about are two things and those are:
1. What WORKS to attract women.
2. How to apply all this on getting
the best QUALITY women.
Today we are going to focus on the FIRST thing:
What WORKS to attract women.
And even though I have been teaching
this field for over ten years, and even
though I conduct REAL LIFE bootcamps
where men actually get to PROVE it
on women in front of their own eyes,
I STILL understand that if you’re new
to all this, it might STILL seem HARD
to believe.
So today, I am going to share with you
a MASSIVE proof of just ONE of the
techniques that I teach men to apply
on women in many different ways.
This technique is based on a proven
concept in psychology known as,
believe it or not, SOCIAL PROOF.
The word PROOF is actually part of the
NAME because that is how strong we FEEL
the power of social endorsement IS.
In a nutshell, SOCIAL PROOF means that
an individual will be INFLUENCED by
the opinions of OTHERS.
Those others can have power either through
being a LARGE group, or through simply
being even ONE other person, but a person
who is already RESPECTED by others.
So, for example, if a million OTHER people
say that person A is COOL, then it’s highly
likely that any random individual will be
highly INFLUENCED to FEEL that indeed
person A is COOL.
Similarly, if a person who is already well
RESPECTED endorses person A as being
cool, or if someone who is already considered
“cool” says that person A is also cool, then
most people will feel highly INFLUENCED
to GENUINELY feel that person A IS
indeed “cool”.
Now, I use this principle all the TIME in
bootcamps with guys as I teach them to
approach women in just about every
place you imagine.
Let me share with you a real-life example:
An attractive young woman was waiting for
the train at the subway station and I
mentioned to my client that he might
want to apply what he had been learning
earlier in terms of approaches for this
He asked for me to demonstrate, so I
approached her using all the detailed
concepts I speak about, but my main point
here is not to focus on me or that but
rather to focus on what happened.
She seemed to be a bit less relaxed, as
English was not her first language, and
it can be a bit intimidating sometimes
when two guys are so close to one woman
depending on the time of day, the amount
of other people there, etc.
Anyway, she was slowly getting more into the
conversation, laughing, but I could tell she
was still a bit uncomfortable, so I made it
clear that I was not there to take advantage
of the situation that she was by herself and
I let her walk in the train as she was still
smiling, and I did not follow her.
As my client and I got in the train, I sat down
beside this other attractive girl, totally laid
back and began a conversation with her, again
using all the principles I speak about.
Now this girl was totally relaxed with it,
smiling and laughing and having a great time.
Well guess what happened next?
the original woman from the subway platform
starts leaning in toward us from her seat
and joins in the conversation, giving her
opinion about something I had been talking
to her about five minutes earlier!
Normally that would have been a dead
conversation by now. But no, there she is,
smiling and speaking loudly as if we had
never stopped chatting, even though the
whole train could probably hear her. And
trust me, she was not some psycho. She
had just gone from being a shy slightly
nervous woman to wanting to GET WITH
Pretty soon, we had both women in conversation
with us, competing playfully for our attention,
going from complete strangers to discussing
things like who would be the better girl to
marry depending on which girl was a better
cook and had more money or ambition and was
better with kids had the better education
and who was just more fun to hang with. LOL.
This is the power that comes from both
YOU knowing that you have choices, and
from WOMEN knowing that you have choices.
In the example above, by seeing another
woman feel comfortable and trusting us and
having a great time, the original woman felt
a SURGE in all those emotions of attraction
and trust.
And by the way, if getting two women who are
total strangers not only to you but to each
other, can all be having a great time with you
within 5 minutes, think about what can be done
in a longer time frame in malls, bookstores,
cafes, and don't even get me started about
the massive ease of what to do in a club!!!!
I also use social proof all the time when I
or a buddy of mine happen to be the first
one to approach a group of women.
So let’s say I approach the group of women
first, and I get things revved to high power,
and then my buddy rolls up, often all I have to
do is say “this is my friend, he’s a great guy”
and that’s IT, he’s TOTALLY IN and he really
doesn’t have to do ANYTHING anymore
because I’ve already "socially proven" him.
All he has to do is not screw it up.
And vice versa, if he opens up the group and
does a great job attracting them, all he has to
say if I roll up, is, "This is my friend”, and
by process of being SOCIALLY PROOFED
by him, I’m already in, I don’t have to DO
anything except not royally screw it up.
Here’s another element of social proof:
A lot of times, guys get insecure, and they
actually try to somehow put DOWN the
other guys they are with when they are
in front of women, because the guys
feel they are COMPETING with each
This is really sad, because as far as the
women are concerned, on a subconscious
level all that is happening is they are feeling
you are getting NEGATIVE social proof
from these guys who you keep implying are
NOT cool, so then why are YOU in their
circle? If you say they are uncool, and they
are part of your circle, that must make you
uncool as well.
So NEVER do that.
In fact, the smartest way to apply social proof,
if you are ever with your buddies, is to socially
proof EACH OTHER and say great things about
each other.
Here’s ANOTHER way to use social proof,
if you are ever at a massive party with tons
of women you don’t know. Just approach
individual groups and have MINI chats
with them, and then say, “Hey, it was
nice meeting you, I’m going to say
hi to some friends!”
This way, you can not only approach the
ENTIRE place and chat with every woman
in the joint, but since the place is so busy
NO ONE will know that you didn’t
ALREADY know everyone!
Instead, they will feel you must be THE MAN
because every woman is chatting with you!
Plus, because you are keeping each chat
BRIEF at the beginning, you also show
that you are not needy and that you are
there to have FUN, which in itself is a
sign of a guy who is not NEEDY or
desperate, it’s a sign of a guy who
ALREADY HAS tons of women
at his fingertips.
Now, once you have ALREADY circulated
and met EVERYONE including EVERY
woman in the place, you can then GO
BACK to whichever woman you wanted
to chat to in the first place, but now you
are ENRICHED with MASSIVE social
proof, which will make things go INSANELY
easy at this point!
And remember, that initial brief chat could
Have been as casual, as, “Hey, what’s up!
Isn’t this party awesome!!??”
When at a party, it’s THE VIBE that counts,
the fact that you are in a great FUN mood.
Let me share with you YET ANOTHER
massive proof of the power of social proof:
Just DAYS AGO, a dude in New York City
put this principle into PRACTICE for himself.
It’s important to remember, this was a REGULAR
DUDE and there is filmed proof of what happened
as well, and I will provide the link for you so you
can see it for yourself.
In a nutshell, all he did was WALK around Times
Square with two bodyguards, two assistants, and
photographers pretending to be paparazzi.
From the original source, I quote:
“While the assistants and photographers waited
for Brett to exit the 49th street marquee at NBC
Studios, they started a buzz that a "big star" was
about to walk out, thus making it worth their while
to wait and get a picture.”
They NEVER actually said he was ANYONE
in particular. He wasn’t pretending to be
Tom Cruise, Robert Pattinson, or anyone else.
All they said was that he was a BIG STAR.
In other words, all they said was that he was,
in essence, someone who was POPULAR and
What is AMAZING is how the crowds just
kept getting BIGGER and BIGGER.
How girls suddenly were so HAPPY to get
their picture with him. Even totally STRAIGHT
GUYS were saying that he was a cool guy with
By the way, I don’t blame girls for being
ATTRACTED to him, and guys for thinking
he is a cool guy with talent, because this stuff
gets to the HARD WIRING of the human psyche.
If it wasn't for the fact that this just happens to be
an area that I have specialized in for over ten years,
I would probably have the SAME reactions as all
these other people.
In fact, social proof still works on me in many ways,
and I have to CONSCIOUSLY REMIND myself of
what is actually happening to stop it from taking over
my emotions.
And that's WITH already knowing about how social
proof works and with spending so many years in this
field, I STILL need to work hard to remind myself
to not let it take over!
This stuff is HARD-WIRED.
A woman can’t HELP but feel attraction
when the right switches are pushed.
It attracts women.
It wins the respect of men.
It’s UNIVERSALLY powerful.
Check out this video for PROOF of how SOCIAL PROOF works to get women MADLY attracted:
Make sure to check out the GROUP
of women surrounding him at 2:15,
including the woman who KEEPS
ON TRYING to kiss him!
And at 2:17, how the girls are so excited
about him, you’d think this guy was FOR
SURE the next SUPERSTAR that makes
women melt.
Remember, this dude is a REGULAR DUDE,
he’s doesn’t actually HAVE anything that any
other dude doesn’t have.
And of course, social proof ITSELF builds
even MORE social proof, as each time
people joined the CROWD, the crowd got
LARGER and created even MORE powerful
social proof, making the crowd even LARGER
and larger in a never ending cycle of growth,
until he HIMSELF decided to end the experiment.
Here’s one final point I want to add:
When you ATTRACT women, they don’t
ASK questions, they ALREADY are attracted
and they THEMSELVES fill in the answers
with whatever answer FEELS right to them
based on what they are FEELING about you.
So, for example, if a woman feels you must
be the most talented, confident guy who is
a great lover and who all women want, they
aren’t going to ASK you if you are these
things, they will just want to know how to
GET a chance to be with you.
Plus, when a woman is ATTRACTED, anything
YOU say to her about yourself gets FILTERED
through the most ATTRACTIVE prism.
What I mean by this is let’s say you tell her
that you are unemployed, that you are a jerk,
and that you are not interested in spending
money on women.
Well, now that she is ALREADY attracted,
she may just figure that you are either so
desirable that you are trying to GET RID
of her because you already have too many
women, so she will now just work even
HARDER to get you.
Or, she might figure you are some type of
genius who is too good for regular boring
jobs, or she might figure you are loaded
and just trying to test to see if she is
a gold-digger, or she might just figure
that she is so lucky to have a chance to
have met you when you are still POSSIBLE
to get before you become IMPOSSIBLE due
to you being too PERFECT and her feeling
too insecure and feeling that a perfect guy
like you would never truly love her.
BOTTOM LINE is that it doesn’t matter
what you SAY, because she is ATTRACTED
and everything you do now gets interpreted
in some sort of POSITIVE way.
Now, what you have just read is just the
TIP OF THE ICEBERG of what you will learn
in my programs.
My ATTRACTION MASTERY program not only
goes into SOCIAL PROOF, but it also shows
you TONS of other PROVEN strategies for
attracting women ANYWHERE you see them.
And not only does it show you how to
approach women, but it even gives you
things from the very first moment you walk
up to her, all the way to a relationship.
This isn’t just hyperbole here.
This program is going to be one of the greatest
investments you’ve ever made in your LIFE.
This program is absolutely vital if you want
to get the experience under your belt with
women before going on to settle down with
one fantastic amazing woman for life.
Get the women you want by downloading this
important program NOW at:
And if you haven’t yet downloaded my very first
book, ‘The Dating Wizard’, then do that now at:
Till next time,
Michael Marks
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