Saturday, March 19, 2011

The Superior Way To Attract Women

If you want to attract a woman who is
a lot more than your average woman,
then you have to approach her in a way
that is far superior to the way “average”
guys do it.

The “average” approach guys tend to
use, if they even do anything at all,
(99% of the time, guys do not do anything)
is to find some reason to have something
to say to her.

And this isn’t a terrible thing, IF they
can raise the level of the conversation
to something more powerful relatively
quickly, and IF their state of mind is
feeling that combination of sexuality,
dominance, being upbeat, and warm.

Of course, it then is no longer an average

What usually happens is the conversation
dies out, because there was no real
SUBSTANCE there to fuel it in a way
that gave off the right VIBES of

And it’s important to realize that even
if you are not some comedian, that’s
FINE, as humor is just ONE great way
to go about the approach.

You can ALSO use INTRIGUE with women
instead of comedy.

Here's one example:

If she works in the cologne or perfume department,
or if she’s a woman shopping there, you can speak
to her about how interesting it must be to capture
the essence of things through only an aroma or scent.

And you can talk to her and ask her, if there was
a perfume or cologne called MONEY, would it

And you could take it in a MILLION directions that
are awesome from there…for example, you could
ask her…what does she feel are the scents that
should represent WHO she is in terms of her

You could speak about which scents best represent
you, and you could actually combine humor with
intrigue here as well.

One of the KEYS to realize is that whatever
VIBES you send out to a woman, THAT
is what you will BRING OUT IN HER
and that is what she will GIVE BACK

In the example above, by appealing
to the use of SCENT, you are actually
engaging her SENSUAL mode, and
you are SIMULTANEOUSLY also engaging
her CREATIVITY by getting her to also
imagine not some BORING thing but
rather the ESSENCE of POWER and

On a subconscious level, colognes are
already DESIGNED to appeal to deep
rooted FEELINGS about attractive
things, and you are TAPPING into
this with this example and going
STRAIGHT for these emotions
rather than some boring conversation
about the weather.

You are appealing to her SENSORY MODE,
and you are ALSO building CONNECTION
by getting her to define herself to you
in a way that touches the EMOTIONS,
as opposed to her just running off a list
of nice traits about herself that might
in reality have no meaning to her or
might not even be true.

By engaging her emotionally, she is
not only more INTERESTED, but she
is also revealing more TRUTH to you
about herself, and she will also see
you as far more SOPHISTICATED AND
guy who at most can just ask her to
go out with him sometime.

A woman can be MANY different things,
and it’s important not to jump to conclusions
too fast about a woman- because if you are
feeling nervous or edgy or uncomfortable,
THAT will often bring out the exact same
emotions in HER.

You can make a woman sexual with
you, you can make a woman flirty
with you, you can make her lighthearted
and playful, you can make her YOURS
if YOU send out the right degree of vibes.

The BETTER a woman is, the MORE
dimensions she has to herself, the
more interesting she is, and so she
will WELCOME the kind of man that
has a LOT of cool emotions he can
make her experience.

The specific vibes YOU give off will
be the same vibes that you then turn
on in HER.

In the same way an expert with a boomerang
will have it return to him because of the
specific way he threw it, you will have
a woman giving back to you the exact
vibes you threw to her.

She can't HELP it, because vibes work
on a very primal level, and once
activated, these primal switches in her
make her feel a very powerful need to
respond back to you in the exact same way.

What you've read here is just the tip
of the iceberg of what you will learn
from my latest program on skyrocketing
your success with women of the highest

I will show you how to do ALL of this,
and you will learn how to give off different
kinds of awesome vibes, including the sexual
without being vulgar, as well as bringing out
the best kinds of behaviors in her.

You'll learn how to do all of this in a way
that feels very natural and becomes an
instinctive part of your personality.

I even include DETAILED word-for-word
examples of how to do this ONLINE,
as well as in person of course. These
examples help give you an instinctive
"feel" for how to this on your own.

And I also get into TONS of other golden
insights for creating the kind of vibes that
make a woman MELT for you.

You'll also learn how to take your
"inner game" to the highest level,
and I can assure you that the kind
of incredible, rare woman who is
truly beautiful inside and out is
searching out your inner game, to
see if you have what it takes inside
of you to be the man she is looking
for to have a fantastic relationship
with long-term.

Most men have no idea just how RARE
a great woman is until they LOSE her.

Don’t be one of those men who finally GETS
the chance with such a woman and then
blows his chances, watching her slip away
through his fingers forever, all because he
didn’t KNOW the things that are IN this program.

This program will not only get you a great
woman, and give you the power to CHOOSE
from among all the women out there, but it
will also SAVE you the endless heartache of
losing the greatest woman you could ever have.

Get this program NOW by going here:

Till next time,

Michael Marks

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