Thursday, September 13, 2012

How To Prevent Women From Testing You

I'm sure you've heard of the idea that women
"test" men.  Maybe you've seen it or experienced
it yourself. 

Have you ever felt the frustration of knowing
that you just "failed" a woman's "test"? Where
you tolerated bad behavior, or where you
over-reacted to something, and thus somehow
showed "weakness" and it only made her
behavior WORSE. 

Or maybe it was during a first encounter
where you saw a woman you wanted to talk
to and you struck up a conversation with
her, and then she tested you, i.e. she
said, "Do you do talk to all women in the
and you melted and started acting
apologetic, etc., and it just made her
LESS interested, whereas if you had just
not reacted it would have been far better
for you.

Well, I have great news for you.
There is a way to PREVENT a LOT of
these tests.

The way to prevent women from testing you is
to make it absolutely clear what you are all
about from the GET-GO.

The only reason women test men is because they
want to KNOW things about you.  A woman will
test a man when she is not clear about him,
when she doesn't know him well, etc.

But the more CLEAR you are about who you are,
the LESS a woman will need or even want to
test you.

Most guys give women very UNCLEAR messages.
For example, in an approach, a guy will try to
MASK the fact he is interested, so for example
he will sit at the table next to a woman for a
long time, and then try to find a "subtle" way
to get near her, as if it was just coincidence
and had nothing to do with his interest in her.

In these situations, a woman already KNOWS
the guy is interested, so now she is wondering
why is he hiding his interest? Is it because
he's shy?  Is it because he has something to
hide?  Is he married and trying to cheat?
Is he some player who thinks this is a cool

So now she is losing TRUST for him. And
it's no surprise that she now starts to test  
him with all kinds of things to see if he is
trustworthy and emotionally stable.

She may try to see if he is a player by
accusing him of being one and seeing his

If he gets all defensive, then for sure he
has something to hide (at least this is what
she thinks.)  If he treats that question too
lightly if she is asking it with a genuine
serious expression on her face, then again
she may feel lack of trust.

If she thinks he is doing it because he is shy,
she may then test him to see if he has any
GUTS, or if he has GUTS plus the ability
to smoothly DEAL with CONFLICT.  

And yet, had he just approached her calmly
and began a conversation about something
that was interesting to HIM that she could
sees that this is a guy who is not shy, and
who is not hiding things.  And if what he is
talking about is COMPELLING and reveals
things about his own character, she now knows
something about his PERSONALITY.

So, for example, in a card store, if a woman
is buying a card for a friend's birthday (which
is obvious by the section called "Birthdays - Friend")
and is looking at every single card and really trying
to find the right one, and a guy sees this and
approaches her straight up and tells her it looks
like she is really trying to find the right one,
and then she tells him how she is really
trying to decide between two or three great
choices, the guy might then say:

"It seems like you care a lot, and that's
a great sign, as a gift is really not about
the MONEY that is spent but about the THOUGHT
behind the gift, and a great card is a powerful
way of expressing the right thoughts.

Girls who are able to have a connection
with others based on genuine friendship
rather than on status are great girls".

This would be an EXCELLENT way to give her
a compliment that is MEANINGFUL.

You can even playfully take a look at some
of the cards and read them out loud and
give your comments on what it says inside,
sparking her comments and feedback to
them as well.

And it's also a chance to find out if it's true
whether she has a strong connection with this
friend or not, and if it is true that she has
a genuinely strong connection with this friend,
your compliment has now shown something about
YOURSELF as well, as you clearly VALUE these
types of friendships, you are showing you are
not just another CHEESY style "pick up artist".

I usually try to AVOID mentioning any
actual specifics, because I know that some
cheesy guys will just end up using this
as some way to fake a real personality,
but I make the occasional exception so
that the point can be illustrated clearly.

By being direct, you show you have nothing
to hide and that you believe in yourself.

Then, by not only being direct but also having
IN YOUR OWN MIND, you have a lot to offer
terms of comments, for all kinds of situations,
whether you see a woman at the book store,
the club, the fair, the amusement park, the
bank, the bus, or anywhere else.

Yes, women test men, but men test women
as well, and the point is that if a woman
is testing you ALL THE TIME, then either
you are with a woman who has serious
issues OR you are giving her MANY
and it's time
to TAKE CARE of those reasons so that
she does NOT have reasons to test you,
on issues of trust, moral strength,
masculinity, and great attitude,
including a sense of humor.

Here's a list of some IMPORTANT things
that you want to AVOID doing, as they
will trigger a woman's need for TESTING:

-Acting fidgety while talking 

-Not looking her in the eyes

-Not going RIGHT up to her
(spending time LOOKING at her, then
pacing around, then looking again,
rather than just going right UP to her)
-Talking about SHOCK topics that
are vulgar, crude, too sexual, just
because you know they will get
attention (this looks like you don't have
anything ELSE to your personality so
you had to resort to shock topics to
get her attention)

-Talking too fast (this looks as if you
are afraid she's going to leave any
second, so you are trying to get
all your words in NOW, and this
obviously looks as if you have
no real value)         

-Touching her too much (This applies
especially when you are not in a club.
If you are trying to do a pick-up in a
coffee shop, there's no need to turn
it into a touchy-feely tasty thing. Keep
any contact EXTREMELY light and
playful and don't worry about
going heavy "kino" kinesthetic there-
it will totally ruin your interaction.)   

-Staying LOCKED on your initial conversation
opener forever, as if you have nothing else
to talk about. 
A lot of times, a guy will
start a conversation about something,
and if it goes well, he sticks to it for
dear life because he doesn't want to
"mess up" with something else, when
in reality it would be good to talk about
a few things, if time permits, as it shows
you have lots to your personality.
-Showing off (this shows insecurity or
just plain old jerkiness, so of course
a woman will test a guy to see how
secure he is then, and then as guys
we wonder why women seem to
be trying to "press our buttons"
when in reality we INVITED it!)

And there are tons of other things as well,
but those are some of the BIG ones.

Two more major areas are the fundamental
points of:

Would YOU trust YOURSELF to be faithful
if you were faced with "temptation"?  Do
you even think in terms of "temptation" or
do you think in terms of INTEGRITY that
VAPORIZES the whole IDEA of "temptation"?

Are you a good guy because you are AFRAID
of being a "bad guy" or are you a good guy
because it's what you TRULY BELIEVE

Sometimes, guys think that THEY are unworthy.
So they feel a need to create masks in the form
of lies about themselves, yet women always
end up seeing through these thing and it just
turns them off.  So it's important to work on
these issues if you are facing them yourself.

It's important to truly BE a man of integrity,
not just be a man who can FAKE it, a la
cheesy style pick up artists who quality
women see RIGHT through. 

So the point is, women don't HAVE to
be testing us, but we tend to MAKE     
women test us.  And the great news
is that you can DO SOMETHING
about it so that women have very little
NEED to test you in the FIRST place!
Just DON'T DO the things that CLEARLY
give women a REASON to test you!   

The list above will HELP you accomplish this.

Now, do you notice how a lot of the things
in the list above, that trigger a woman
to go into "testing" mode, are actually

In other words, the actions that need to be
changed are SYMPTOMS of an "inner game"

One solution is to just try to fix the
SYMPTOMS, i.e. force yourself NOT to
speak too fast, not to get fidgety,
not to use shock topics, etc, etc, but
the DEEPER solution, the more POWERFUL
solution is to RAISE THE LEVEL OF YOUR
so that these and ALL OTHER
types of problematic behaviors are stopped
at the ROOT LEVEL.

Plus, simultaneously, by making this ROOT
LEVEL transformation, you will not only
stop doing the wrong things, you will also
do all the RIGHT things with women without
having to even THINK about it, as it will all
feel so natural for you to the point that it
will feel like an INSTINCT.
For my most POWERFUL program that deals
with skyrocketing your success with women by
taking your INNER game to the highest level,
I seriously suggest you get my program called

This program is ABSOLUTELY essential if
you are looking to not only meet and
attract women, but also if you want to
KEEP a woman attracted long term, since
there is no way to FAKE long term, and
this program is all about transformation
on a DEEP level, it's not about doing
any kind of phony ACT at all.

It's at: 

Now, I also want to let you know that you
have to take this knowledge out into the
REAL WORLD for it to have an EFFECT.

These aren't just words in a newsletter.
Every word here is the result of real
world testing. I'm hoping you will take
what you learn from me and use it in
the real world to get the women you want.

If you're still unsure of whether you are
going to take MASSIVE ACTION or not, I
can assure you that taking my BOOTCAMP
is one way to make absolutely certain
that you take these skills into the
REAL WORLD and get this part of your
life handled once and for all.

BOOTCAMP will FORCE you to have BOTH
of that knowledge, since
I will be teaching you "hands-on" on
tons of real women in just about every
place where women can be found, from
bookstores to coffee shops to libraries
to trains and buses and much, much more.

is at:

The reality is that nobody is going to
force you to learn these skills. You can
go a whole life and no one else will give
a hoot whether you learn these skills
or not.

It's up to YOU.



Till next time,

Michael Marks

P.S. To check out ALL my programs for
skyrocketing your success with women,
go here:

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