In a nutshell, feminists have succeeded in brainwashing men to a large degree, AND they have brainwashed many women as well.
Now don't get me wrong. On the surface, feminism SOUNDS great. It sounds like it's just about wanting equality for women.
But in PRACTICE, feminist leaders are promoting an agenda that has little if anything to do with equality, and everything to do with SUPERIORITY. And the effects are horrifying, contributing to the erosion of family values, and weakening family stability. Feminist lies even target young infant males and females, and harm them in ruthlessly destructive ways.
Even though most women don't identify with feminists, feminists have still spread so many lies, that most women have distorted perceptions of what is respectful behavior toward men.
But what I want to focus on today is how they've made most men become so self-conscious, so guilt-ridden, so EMASCULATED, that they've actually turned most men into the kind of men that women find UNAPPEALING- men who behave like MICE more than MEN.
They've made men think that women really are ATTRACTED to a guy who is EXTREMELY nice to them, who will approach and talk to them in a way that NEVER borders on a man's actual romantic affections, although compliments about women's beauty might be accepted, and even that may be misinterpreted so easily as to get a man in trouble as well.
Feminist thinking has also made men think that men have committed atrocities to women, throughout history, and that men basically have ruled to their hearts' content, and that men have always had the better deal of the gender roles.
In reality, of course, it was and is still men who die by the millions in wars.
In reality, even in the most peaceful and advanced societies, men die earlier.
Men commit suicide more often.
Men's diseases are not given the same attention as women's diseases.
Male issues are IGNORED. Did you know that the way schooling is designed simply FAVORS the genetic predisposition of young girls more than young boys? Did you know that there are more WOMEN in universities than men? Where is all the equality for men's education?
Does anybody mention that regarding rights, MEN also did NOT have the vote until very RECENTLY in human history, and had to PAY for that right through wars that cost MILLIONS of men's lives?
When it comes to a sinking ship, or a fire, it's always save the women and children first, and let the men die simply because women are more valued.
For all of history, men never complained about any of their male gender roles, they took them with pride. BUT, in return, men got some respect from women for BEING men.
Also, throughout history, men KNEW the right morals, and most men DID respect women. This is what was behind the gesture of a man tipping his hat to a woman. It was a sign of RESPECT.
Women have been always considered so important to humanity, that it was worth men dying in the wars and keeping the women OUT of the wars so they could live.
Think of all the songs and classic stories where a man will fight for the honor of a woman.
If men thought so poorly of women, if men were bent on being CREEPS to women, why all the sacrifice and fuss to PROTECT them, to HONOR them, to DIE for them??????????????????
It is many women only in TODAY'S feminist society who decide to disrespect themselves - the woman who gets drunk at nightclubs and behaves in endless promiscuous ways and hooks up with any random dude while in she is in a state of inebriation.
Throughout history, if a man raped a woman or abused a woman, often many men would come AFTER that creep and beat the crap out of him.
Today, however, INNOCENT men are being made to feel like rapists just for INDICATING interest in a woman, and men are made to feel like GARBAGE when they approach FEMINIST-BRAINWASHED women EVEN IN THE MOST KIND ways, or the men are REJECTED for the very reason they are so "nice" to these women.
Most of the media (not all) just LOVES to focus on the tiny percentage of men who are creeps, and who don't reflect the majority of men at all. The media never mentions how women abuse men in every which way you can IMAGINE.
Today, men are being treated like dirt by so many women who have been brainwashed by feminism, and STILL many men feel GUILTY and SOOOOOOOOOOOO LUCKY to have some woman go out with them!!!!
THIS is the reason that so few women automatically RESPECT men- whether that respect means a woman not hanging out with other men even when she is in a relationship with a man, or whether that respect means not trying EMASCULATE him with cruel humor, or whether that respect means simply appreciating his commitment to be LOYAL.
It's just TOO EASY for women to PUSH AROUND men.
They also know the LAW is on their side, when it comes to accusations of rape, when it comes to child custody, divorce, etc.
There are STILL TODAY men who are actually willing to be SLAVES and NICE GUYS to women who have rejected them, thinking that, because of the feminist lies that these men still believe in, that they SHOULD CONTINUE TO HANG AROUND these women and continue to kiss up!!!!!!!!!!
Men are still expected by most women to do the approaching, when it comes to dating, and men are expected to suck it up if they get rejected.
In reality, as well, women are actually NOT attracted to men who are super nice to them, who kiss up to them, and who behave in an anti-septic, non-sexual way.
Many women do indeed take advantage of the "nice guys" who have been brainwashed to think that the way to attract a woman IS to be a super nice guy.
And then when the nice guy finally wakes up and stops kissing up, many of these same women have the nerve to get ANGRY.
These same women say that these men should ENJOY kissing up for nothing in return, EVEN THOUGH THESE ARE THE SAME WOMEN that TELL MEN that women WANT A SUPER NICE GUY WHO ACTS ALL FEMININE AND NOT LIKE AN "EVIL" MASCULINE MAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I must repeat, it's not like these women want to understand the guy, or even feel a bit of sympathy for the guy, but actually these women GET PISSED OFF AT THE VERY NICE GUYS THAT THEY SAY THEY WANT, when these nice guys WAKE UP out of the 'MATRIX' OF being BRAINWASHED by feminism.
Also, men are put into a PSYCHOLOGICALLY WEAK POSITION by being PRESSURED to want RELATIONSHIPS with women, so men open themselves up to be all emotionally vulnerable, but THEN these same women MAKE FUN OF MEN FOR BEING THIS WAY or these men are REJECTED OUTRIGHT FOR THE VERY REASON OF EXHIBITING WHAT IS ACTUALLY HARDWIRED TO BE UNATTRACTIVE BEHAVIOR!!!
In other words, women are attracted to MEN who BEHAVE like MEN.
This is why, for thousands of years, every culture on the planet has tried to PRESERVE distinctions in style, dress, behavior, etc, for men and for women, in order to PRESERVE the masculine and feminine polarity that is the driving force of attraction.
Don't judge women by the words they SAY, judge them by the actions they TAKE.
And that's what I did, very carefully, for several YEARS.
I watched to see what women actually RESPOND to.
I watched to see what actually WORKS.
What actually works is when you SHED all the b.s. feminists have been telling men, and when you STAND UP FOR YOURSELF and YOU RECLAIM your right to BE a man, which is what women actually are attracted to in the first place!
And even WITH this, you STILL should be very SELECTIVE about which women you allow into your life. Just because you can ATTRACT a woman, doesn't mean you should. Be SELECTIVE.
So the next time you think women are not sexual, the next time you hear a woman tell you that all men are only interested in one thing, the next time a woman tells you that men are dirty and women are so much more proper, and the next time you think women don't enjoy it when a man behaves more DOMINANT than SUBMISSIVE, take a look at the TOP SELLING novel for women, called SHADES OF GREY.
It is for THESE kinds of reasons that I wrote my very first book, THE DATING WIZARD.
This book is the ANTIDOTE to all that insanity, and I highly suggest you read it NOW.
In this book, you will find the RIGHT way to actually ATTRACT women.
Not to get women to become your FRIENDS.
And the very best news of all, is that EVERYTHING in this book is all about you behaving the way you were DESIGNED to behave as a MAN in the first place.
This book is not about playing GAMES or learning pick up lines, or putting on an ACT.
You are going to be behaving the way MEN are BORN to behave, and you are going to find out exactly how that translates to what that means from the moment you see a woman, to the details of the approach, all the way to building to physical intimacy, and even into a relationship if you so desire.
Download this book IMMEDIATELY at:
And, if you want to learn how to do this in PERSON, then BOOTCAMP is for you.
Till next time,
Michael Marks
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