Sunday, November 6, 2011

Why Women Aren't Attracted To INNOCENT Guys - And What To Do About It

Getting past certain old beliefs is
one of the keys to attracting an
amazing woman, but for most men,
these beliefs are rooted so deep,
they NEVER get past them- and
never get the woman they want.

It took me many years (and many women
that slipped through my fingers!) to realize
just how FREAKY POWERFUL you can become
if you can just get PAST these old beliefs
about what is "good" behavior to a woman
and what is "bad".

Allow me to share with you a recent email
that will show you exactly what I mean:


Hi Michael Marks,

I don’t know what the hell I’m doing wrong
but it seems that when I’m out and about,
I make eye contact with a female and I’m
not looking too hard, just an innocent look,
and for some reason they shoot a “OMG why
the hell is he looking at me?”,or the “What
the hell you looking at?” look!

I know I’m not an ugly guy so what am I
doing wrong and what books or CD's/DVDs
do you have that deal with this subject

>>>MY REPLY<<<

First of all, thanks for sharing your story
and being so up front.

Guess what?
You keep thinking, like most men, that
this should not happen because you
are giving a look that is so “INNOCENT”.

However, the REASON this is happening
is actually BECAUSE your look was so

“Say WHAT Michael??????”

Stay with me here, and let’s look at all
this from the perspective of a woman
who is attractive, and has a lot of choice,
and ALSO has high standards in terms
of personality:

Every single time she steps out into the
public eye, ANYWHERE, guys are giving
her “innocent” looks.

The thing is, these looks, although quite
normal and an instinctive reaction from
most guys, are not exactly as “innocent”
as they seem.

For one thing, 99% of these “innocent”
looks would all like to do some very
naughty things with her.

And that’s still all fine and good, except,

And so, it’s kind of being DISHONEST!
And WHY is it that 99% of men are
being this way that is less than honest?

Because of FEAR that it’s “inappropriate”.
Because of FEAR that if she knows that
we are thinking NAUGHTY thoughts, then
she’s gonna get upset or something and
we’re going to lose her approval.

On a subconscious level, she can SENSE
all this.

And this is all a massive DESTROYER of

Instead of being a turn ON, it’s a turn OFF.

Again, this is where guys get confused about
why some JERKS do well with women.

It’s not the JERKINESS part of him, it’s the

There is no reason on earth why any GOOD
guy cannot or should not do this.

And in fact, the good guys who know this,
are the guys who get the BEST women,
because they are giving the ultimate
combination that ignites ATTRACTION
in a woman.

If only more GOOD GUYS knew how to radiate
sexuality withOUT being a jerk, it would
be the end of jerks. But I know that day
will never come, because just like
'the dark side of the force' being a
jerk is the easier way- even thought
of course the 'jerk' method is a timebomb
and ends up CRASHING and causing the girl
to LEAVE as she loses TRUST in him.

Try it as an experiment to prove what
I’m saying:

Try going out and getting RID of the
INNOCENT look when checking out
and approaching a woman, vs. the
“innocent” look.

You can still have a warm smile and not
look so antiseptic, so innocent, so sterile
of masculinity. Or you can even not smile
at all. Yup, no smile at all.

You can look “NOT SO INNOCENT” because
in fact, you really want to be a little more
NAUGHTY, right?

It’s was pretty mind-blowing for me to first
discover all this, but from a “certain point of
view”, to quote Obi Wan Kenobi, this is
actually more TRUE, more HONEST, more
SEXUAL, more MASCULINE, and more
ATTRACTIVE, and it also shows more

And it’s a billion times more of a TURN-ON
for her!

It’s really a form of FEAR that makes us
act all “squeaky anti-septic clean” around
women, mixed with a brainwashing that
tells us it’s “polite” to be this non-sexual

And of course, FEAR is not attractive to
a woman, and not believing you have the
VALUE is also not attractive either, and
acting non-sexual is also BORING.

And what really makes my blood boil is
when virtually the ONLY GUYS that get
this and understand it intuitively and
apply it and get any results are the

If only the GOOD GUYS would understand
this and apply it, good guys would RULE.

This is why in real life there are so few
(if you remember the guy from the movie
"American Pie" who just wants to get into
women’s pants using ANY means)

Stiffler has ZERO GUILT about ANYTHING
he does to get into women’s pants, even
if he DOES have to lie, but BOND is so
EXPLODING with confidence and self-esteem
that he EXPECTS women to want to be with
the REAL him no matter what.

This is why the Stiffler’s of the world at least
get some SHORT-TERM results, but of course
they never get to KEEP a woman attracted.

It’s the BOND type confidence that keeps a
woman craving a man LONG TERM.

Now, there’s yet ANOTHER level to all this:

When you act or look all “innocent”, you
are actually making a woman feel LESS

This is because since you are acting so
“innocent”, she knows the only way this
could ever lead to the sexual is through
HER having to make it all happen, and
that is simply NOT the role that 99% of
women prefer.

She wants YOU to be THE MAN, and HER
to be THE WOMAN.

In her mind, a desirable woman does not
have to plead with a man to act masculine,
and does not have to tell him to have
confidence, and does not have to help him
to approach her, and to create sexual vibes,
and to have to make up for the lack of his
comfort with being sexual by HER being
overtly sexual, unless SHE feels she is a
tramp or desperate for attention!

By being THE MAN, and a little less “innocent”
(and you know that this is really not a
bad thing, as I explained above) you allow
her to fall into the role of being “the woman”
and you into the role of being “the man”
who just “made it all happen” so she feels
it wasn’t like she was this desperate tramp.

Women are still socially programmed to
feel awkward about being the ones to
LEAD the show when it comes to the
whole sexual thing.

By you behaving more as THE MAN, she
can be more of THE WOMAN.

This goes even DEEPER, by the way, all the
way into the sex part of a relationship.
Specifically, what I mean is that it's
CRUCIAL that you make a woman feel FREE
to be A WILD ANIMAL in bed.

You see, this is one of the crazy things
nobody talks about, and it's a real tragedy.

The NICEST girls out there, you think they
aren't INFINITELY SEXUAL??????????????????

It's a CRIME that 'nice girls' who don't want
a CREEP often get guys that are so 'innocent'
and 'nice' that the guy never really makes
her feel like it's OKAY AND GOOD IN FACT
to be a total sex wild crazy fun person!

And to be honest, sex is the most powerful
fun drug there is, without side effects.

So it's really very MEAN to be so 'innocent'
and deprive a woman of the psychological
FREEDOM to feel GOOD about being 'bad'
in the fun sex sense.

Too much 'innocence' on your part makes her
feel like you will JUDGE HER IN A BAD WAY
if she gets sexual with you to the maximum

Being too 'innocent' reeks of LACK of sexuality,
or even worse, GUILT about sexuality.

And there’s yet ANOTHER level to all this:

When a guy checks her out looking “all
innocent”, it’s telling her that he feels he
isn’t good enough, because if he KNEW
HE WAS THE “REAL DEAL”, then he wouldn’t
need to cover his tracks, cover up his desire
to flirt, cover up his masculinity, etc.

So why on earth would a woman want
to get involved with a man who HIMSELF
thinks he’s not good enough? How is
SHE supposed to feel about him if
HE doesn’t feel he has value himself?

Notice how so much of this problem is
INTERNAL, it’s all part of the “inner game”.

In fact, even things like wearing COOL
CLOTHING and accessories, the reasons
they can help your success with women
are more to do with the MESSAGES being
sent to your mind and to hers about how
the clothing actually having such a great

For example, you might even be in
a store that has COOL clothing, but
you figure it’s not for you, because
you aren’t COOL ENOUGH to wear
that kind of clothing.

This, by the way, is one way that SEPARATES
different groups in society- the people who
feel COOL about themselves and the people
who DON’T.

And the irony is that it’s this self-fulfilling
prophecy, because if you haven’t ever been
wearing cool stuff, you start to feel that you
are not ALLOWED to, as if you simply don’t
have the RIGHT to be a cool guy.

So it’s not only the way it makes you LOOK,
it’s the MESSAGE you are giving off to yourself
and to women that says whether you do NOT
or whether you DO HAVE THE RIGHT TO BE

When you give yourself PERMISSION
to be THE MAN, the world of women
opens up at your feet.

Until then, the doors remain SHUT.

Try it- try going to the mall, to the
coolest clothing stores, and notice
how it even FEELS when you try on
clothing and accessories that are
“cooler” than you think is really

Your mind will say “this is not my thing.”

That is your MIND playing games on you.

WEAR it long enough, and you start to

It’s not so much the clothes, it’s what the
clothes did to your MIND, to your 'inner game'
as they say.

And one of the biggest elements to success
with women is your 'inner game', what is
happening deep WITHIN yourself and your
thoughts regarding women, dating, approaching
women, and getting sexual, getting intimate,
and more.

This 'INNER' game is a big part of what’s
calling the shots in the 'OUTER' world.

And if you want to take your “Inner Game”
with women to a whole new DIMENSION
of success, there’s nothing more powerful
program available ANYWHERE than my

This program goes DEEP into your “inner game”.

A great woman sizes up your inner game
instinctively and immediately, because she
has so much experience with guys constantly
trying to get her, and so she must QUICKLY
deal with men who are approaching her:

She does this by sensing whether your
INNER GAME is really ROCK-SOLID or not.

It tells her EVERYTHING she needs to know
about you.

In my DVD training program, Warrior Within,
you will get the most advanced mastery of
inner game, and you will ALSO learn how to
your inner game to the real world of approaching
women, getting dates, building a supremely
powerful connection with her, getting physical,
and MUCH, MUCH more.

It’s all here:

If you're the "hands on" type when it comes to learning,
then it's time you signed up for my REAL WORLD
BOOTCAMP, that bombards you with non-stop,
exclusive, private 1 on 1, LIVE coaching on
tons of women in the real world.

Find out full details at:

Till next time,

Michael Marks

To check out ALL my programs for meeting
and keeping an amazing woman, go here:

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