Monday, September 24, 2012

The Human Factor In Your Success With Women

The most powerful lessons in my own life
all came NOT from the times I realized I
was RIGHT, but actually from the times
I realized I was WRONG.

Hey, realizing you are RIGHT about something
is great, I’m not knocking it.

However, it’s very RARE that people ever
DEEPLY realize they are doing something
WRONG until it’s TOO LATE.

We all know the story of the TITANIC.
By the time the captain knew he made a
grave ERROR, it was TOO LATE.

Similarly, when it comes to women, whether
it is DESTROYING a relationship with a
perfectly  good woman, or DESTROYING
your own power of attraction when you
approach women, most people NEVER
realize the mistake till it’s WAY too late.

So this got me thinking, WHY is it that as
humans, we DON’T want to see our own
MISTAKES until it is usually TOO LATE?

I spent a long time thinking about this, and
the REASON I came up with is actually SIMPLE:
Being WRONG often means TOUGH WORK

And admitting we are WRONG about something
that we are EMOTIONALLY attached to thinking
we are “right” about means accepting that there

It’s as simple as THAT.

Who the heck wants to admit he is doing something

And yet, BECAUSE of this human weakness, it is
PRECISELY those men who are NOT emotionally
lazy, who are NOT attached to ego,
  that end up
because they end up learning what is the RIGHT
path toward GETTING what they want.

So, in my own life, it was only AFTER I had
finally ADMITTED that no woman was going
to just LAND in my lap because I was a good
boy or just because I believed in God, or just
because I thought “it should happen eventually
through sheer statistics” that I finally DID
break through to get MASSIVE results.

in my own bullshit beliefs.  To somehow be OPEN
to the idea that the very things I clung to with all
my heart were WRONG was not only SCARY,

Those of you who have read my first book
“The Dating Wizard” can tell exactly what
my mindset was, because that book was
written not that long after I had made all
those discoveries and I was still in shock
of the results of what happens when you
do things RIGHT.  So you will notice that
I am quite emotional in my language and
expression in that book.

I've learned to chill out since then.       

But let me tell you, when I first started to
REALIZE how WRONG I was about women and
about attraction, I was PISSED at MYSELF
for not SEEING what finally seemed now
to be so OBVIOUS.

You see, what happens is when you are IMMERSED
in the wrong beliefs, someone could SHOW YOU
the RIGHT beliefs and you will STILL DENY
THEM and actually NOT believe them.

So powerful is the power of EGO that it will
be BLIND to all the facts in the world and it
will STICK to the total bullshit that it has been
immersed in and brainwashed in since birth.

Now, this goes a lot FURTHER as well.

It goes right into the very INTERACTIONS you
have with women in terms of the conversations.

Before a woman can get PHYSICALLY naked
with you, she usually needs to feel at least a
certain amount of EMOTIONAL intimacy.

Not the drunk party girls, but most girls.
And even the drunk party girls, if you
removed the alcohol from the equation,
they too would need the emotional
intimacy. That’s why ALCOHOL is
such a MAJOR part of the equation

for certain types of environments.

Now, in a conversation, the biggest thing
on a deep psychological level is the feeling
This means not only ACKNOWLEDGING
another human being, but also UNDERSTANDING

This is NOT the same thing as kissing up and
just AGREEING with everything they say.

It’s about making an EFFORT to remove your
own biases from an interaction so that you
UNDERSTAND her when she is speaking to

It sounds simple, but I PROMISE you, that I
have seen literally THOUSANDS of pick ups
over the years, and without exception, the
guys that get the most LASTING results,

so that they don’t just get a woman’s number
but the woman wants to actually KEEP ON
seeing the guy, is when the guy actually
CONNECTS to her on a deep level.

It all sounds so simple right?
"Just listen to her."

But the problem is that most guys THINK
they are listening, when in reality they are
only HEARING the parts that they themselves
CARE about.  They never stop to think about
the parts of the chat that maybe SHE cares
about but that they weren’t noticing.

Listen, I’m sure the problem is vice-versa
too, that plenty of women don’t have listening
skills. In fact, this is why a lot of guys
will have a chat with a woman they initially
were attracted to, but then say something
like, "There was something I didn't like
about her".

On a subconscious level, you KNOW when someone
is genuine or not, even if you can't articulate
the details right away.

So let’s say you see a woman somewhere.
How quickly are you JUDGING her on things?
For example, let’s say she has a tattoo on her arm.
And let’s say you even ASK her about it.

Are you already JUDGING HER in your own mind
so that no matter WHAT SHE SAYS, it’s not really
being ACCEPTED by your emotional side?

If that is the case, then what is happening, on a
subconscious level, is that you are not really
LISTENING to the details about her explanation
of that tattoo and what it means and why she got it.

So THAT means that you now can’t really provide
USEFUL feedback to make this conversation

If she went on a TRIP somewhere, and to you the
interesting about trips is meeting the people, but
to her it’s the chance to get away and have fun,
then it’s important that you are able to put yourself
INTO that perspective that she has so you can
see what this all means from her point of view.

And NONE of this means you have to AGREE
with ANYTHING she says or does.  In fact, a woman
will find a man who truly UNDERSTANDS her and
appreciates what she is saying, even if he doesn’t
AGREE, a trillion times more compelling than a man
who just agrees with everything she says but never
really UNDERSTOOD her in the first place.

This is not some “feel good” talk here.
It doesn’t mean you are going to change a woman.
It doesn’t mean there is going to be world peace

What it MEANS is that the most POWERFUL
way to go from STRANGER to being the man
she WANTS to see again is to CONNECT with
her on a deep level.

This has NOTHING to do with being a nice guy.
You might EVEN find that once you really DO
understand her, SHE IS INTERESTED IN YOU
but you are now LESS interested in HER.

But at least then you have the CHOICE.

This stuff goes DEEEEEEEEEEP.

Most women WISH that they can meet a man
who REALLY understands all that I am talking
about here.

And the most powerful program on the PLANET
for developing this DEEPEST connection with
women, and for developing the DEEPEST mastery
over TONS of OTHER VITAL skills for success
with women, can now be at your FINGERTIPS.

This program is called WARRIOR WITHIN.

Don’t let yourself make the same mistake that most
men make, which is to realize all the things that are
in this program, but only learn them AFTER you
lose a great woman, or AFTER you let a great
woman pass you by.

I WISH a future version of myself could have
“visited” me in the past and told me all the
things I needed to learn but had REFUSED
to see since it meant that I was WRONG.

I wish I could have SHOUTED at MYSELF

I realize that BELIEVING me might be hard.
That’s why I’ve made sure to give you TONS
of powerful content in these newsletters over
the years. 

At the same time, what you will find in this
program will give you the FULL PICTURE
and take you beyond what you learn in these
newsletters, as these newsletters are still just
the tip of a MASSIVE iceberg.  Get that
‘ENTIRE ICEBERG’ in my actual program.

It’s at:

By the way, if you still doubt me, consider this:
What is the ONE thing that humans STILL keep
screwing up, even after ALL their history
and ALL their technology and ALL their


We can send a man to the moon, we can
develop artificial intelligence, we can cure
many diseases, but we can’t seem to find
a way to get rid of HUMAN CONFLICT.

Now if human harmony is important for
even day-to-day boring MUNDANE matters,
imagine how IMPORTANT it is for  two
HUMANS if they are going to become
POWERFUL way!!!!!!

Again, this program is at:

Finally, let me end with one last point:

Because MOST PEOPLE suck so freakin BADLY
at these skills, THE BAR IS NOT HIGH AT ALL!

That means if you just do a DECENT JOB with
these skills, you are TOWERING over most of
the so called “competition” from other men.

So stop letting precious TIME go by.
Take ACTION NOW to get the woman you WANT
by immediately going HERE:

Till next time,

Michael Marks

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