Friday, May 6, 2011

Is Attracting Women About The Real You Or Is It A Game?

Is attracting women about the real you, or is
it just 'the game' to play to 'get a great girl'?

You know how I've often stated that this whole
"game" is about giving women AWESOME EMOTIONS?

And how you have to be combining a specific combo
of the right emotions in yourSELF as well?

Yeah, well guess what?

The reason I say this is because some guys out there
STILL think that maybe this is all about being some
kind of "manipulator".

It ain't about that at ALL.

There are some guys that do the manipulation
thing, like telling a woman they will be
faithful to her, just in order to get her
into bed. Now THAT is just pure sleaze,
(or ignorance on the part of guys who
actually think women are ATTRACTED to
this kind of behavior) and most women
are smart enough to either catch on
beforehand, and certainly pretty quick to
get out of that situation once they see it.

So the "lies and deception" route is really
a poor strategy and is usually the choice
of the insecure.

In fact, it's kind of hilarious now
that I think about it, because I ALSO
used to think that's what it was about,
i.e. that women were somehow attracted
to the JERK behavior, instead of the
things that some jerks do RIGHT that
have nothing to do with being a jerk.

Take a look around, and you'll notice
that the "jerks" who do well with women
tend to demonstrate all the same things
I speak about in my materials.

And guess what?
So do all the DECENT guys who do well
with women!

It's not the JERKY part that is attractive,
it's the oozing of power behavior, the
understanding of female psychology,
the playfulness, the daring, the
social intelligence, the risk-taking,
and much more.

It's not about being a jerk.

It's about the PARTY, man!
It's about feeling GOOD.
It's about WILD TIMES.
Excitement. Passion.
And some laughs too.

And THEN, it's about building
the DEEPER awesome emotions,
to all the above as well, and
THAT is what takes you through
the STRATOSPHERE with women.

In this world of attraction, there are no
negative emotions.
They simply DON'T EXIST.

Lack of zest?
Issues about sex?
(this doesn't mean to be foolhardy, you
should ALWAYS practice safer sex)
Chip on your shoulder?
Trivial pettiness?

You think that stuff will attract women?
Especially on the fun ones, the quality ones.

All those crappy emotional states will DESTROY
the state of mind that makes the magical combo of
sexual state plus playful state plus "masculine" state
and the overall sense of calm SUPERIORITY work
so damn well.

But the ROUTE to BECOMING the kind of man
that GETS the women he wants has very little
to do with "thinking positive"---OTHERWISE

A while ago somebody referred to me as having
"frat boy demeanor". I thought he was giving
me a compliment, until I heard other comments
about how maybe all this stuff is "manipulative".

Sorry to ruin any conspiracy theorist's day.

Does anyone out there really think that women are STUPID?
Do you think that somehow I, or my clients, learn
to DECEIVE women into bed?

Or that we somehow DECIEVE women into laughter,
giggles, excitement, passion, horniness, and feeling
intense "chemistry"?

Or that we would ENJOY the experience if women
DID NOT ENJOY the experience as well???????

Women are not these little puppets and fools!!!

Listen, the good times are MUTUAL!
In fact, it's the mutual part that makes it feel good!
That's why we do this (*&t!
It wouldn't be fun if we were "tricking" women into

And part of the REASON we are ABLE to do this
stuff is because we focus on both our OWN emotional
states as well as on women's. We don't waste time or
energy on logic or logical hogwash that is useless.

We focus on GOOD TIMES. We're funny as hell.
We're playful. We understand the psychological
FRAME of this stuff so that we can do it anywhere.
It's part of us in fact. You can learn this stuff too!

We're sexual and not ashamed of it.
We know women are sexual and we make women
feel good about it instead of making them feel cheap.
We don't try to own women or tell them what to do.
By behaving in this cool way, we indirectly imply that
we have no need to control them, which implies that
we know we have enough value to keep women without
controlling them.

This kind of stuff is ATTRACTIVE, it's
the superior way to attract women.

And then the icing on the cake is that,
unlike the 'frat boys', we know how to
make a woman want to STICK AROUND,
because we understand the DEEPER
levels of attraction and intimacy,
and the truth is that we really
DO respect women, and in fact
we respect all human beings and
all LIFE.

It's this respect that allows us
to actually understand and connect
to women. The skill alone is great,
but skill without character is like
a race car without a driver.

At the same time we would NEVER let ANY woman
tell us what to do, especially not something
that we don't believe in, and ESPECIALLY NOT
because we were ever trying to gain her approval.

And in fact, we really are NOT worrying about women's
approval. It's the truth. We're not trying to piss women
off of course either. We're just being the REAL

Now, NO ONE would call this manipulation.
The ONLY time people call this manipulation
is when they see someone else getting RESULTS
with it and they can't understand what the heck
is going on.

You see, the ONLY reason people think it's
manipulation or not being genuine, is because
they are living on a different plane of existence,
where things look very different from what they
really are.

When one is INSECURE, then he or she needs to be
BABIED. You need to have everyone be nervous
and rigid and formal and watching every last word
they say. But when you are among FRIENDS that
you TRUST and who make you feel GOOD, you're
okay to tease around in a friendly way. It's FUN
this way. You don't need to kiss up and you don't
need to be mean. And you don't NEED others to kiss
up to you either. In fact, you don't even WANT that.

your real self without all that b.s. fear and insecurity.

But most guys are actually being MANIPULATIVE
in THEIR interactions with women, by trying to do
everything that they think will GAIN A CERTAIN
result with women. So they kiss up, they seek approval,
they are obsessed about losing her and they LOSE their
own identity. Their only identity is, "What do I do to
keep this woman happy?!".

And that reeks of INFERIORITY.
When you are doing this, you are NOT yourself.
You are a SLAVE to your own insecurities.
This is NOT natural, contrary to most popular
romantic bulls*&t.

And it's NOT FUN for women when a guy acts
that way. It's REPULSIVE, actually.
If a guy is going to focus on being "manipulative",
then at least he should focus on what WORKS lol.

And what works is making women feel BOOSTED
enabling her to feel the transfer of this emotion to

What works is also making women feel SEXUAL because
you are relaxed and comfortable with your own sexuality.

What works is making women feel GIDDY because
you yourself have a playful way about you and you
yourself can see the humorous angle on things.

What works is having an interest in emotionally
compelling, intriguing, and fascinating topics because
women DON'T go out and get dressed up and sexy
in order to be BORED OUT OF THEIR MINDS!

And what WORKS is leading the show in a masculine
way all the way to the bedroom, because women want
THE MAN, otherwise they would not BE women!

The irony is that THESE THINGS are the REAL you.
If you are not this way right now, THAT is the fake you.
The real you was deconstructed by social brainwashing,
which buried the "real" you deep in the recesses of your

And in fact, this stuff goes way beyond women.
It's really not about being a jerk at all.
I see these guys sometimes who are such jerks to
each other, and then they wonder why they can't
get results with women. Look, if even every GUY
can't stand him, then you can be sure that women
won't like him either.

The guys who are good with women are actually
fun and cool people to be around in general as well.
Of course, there are SPECIFIC SKILLS and understandings
in ADDITION to this that are required for being awesome
with WOMEN, but the understanding of human beings
in general is definitely a part of the PREREQUISITE
SKILLS for being awesome with women as well.

This is why I feel like SLAPPING dudes who go round
telling guys that they don't need to LEARN anything,
that they "just need to be themselves" and they will
magically meet the women they want.

Unless someone shows us the WAY, it's impossible
to even SEE ourselves, because we've been doing
the wrong things for so long THAT THE WRONG

We start to actually FEEL that this is
who we ARE!

And it feels DAMN IMPOSSIBLE to change!!!

This is how deep the effect is of years
and years of repeating the wrong behaviors.

At first, you may feel that all these new
behaviours, perceptions, and skills that
that you have to WEAR for a while to get
comfortable in them, until you MAKE THEM
your own.

You may even feel a bit like you are "acting",
but I assure you, you are NOT. You are "acting"
like your REAL SELF.

Eventually you will be able to DROP the
intentional modeling that I show you, as
the modeling serves as a temporary device,
it is a LEARNING tool.

On that note, let me share with you an awesome letter
I received this week from a man who's turned his life
around by taking what he has learned through my
materials and services VERY SERIOUSLY:


"From Potential Death and Despair to... Debonair"

Dear Michael,

The following is a VERY POWERFUL and TRULY
INSPIRATIONAL story of such significance, it
will inspire, and it makes what you do even
MORE IMPORTANT... read on...

I first came across your material BY PURE CHANCE
in 2004, when I was in a very low, and desperate situation.
So desperate and low in fact, that you will find out a little
later in this letter what happened. However, back to May
2004 - I typed into Google a question which ultimately led
me to your site and reading every single newsletter I

I signed up to your FREE newsletter in May 2004.
After a year or so of your news letters, I got
your eBook. I was shocked when I saw that what
I read actually WORKED when it was put into
action - but I didn't realize WHY for a long time.

You will soon see what happened...

Prior to this, I became REALLY hung up on a
truly (so I thought) "beautiful" woman - who
"SUPPOSEDLY" was the "ONLY" woman who
was beautiful on earth. IT TOOK ME TWO
YEARS TO GET OVER HER - I only new her for
10 months, and in that whole period, I only met her
4 times, and in this WHOLE time all I got was a
KISS (on the cheek). I am actually laughing out
"USED" to be.

In REALITY there are 6 billion humans on earth,
about 3 billion females, of which at least close to
1 billion are close to my age (late 20s). In my whole
life so far - if I potentially saw 100 "DROP DEAD"
gorgeous women a day walking past X 356 X (late
20s!!!) - that makes about close to 1 million BABES
I have "SEEN" in my life to date. That is 0.1

DUH! See - helps if you think PROSPERITY,
in a moment, but first, let's continue...

My life has been very painful, very lonely, and utter hell.
When most kids were out playing, having fun, I was
isolated, alone, and grew up rotting like a dead rat in a
place so isolated it was like hell. As a teenager, while
most people were out meeting the opposite sex, I rotted
in a room, painting, reading, trying to be creative and
take my mind off the isolation of the area I lived. I was
so low I slept all day and became slightly fat.

This continued through high school, into university and
in my first job. I used to put myself down, think I was
thick, walk with my head down, and I had NEVER had
ANY FRIENDS my whole life, up until the age of 23, let
alone a girl friend EVER. Most people would have
probably - well you know...not been here anymore.

After being isolated for about 10 years solid, and only
having a kiss on the cheek (from the woman mentioned
above), it got so painful that I used to PRAY to GOD
to give me cancer. (I would NEVER EVER harm myself
as I believe it is sinful and GOD would punish me). But I
wanted GOD to give me cancer and kill me off.

I then moved away at 23 to a large capital city. Through
my sheer guts and determination, after 6 months I made it
into a Fortune 500 Co. But after 3 years there I left, and
ended up in isolation for two more years (started May 2004).
I was truly inspired by JAMES BOND 007, and bought
the whole collection. I watched a film EVERY NIGHT,
night after night.

I read over and over and over again the Michael
material, and kept "VISUALISING" in my mind me
actually walking the walk! The subconscious mind is
not "INTELLIGENT" it is primeval - it accepts as reality
ANYTHING you tell it. So if you keep telling it you are
it and forces your conscious mind to MAKE you what
you think about!!!

This is a FACT and has been PROVEN. Read about
EFFECT. So instead of listening to SISSY MUSIC like
"THE BOYS OF SUMMER" by Don Henley (great tune
but shame about the lyrics they are not the way of
"THE MAN") - instead listen to stuff like "THE BAD
TOUCH (Do it like they do on the discovery channel)"
By The Bloodhound Gang" LOL!!! - I Love that song -
I think I will serenade a woman with that!!! LOL.

I literally started to emulate Pierce Brosnan, and I mean
LITERALLY - the walk, the smirk, the swagger, the
smart-alec pithy lines, the hair, accent, tone of voice,
facial expressions, I mean EVERYTHING. And I did
this in total isolation. No friends, no text messages,
no emails, no phone calls, no nothing - I was a ghost
who no one knew even existed. NOW HERE'S THE
- read on...

It has taken TWO years to UNDO the LACK and
VICTIM POISON mentality, and the POISONED
MEDIA MEDICATION that the media pump out -
where they tell you you must be a PC "GIRLY-MAN"
not "THE MAN". And also the stuff that comes out
the mouths of women LOL!!!

I have watched Pierce Brosnan in "The Thomas Crown
Affair", "Tailor of Panama" (Watch the lunch scene where
he propositions the "hot" woman - it is AWESOME),
I have watched "After the Sunset" (my favourite film to
date). I noted every detail from the way he raises his
eyebrows, the smirk, the walk the dress-sense,
sophistication and style of the guy. (YES I am 100%
this to LEARN!!! Don't jump to wrong conclusions LOL)!
In a brief moment I will let you in on a huge secret,
read on...

But first, one thing that truly helped was what Michael
once wrote in a news letter: "Imagine how James Bond
would do something as trivial as order a pizza. He would
be confident, his voice would be authoritative, calm, slower,
deeper, and commanding" etc. After reading that, before
I ever opened my mouth, I used to think "HOW WOULD
007 DO THIS"??? - That really helped - thanks MW!
OK now for the moment you have been waiting for.
In advertising they show you the BEFORE and AFTER -
well I used to be Mr. BEAN Before. After this TWO YEAR
INTENSIVE program of feeding my mind with POSITIVE,
programming, I have gone from VICTIM, PATHETIC,

Suave, debonair, sophisticated, WINNER -
Mr. Bond COOL! I am now on the last leg
of an MBA - Master of Business Administration,
I'm back in a Fortune 500 Co., I have a ripped
6-pack physique, and women showing more than
an interest. The trouble now is CHOOSING!!!

They LITERALLY CAN sense when you are like
James Bond - I took it one step further by copying
everything - the suits, walk, talk - EVERYTHING.
It also PROVES LOOKS don't mean ANYTHING -
I am NOT 6'2, I am 5'6. I have the same face I did
when I was LONELY - the only difference is I am
now well groomed, suave, and sophisticated.

The way I WALK, the CALMNESS, the TONE and
my EYE contact is WHAT makes the WOMEN start
digging deeper - NOT LOOKS, NOT MONEY, I am
NOT a multi millionaire (YET) - But I plan to be -
and WOMEN can SENSE that "PLAN" - I never
OPENLY SAY it but they SENSE the subtleties - that
you aim to be the BEST "YOU" that you can possibly

It IS a primeval deep subconscious thing that "THE MAN"
brings out - MICHAEL is 100% TRUE, FACTUAL
and RIGHT - Listen to this dude he KNOWS what he
is talking about.

Finally, Pierce Brosnan, Connery, Moore, Dalton, but
especially Brosnan helped indirectly, copying them
worked, BUT I never knew WHY, that is until
Michael showed me through his material -
Michael - thanks you helped "SEAL THE DEAL"
and make me "THE MAN"


Kind regards

(name withheld).


AWESOME!!! Your letter is EXPLODING with
lessons, meaning, and power. Thank you for sharing
it and showing exactly HOW you applied so many
ideas to change your life with women and in so many
other ways as well.

It's not a co-incidence that all these awesome
changes happened to the same guy, because this
stuff works on a very deep level internally
that makes you better at EVERYTHING.

And you are living proof of how what starts
as modeling and learning, ends in BEING THE
REAL YOU. In fact, returning you to the
man you were MEANT to be.

You CREATE the reality you WANT, and you
take RESPONSIBILITY for that happening.

You REJECTED the social brainwashing hogwash
that some woman might be the only woman for you
even if she ain't treating you with respect.

You STUCK IT OUT with the NEW perspective
of reality even though at first it must have been
tough, but it eventually STRUCK with full force
and you made the REALIZATION that the NEW
perspective is the truth.

You CONFRONTED your past and REFUSED
to let it dictate your FUTURE.

You MODELLED excellence until you BECAME
excellence yourself. You did it CONSISTENTLY,
and you were METICULOUS in applying even
the subtleties, which I emphasize in the book
and in my teachings.

You cut out the crap from your mental and emotional
diet, even though some of it can be tempting as hell.

You proved that YOU can create your OWN reality
regardless of what others say.

As one of my heroes, Sylvester Stallone, has said,
life will hit you harder than anything you can imagine,
but it's not about how hard you can hit, it's about
how hard you can GET hit, and keep on moving

So, my friend, BRAVO!

And if you are reading this and would like to change
YOUR life with women NOW, I suggest you get the
program that will make you READY the next time
you see a woman you want to attract: It's called
Warrior Within.

No more HESITATION when you see the woman
you want to approach.


No more BORING conversations.

No more wasting time on dates that go nowhere.

Instead, you'll be taking the most EFFECTIVE,

And make no mistake about it, this program
is ESPECIALLY geared for attracting the
very BEST types of women, the kind of
women that are the TOTAL PACKAGE.

In fact, this focus on how to get women
who are the 'total package' is what has
separated me since day one from the entire
field of dating advice on approaching and
attracting women.

It's at:

And if you haven't yet downloaded my book,
'The Dating Wizard', do that immediately at:

And if you are ready for the IMMERSION EXPERIENCE,
where you will be pushed to your limits and then
taken WAY BEYOND what you thought was ever possible,
it's time for you to sign up for my REAL WORLD BOOTCAMP.

This is a program where the entire focus is on YOU.
It's the ultimate in private, exclusive, personal,
one-on-one coaching.

Find out all the details at:

Till next time,

Michael Marks

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