Monday, November 28, 2011

The Boomerang Effect: Sexually Attract Women From Strangers Into Girlfriends

If you want to attract a woman who is a lot more
than your average woman, then you have to
approach her in a way that is far superior to
the way “average” guys do it.

The “average” approach guys tend to use, if they
even do anything at all, (99% of the time, guys
do not do anything) is to find some reason to
have something to say to her.

And this isn’t a terrible thing, IF they can raise
the level of the conversation to something more
powerful relatively quickly, and IF their state of
mind is feeling that combination of sexuality,
dominance, being upbeat, and warm.

Of course, it then is no longer an average

For Superior Results, Take Superior Action

What usually happens in the AVERAGE conversation
that a guy attempts to make with woman is that the
conversation dies out, because there was no real
substance there to fuel it in a way that gave off the \
right VIBES of flirtatiousness, sexuality, masculinity,
and genuine connection.

And it’s important to realize that even if you are
not some comedian, that’s fine, as humor is
just ONE great way to go about the approach.

You can also use INTRIGUE with women instead
of humor.

Here's one example:

If she works in the cologne or perfume department,
or if she’s a woman shopping there, you can speak
to her about how interesting it must be to capture
the essence of things through only an aroma or scent.

And you can talk to her and ask her, if there was
a perfume or cologne called MONEY, would it

And you could take it in a MILLION directions that
are awesome from there…for example, you could
ask her…what does she feel are the scents that
should represent who she is in terms of her IDENTITY.

You could speak about which scents best represent
YOU, and you could actually combine humor with
intrigue here as well.

The "Boomerang Effect"

One of the keys to realize is that whatever VIBES
you send out to a woman, that is what you will bring
out in her and that is what she will give back to you.

In the example above, by appealing to the use of scent,
you are actually engaging her sensual mode, and
you are simultaneously also engaging her creativity
by getting her to also imagine not some boring thing
but rather the essence of power and the essence of

On a subconscious level, colognes are already
designed to appeal to deep rooted feelings about
attractive things, and you are tapping into this with
this example and going straight for these emotions
rather than some boring conversation about the weather.

You are appealing to her SENSORY MODE, and you
are also building a connection by getting her to define
herself to you in a way that touches the emotions, as
opposed to her just running off a list of nice traits about
herself that might in reality have no meaning to her or
might not even be true.

This is how you can approach a woman who is a total stranger, sexually attract her, and make her want to
be your girlfriend immediately.

By engaging her emotionally, she is not only more
interested, she is also revealing more truth to you
about herself, and she will also see you as far more
sophisticated and cool and powerful, far more like a
real life "James Bond" than some guy who at most
can just ask her to go out with him sometime.

A woman can be MANY different things, and it’s
important not to jump to conclusions too fast about a
woman- because if you are feeling nervous or edgy
or uncomfortable, THAT will often bring out the exact
same negative emotions in HER.

You can make a woman sexual with you, you can make
a woman flirty with you, you can make her lighthearted
and playful, you can make her yours if you send out
the right degree of vibes.

The better a woman is, the more dimensions she has
to herself, the more interesting she is, and so she will
welcome the kind of man that has a LOT of cool emotions
he can make her experience.

The specific vibes YOU give off will be the same vibes
that you then turn on in HER.

In the same way an expert with a boomerang will have
it return to him because of the specific way he threw it,
you will have a woman giving back to you the exact
vibes you threw to her.

This Works On The Most Powerful, Primal Level

She can't HELP it, because vibes work on a very primal
level, and once activated, these primal switches in her
make her feel a very powerful need to respond back to
you in the exact same way.

And now, in a very special program, I'll show you how to
do ALL of this, and I will explain how to give off different
kinds of awesome vibes, including the sexual without being
vulgar, as well as bringing out the best kinds of behaviors
in her.

This program is called The Boomerang Effect.

In this program, not only do I show you how to do this
with women in person, I also show you a detailed
example of how to do this for online dating as well!

And I also show you DOZENS of other "Boomerang Effect"
strategies for creating the kind of vibes that make a woman
MELT for you.

For example, have you ever wondered why so many
women who are stunning and absolute “knockouts” are
with guys that don’t seem “nice” to women?

It’s not because these women sit up at night praying to
meet jerks.

And it’s not because these women enjoy being mistreated.

It’s because, ironically enough, so called “jerks” are actually
GIVING WOMEN a lot more than most guys. And it’s just
instinct for women to enjoy “boomeranging” i.e. giving
back, this feeling.

The Secret "Jerks" Use To Attract Women

In fact, what these so called “jerk” guys are giving is so
powerful, and so rare, that NOTHING else most other guys
give can EVER compare.

So what is this powerful thing these “jerks” are giving
these women?

It is a feeling of ABUNDANCE.

And the crazy thing is, there is no way to give this feeling
to a woman unless it’s OOZING out of your own pores to
the point that you can’t HELP but give it away!

You have INFINITE AMOUNTS of it and so you don’t even
think of it as “giving” and you don’t care about “getting back”
this feeling from her because you are already BURSTING
with it!

What do I mean by “abundance?”

What I mean is this:


This means you don’t need her or any woman to
VALIDATE you in order for you to feel COMPLETE

And yet, what do most guys feel, especially
when they approach a woman that they really like?

All of a sudden, the guys are depending for dear
life that the woman should LIKE them.

It’s not because of these guys “care” so much about
her, it’s because THEY "WANT TO BE WANTED"

And on top of this, suddenly there is this feeling of
being DRAINED of their sense of empowerment
and of desirability.

Most guys suddenly then feel even LESS confident,
less empowered, and they want and need her validation
in order to feel good and satisfied, or even to just feel
the way they felt before they came in contact with her!

It’s the complete OPPOSITE of abundance.
It’s a feeling of LACKING.

To a woman, she ends up feeling drained by these
“vibes of weakness”, as if SHE must GIVE herself in
order for these guys to feel worth.

So all the free dinners offered to her, and all the favors,
and all the compliments, all this does not come CLOSE
to giving when the REAL vibes being given off are:


This then makes all the “nice” behavior just seem like
a TRICK to disguise what is a BAD offer:

“Take me, because even though I’m not of value, I give
you nice behavior to make you forget that I’m not of value”.

The reality is that it’s not that you can’t be nice to a woman.
That’s not the problem.

It’s that this so-called "NICE BEHAVIOR" usually comes
from the WRONG PLACE internally.

Meanwhile, the “jerk” has done his homework in life, or
he’s just learned the lesson in life, to work on HIMSELF
internally to create the most POWERFUL sense of SELF,

There is no “leak” in his steel safe of self-esteem, there is
no way any woman can drain his reservoir of empowerment
and emotional independence.

Also, she is not required in order for him to keep the reservoir
of his power at ‘full tank’.

And that’s why he has no need to ‘kiss up’. In fact, he actually
has no DESIRE to kiss up.

He just has a desire to PLAY.

When you’re feeling playful, you don’t feel like being aloof or
cold, or trying to play manipulative tactics on a woman.

Guys who REALLY understand this are extremely rare.

And of course, you can imagine just how POWERFUL it is for
a woman when a guy like this decides to actually be WARM
with her:

It's clear to a woman that it's coming from a place of infinite
abundance, and not from a place of needing to control her or
take from her.

THAT'S why she melts for such a man.

Meanwhile, the “pick up artist” types AND the other extreme
of “kiss up types” are all over the place these days.

And they are boring the heck out of women.

Remember, a woman “in demand” has zero need for free
dinners or favors, and even if she DID, these wouldn’t
result in ATTRACTION.

And she's not "scared into submission" by the "hard to get"
games of some guys.

She's WAY too confident for that.

The Power Of Exuding Vibes Of "Abundance"

What DOES ignite attraction is this deep-rooted sense of

The feeling of inner abundance has a very PRIMAL effect
on women.

On the deepest level, it says “I am THE MAN who will SURVIVE

In the same way that we as men are affected by her first on a
primal ATTRACTION level, so too she is affected by what
appeals to HER primal emotions.

This sense of abundance is the KEY to appealing to all her
primal emotions.

Let me give you an example:

If you are ALREADY feeling COMPLETE and empowered and
feeling UPBEAT and feeling that in fact you have TOO MUCH of
these great emotions in you, well then you feel that you need to

That means when you see a woman that strikes your fancy, the
first impulse is not “How do I WIN her?” but rather it is this:


By adult fun, I mean the entire joy of flirting, building a connection,
and getting physical and intimate with a woman. ALL OF THIS IS

This is because you actually ENJOY the process of the interaction
itself, and you are not approaching her to get VALIDATED.

Rather, you are approaching her to SHARE the vibes you already
have within you that are SCREAMING to get out anyway.

These vibes are a combination of feeling playful, feeling aroused,
feeling empowered, masculine, and dominant.

Now, a lot of guys try to FAKE these vibes by acting “hard to get”
and playing immature games on women.

However, this ends up coming across as insecure, bitter, and jaded.

It chases the best kind of women away, the kind that are not only
attractive but also have heart and soul as well.

This is one of the main keys to unlocking all the OTHER
awesome behaviors that attract the most incredible women.

It's because when you know that you can do NO WRONG, it’s
EASY to be funny, to be playful, to be DARING, to be sexual,
to be dominant.

There is NO DOWN SIDE, so there is NO EMOTIONAL RISK,
since you are ALREADY having TOO MUCH good stuff going
on internally – you are doing this interaction for the JOY of it.

It's NOT for NEEDING her “reciprocation”.

Women Are FAR More Confident Than Most Men Realize

Let me make it even CLEARER how important it is to be
this way:

Recent studies have actually PROVEN that women, and not
JUST the attractive ones, are VERY confident.

Imagine how much MORE confident the really ATTRACTIVE
ones are!

It is true that women have “issues” in some areas of their lives,
such as their perception of their own bodies.

And even though in the corporate world, men outnumber women
when it comes to top positions, it is a TERRIBLE MISTAKE TO

Men tend to think that because of those issues, that women
have LESS confidence than men, and this results in men being

Meanwhile, today’s generation of women are VERY confident,
including SEXUALLY very confident.

They just sometimes put on a SHOW that they aren’t, in public,
to prevent being labeled as being “cheap”.

Now, imagine the DISASTER of coming across as UNSURE,
as WEAK, or as NEEDY, with a woman who is even MORE
confident than your average woman because she already
GETS so much attention!

You must change your view of women, and you must change
your internal sense of what you NEED in order to feel

You must DESTROY the parts of you that think you need a
woman’s APPROVAL in order to be EMPOWERED, UPBEAT,

Once you do this, you suddenly have all the CHOICE in the
world with women.

Only then do you become a true giver in the most powerful

When you interact with a woman from THIS place internally,
she knows you don’t NEED her, and that you are only
interacting with her because you ENJOY it.

She knows you won’t be CONTROLLING or JEALOUS because
you can only feel those negative emotions when you NEED her
too much.

The irony is, that she will usually then suddenly become jealous
around YOU, and start to feel insecure if other women are giving
YOU attention.

I think you can clearly see how sharpening your skills with women
in this area is ABSOLUTELY CRITICAL for getting the kind of
women that most men will NEVER have.

And now you can can get these skills to skyrocket your
success with women by downloading this crucial program
that you can be using in just moments from now!

In this program, I go into FULL DEPTH on the most powerful ways
to UNLEASH this “abundance” IMMEDIATELY within you.

Here’s just SOME of what you will learn in this absolutely crucial,
one-hour audio program that is CRAMMED with valuable
strategies for skyrocketing your success with women:

1. The Boomerang Effect

The vibes you send out to women are the EXACT same vibes
you will get BACK from women.

Send out a POWERFUL vibe, and NO woman can ignore you:
In fact, she’ll give you back a POWERFUL response that
is in PERFECT ‘sync’ with the vibe you sent her way.

Give out a sexual vibe, you’ll get BACK a sexual vibe.

Give out a creepy vibe, and you’ll get back a creepy vibe- which
is why it’s so important to not only know how to DEVELOP the
right vibes within, but also to know when is the right time to give
out a certain type of vibe!

I’ll show you how to send out the RIGHT vibes in this program!

You'll also learn the most effective ways to exude abundance
so that a woman senses IMMEDIATELY that you are one
of the extremely RARE men that ‘gets’ this on a deep level.

You'll learn how to actually EXPERIENCE "abundance" so
that you are not acting but rather you are FEELING it, which
will allow you to do the right things with women by INSTINCT
and not have to play a game or an act, ever.

Just this alone will enable you to take the simplest situations
and environments where you find women, such as at a cafe,
bus stop, library, bookstore, or anywhere ELSE, and make
women feel as if they are in another UNIVERSE with you,
where everything feels sexual and feels PERFECT.

2. How To Set Up The "Interdependence" Dynamic
So A Woman Keeps Coming Back For More Of You

The most powerful kind of attraction dynamic you can have
with a woman is not where you are dependent on her for
feeling great, or vice versa.

Rather, it's where you are both 'INTERDEPENDENT'.

Dependence is weak.
Being “indifferent” is also weak.

Conveying INTERdependence, however, is the SECRET for not
only GETTING a woman attracted, but also for KEEPING
her coming back to you for more!

I’ll show you everything you need to know about creating an
INTERDEPENDENT dynamic between you and a woman.

3. Skyrocket Your Confidence And Reclaim Your Identity

The reason for failing to approach a woman, or for failing to
take action to escalate an interaction is because men are
wrongly taught to link their IDENTITY with these outcomes.

We were RAISED wrong by media to think that our IDENTITY
is all about “living the perfect fairy tale” with a woman.

This creates an INSANE amount of tension that robs you of
your confidence and charisma any time you interact with women!

I’ll show you how to RECLAIM your identity for YOURSELF,
which ironically is actually what women really PREFER that
men do!

Women are NOT attracted to men who view their identity as
being all about “their relationship with a woman”.

4. Steal The Best Things That "Jerks" Do With Women!

I’ll show you all the things that “jerks” are doing RIGHT with women,and how to STEAL these things for yourself- all without ever havingto actually be a jerk at all!

With the combined power of what jerks do RIGHT as well as the power of being a CLASSY guy, you will be UNSTOPPABLE with the most incredible women.

5. How To Warm Up A Woman Even In “Cold Approach” Situations

Successfully approaching a woman who is a total stranger
requires the ability to form some type of connection FAST.

You must establish some form of mini-“relationship” within the
span of a few MINUTES, or she will leave thinking you are just
“another guy”!

If you can bridge the GAP between being a “stranger” and being the man who has a “connection/relationship” with her, you will find that your interactions actually end up turning into women who want to seriously pursue you.

You CAN create these “mini-relationships” very quickly, and on
this program, I’ll show you the WAY to do it!

6. How To Effectively Be Sexual For Online Dating

You’ll also get a word-for-word detailed example of an
ONLINE DATING profile that exudes the PERFECT blend of
sexuality, abundance, dominance, and warmth.

You’ll learn exactly how to convey the right vibes in a way
that gets a woman thinking the most vivid, intense sexual
thoughts about you and makes her want to have you in
person to satisfy her!

Just this alone is worth the cost of the entire program!

7. Learn The TRUTH About What Women Want Sexually

Learn what she really wants from a man in order to make her not
only turned on, but to make her feel completely FEMININE in
your masculine presence:

In this program, you’ll get a rare chance to find out EXACTLY that,
in a woman’s own words, unedited and uncensored.

8. How To Destroy The “Weak Voices Within”

We all have them, those voices inside, that tell us things like:

“You’re not good enough to get her."
"Save yourself from the pain of rejection.”
“You don’t have the money she expects a man to have.”
“You’re too old” or “You’re too young” or
“Too skinny/short/tall/chubby/uncool”


The question is not do we have them, the question is, “Are you
taking the RIGHT ACTIONS to actually CONQUER them?”

In this program, I’m going to show you a POWERFUL METHOD
for actually getting RID of these voices and REPLACING

This is a method that actually WORKS.

It will make a MASSIVE difference in your attractive vibe with
women as well as enable you to take IMMEDIATE action
any time you see a woman you’d like to approach and attract.

9. How To Use Sexuality With Women

Most men think that sexuality begins in the bedroom,
but the truth is that if you want to attract a woman,
sexuality actually begins the moment you first see her.

I’ll show you the RIGHT way to infuse your
interactions with women with the right degree
of sexuality, without ever seeming in bad taste.

Just this ALONE will separate you from the other men who try to
“pick her up” and will help you IMMENSELY later when it’s time to
transition things to getting “physical”.

By starting things off with sexuality to BEGIN with, and keeping it
there, you’ll find it very easy to escalate things to the bedroom.

10. Getting More Women In Your Life

You’re going to meet more women in one WEEK than most
men meet all YEAR, if you follow the instructions I give you
on this section of the program.

When you have this many women at your fingertips, it makes
it even easier to feel those vibes of abundance and to attract
the specific woman you want!

You’ll get all this, and much more, in this program that is
pure GOLD.

And, once AGAIN, I have gone completely nuts and am
making this course available for only $19.97!

So what are you waiting for???

Download this program and start using it immediately
by going here NOW:

Your friend,

Michael Marks

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