Man, there is a TON of crucial info I’m going to
share with you here on how to attract virtually
ANY woman. The first thing that should be like
a RULE every boy learns in school is:
If you are not getting the results you want with women,
it's NOT your fault.
It's been a process of a LIFETIME OF BRAINWASHING
since birth, that you were not aware of, a lifetime of being told
to do the wrong actions, and take the wrong perspective,
and have the wrong beliefs about attracting women...
The WRONG perspectives and the wrong habits have most likely
been pounded into your mind for so long, these wrong things now
SEEM to you like they must be the RIGHT things, even though
they give NO results, and DON'T work to attract women!
I’m going all out today because I know it’s been a
while since I had a chance to write a new newsletter-
I’ve been extremely busy working one-on-one, live,
with men in real life to ensure they get the women
they want.
Also, I want to let you know that you can get great
tips from me on ‘Dating Uncovered’, which is a
fantastic on-going series geared for men’s dating
needs. To see new episodes of the on-going series,
you need to be a subscriber to
The great thing about this series is that you can watch
the latest episodes from anywhere in the world, at
anytime you want. Again, the name of the show
is ‘Dating Uncovered’ at
So let’s start today with a genuine look at a real
problem facing men when it comes to dating.
Have you ever been able to GET a woman’s
interest INITIALLY, and then find that you
LOSE her interest? Have you ever had this
happen to you REPEATEDLY?????
Trust me, if it has, you are not alone.
In fact, just YESTERDAY, on a live TV broadcast,
there was a young man who is a teenager in high school
facing all the pressures of dating at that age and who
was speaking from the heart about this problem of
women constantly ‘losing interest’ in him.
In fact, you’ll get to see a part of the show and meet
him through the magic of the internet and video, in just
a minute.
Here’s the CRUCIAL thing to keep in mind while you
watch the program: As I always say, ATTRACTION
can be CREATED, by your BEHAVIOR. It can also
be LOST by your BEHAVIOR.
However, this CONCEPT is something that most men
at ANY age, NEVER realize. Never mind knowing
this stuff back in high school. I wish I knew all that
I know now, back in high school!
Most men find it IMPOSSIBLE to believe that
attraction can be CREATED or LOST and
Most men think it’s all about LOOKS, because
this is the way MEN tend to feel about women,
so they figure women feel the exact same way
about men.
A typical man figures that if a woman IS attracted, she
must be turned on by his looks, and if she is NOT
attracted, it must be that she is turned OFF by his
looks. This is how most of us men think if we are
not taught by someone who knows better.
And if a woman DOES go out with a guy, and then
LATER she ‘dumps’ him, then the guy will usually
think she was just with him in the beginning for
some reason OTHER than attraction, and the guy
thinks that she left because he didn’t have the LOOKS.
Now, let me tell you something:
The ‘catch’ to all this, is that DISPLAYING THE
RIGHT BEHAVIORS, and making SURE you
STICK to the right behaviors, GOES AGAINST
So that’s one HECK of a BEHAVIORAL CHANGE.
So much so, in fact, that most men think “Nahhhh,
that CAN’T be true!”.
And so, that leaves us men who DO KNOW the truth
even MORE women to choose from, far more than
we could ever meet or ever have the time for, which
is why men like me aren’t afraid to ‘spill the beans’!
After the video, make sure to come back here to learn
the SOLUTION for attracting and keeping a woman!
You can get right to the MAIN part of this video
by skipping to the FIVE MINUTE mark:
Notice how Kyle IS getting interest from women,
but because, like most men including myself at one
point, he has been brainwashed, so he DISREGARDS
any evidence to EMPOWER himself, and instead
accepts the conventional brainwashed belief that
it must be it’s all about his LOOKS which is why
he is losing the women…UNTIL HE IS PROMPTED
At which point he REALIZES that indeed there IS
something else that might explain why the girls are
dumping him- he says “it might be me worrying
about it, or them saying something that I get worried
It’s like two STARS just EXPLODED.
“It might be me WORRYING about it”.
“Or them saying something that I get worried about.”
In my very first book ever, called ‘The Dating Wizard’,
I speak about being the MAN, who resonates POWER.
“It might be me worrying about it” says that there
is a FEAR that, “I’m not good looking enough.”
And “saying something that I get worried about”
means being overly CONCERNED about something
a woman says that might indicate maybe she isn’t
BOTH these things radiate the inner belief that
states “I am NOT the MAN, I am NOT the
power, I am NOT the winner.”
And by the way, I am absolutely not criticizing
this courageous man at all!!! He has, in my opinion,
show in the first place, and for having the GUTS
to SPEAK about it in public and IMPROVE by
It’s probably THIS stuff about his personality
that ATTRACTS the women in the FIRST PLACE!!
You have to believe me, I’ve been doing this for
myself for about fifteen years, and doing it LIVE
and proving it for others for about TEN years.
Trust me when I say I have SEEN IT ALL, and I can
tell you that women SENSE a man’s personality with
In fact, this ability is something women aren’t even
and it only applies to detecting whether a man has or
does not have the sexually attractive personality.
This is why women are NOT as good at IMMEDIATELY
detecting the less primal elements of a man’s personality,
i.e. whether he is great at sports or poker or funny or
even things like whether he is reliable, etc. These things
don’t make or break the sexually attractive personality.
So, in this case, with this guy, the women SENSE he DOES
in fact HAVE the sexually attractive raw materials in his
personality, which is why they go OUT with him.
However, his insecurity slowly TAKES OVER and then it
DESTROYS that attraction.
Which is easy to understand because at the BEGINNING,
when he first meets a new woman, he probably feels he has
nothing to lose. His COOL personality gets to show.
Then, as he gets the girl, the fear of LOSS kicks in.
So now, you can clearly see how giving into any insecurity you have with women is the ultimate attraction destroyer.
But let’s also see how all this applies to an ‘approach scenario’ where you want toapproach a woman who is gorgeous and who is a total stranger.
In these kinds of "approaching a woman who is a stranger" situations, you are not ONLY dealing with attraction. You must also learn how to QUICKLY develop a CONNECTION.
The reason for this, is that as a total stranger, if there is no connection, and only attraction, she might still be in DANGER.
So establishing a connection really helps get over that hurdle, PLUS of course it leads to the possibility of a great RELATIONSHIP down the road if that is what you are both looking for.
All great relationships have both ATTRACTION and CONNECTION firing on all cylinders.
You ALSO have to understand the ENVIRONMENT, and what makes the most SENSE for that venue.
Let me share with you examples from my latest ‘Real World Attraction Bootcamp’ where I take men for real to show them how it’s all done on women in person!
At a bookstore earlier in the day, my client saw the exact type of girl he was looking for, and he not only got her contact info, but SHE was the one who took his phone and made sure he GOT the right info on her- this woman went from total stranger to PURSUIT mode!
So what did he do? Well, first of all, he did EVERYTHING right.
He followed my suggestions on dressing, style, and accessories.
So he didn’t look like every OTHER guy.
He STOOD OUT in a COOL way, not a WEIRD way.
If you read a recent newsletter, you already know how powerful symbols and accessories are in the sexual mating process, and the practice can be traced back all the way to even before humans could SPEAK. That’s how primal of a force it is.
He radiated POWER from this.
He also used the right VOCAL TONALITY, as instructed.
He slowed down the tempo, which creates more confidence
within and inspires more attraction in the woman.
He made sure to filter in the right EMOTIONS in his voice-
emotions of dominance, yet calm, with an upbeat tone in
his voice, and a touch of sensuality.
He also opened up the conversation with a topic
that made SENSE for the time and place, it was
a bookstore in a mall at the end of November,
when lots of people are shopping for gifts, so he
started with a comment about gifts and then
quickly TRANSITIONED the conversation
to being more about HER, and letting her
speak about HERSELF, plus he got her to
speak about her POSITIVE traits.
By having women do an action that is a
form of qualifying herself, she is getting
involved in WORKING FOR YOUR
ATTENTION, plus she sees that you
have STANDARDS and that you want
to see what is worthwhile in her.
The more SHE DOES, the more she gets
INVOLVED in the interaction, the more you
Here’s the BEAUTY of it too:
Since she is speaking so much now, about
things directly relevant about her personality
and her identity, this gives you, as it gave
my Client TONS of things to speak about
that are MEANINGFUL to her!
He also genuinely gave of himself with empathy,
while at the SAME time being OOZING with
Here’s another example from later that same night,
at a top-notch university pub, set in a cool historic
old mansion, which was the only thing open that
late at night that was still superior to the typical
drunk and deafening club scene.
We spotted two women who really seemed to be
chilled out sharing a table, having a conversation
with each other.
Now, due to many reasons, including the change of
environment from mall bookstore to busy college pub,
my Client at first felt uncomfortable. (let’s call him Dave
for privacy.)
He keeps telling me, “What if they don’t go for it?
What if they don’t go for what I say???”
I applied a few of my ‘Jedi mind tricks’ to GET
and to approach and to do it properly, and he goes
right in there, WITHOUT rehearsing or memorizing
a line, and does exactly what I TOLD him to do- to
say the first PLAYFUL thing he can THINK of.
So he goes in there, right in their FACES, I’m
talking like an INCH away from their NOSES,
and says:
“Who’s more popular, Justin Bieber or Chris Brown???”
And they BOTH immediately EAT IT RIGHT UP!
They’re acting as if they’ve been waiting ALL DAY
to hear this question!
YES, this is the power of what happens when
you do it all RIGHT.
Why did it work so well?
Because it’s Friday night at a busy college PUB.
A lot of guys get freaked out by a place that’s
really busy and LOUD, and by the fact that
the women already seem to behaving a
conversation and not interested in starting
a new one with strangers.
But the truth is, pubs and clubs are THE EASIEST
place, because TONS of the women are SINGLE
and they are there to have FUN, and the atmosphere
is ALREADY fun, music, alcohol, etc.
In fact, the only problem with these places is
that the kind of women that have the magic
combination of NOT drinking much, AND
being really attractive AND who don’t smoke,
AND who don’t do drugs, do NOT tend to
gravitate that much to clubs and even pubs.
However, it’s still good practice to go to these
places as well, even though I primarily train
my Clients in places like bookstores, cafes,
supermarkets, etc, places that ALL women
tend to go to, including the really special
women who are the ‘total package’.
Anyway, the conversation is going well, but
starting to falter a bit, but that’s perfectly
normal since this is the first time Dave has
BEEN in this kind of environment, plus
there are other reasons that I can’t get into
because I respect people’s privacy.
So all I see is that Dave stops talking, so I figure
I’ll take the wheel, like a driving instructor, and
pick up where he left off, so I can demonstrate
some of the CONNECTION skills.
Now, I had heard one of the women’s responses to
Dave’s opener about Bieber and Chris Brown, and
she had started to say “It’s all about demographics,
how many 12-17 year olds are there, and how many
24-35 year olds are there, etc, etc’.
So, here’s the thing to keep in mind:
The TIME was Friday night.
Justin Beiber and Chris Brown don’t normally make
a lot of sense in the same sentence, but that’s the
FUN in the playfulness of it all, and in fact, you
So it was a nice fun opening, delivered playfully,
but also with CONFIDENCE, and again in a college
on a Friday night, going RIGHT UP IN THEIR
Once Dave started to stall, I picked up where he left off,
by going to one of the women:
“Wow, a dissertation on DEMOGRAPHICS.
If this is you on BEER on Friday NIGHT, I’d
love to see what you’re like during theWEEK!
I bet you’re like “NOOOOO, E does NOT
equal MC squared!!!! Einstein was WRONG!
Let me prove it to you with this graph!!!!!”
So, to this, she and her friend start laughing hysterically,
which is EXACTLY what I want in this environment
for the early part of the conversation.
Then, I transition to CONNECTION, but not TOO
DEEP, since this is a party environment.
So I go to her and say:
“Are you in marketing???”
It was pure instinct, but instinct is based on
EXPERIENCE. I’ve been doing this for long
enough to gather the subtle details about a
person to get a pretty good grip on who they
I figured she was NOT an actuary scientist,
and NOT a statistician. Why? Because of
the way she mentioned demographics without
the accompanying vocabulary of statisticians
or actuary scientists. And because of the
clothing she was dressed in, and her friend,
and the way she handled herself.
And the way she looked, and her background,
and even the slight sub-cultural inferences
I could make about her family roots.
I know, I know, this might sound like overdoing it,
but I spent zero time thinking about it, it was all
in about 1 second, from EXPERIENCE.
It’s not hard at all, trust me.
So her eyes go wide and she says YES, she’s in
marketing and studied business at this college,
etc, etc.
Then I look at her friend, and I remember the
exact way she and her girlfriend were behaving
with each other, and the mannerisms they
displayed, and I could already guess that they
were long time friends, so I tell her that I bet
they’ve known each other for YEARS.
BINGO, again.
Then, I tell her, “I bet you see the world through
a marketing and demographics lens, right? For
example, if people just REALIZED how many
forces in their lives are the results of DEMOGRAPHICS,
they would WAKE UP to soooo much, right?”
BINGO again.
Now, both these women, but especially the one
I’m focusing on, feels like “this is a guy that’s
only known me for SECONDS, and already
understands me better than guys who have
known me for YEARS.
And, I’m especially NOT going tooo deep
into her actual personality, because I don’t
want to freak her out.
I just want to make her feel a little UNDERSTOOD
and to separate myself from everyone else.
Plus, by initially TEASING her a bit as well,
(about how when she is NOT on beer, she is
debating Einstein’s theory of Relativity) it’s clear
that I’m not KISSING up to her, yet at the same
time my tease is absolutely NOT malicious, in
fact in a way it is saying very good things about
her! So I’m teasing her and VALIDATING her
self-esteem AND connecting all at ONCE.
I also make sure to genuinely validate her friends,
because MORE of her girlfriends soon arrived
and they genuinely were all nice people, and
I told them that they all had really good friends,
so now the main girl is already won over, and
all the friends are supporting this as well.
Now, because the point of a club or pub in
a bootcamp is to get a LOT of experience,
since there are so many women there, and
also because that was the very first approach
Dave ever had in a club, and was a bit phased
out by it for various reasons, we moved on
to OTHER women in the club.
But here’s the thing that was really cool:
HOURS LATER, the two girls made their
way through a REALLY BUSY PUB to
Now, I was busy explaining something ELSE
really important to Dave, and politely had
a few words with them but then turned our
attention away from them, and AGAIN
these same women came over to US
two MORE times that night, including
later when we LEFT to grab a bite.
THIS is the power of doing things RIGHT,
I really hope if you are reading this right now,
that you REALIZE what all this means:
It means that if you have, like I myself was
for many years, not only been CLUELESS
about how to get women attracted to you,
but even worse, had to WATCH as OTHER
guys, especially the guys who were already
super-good looking or rich, or both, get
THE HOTTEST girls and LAUGH all
the way through high school, university,
and beyond, while you had to suffer in
the DARK in LONELINESS, you can
In fact, by NOT having it so good all those
years, you will now more likely TRULY
The guys who ONLY relied on looks or money
to get girls NEVER had to WORK at these
skills, so they could only get the women that
ALREADY came their way, these guys would
NOT go out of their way to approach strangers
for these guys.
Meanwhile, MOST of the female population,
including the VAST MAJORITY of all the
super ultra hotties are STRANGERS.
Even a guy who has the BIGGEST SOCIAL
compared to the choice you can have when the
fingertips with these skills.
It's simply a question of whether you are willing
to learn what is absolutely TEACHABLE.
I honestly think that not signing up for my materials
and programs is a CRIME AGAINST YOURSELF.
Think about it, if you’re not happy, you can get
a TOTAL refund.
But I know you WILL be THRILLED with my
programs, because they WORK.
I’ve worked to help EVERY type of guy, from all
four corners of the Earth.
My work has been featured internationally in
major newspapers and is still constantly featured
on television and in the news.
And every weekend, I’m still proving it in REAL LIFE.
Here’s something else to keep in mind:
I’m the ORIGINAL ‘dating coach without gimmicks’.
I’ve been doing this since YEARS before the book
‘The Game’ came out. ‘The Game’ focuses on
manipulation and tricks, and its author even says
himself that when it came to getting a GREAT
girl as a girlfriend, all the GAMES he learned
from ‘pick up artists’ actually HARMED his results
and almost permanently drove AWAY the girl he
wanted most!
But in that book, he NEVER reveals what IS
required to get a great girl.
Meanwhile, attracting quality women that would
make for FANTASTIC girlfriends, and KEEPING
them attracted, is what I SPECIALIZE in.
I’ve conducted bootcamps in several continents,
I’ve given presentations on how attraction REALLY
works at York University and the University of
Toronto. I’ve specialized in also learning how to
TEACH guys these skills and just to make sure
I was on top of the latest methods on how to
teach, I earned a degree in Education from one
of the most demanding and rigorous programs
And every week, I STILL teach this LIVE, and
prove it in PERSON.
I can get you the power of having TONS OF
CHOICES when it comes to women, so you
can get the women you WANT.
I can END the insanity of trying all kinds of
USELESS things to attract women, useless
things like doing them favors, or just giving
them compliments, or using ‘pheromones’, etc.
I can also save you MONEY and TIME.
Men spend TONS of money joining all kinds
of online dating sites, hoping THAT THIS
will solve the problem.
When you learn HOW to attract women, you
will attract women WHEREVER they are,
in real life, and online.
Plus, you can spend hours and hours WASTING
time going through online ads, or joining singles
clubs, but it’s all USELESS unless you learn
what to actually DO to ATTRACT women.
I wish I had a time machine to go back into
my high school years and university years
and STOP myself from diving into the endless
abyss of desperation, as well as obsession with
a handful of girls who I foolishly thought were
my “destiny” while I ignored the reality that
there were BILLIONS of other women out there,
and from the ENDLESS efforts I put in to try
to ‘impress’ women and hope that it turned into
Plus, I can show you to make sure you can spot
not only the RIGHT women, but also how to
avoid the WRONG women! I swear to you,
the WRONG woman will DESTROY you
She will eat away at your emotions, at your
HEALTH, and at your MONEY.
Meanwhile, the RIGHT WOMAN will turn the
When you have the woman you WANT, you
feel a TRILLION times more empowered, you
have the confidence to do ANYTHING.
You feel ALIVE in the greatest sense of the word.
And there’s NO REASON why you should NOT
succeed in getting the women you want.
You can make the TINIEST investment for the
MASSIVE payoff of success with women, by
programs which cost LESS than twenty bucks!
And regarding my LIVE Real World Bootcamp
program, here’s a fresh report from just last
Hello Michael,
Thank you again for suggesting the bootcamp.
I am still in shock of the progress I made.
I am very fortunate to come across your programs.
Just getting ready for bootcamp has made me grow
as a person in style and in mind. My fashion tastes
have become stronger because of you! I feel more
mature and sophisticated.
Your bootcamp is not like the other ones out there.
It's not about quick one night stands or how to attract
party girls, which just show how to have a man
being fed for a day but still left hungry.
It's about teaching a man how to fish. How to
have many options when it comes to women
and pick the one that "does" it for you.
I just realized something- you call your bootcamps
‘Real World Bootcamp’. Unlike the other so
called bootcamps out there, you train you clients
in reality not just in some club venue that makes
women loose and more inclined to an approach.
Everything I did in camp was all me and not
‘memorized pick up lines’. All you did was
show me the "true" way. Real World Bootcamp
clients are ready for real situations not just clubs!
The bootcamp grads are “All Terrain Go Anywhere,
See A Lady We Are Interested In Approachers!”
You are a MAJOR factor in my life. I can never
truly repay you for all you done for me.
You made me a better man, a smarter man, a cooler
man, and a sexier man.
You've taught me that attraction is an "art form" like
TKD or karate. Just like a true martial artist we should
train everyday to get great at our art form by way of
integrity and honor.
I feel that the work you are doing is life saving.
There are many men who committed suicide
because of a broken heart. If they would have
gotten a chance to go over your programs they
would have been empowered to become better
men. You deserve The Noble Peace Prize man.
I truly mean that.
You are so easy to relate to. I pretty much consider
you an older brother. You are much fun to be around.
You have a youthful exuberance about yourself. Yo
Mike you're an excellent teacher! I will do another
bootcamp because I felt like a sponge trying to absorb
an ocean. I kind of had information overload. To be
honest YOU are at the coolest human I've ever met!
I will see you again for another bootcamp! Watching
Warrior Within to work on that inner game issue.
Thanks Big bro,
D., New York
To be honest, I am deeply humbled by your kind words,
because I take your words as reinforcement of a great
responsibility to continue doing my ultimate best as a
teacher of this art and skill.
Thank you also for sharing your comments, particularly
the feeding a man for life analogy as well as the fact
that this training takes place in real life places like
bookstores, coffee shops, etc, and not just in clubs
where alcohol is served and the atmosphere is
already loaded with partying.
This is a crucial point, because some ‘pick up artists’
like to emphasize ‘tongue downs’ and ‘make-outs’
in clubs as proof of attraction, yet they do not mention
that clubs are often an artificial reality and even the
‘loose’ women who are ready to be promiscuous
with a guy they met in a club will NOT be as open
to ‘tongue-downs’ and ‘make outs’ upon being
approached in a bookstore, or on the train, etc.
Moreover, very often, the best women are usually
NOT found in clubs, and also the training you
get in The Real World Bootcamp from learning
the skills in places like bookstores,cafes, the supermarket,
public transportation, etc, is totally transferable to
your everyday life, as all men and women tend to
visit these places, so the training you get from
the Real World Bootcamp enables you to
immediately apply your skills to attract the
best women you meet in real life in all the
normal places, instead of relying on drunk
women in clubs.
And of course, just to prove that I’m not
‘avoiding’ anything or ‘hiding’ anything,
I ALSO train guys in clubs as well, just
to prove that in fact it’s even EASIER.
Finally, let me say, that you are one heck of a great
person, and that women can SENSE this goodness
in you as well, because it is a goodness built on
STRENGTH of character.
And if you are reading this right now, and
you want the power to ATTRACT the women
of YOUR CHOICE, then the FIRST thing
I suggest you do is download my book,
‘THE DATING WIZARD’ right here:
This book is PACKED with crucial tips and
strategies for getting women to want you
in the most primal and SEXUAL way.
This book is also a GREAT way to prepare
yourself for all my OTHER important programs.
Before I close this letter, I need to remind you
of one fact:
If you want ATTRACTION, it’s your job to
BEHAVE a certain way.
You want “love for nothing at all”?
GUESS WHAT, it don’t exist.
When you see a super HOT woman, is the
FIRST thing going through your mind her
Or is personality IMPORTANT, but you FIRST
So, I’m telling you that if want a WOMAN to feel
the SAME emotions of attraction that YOU feel for
her, you better DO what WORKS.
At first, the things I teach you will sound STRANGE.
After all, you’ve had an entire LIFETIME of
BRAINWASHING, plus you’ve pounded in the
wrong behaviors into your brain from doing the
wrong things with women over and over and
over again.
So, I’m here to tell you that I UNDERSTAND
that TAKING that first step towards CHANGE
might be a bit SCARY.
And THAT fear is what holds back just about
ALL MEN from ever GETTING the success
with women that they really want.
It prevents them from EVER learning the TRUTH
on how to succeed with women.
Let me give you some reassurance:
In many ways, movies have been TELLING YOU
what kind of MAN women WANT, all these years—
Think about HAN SOLO, you think women are
JOKING about the fact that they get HOT when
they hear Han's reply to Leia, when she tells him
'I love you" right before he’s about to get frozen
in carbonite?
And in case you don't remember, his reply to
her, at this important moment, is NOT a
sobby "I love you" or even "I love you"
at ALL.
His reply is simply: "I know".
THAT'S confidence, and it's NOT arrogance,
because considering the PRESSURE he's
under, it's plain old COOL AND MASCULINE
as heck to show that he is still under control
under all this stress, and STILL being his
"Han Solo" personality. She GETS it that
he's not being a jerk, but rather showing
STRENGTH under massive PRESSURE.
THESE are the keys to success in attracting women,
not desperate or meaningless compliments or
trying to "befriend" a woman into attraction.
But the thing is, guys walk away from a 'good vs evil' movie
like Star Wars and think that the moral of the story is to be like
Luke Skywalker more than Han Solo.
Once again, BAD conditioning, pounded into our heads over and over again.
But the truth is, Han Solo represents FLESH AND BLOOD, he is the
HUMAN hero, who lives in the REAL WORLD.
Luke is almost beyond the earthly desires, almost
like a monk who has devoted himself to spirituality,
and that’s great, but that is not the same thing as
sexuality. Be like Luke if you just want to be
PURE GIVING and pure spiritual.
Which is not realistic for most people.
Be like HAN if you want to be a good guy who
ALSO gets the GIRL.
Again, I PROMISE YOU, this is NOT just about looks,
even if you DON’T have the looks, but you convey the
and LOVE at the SAME TIME, you will have more
women than you could EVER HAVE TIME FOR.
And all the flaws you worry about yourself as not
being perfect for? Well, if you do things RIGHT
as I show you with women, you will make the
the interaction SO amazing, that her fantasy once
created is TOO powerful for even HER to deny
herself the pleasure of partaking in!! She will want
you so bad, that she will then do the rest of the
work to make any FLAW of yours somehow still
Don’t you feel you are WORTH getting the BEST?
Then start right NOW, with my instantly downloadable
book, called ‘The Dating Wizard’ for only $40!!!!!!
That’s less than the cost of one typical date that
MOST guys spend to try to ‘impress’ a woman!
Meanwhile, with my book, you’ll get the woman
you WANT, and you won’t even have to spend
ANYTHING to attract her.
And this way, you will also KNOW that she
wants YOU, not your money or anything else
from you.
The skills for attracting women can BE LEARNED!
I would LOVE to be the person who TEACHES you.
I’ve taught THOUSANDS of other men, and I want
YOU to be the next success story!
TIME in life is limited, don’t you want to make
sure you spent as much of it as possible having
FUN and enjoying it????
Start with my first program, my book, The Dating Wizard,
which you can find right at the top of this page:
You have NOTHING to lose and EVERYTHING
to gain. If you’re not THRILLED, just let me
know and I will be HAPPY to refund your money!
I have no pleasure from taking money from
ANYONE if they aren’t getting AT LEAST
TEN TIMES the value in return!
I KNOW you will LOVE all my programs, and
PROGRAMS will give you EVEN MORE
This book, 'The Dating Wizard' is supremely powerful
and a great way to start. Just this book alone is
going to change your life. I also know that you are
going to get so much from ALL my programs, that
you are going to probably thank your lucky stars that
you found the site.
Here’s another FACT that most people don’t
know about my programs and how successful
guys get with women from using them:
Even the amazing reports in the news about
the success of my clients, including reports on
the LIVE Bootcamp programs, is just the TIP
of the iceberg! This is because the guys who
got the results mentioned in the newspaper were
guys that the newspaper contacted randomly,
who had ZERO background learning from any
of my programs or books!
So those success stories in the newspapers, they got
those results from ONE LIVE SESSION with me,
of just a few hours!
Imagine what the guys who are TAKING my FULL
programs and bootcamps are getting!
I’m not interested in b.s.
Just real life proof of beautiful women attracted to you.
The End.
That’s it, end of story.
My very FIRST book, has remain absolutely
UNCHANGED in content! That’s how powerful
my programs are. Meanwhile, so called ‘experts’
have had to change ALL their materials because
they’ve been made completely outdated by my
My programs draw on the most extensive real world
experience as well as real world psychological research
on what WORKS to attract women, especially the
most DESIRABLE women on EARTH.
It’s time for JUSTICE, for YOU to get the power
with women that you previously thought only
the arrogant, spoiled, JERKS got.
I can still remember all the times I would see
a model-hot girl walking hand in hand with
some good looking rich jerk-off of a guy,
and I had nothing, and no one could care LESS,
but they would all say “You’ll get it, you’ll meet
someone someday.”
It was only when I LEARNED, the hard way,
what WORKS and what DOESN’T, that I
GOT what I wanted.
If I had waited for “destiny” or for “some woman
to sense I was her soul mate” I would NEVER
have gotten ANY success, never mind get to
Are you still afraid of taking a risk?
Then start with this teensy-tiny investment
in my POWERFUL audio program called
“Being The Selector” on how to convey
POWER to a woman and attract her
You’re going to love it!
You will KICK yourself later, if you don’t get
this incredible program and then years later find
out that this was what you NEEDED to get those
gorgeous women you’ve seen over your entire life!!
Till next time,
Michael Marks
Real World Bootcamp program will be going up in price
in the new year, so this is a GREAT time to still get this
life-changing program at the current cost. Also, demand
for this program is intense, and there may not be enough
Bootcamp weekends for everyone.
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