Thursday, March 17, 2011

The Modeling Strategy Of Attraction

One of the most powerful methods of attraction
is what is known as the “modeling” strategy.

In essence, what this means is that you find
a person who is getting success with women,
and you model what this person does.

Modeling is an aspect of “NLP”, which stands
for Neuro-Linguistic Programming. When NLP
was first making waves, I got into it, and I found
that some of it is great, and some of it is not.

Of all the various elements, I think modeling is
definitely one of the best concepts out there.

If you truly BEHAVE like something,
then other people can't help but
FEEL you ARE this thing.

If something walks like a duck, sounds like
a duck, and acts like a duck, we tend to feel
it IS a duck.

Well, when it comes to attracting a woman,
there are many different ways of behaving
with her. And the most important behavior
that should be conveyed is the behavior
of a person who feels they are INFINITELY
desirable and infinitely secure.

The greatest irony in the world is that the vast
majority of pick-up artist advice preached
about the importance of conveying high value,
and yet the method of conveying high value
was through trying to PUT DOWN a woman
who was very attractive, since “after all,
she’s so desirable, she knows it, so it’s
important to bring her back down to earth.”

However, the very THOUGHT of needing
to bring someone down comes from an
insecure FEELING.

And body language almost ALWAYS ends up
showing EXACTLY how you feel whether you
want to be showing this or not.

And that’s just the start, because ACTIONS
that flow from insecurity tend to make the
insecurity even WORSE, since we are what
we think and do, and if we DO insecure
actions, it makes us FEEL more insecure.

This is not just me saying this, this is backed
up by tons of studies into psychology.

Here’s the PROOF:

Let’s take a good look at how people who
KNOW they have value tend to behave for

The reality is, that if you were to approach the
most ATTRACTIVE woman in a club, you’d
notice that most of the time, these women are
actually surprisingly FRIENDLY.

Not all the time, but most of the time.

I give a club as an example because approaching
a woman in a club takes less skill since it’s pretty
common for a woman to expect a guy to chat her
up there, so it’s an experiment any guy can do,
including a total beginner who hasn't even read
any of my materials, whereas approaching
a woman who is equally attractive and in  middle
of walking in the mall might take a bit more
skill to make the whole approach smooth,
and if it’s not done right, the woman might get
a bit startled or creeped out.

But again, even not in a club, the reality is that
you’ll find that women who are very attractive
tend to be friendly and also quite positive in
general. Sure, they might be a bit “spoiled”
by all the attention, but they’re definitely
not interested in making innocent guys feel

Now, on the other hand, and I’m not blaming
them, you’ll see that a lot of times the most
hostile reactions come from women who
are not all that attractive. Which makes sense,
because maybe they’ve been fooled or tricked
or mistreated by some guys in the past.

So they’re more defensive, they’re trying
to protect themselves from getting HURT.

It boils down to the self-concept.

When a person feels they have value, they tend
to feel GOOD. When you feel GOOD, you
want the PARTY to get even BIGGER,
you want MORE good times.

When you feel BAD, you want to be the

Now, how do you think a woman who is
STRIKINGLY beautiful would react to
a negative comment about her?

Most women of this level of beauty will
SEE the behavior for what it is, (an attempt
at manipulating their self-esteem- to lower
it) and at the very least will NOT be attracted
to it.

The reason they won’t be attracted to it, is
because unlike the pick up artist advice b.s.,
these women don’t see it as a sign of the
guy being confident, powerful, and secure,
but rather as the guy being somewhat
damaged in self-esteem.

Now, this doesn’t mean that a guy who IS
feeling secure and high self-esteem has to
kiss UP either, absolutely not. “Kissing up”
means that it’s out of balance, the guy is
behaving in a certain way out of neediness
that he doesn’t even realize is neediness.

What a cool guy does, is he simply IS BURSTING
WITH COOL AWESOME VIBES he is feeling within.

So, what this means is that he’s feeling PLAYFUL,
sexual, feeling the rush of his own testosterone,
his natural masculinity, and he’s not focused on
what SHE thinks of him all that much.

Sure, he ENJOYS the validation but that’s not
his STARTING point internally for why he is
saying the things he is saying to her. He wants
to have FUN, which is far higher up the
ladder of human needs than validation,
he already has the validation taken care of,
as that’s the fundamental rung of the ladder
at the bottom, the foundation.

The reason he’s not focused on how to get
her validation is because he’s already feeling
pretty good, so he’s not needy for her validation.

So what he focuses on is just connecting
who he IS to HER, and who he is…is the
sum total of whatever COOL VIBES/THOUGHTS/
EMOTIONS are going on in inside of him.

In other words, he’s just EXPRESSING
himself, quite randomly the same way
you might with your friends.

So he might be chatting to her about anything
from a cool song or a great tasting slice of pizza!

It’s conveyed through his tonality and his
body language without, but it’s FUELED
by his emotions.

Now, I know that FEELING this is the
challenge in the first place—and the key
to FEELING this way is to start taking
the ACTIONS of how such a person

It’s NOT the path “how to negate her self-esteem”,
which comes from insecurity.

Rather, attraction comes from the taking the path
of destroying one's OWN insecurities, and from
not acting upon insecure impulses. 

This leads to your new frame on the situation,
which is:
REALITY”, and the fact that you know that
your ALREADY cool emotional state is
simply even FURTHER ENHANCED when
the party goes from just one (you) to two (you and her).

At this point, she now wants to also do the
same for YOU, to welcome you to HER world.

So it’s a mutually rewarding experience.

Getting down to brass tacks, what this means
is that you want to be MODELING the way
the most desirable person on the planet would

Notice how the most attractive women, when
it comes to dealing with negative comments
to them, tend to be the KINDEST. So gentle,
in fact, that an entire generation of guys
actually thought that it was the being a JERK
part that got the women friendly, when in
reality it was the woman sensing the guys
and STILL giving the guy a chance!!!!

The PROOF that it’s not attractive is that
if a guy keeps up the jerk act, he ALWAYS
loses the girl. Even the most secure of
women eventually will get fed up with
a guy who just can’t get over his own

So, ironically, some of the best MODELS
to “imitate” so to speak, in terms of
knockout women!

I’m not saying that these women are secure
about everything ELSE in their lives, some
are and some aren’t, but when it comes to
their perspective of value and how this is
reflected in the way they behave when
interacting with men, it’s a GREAT
psychological frame to learn from.

Notice how these women find socializing
FUN in and of itself, for the fun of it,
not because they “need to get phone numbers”
or prove a point.

Notice how these women let crude remarks
made to them usually slide right off their back,
and they will often have a natural impulse to
respond either playfully if they thought it was
a joke, or they will either laugh it off anyway
even if not, or they will just move on to someone
more fun.

They don’t carry a chip on their shoulder
about men, even if some men DID treat
them not so great.

Notice how to a woman who is attractive,
her sense of playfulness is not about seeing
who can lower the other person’s self-esteem,
and notice how their concept of being a
challenge is always FUN, never nasty.

I.E. She might say something like:
“You LOOOOOVE me, I know it!”

“You’ll never find a girl as good as me”

And as opposed to other negative ways
of interacting, such as when some guys
try to make a woman feel insecure by
pointing out flaws she might have.

make all the difference between being
the man, and being a player, or being
a “nice guy”.

The ultimate sign of high value is when
you take the behavior that ONLY a guy
who really feels he is the best could take,
which is often the LAST thing his IMPULSES
are telling him to DO!

To learn the FULL PICTURE of how to attract
the women of your choice and how to not only
CONVEY your value to women, but also how
to RE-WIRE your impulses so that you get
all the RIGHT instincts with women, I suggest
you get my WARRIOR WITHIN program

This program is designed to turn you into
the kind of man that naturally attracts the
most rare women, the women who are
gorgeous inside and out.

It’s at:

Till next time,

Michael Marks

P.S. To find out about ALL my programs
for meeting, attracting, and keeping
a fantastic woman, go here:

(c) 2011 Get A Great Girl

All Rights Reserved.

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