Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Advanced-Level Insights On Attracting Quality Women

Sometimes, you can learn more from the
guys who are USING my programs than from
me myself, so today I am going to share
some important emails that have come in
from men around the world who are using
the "Get A Great Girl materials to attract
quality women.

And by the way, when I talk about attracting
quality women, one of the BIG things I am
referring to is a woman who will be FAITHFUL,
in addition to being gorgeous on the outside
as well.

Here we go:    


Hey Michael,

They say that when the student is ready, the
teacher will come. And man, this has been so
true in my case. I'm writing this to you right
after actually using your materials!

Let me start by saying I was sick to death of
playing games with women, of trying to get them
at any cost, including my own dignity. I even tried
learning pick up lines by supposed masters of
attraction, and I spent thousands of dollars in
other trainings from them.

I just felt out of place in drunken clubs, and
It must have been obvious, because I didn't do
well at all with women there. And my luck didn't
improve in coffee shops, because the pick-up
lines I was trained to use just felt ridiculous
to me. And I guess it showed to women.

They could see right through it and I guess
it wasn't cool to them. They may have worked
for others, but they certainly didn't work for me.
I just couldn't, or wouldn't change my value
system, for any one.

Anyway, very late on Wednesday night,
a friend of mine told me about your site-
Now, I never even heard of you before, but
my friend is a pretty smart dude, so I checked
your site on the net. It seemed to good to be
true. But I saw the guarantee. And it was
only 39 bucks and change. So I figured
I have zero risk here, and went ahead with
the order and download.

Then I started reading....and it was like
the dam of pain and confusion was finally
busted, all those years of wondering what
the hell was going on....

And it was like for every time I felt like
things were hopeless, for every painful
rejection I ever faced, for every ridiculous
line I ever learned, for every time my gut
instinct told me that there was a better
way but I just didn't know it- you were
talking to me!!

You gave me a way to go about approaching
and interacting with women in a way that no
other guru (and believe me, I've tried them all)
person on earth has ever explained.

I now had learned what my real issue
was, and it wasn't about being a nice guy,
and it wasn't that I needed to be more
arrogant as all the other gurus tried
to convince me.

You taught me how to be myself in a way
that was truly attractive.

Tonight, (Thursday) I went out myself
to a Starbucks, and while waiting
to get my latte, there was an attractive
woman in front of me getting some frothy
looking drink. She was not that overly-made
up type, instead just the type I like-
natural- wearing regular jeans and
comfortable shoes, but her natural
beauty was shining right through.

In the past, I would have tried all kinds of
fancy lines, or routines, and this time,
armed with the knowledge from your
book, I said F-it to myself, and learned
to let go of all my thoughts, taking
control through the power of proper

Internally, following your advice, I was
actually visualizing the picture of getting
massively rejected!!

That was my biggest fear, and like you
taught, rather than trying to tell myself
I am so great, and that I am the ultimate
Ladies man (like the gurus keep on saying,
to have this arrogant attitude) I did the
opposite, just as you described:

I tried relaxing with the image of her
rejecting me, till it started to actually
not seem like a big deal.

Now, I didn't have too long to do this,
or she would be gone, so after about
20 seconds of this, I finally blurted
out, using your method of harnessing
my natural dominance and playfulness
through the voice technique you explain,
I just said "That latte looks realllllllllly

She immediately turned around, and
her expression seemed very receptive,
as if she was responding to some type
of secret code.

To any guys reading this, the key is to
deliver the right mix of those 3 emotions
in your voice, dominance, upbeatness,
and sensuality. You have to be feeling
it for real. I had practiced this voice
exercise at home and I was ready.

I said it exactly as you described it- mixing
dominance, upbeatness, and sensuality in
my voice.

This stuff is so powerful, and so easy,
It's a crime that it was held back from
us for so long!!

The great part about this is that by controlling
my voice this way, I actually changed the way
I really was feeling! I wasn't acting!

Then, I had no idea what to say next, but
keeping your lesson in mind of "it doesn't
matter as long as you retain the three states
of mind" I actually gave her a genuine
compliment that I truly meant- I told her
that I thought it was cool that she was
dressed in comfortable shoes and jeans
in middle of a trendy part of town
(I work in a trendy area of the city and
on Thursday night there are also a lot
of club-goers in the area) and that she
seemed down to earth and not pretentious.

She started to laugh, but warm, not like
a b**(%ch! I then followed it up with
an equally genuine comment- that of
course, "I might be wrong!", I said it
with a confident playful smile- and she
started to tell me, with a smile, (I can
tell she understood the compliment
properly) that she is not into the whole
"bling-bling" look, and that she likes
walking around comfortable.

I'm thinking to myself at this point-
"I'm having a genuine conversation with
this attractive woman, who is totally not
being bitchy with me and who is so
comfortable and down to earth."

So then, she starts to ask me what I'm
doing in the area besides surveying
what women are wearing, and I can
tell she has a sense of humor, so
I tell her that I finishing work and
looking forward to the weekend,
so she tells me that this weekend
she has to go to a wedding and
that she enjoys it but she would
rather chill out since she has had
2 weddings in the past month.

She asks me what I like to do on weekends-
now, in the past, I would have totally
followed the dating guru and pick up
artist advice and make sure to mention
the names of several clubs and lounges
to sound "cool", but using your advice,
I told her the damn truth (meanwhile,
I was preparing for the worst!):
I told her that I like to build model
rockets and launch them, which is
the truth.

She laughed at first, and said
"Are you serious?"

So I totally felt even more nervous
now, thinking that I must sound like
a nerd, but again, I stuck to my decision
to give your method a try.

So I said, "yup" and I said it with
a dead serious look, not being
apologetic at all for who I am.

And the crazy thing, Michael, I swear to you,
is that her eyes were searching mine in that
one moment, that seemed like forever to me.

And her expression changed, to that look
that told me, in my gut, that it was all
going to be really really smooth from here.

It was like suddenly she saw that she was
talking not to a boy, but to a man not
afraid to be who he really is, not afraid
to talk to her, not afraid to compliment
her, not afraid of anything.

I then remembered one more thing you said,
which was to show a woman what you do value,
to help guide her to do the right thing.

I said to her:
"Yeah, I enjoy doing a hobbies that are a
little different, it helps me realize how many
cool things are out there and helps me
understand other people's perspectives
As well- nothing teaches you as much about
a person as understanding their passions and
their hobbies"

Man!! Michael, after this point, she was
carrying the conversation, and she starts
telling me that "it's refreshing to meet
someone who is not jaded about
other people!!!!

When I think about how I would have
totally sabotaged this conversation
trying to be an arrogant guy, or trying to
Be "nice" and trying to fit in whatever she
Liked and trying to sound like a supposedly
"cool" guy who's at the clubs, all that would
have achieved is giving her the wrong idea
about me, and I would have had to keep
up the fake image, and also, she would
never have seen that I am actually strong
enough to not apologize for the things
and hobbies of who I am.

She even starts telling me how so few
people have weekend hobbies other than

Anyway, Michael let me end this letter
Because I can see it's already massive,
Getting her number was the easiest thing
In the world, it was natural, because
There was a real connection.

In reality it takes more guts to create
genuine rapport!!! The whole thing
would have failed miserably without it.
This is part of attraction, just like you
say so incredibly clearly!

I'm looking forward to meeting her man,
and I'm totally not needy about getting
her into bed, as I want to know more about
a woman before I sleep with her, and that
makes me feel even more empowered.

I also have a funny feeling that this is
going to make her even more "into"
me, because she will see that I am
not needy for it, because to me sleeping
with a woman is not a joke. So she
knows that if she is that woman, she
will be respected and that it will be


Chuck W.,


Reading this, I'm smiling to myself,
thinking that now a million guys are
going to take up MODEL ROCKETRY
as a way to attract women.

Seriously, though, this is what it's all
about to me- getting good guys the kind
of women they deserve, in a way that
WORKS FAST, and in a way that allows
at your CORE.

No absurd schemes or foolish "pick up lines"
that insult the intelligence of any man or woman.

It's obvious you are putting the principles
into play- I love the way you put MANY
things into action all in one interaction-
the power of breath, the declaration of
your real identity without apology,
the desensitization to fear with embracing
the WORST image over and over again
till it bores you (by the way, that last
idea is courtesy of a FANTASTIC
friend of mine who introduced the
concept to me) and the GIVING
HER A GENUINE good vibe
as well, AND the idea of you
LEADING the way in terms of

We are living in very morally uncertain
times, so that a lot of good women don't
want to appear to be UNCOOL, so they
often ACT in certain ways that are not
the real them, but if YOU show the way,
and that YOU are not afraid of integrity
and not being ashamed of your hobbies,

It makes THE WOMAN not only FEEL
guy, but it also makes her feel
that now SHE too can be HERself and
that she doesn't have to abandon her
dreams of being with a great guy as well-
she can let DOWN her armor, because
you have SHOWED your cards first,
and you have done it with CONVICTION,
without FEAR.

The reality is that the "nice guy" is insecure,
So he kisses up and doesn't reveal his true
Identity for fear of being rejected, but the
jerk is even MORE insecure because he
feels the need to be mean to prevent
being hurt himself.

And women, especially the better a woman
is, will ALWAYS detect this insecurity.
And she is repelled by it because she
knows insecurity breeds hurt, pain, and
ultimately disrespect and disgrace.


Hey Michael! How have you been? I am just
wondering... how should I deal with a hard
to get girl. I know there's interest.

BUT I'm going to play hard to get myself
to turn the tables so I can get her to invest.
What are your thoughts on hard to get girls?
I think this would be a good newsletter topic
because every guy will meet at least one girl
like this.

J.B., Toronto, Canada


Only play the hard to get game with a woman
if you want a hard to get woman in your life.

If you want to get headaches, endless drama,
lose lifespan, get insomnia, and you believe
there are no other women who are greater out
there, who will not waste your time and energy,
then DEFINITELY go after a "hard to get"

Now, if you STILL want a hard to get woman,
realize that ANY action you do will be
anyway, regardless of the "clever pick up artist"

The NUMBER ONE way for her to see that
you value a TRUE CHANGE TO HER
PERSONALITY is for her to see that you
are HAPPY with some OTHER GIRL.

And guess what happens when you meet a
BETTER woman who doesn't play those
games? You DON'T WANT to waste
your precious life on women who play

This, by the way, will also prove to be the
kind of CHARACTER that A GREAT
woman is attracted to. A great woman
who does not play games will BE
ATTRACTED to the fact that you
were and are not the kind of guy who
is AFFECTED by women's games,
such as playing hard to get.

It lets her know that YOU will not play
this immature game on her, so she will
now have the required degree of trust in
you to not play these games with you,
and you can then BOTH enjoy LIFE.

The very ACT of pursuing a woman who
on your own emotional confidence and
resourceful powerful state, and it performs
a trick known as cognitive dissonance
that makes you think it is worth it
when it's so clearly NOT.


Hey, what's up? I'm a big fan of your e-mails
and they have really boosted my self-confidence
and self-esteem, but can you answer this one
question for me?

What is a good and effective strategy for
approaching two women that are walking down
the street in the middle of deep conversation?


Terence R.
Washington, D.C.

>>>MY REPLY<<<

This is both a simple and complex question
all at once.

The best way to approach two women walking
down the street is to NOT play immature games,
but rather to open them up with ANY neutral
conversation topic- if they are single and open
to talking to guys that approach them on the
street, then they WILL chat to you IF you
are giving off the right SIGNALS.

For the right SIGNALS, see the first letter
and of course get the FULL SCOOP from my
materials so that you can not only approach
them, but KEEP the interaction going beyond
getting the number, so that you can turn that
interaction into an actual girlfriend.


Hey Michael. I like the approach you're
taking. ...somewhere you alluded to the fact
that your goal is more than picking up women,
and actually is to TEACH us. US being the
diverse population of male personalities....

ie, the challenge isn't getting the client who
feels naturally charismatic or confident or
self-esteem, (maybe b/c he has had relatively
minimal brainwashing in the past, or has naturally
attractive "qualities") to overcome a few
shortcomings in his dealings with women to
become great at picking up women.

I know a few guys who have just read a FEW
of your articles and their games have skyrocketed....
and I think that's b/c their internal mechanisms
were already in place before picking up your

Your real challenge is this: the guys out there
like me, who (regardless of what they are
physically and intellectually endowed with)

have such extensive negative brainwashing
and conditioning to overcome, that we are
only making small steps so slowly despite
reading your materials.

I'm telling you, if you can get US to be
successful, you will have accomplished
quite a lot. The thing is you are doing a great
job. Especially writing an article that deals
so specifically with thought patterns and their
emotional consequences.

Please keep attacking this from all possible
angles in your materials, and yes you will
have this goal of yours achieved beyond
your wildest dreams.

I've written you a few times, and at first I
wrote you under an anonymous name years
ago describing how I was so bad in this
whole arena (anonymous b/c I was so
ashamed of my situation).

My self esteem for some reason was rock
bottom, like core of the earth rock bottom....
mostly to do with women, but in most other
things as well. of course, I never approached
or even thought of approaching women for
my whole life.

There were women that did come on to me
over my life HEAVILY to the point of taking
responsibility for the whole interaction (some
of whom were quite hot and sought after by
most guys).

When THEY had actually taken things to
the point of where we were actually dating, I
couldn't actually emotionally believe that
someone could have been at all interested in
me and I would live in complete denial and
pretend as if we weren't dating at all.

I would actually think something was terribly
wrong with her for being interested in me as
well. just to give you an idea what the
inside of my head was all about. THAT is
what my perceived reality was. Even when I
explain this to friends at this point in my life,
they just can't comprehend such a psychological
standpoint. anyway, lots and lots of problems.

so, I basically lived like this until age 28
(I'm 30 now), at which time I stumbled upon
your articles. they hit home, but only intellectually
at first. same with your ebook. and same with your
CDs. ie, at first, they only started to MAKE SENSE
on an intellectual level, b/c I'm not dumb.

The EMOTIONAL points have only truly
been driven home after applying concept after
concept in the real world. and really, that's
where I felt the emotional growth kick in,
almost involuntarily.

For example, reading about shit tests in
one thing. watching yourself FAIL a test
MISERABLY drives the point home for life.

actually, I just recently had a hot hot girl
into me... was kind of into me for a few weeks...
I asked her out, kept up the playfulness really
well on the first date, but failed the shit test,
and BOOM, it was over.

THE EMOTIONAL POINT IS THIS (which proves your
theories are bang on): I'm stating these facts
only to relay this point. I'm an MD, I play in
a really good rock band, I'm considered to be
a hot and sexy LOOKING guy by women in general,
money is not an issue, I ALREADY HAD THIS GIRL
CHASING ME FOR WEEKS, but I fail ONE little
shit test and it all goes down the tubes.....

Most guys would say "whatever". all those
qualities I have and the circumstances would lead
any girl to be instantly in love with me for life.
how could it have gone wrong? in the old days I
would not understand b/c of all the stupid ass

teachings dictate otherwise: the nuances are
the only REAL windows a girl cares about (consciously
or subconsciously) that looks into your manliness.

In other words, no external attributes can make up
for lack of what you call "Superior Intrinsic Value".
Lack of SIV pops it's head up like a gopher when
it's put to the "TEST". Even if I passed the first
test because I saw it coming, the next one would
have leveled me b/c the 'Superior Intrinsic
Value", as you describe, wasn't there.

It made sense when I read it but I never GOT it.
Only truly made sense in an emotional way when
it happened to me.

I bring all this up b/c I want to encourage you
that your stuff has enormous potential, especially
for guys who have a long way to go. For me even
to have made it to the point where I am able to
interact with women and attract hot women
(despite still screwing things up) is ludicrous
given my psychological starting point.

I would have laughed if you could have promised
the old me that I would one day achieve the
current me. The credit goes only to you and
me: you for teaching me out of my hell, and
to me for putting in the emotional work to
get out of it.

But of more importance to you, is that there
are many more guys out there like me. it takes
one to know one. and I'm able to recognize them
better and better. here's hoping that they can
benefit as well. Even with me, I'm not even
close to half way there despite having come so far.

Ya, I can attract hot women and my emotional
health has been cleaned up a lot but I definitely
need work beyond that. I want to achieve that
state of self-validation that even the best pick up
artists don't have. not to BE a pick up artist actually,
but just because I've become obsessed with
achieving self-validation.

So keep these articles and materials coming
and keep getting creative with them because they
ARE working and at the very least they all seem
to motivate.


Jim T.
New Jersey
>>>MY REPLY<<<

Thank you man for that genuine letter and for
the kind words. I hope that every guy reading this
realizes that he is not alone, and that success is
not limited to any category of guy- even a guy
who has every category- the prestige and income
of being an MD, and being good-looking doesn't
mean that a guy has it made when it comes to
this area of our lives. So thank you so much
for sharing that with other men- it lets them
know that they CAN improve too.

And the next thing I need to say is that this
the new book REALLY focuses on this stuff,
it focuses on ACTUAL things you can do to
that makes us THINK and FEEL in totally
SELF-SABOTAGING ways with women,
and makes us believe the WORST things
that are NOT true but which make us
do the things that push great women away.

This is the reason I've made WARRIOR WITHIN,
it truly is the NEXT LEVEL, the most advanced
program when it comes to attracting the very
best quality women.

I look forward to hearing from you again,
please keep in touch!


Just wanted to let you know that you've
got a damn good book there.

For the longest time, I simply could not
get past the internal barrier of feeling
like a potential fool by going up to
a woman that I wanted to chat to.

There are ton of strategies that I am using from
your book to help me, but the one I want to
comment on for your readers is the part
about translating emotions into their
bare physical sensations.


I have done this for 3 days so far, and today
it finally got to the point that I made my first
"cold approach" ever.

Here's what I did:
I was walking to work, after grabbing a
sandwich for breakfast, I saw a truly stunning
woman approaching me walking toward me
on the sidewalk, and my heart sank.

But this time, instead of going through
my conditioned responses that have come
from a life of bad thought patterns, I
isolated the emotions!

The first thing I did was take notice of
my heart pumping fast, I felt the rush
of blood in my chest. I felt the heat in my
arms and shoulders and the lump in my
stomache. And then I became conscious
of the fact that the "voice" was playing
in my mind, telling me "no way, never".

And I followed your instruction, realizing
that all these thing are sensations. I focused
on the physical things, realizing that none
of these things actually meant anything, they
simply were physical sensations. I didn't
have to give in to them- they were just
bodily things happening, there weren't
actual forces that were making me do
anything other than what I really wanted.

And this helped me regain control
over myself. I went ahead and walked
right up to her, thinking to myself over
and over again that I was willing to
embrace whatever happened, over
and over again, till it became less
of a big deal.

The first words out of my mouth
were, "You have no right to be walking
out in public- you are a hazard!"

In my head, the whole thing seemed
surreal. And then, she smiled and said
"that's mean!"

I had no idea what to say next- so I
just followed your advice and didn't try
to act like a player, but I kept control
over my state by controlling the voice,
and I said to her "you're right I'm mean,
I mean it, you can cause accidents here,
and it's plain wrong! There's way
too much traffic and the drivers are going
to crash seeing you!"

She starts telling me that she's on her
way to a class at university and she has
to get a coffee. So I tell her that because
she is so dangerous, she should have
someone watching over her to prevent
any problems.

Now I know Michael that you say to
focus more on the internal traits, but for
me this was my first time, and I couldn't
believe I was finally taking control of
my life again, and I think it worked
because she could see I was not doing
it in a submissive way, and she could
see that I was being warm in a confident

Over that quick coffee, we had a great
chat about politics (she's a poli-sci
major) and about some recent movies
(I'm a film buff!) and she not only
gave me her number, she told me to
call her!!

This would never have happened
before, and I can only imagine how
good things are going to get as I take
this all the way and apply everything
in your book to my future meetings
with her and any other women I meet!

Jack K., L.A.


Thank you for the awesome letter,
and for showing how far you can
get with the right approach to
controlling not WOMEN but controlling
your own MIND and learning how to
harness the power of the right
emotions as well.

And if YOU are reading this right now,
and you want to get MASSIVE RESULTS
with QUALITY WOMEN, all without
turning yourself into some FAKE version
of yourself, then I suggest you get my
WARRIOR WITHIN program which includes
some of my most advanced insights on
how to attract women and approach women
in all sorts of situations, and how
to skyrocket your 'inner game', as
well as how to create compelling emotions
in her so she is ADDICTED to you, and
much MUCH more.

It's at:


It's going to change your life, guaranteed.
If you are looking for a QUALITY woman,
this program is an absolute MUST.

Here's what other men are saying about
this important program:

And if you haven't yet downloaded my
E-Book, do that now at:


This book serves as an important foundation
before graduating to my advanced programs.

And I can't wait to hear YOUR success story


Michael Marks

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