22, 2014

The Most Important Thing To Know About Women In Our Feminist Societies

There is a REASON that in the past decade
there has been an EXPLOSION in growth
when it comes to organizations and companies
devoted to helping MEN with women.

There is a REASON this did not exist as
little as just a couple of decades ago.       

The REASON is because it wasn’t nearly

So, for example, in addition to pick up artists,
there is a powerful movement called M.G.T.O.W.
which stands for Men Go Their Own Way, and
it exists in several countries and is only going to
expand with time.

Now, when you have ALL KINDS of men, TONS
of men, from all over the WORLD, that are finding
it almost IMPOSSIBLE to find success with women
in either dating or relationships, and the NEED for
these organizations and companies, including mine,
is OBVIOUS, it is INSANE to ignore it all as just
some aberration.

The reason for this situation is pretty SIMPLE:

Due to feminism, most women will hold off serious
commitment to any man and will instead engage in
until their biological clocks are about to time out- and 
some women will continue these quasi-relationships
with other men till their last days on Earth.  

I call these questionable relationships, because while in the
relationship, these women are still flirting with other
guys on the side, still keeping  an eye out for the BBD,
(bigger better deal), and often actually cheating as
well, although it can hardly be called cheating
because any guy with a smidgeon of common sense
should see it coming from a universe away.

Now, in a FEMINIST society, (not a healthy society),
the most powerful pick up artist is either a man
who has given up on women from an EMOTIONAL
(not physical) standpoint, or a man who truly
FEELS ZERO emotion for women besides lust. 

He has no love, no empathy, no feeling of bonding.
No desire for a meaningful connection.
And guess what?

These pick up artists, who are the supposed
enemy of feminists, are actually the PERFECT
BAIT for feminist women, because these guys
ENCOURAGE the women to not be serious!

They will tell a woman EXACTLY what she
wants to hear, they will encourage a woman
to just do whatever she wants with any guy,
because they don’t CARE about the long term,
they just want to have sex with them.

And OF COURSE, this ultimately DOES get
the woman enticed, since these men seem so
“non-controlling”, and then these women fall in
love quite often with these men, only to have
their hearts broken, boo hoo, when the guy is
doing the exact same thing to a dozen other

So feminists actually ATTRACT the very men
they think are “scum”, and feminists REPEL
the very men who actually WANT to treat women
and relationships with RESPECT.

Similarly, PICK UP ARTIST tactics ATTRACT

The power of feminism is EXTREMELY PERVASIVE.

It makes good men feel GUILTY for their NATURAL
desire for women, and it makes good men act TOO
NICE AND APOLOGETIC as if they somehow are
responsible for every non-perfect action taken by
any man at any time in history.  

So, again, the only men who are going to MATE
with these women are the very men who are going
to actually end up REINFORCING what feminists
like to promote- that guys are cheating on them,
and that’s because the ONLY guys who are willing
to be with most of today’s attractive women are
guys that are smart enough to NOT INVEST AN

THAT is what is attractive to most women,
because it allows women to be FREE.

The only thing, though, is that once the women
are free, and the men don’t care what the women
do with whoever, suddenly these women then
WANT these men, but the fact is, if these men
CHANGE and become SERIOUS, suddenly
the women will REVERT back to wanting to
have their cake and eat it too.

This is the damn truth.
I’ve been around to several major cities in the world.
I’ve been in this field for over 12 YEARS.

And I’ve seen how it doesn’t matter how RICH
a guy is, it doesn’t matter how SMART a guy
is, it doesn’t matter how GOOD LOOKING
a guy is, it’s all USELESS when it comes to
actually getting RESPECT from any woman
who has been lapping up the feminist Kool-Aid.

I’m not saying that you should NOT do your
best in these areas: By all means, please do
your best to earn a decent income, to get in
shape, to be educated- all good stuff.

It just DOESN’T solve the REAL issue.
You should do those things for YOURSELF,
but not because it will solve the main issue
with women.  Do those things because they

They just don’t deal with the consequences
of feminism on women.

And by the way, I don’t mean some formal
definition of feminism, I’m talking about the
CULTURE created by decades of feminism.

It’s really a tragedy because the obvious becomes
impossible to see when you are brainwashed, but
has anybody noticed something about the
in our society?

I’m not talking about TERRORISM, I’m talking
about young men who specifically mention their
anxiety and alienation when it comes to women,
who then go BERZERK.

Has anyone noticed the common thread to these
events? They are young men feeling tormented
when it comes to having any success with women.   


What I am saying is that there is a SPECTRUM,
and MOST people, including most MEN, would
NOT commit these acts of violence- however it
is an INDICATION that probably MOST YOUNG
way their lives are going.  

We should not be so quick to say “Oh well, that
was the action of some INSANE person, and
everyone else is doing just FINE.”

When man after man after man shows the SAME
traits- men who are young, and not getting success
with women, are going BERZERK, we should

We should not be so quick to make ourselves feel
so good that these were just the actions of some
“crazy” and that really our society is doing FINE

If feminists gave a damn about TRUTH, they would
wake up too. Let’s hear a news story about how
MOST MEN are actually feeling about their
dating and relationships and success with women.

If you listen to a lot of news reports, you would
think all men are rapists. The news basically tells us
the AFTERMATH stories, but never examines the
more complex issues, because that might ruffle some
feminist feathers.

So while those on the EXTREME ENDS of the
spectrum will be driven to VIOLENCE as a result
of heartache at the hands of women, the rest of
mankind is not committing violence, but many
of them are BURNING in pain.

It’s important to ACKNOWLEDGE the facts:
Young men are typically experiencing two
emotions very intensely, LUST and AGGRESSION.

This is why we have SPORTS, it is a HEALTHY
outlet for men. 

And, for THOUSANDS of years, we had EARLY
MARRIAGE.  Society KNEW that most young men
needed to have SEX with women, and that DENYING
this was a prescription for disaster.  Also, it was important
to have children for many reasons, ranging from needing
them to work the land, to helping to ensure support for
the parents in their older years, to religious reasons, etc,

There was also a lot of PHYSICAL work to do,
plus survival was always a battle, and defense
was never easy, so the AGGRESSION part of
man’s nature was satisfied as well.

The truth is that men actually want to have MANY
female partners, but with the RIGHT woman, most
men are willing to make a trade-off and to make the
DECISION to be monogamous and to GROW in love
with the right woman.

Thanks to feminism, though, there is, in many men’s
minds, no OPTION for the “right woman” since the
right woman seems to NOT EXIST.

In fact, the very LUST that men have only gives
attractive young women TOO MUCH POWER,
it CORRUPTS them COMPLETELY, because
these women can’t TURN DOWN THE ATTENTION:

Imagine if you KNEW that every time you just
made EYE CONTACT with a person, ANY person,
that person would give you MONEY.    

Could you STOP at just one?
Two? Three? Four? Five? Five hundred?

IT NEVER STOPS, and in fact, the more you
GET, the more you CRAVE.

THIS is why most young women are simply NOT
going to be FREE from corruption if they grew up
in most typical western societies where feminism
HIJACKED the moral code and replaced it with
a perversion.

So OF COURSE, any man who REALIZES this, or
THINKS this, is not going to be MOTIVATED to
COMMIT to any woman unless he is a truly

The real reason that pick up artists are thriving
now is because feminists give men no choice-
it’s the only way to go IF you pursue women
from these societies.

So that brings me to the final part of my message,
which is how to get yourself a GREAT woman
who has not been brainwashed by this evil.

This is a huge topic, and there are a few ways,
but the QUICKEST and most EFFICIENT way
is to find a woman who has NOT been brainwashed
by feminism, and the only way to ensure THAT is
to get a woman from a country where feminism never
got entrenched to BEGIN with.

ALSO, it is important that she GREW UP there.
If she was born there, but grew up here, FORGET IT.

The other choice you have is to SCREEN LIKE CRAZY,
from the women you meet. So there are still some
women who grew up with fathers or mothers or both
that didn’t let feminist insanity into the house, and
who shielded them from the insanity during the formative

Please, please, PLEASE believe me when I say that
I have NO INTEREST in subjugating women; I think
women SHOULD have ALL THE RIGHTS, but I
RELATIONSHIPS, which is EXACTLY what happens
to 99.99999999999999999999999999999999999999
percent of men in relationships with typical women
from societies where feminism destroyed the morals.

What is SO tragic about all this, is that it all
started with a few philosophical men who
genuinely wanted to HELP women have
equality, but this movement was HIJACKED
into something that ended up wanting to
actually make men INFERIOR to women
in terms of power and status and dignity.

It’s also crazy how you can’t criticize this without
being labeled a fanatic. When I was in university,
there was (and probably still is) actually a feminist
group on campus that FORBADE men from coming
to ANY meeting, EVER.

Can you imagine if any other organization on
campus created such a rule? It would be called
DISCRIMINATORY, and if it was a MEN’S
GROUP, it would be called CHAUVINIST.

I want to also warn you, that you CAN’T judge
a woman just by her WORDS.  You MUST
check out her ACTIONS.

Many women can activate tears like a faucet
pours water.  She can seem sad, she can
seem happy.  She can tell you how faithful
she is, she can talk to you for ten hours
straight about how hard she has been trying
to find a man who is faithful, and how happy
she is to have met you, and then the very next
day be out with some other guy she just met
seconds after talking to you.

Again, think of the money example I gave
above- she can’t help it, it’s too hard to resist.

Also, think about what I have to gain from
writing this- nothing. I would gain far more from
telling you how wonderful everything can
be, then all you have to do is take one of my
tips and instantly you have a wonderful life
with a great woman.

But I DO CARE about truth, and I also feel
I owe it to the FEW women on this planet
who ARE keeping the faith, who are keeping
the torch alive.  These women WANT YOU
to know the TRUTH about most women,
so that you will fully APPRECIATE the
RIGHT woman.

In closing, let me say that I salute all the mens’
organizations in the world that truly seek not to
hurt women, but to create a world where women
respect good men just as much as those men respect
good women. We should all unite to make ourselves
stronger than ever.

If you are serious about solving the “woman” issue
in your life, it might be the best thing to arrange a
personal consultation with me that will allow me to
figure out exactly what is the best solution for you.

Consultations are at:

And by the way, if you DO decide to ignore my
advice and just date women in general without
really sifting through them, I urge you to read my
book THE DATING WIZARD- it is absolutely REQUIRED
reading for SURVIVAL with 99.99999 percent of
women in feminist societies.

You won’t need this book for the exceptional women,
(for those women, read my book called Get A Great Girl)
but you will need it for all the rest, should you for
some reason decide to date them anyway.  

It’s at:

Till next time,

Michael Marks

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