Friday, April 3, 2015

Does A Sense Of Humor Attract Women? The TRUE Answer.

Many men want to know if a sense of humor
is important in attracting women.

The answer is that although some women
definitely find a sense of humor attractive,
there are actually DEEPER reasons for why
it is important to have a sense of humor.

So, not only does a powerful sense of humor
convey intelligence, wit, and social skills, which
are all important aspects of survival, and on a
hard-wired level women are attracted to men
who have the traits of survival in them, but
a powerful sense of humor also allows you to
EASILY bridge the gap between being a total
stranger and getting into a great conversation
with a woman, ANYWHERE you happen to find

Women are conditioned by society to be a
little weary of men who are total strangers, 
but if you can get a woman SMILING or laughing
within seconds of meeting her, it is impossible
for her to have her guard up while also feeling
great from laughter.

So a sense of humor is very powerful for simply
GETTING THE BALL ROLLING in what otherwise
might seem like an awkward situation.

Now, this is a very different thing than trying to
be a CLOWN or a jester to women, and I make this
super clear in all my books and programs.

And yet, BEYOND all this, is an even MORE powerful
reason for having a sense of humor.

A sense of humor is a powerful mechanism for
YOURSELF, it is a magnificent way to DEAL with
reality, to KEEP yourself STRONG emotionally,
to keep yourself HEALTHY emotionally- and
ultimately your STATE OF MIND is forever
connected to your SUCCESS with women,
because a woman is sensing your EMOTIONAL
VIBE when you are chatting with her, and the
BETTER those emotions are, the BETTER you
will do.

So, for example, can you imagine how IMPOSSIBLE
it would be to successfully approach a woman having
a great time at a party if you were feeling totally
angry, bitter, insecure, or filled with anxiety?

One of the most important parts of a successful
‘pick up’ is the part where you and a woman have
been chatting for a few minutes, and then you
both are so comfortable, that neither one of you
feels a need to say anything, and you are just enjoying
the SILENCE of BEING with each other and just
FEELING THE GOOD VIBE between the two of you.

People who are able to pull back from taking
EVERYTHING so seriously- and this doesn’t mean
that you shouldn’t work super-hard, and it doesn’t
mean that there aren’t times when you should be
totally focused and serious- but people who know
things so seriously are often the people who are
able to get the MOST success and to ENJOY their

It may even be that the reason some women
are so attracted to men with a great sense of
humor is because on an evolutionary level,
a sense of humor DOES provide a survival

NO MATTER WHAT, a sense of humor helps YOU
state of MIND.

A sense of humor allows you to see the good side
of things as well. So, for example, although feminism
has in many ways caused all kind of problems for both
women and men, it has also made it SUPER EASY for
men to MEET more women than ever.

So, on that note, I would like to bring your attention
to an important program on having and using
a sense of humor – it is an interview I conducted
with a man who I have personally seen approach
women successfully, and who I even once teamed
up with on a bootcamp to teach several men at
once, as we demonstrated how to approach women.

This man is featured in a best-selling book that is
all about how to meet women, and he is also one
of the funniest people I know on the planet.

Also, what makes this program particularly powerful
is that it is not some gimmick on how to have
funny pick up lines with women- it is not that at ALL.

In this program, I interview him and ask him questions
all about his life and his humor, and the genius behind
his answers is that HIS ANSWERS ARE HILARIOUS yet
often full of truth at the same time- which is what so

There is no ONE WAY to be funny- rather, it is a
WAY of looking at things, that you can make uniquely
yours using your own personal perspectives- so this
program is NOT trying to tell you to COPY his style
of humor, but rather you can use this program to
UNLEASH your OWN style of humor.

It’s at:

And of course, to learn IN PERSON, on tons of actual women,
how to do the A to Z of approaching and attracting women
ANYWHERE, take my BOOTCAMP, by going HERE:

Till next time,

Michael Marks

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