Sunday, December 7, 2014

Why Women Can't Tell You They Want You To Be A Man

Today's newsletter comes to you as
a result of something very important
that a truly cool guy let me know about.

It's a powerful article on the reality
that good men face today when it
comes to women, and you can read
the full article at:

It's called The 'Sexodus' and refers
to huge sectors of an entire generation of
men giving up on women when it comes
to anything serious.

You know there is a problem in society
when men, who have such a massive
sex drive, would still rather opt OUT
than put up with the incessant abuse
and neglect and trickery that they
face when trying to get a serious
relationship where they will be
respected as men.

These groups go by all kinds of names,
including MGTOW, which stands for
Men Go Their Own Way.

To quote from the article:

"Women have given up on monogamy,
which makes them uninteresting to us
for any serious relationship or raising a family."

So you see, all that is left for most men
is either to become players and have
casual sex with women, or, if the men
aren't sure how to do that, then to
opt out COMPLETELY and just play
video games and watch porn.

It is for these reasons that I started
Get A Great Girl.  I used to think that
women truly just wanted a guy who
was not a jerk, since ALL the women
I met through high school and university
kept on telling me  how men are just
interested in using women for the
physical, and how men lie, etc.

Plus, in university, I was bombarded
by messages from the institution
telling me how there is something
called male patriarchy and how
everything in society is really all
about men controlling women,
including even the act of sex itself.

these issues, I treated women like
they were these super fragile
creatures, and when I wanted to
date women I would make sure
to show them how I did not view
them sexually at all, that I would
never try to escalate anything
sexually since I didn't want to
be accused of something horrifying.

Meanwhile, little did I know that within
walking distance, in the college dorms,
were activities that would've made Hugh
Hefner look like a nun, and that this was
widespread, consistent, and consensual.

And the men who were with these
women did not buy into the propaganda.

If you want to attract a woman, I suggest
two things:

Number one, don't listen to the typical
feminist advice. They will tell you they
want a delicate sensitive guy who will
view women as anything but sexual
beings, and then these same women
will end up only dating men who
do the opposite of what these women
claimed they were looking for.

Number two, if you are looking for
an actual girlfriend, you have to be

It is important that the woman you
meet is CONSCIOUSLY dead-set AGAINST
the perverted teachings of many feminists.

See if you can find a woman who actually
UNDERSTANDS the reasons for why
the current teachings of feminism are
harming ALL of society.

For example, many feminists want to
force GENDER NEUTRAL toys for children,
claiming that gender roles are taught,
not born.

But the truth is that scientific observation
and studies show that even as INFANTS,
boys and girls differ.  A study was done
where INFANTS were given different
types of stereotypically boy and stereotypically
girl type toys- and the BOYS went for the
BOY type toys, and the girls went for the
GIRL type toys.

Then, just in case some people would like
to criticize the study by saying that maybe
even at that young age somehow the infants
had still been previously "taught" by culture
to prefer one type of toy to another, the study
was done on a group of male and female MONKEYS!!!!

And even among these MONKEYS, the MALE
monkeys wanted to play with the toys designed
for MALES, and the FEMALE monkeys wanted to
play with the toys for FEMALES!!!!!!!!

Can you fathom the HORROR FUTURE of a
world where feminists DENY both boys and
girls the OPPORTUNITY to DEVELOP as boys
opportunity for boys to be boys and for girls
to be girls???????????????????????????

How are those boys supposed to grow up and
know how to be a man, and know how to
attract a woman by simply being a man
if they were never allowed to even experience
the things that men naturally want to experience
and be?

Similarly, how are girls supposed to grow up
properly if they are being denied the chance
to be GUIDED in their own natural way?

A lot of this insanity comes from the fact that
many leading feminists are HYPER MASCULINE
right down to having higher testosterone, so
since THEY are not typically female, they want
to BLUR THE LINES between masculine and

So you see, this is about more than just dating.
It's about the future of humankind.

And if you want to skyrocket your success
with women by being a man, the first
thing you should do is get my book,

My IN-DEPTH advanced program that is the FOLLOW UP
to this book is my ATTRACTION MASTERY at:


Till next time,

Michael Marks

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