I have a very, VERY important newsletter
today, but before we start, I just want to
mention that if you would like to take a
bootcamp with me this summer, (bootcamp
is where you learn how to approach women
in real life with me as your exclusive instructor)
it's a good idea to book it NOW, to ensure you
get the weekend of your choice.
Bootcamp is at:
The following article is NOT designed to get you
to think all women are problematic; it is to
help you SCREEN OUT the WRONG women
so that you can meet the RIGHT woman.
Once you learn the skills of how to do things
properly with women, any guy who knows the
skills for REAL can tell you that the far greater
priority quickly becomes how to screen out
the wrong women.
Most guys, as a result of being brainwashed
that sex is the most important thing, will end
up accepting a woman into their lives who
will cause them MISERY instead of
ENHANCING their lives.
And I do use the word ENHANCE, because
no woman can GIVE a guy happiness.
Inner peace and happiness are things that
each man must work on to have INDEPENDENTLY
of women, and then meeting a great woman
can ENHANCE that happiness, but no
woman can actually GIVE a guy happiness.
If a guy thinks that a woman can give him
happiness, what he might be confused by
is the INITIAL NOVELTY of having
a woman in his life, which distracts him
from other issues, but if he is not a happy
person without a woman, then eventually
he will still not be happy even with a woman,
no matter who she is.
Again, this gets back to making YOURSELF
strong internally, peaceful and happy internally.
And now, I will begin the main part of this article:
It is vital to realize that the idea
of being a MAN in our culture, especially
for young men, has often been equated with
“living the party lifestyle” and being promiscuous
and having sex with many different women.
This idea has been spread by all kinds of
people for all kinds of reasons that have
nothing to do with TRUTH or REALITY.
For one thing, if you are an alcohol or beer
company or clothing company or just about
any company selling things, it sure helps sell
if you can equate sex with their product.
So, whether it is promoting the idea that drinking
their beer will somehow lead to you getting
women and living the life of “the man”, or whether
it is some clothing company telling you that their
clothes will get you to be “the man”, or whether
it is some magazine article telling you that you
are not good enough to attract women unless
you get their product, they all BENEFIT from
you buying into the bullshit lie that somehow
their stuff will make you more of a man, and
more desirable to women.
The insanity of this, is that actually getting
women is EASY.
I could make a hundred times more money by
getting into the "be promiscuous with women"
business, because our environment is already
set up to make men feel that that is the
way to go to be a man.
The fact of the matter is, that what I teach
is the OPPOSITE of what most companies are
selling- they are trying to HYPNOTIZE you
to think being a man means being a slave
to insecurity and to sex, and I am here
The irony is that the slavery to sex
and the slavery to insecurity IS
THE PROBLEM in the first place,
as insecurity is unattractive.
Rather than HYPNOTIZE men, I DE-HYPNOTIZE them
from the INSANITY that they are exposed to on
a daily basis by the majority of the things
they read and hear.
In fact, the more INSECURE a man is, and
the more he buys INTO the lies that in order
to be a man, he has to do all kinds of stupid
things to impress women, the less likely
he REALLY is to attract ANY woman.
So, again, getting women can be EASY,
All you have to do is be in a fun playful state
and show some INTEGRITY and some
confidence, and you have to be willing to
approach women, because even the GREATEST
skilled guy at attracting women can’t ensure he
will get EVERY woman, so he has to approach
many women, which is something that actually
does NOT take long to do.
In one day, a guy can approach enough women
to get connected with a woman where both he
and the woman feel mutual attraction.
So, getting women can be EASY.
The HARD part is getting a GREAT woman
who will not DESTROY you over the long-term.
And this is where being a REAL MAN
becomes ever-more important.
What I mean by foolish social pressure is the
pressure by society to hook up with lots of women
no matter WHAT, simply in order to ‘be a man’,
even if these women are infested with STDs,
even if these women are dishonest, even if
these women will try to crack your self-esteem,
even if these women will waste your time with
endless talking and endless jealousy games
and endless complaints about everything
under the sun regarding who you are.
Yes, I mean all those things.
I find it bizarre that there is so much written out
there about “how to hook up” and almost NOTHING
on “how to SCREEN women”.
Guys get SUCKED IN all the time by various
devious behaviors that SOME (I didn’t say all)
women engage in.
Here are some of the devious things that guys
NEED to watch OUT for:
When I first started meeting women, I thought
that the first woman I met that did this must
have been one in a million or some other
extremely RARE case.
Then, as I met more and more women, I noticed
that there is a whole CATEGORY of women
who very QUICKLY will start to tell you how
much they LOVE you, and how much they have
waited their entire LIVES for you, and how
DEVOTED they are to you….
And then these are the same women who will
important to realize that there are a lot of women
who do this as either a conscious or subconscious
They figure by GOING ALL OUT ON THE
STATEMENTS OF LOVE, they then somehow
have the RIGHT to demand that you accept all
their abusive behavior.
Keep in mind, that this abusive behavior has
NOTHING to deserve it.
So many good guys out there try to RATIONALIZE
a woman’s abusive behavior, because they can’t
believe that a woman who cries her heart out
and professes her love for him could possibly
But it happens a lot, in real life.
It doesn’t matter if the guy is Prince Charming
or Quasimodo.
Some women out there will profess love to you
and then also belittle you whenever they get the
chance. And they will belittle you about ANYTHING.
You can be RICH and they will STILL try to find
a way to make you feel not rich enough.
You can be a MOVIE STAR with matinee idol
looks and they will try to tell you that you are
not attractive.
And they are going to push you into the abysss
of low self-esteem if you LET them.
I don’t believe in trying to get a woman you
are dating to become a DECENT PERSON,
that can NEVER be your job- she must
A real man INSISTS on respect, contrary
to some people who are so obsessed
with getting sex that they will do ANYTHING
to get sex from a woman including sacrificing
their own DIGNITY.
Being a MAN has to do with PRESERVING
YOUR SELF-RESPECT, and it has nothing
to do with women.
And of COURSE, the greatest IRONY is
that the more you KNOW your own moral
code, the more you DON’T NEED A WOMAN
in order to feel GOOD about yourself, the
MORE EASY IT IS to attract a woman.
This is why I have always stated that
if you REALLY want to attract a woman,
it’s about conquering the demons WITHIN
one’s self, and not about learning ridiculous
and immature pick up lines.
But when one really has NO SELF-RESPECT,
he is willing to sacrifice his own dignity, his
own morals, his own everything for a woman,
and of course a woman senses that and then
is not attracted.
The best thing to do when approaching and
chatting to women you want to attract is
to SHOW RESPECT combined with
CONFIDENCE, and if a woman does
NOT appreciate that, then be happy that
you can get rid of her BEFORE she
enters your life and makes your life
a living hell where you have deeply
invested your emotions in the wrong person.
Also, remember that MUTUAL RESPECT
is key for a long term relationship,
and that women WANT to be shown
respect, but not all women are
prepared to give respect LONG
TERM in the sense of not flirting
with other guys.
Yes, a massive thing to watch out for
are women who just can’t resist the
temptation to keep on inviting attention
from guys even when she is in a relationship.
Some women will try to cover it up with
all kinds of excuses, especially the excuse of
“I need to build contacts for networking”,
but if she is constantly getting new “contacts”
that are men everyday, it is A RELATIONSHIP
The next time a woman tries to excuse her
lack of respect for you as a man with her
need to constantly keep a feed of new guys
on her contacts from Facebook, Twitter,
LinkedIn, and from just somehow magically
meeting guys that are just “new platonic
friends” she meets at yoga, at friends’
houses, at the gym, and at work, just
remember that the GREATEST successes
of all time didn’t spend their day on
Facebook, Twitter, and in general killing
J.K. Rowling, the woman who wrote the
Harry Potter series, somehow managed
to get success without “male contacts
that were platonic friends”, instead she
till she achieved success.
Oprah Winfrey achieved her success
without spending all her time “networking”.
My point is that women who try to excuse
their inability to show sexual restraint are
constantly using the excuse of “but it helps
my work”.
Bullshit. Working hard helps one’s work,
networking is often just an excuse to avoid
real work and to meet more guys.
Usually the women that have lots of idle
time on their hands are the ones who seem
to have the most time for networking and
for “just happening” to meet lots of guys
who become “platonic” male friends.
The next time you go out to meet women,
KEEP THIS ALL IN MIND and remember
that GETTING A WOMAN is not the
big deal, but rather getting a GREAT woman
Don’t get caught up in the nonsense that
MOST men do, they get caught up thinking
that the big deal is to get drunk, get promiscuous,
and show off about it to friends.
That doesn’t lead to a path of life success.
Don’t be like the masses.
Have the highest standards of integrity
for yourself and only allow women of
the same integrity into your life.
Attracting women is EASY when you
RADIATE full CONFIDENCE in yourself,
full CONFIDENCE in your values, in
your integrity, in your way of life.
As soon as you start to ACCEPT some
crap behavior from a woman, as soon
as you start to QUESTION your own value
as a result of something a woman says
or does to you, you actually begin to
LOSE a woman's attraction to you.
My programs focus on making YOU
strong with women, they are NOT
about you doing some song and
dance to impress women.
For my most FAMOUS program on
ATTRACTING WOMEN, a program that
is being used by men from all
over the world, go here:
I URGE YOU to get this program, because
I KNOW how powerful it is.
Just promise me that you will be SELECTIVE
and not just hook up with ALL the women you
meet from using this program.
I went ALL OUT on this program.
It contains over TEN HOURS of PRISTINE
listen to anytime, anywhere.
It's at:
I spent YEARS on the development of this
program, and it is JAM-PACKED with TONS
of pure GOLD on what you need to know
about women for success.
If even just ONE of those things you learned
in this program made the difference, would it
not be WORTH IT? Would it not be worth
spending even TEN TIMES the cost??????
GET this program, including the special
E-Book that comes along with it, and USE it,
AND let me know your success story.
You can download the program IMMEDIATELY
and start using it in MINUTES from now, by
going HERE:
For a PERSONAL consultation with me,
go HERE:
And for a private BOOTCAMP with me, go HERE:
Till next time,
Michael Marks
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