Saturday, April 4, 2015

How To Grow As A Man And Skyrocket Your Success With Women

Today, I want to share with you two ULTRA-important
concepts for success with women.

The first one is learning to ACCEPT that if you
want a CHANGE in your life, it will require you
to DO something DIFFERENTLY, and that thing
will at first seem DIFFICULT.

Maybe not physically difficult, maybe not
even TIME-wise difficult, but in some way,
probably on an emotional level, it will be

So, for example, I remember that after being
told since childhood that women just wanted
men who were NICE, because supposedly so
many men were CREEPS (which is actually not
true) I had been so CONDITIONED to act SUPER
DUPER CAUTIOUS with women to show
SENSITIVITY, that I couldn’t ACCEPT the idea
that actually women would not only be OPEN
to being approached by men who were total
strangers, but that women were every bit as
carnal and animalistic as men and that in fact
it wasn’t women who needed assertiveness
training with the opposite gender NEARLY
AS MUCH AS MOST MEN needed it.

Thanks to feminism, I grew up thinking that women
were so traumatized by most men, and I grew up
thinking that women were BEGGING to just find
a guy who could show he was SENSITIVE enough
to them and were begging to find men who would
show how they were NOT interested in women as
actual women but just as non-gendered humans,
that it was REAL HARD FOR ME to start approaching
women ANYWHERE and then not only that, but
to start adding FLIRTY vibes to the conversation
IMMEDIATELY with women I hardly knew.

I kept thinking that women were going to HATE
this, since after all, supposedly women thought
that all men were psychotic rapists and all women
were innocent saints who just wanted to find a good

So, it took A LOT OF APPROACHES for me to finally not
only get CALM enough but also to get good enough to
start to see that in fact all the stuff I was brought up to
believe was not true.

And it took a lot of EFFORT and PAIN to finally be
able to let go of my OLD BELIEFS and to ACCEPT
that I had no CHOICE but to CHANGE if I wanted
to change things in my life.

On this note, I want to bring up a quote by William

Keep the faculty of effort alive in you by a little
gratuitous exercise every day. That is, be systematically
ascetic or heroic in little unnecessary points, do every
day or two something for no other reason than that
you would rather not do it, so that when the hour of
dire need draws nigh, it may find you not unnerved
and untrained to stand the test. So with the man who
has daily inured himself to habits of concentrated
attention, energetic volition, and self-denial in
unnecessary things. He will stand like a tower when
everything rocks around him, and when his softer
fellow-mortals are winnowed like chaff in the blast.

And here is where improvement with your success
with women really is consistent with improvement
in your life in ALL areas- it takes EFFORT, and it takes
ACCEPTING that the LEAST PAIN will come from
it off for one second longer.

That is the SECOND component of this newsletter:


Men who are successful and who achieve their goals
whether they are about inner peace, or about creative,
financial, social, or any other aspects of their lives, simply
don't allow their emotions to fool themselves.

And EFFORT is something with which most people have
the WRONG emotions associated.  So most people will
brainwash THEMSELVES into not putting in the
consistent effort.

And let me tell you something, it’s hard enough
if you take on a PROCRASTINATING approach.

The greatest enemy we face when it comes to success
is our own SELF-SABOTAGING mechanisms.

Start right now- get out your door and say hello
to a woman right now. If you are already past that
level, start putting into play some of the more
advanced concepts, whether it is applying humor,
being more flirty, learning how to screen for
the right characteristics in a woman, learning to
build up the bond and connection, making that
first date, or whether it is learning how to let go
of your inner fears, and so on and so forth.

But remember, it WILL take EFFORT at first, and
only after consistent EFFORT will you start to
improve, and then you will get so much joy out
of the process that the process itself will be inspiring
and you won’t even think of it as effort- but at first
it WILL take effort, and the sooner you accept that,
the more time you will get to enjoy the fruits of your

And of course, the strategy and the quote given
by William James is a brilliant and practical
prescription for success in ALL areas of your life-
it is a way to PROTECT you from becoming lazy
or from fearing effort or from slipping into
SELF-DENIAL- when people want to AVOID
effort they will often subconsciously trick
themselves into thinking that somehow they
can escape the need for it, or they will think
there is some point in PUSHING IT OFF.

Now, given that no matter what, success will
take EFFORT, the question becomes, what is the
most EFFICIENT way for you to CHANNEL that
effort so that you get the MOST out of it?

I believe the answer to that question, for most
men, is to take my BOOTCAMP program, where
I personally show you how to go about the entire
process of the approach and the conversation, and I
train you in all the aspects of internal confidence
as well- so you are getting both the outer and
the inner aspects of success with women
completely covered.

BOOTCAMP takes place over one weekend, and
it is all about approaching women for real, with
me serving as your coach and also providing real
life demonstrations for you in person, and providing
you with immediate feedback on your approaches
to skyrocket your success in those approaches.

One of the greatest things about taking bootcamp,
is that once you arrive, you are then in a position
where there is NO CHOICE but to LEARN, and there
is no possibility for procrastination- you will be in
after all, this is BOOTCAMP- you will be pushed
to your MAX to be your absolute BEST.

You will be immersed in my training as I provide
you the ultimate personal coaching in this most
important aspect of a man’s life.


I also provide another service, where I give you guidance
on any attraction, dating, or relationship situation that
you would like expert feedback on. 

This coaching can be provided in person or by phone,
by going here:

Now, I realize not EVERYONE can make it in person, and
not everyone can immediately do this, which is why I also
have poured in TREMENDOUS effort into making the most
powerful home-study programs for helping you succeed
with women. 

These programs are excellent on their own, and they also
will serve as a powerful FOUNDATION for you if you take
them BEFORE bootcamp, plus they will help REINFORCE
what you learn in bootcamp.

They are at:

Till next time,

Michael Marks

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