Saturday, March 8, 2014

Secrets to Attracting Women On A Physical Level: The Foreplay Before Foreplay

One of the biggest things you can do to
SKYROCKET your success with women
is to understand something known as
sexual tension.

So let me first define what this IS:
The best way I can describe it is to call
it the FOREPLAY  that happens long
BEFORE the foreplay!

In life, NINETY NINE percent of the
pleasure of almost ANYTHING is NOT
just in the arrival of the pleasurable

So, for example, when you get a great
slice of pizza, or a great chocolate, you
usually don’t want to just FINISH it as
quickly as possible.

You want to SAVOR it, you want that
great feeling to LAST.

In fact, if you REALLY love something,
sometimes you enjoy THINKING about it
for long before you actually GET it, and

Think of how a little kid sees something
AWESOME, say it’s a TOY he finds in
a CATALOG.  And he gets promised by
his mom that if he is GOOD, he will get
it for his birthday or for a holiday or for
some other time in the future.

That KID then DREAMS about all the fun
he is GOING to have in the FUTURE with
that toy.  He thinks about it, he fantasizes
about it, he ANTICIPATES it.  What it
will be like to UNWRAP that toy, to
play with it, the adventures he might have
with those toys/action figures, etc,etc.

When you go to a great MOVIE, you don’t
just want to get right to the ENDING! 
It’s way more EXCITING to have the
ANTICIPATION building up inside of you,
as you FEEL the excitement the danger,
the possibility of the VICTORY for the
hero, etc, etc.

It would be the most boring thing on EARTH
if Luke Skywalker told Darth Vader to give
up, and Darth Vader just said “okay”, and that
was IT.

It’s the SAME THING with women and the 
feelings of CHEMISTRY they want to
experience with you.

You want to make a woman feel the massive
ANTICIPATION of pleasure with you from
the MOMENT you meet her.

You want her to be THINKING about how
awesome it would be to get NAKED with you
long before it actually GETS to that point, and
of course, this IS the way TO actually get to that

This way, the pleasure, in her mind, is not just
something that happens once you two are in bed,
but she is ALREADY feeling it from the moment
you MET her the FIRST time.

You accomplish this by NOT racing to the "finish line". 

What I mean by this, is that you DON’T want
to make it DIRECTLY OBVIOUS that she is
going to get to have sex with you just because
you are speaking to her, or just because you
approached her to chat with her.

What you want to do, is just give her ENOUGH
of a HINT so that her MIND is stimulated to
have to actually become ENGAGED in actually

Trust me, when a woman paints her OWN picture
of you and her together in the near future, it’s
the PERFECT attractor because SHE is the one
DESIGNING the fantasy,
so it’s going to be
PERFECT to her.

If you just make it so obvious, and so easy,
then what you are doing is in essence "ruining
the movie" by giving her the ending right away.
It’s like you are giving her a candy that instantly
dissolves and melts in a NANOSECOND and
the pleasure is over.

Here’s ONE example of building up sexual tension:
When you are chatting to a woman you have just
approached for the first time, at some point in
the conversation, give her the “look up”.

The “look up” is when you calmly look up
and down her entire body ONCE, and then
you CONTINUE to chat with her TOTALLY
calmly and you DON’T do it again, at least
not for a long time.

This way, she thinks to herself:
“Hey, did he just check me OUT while I
was TALKING to him? Did he just check
out my entire BODY???? Or was I just
imagining that?? What was he THINKING
right then? Does he LIKE me that much?
Is he that direct? He’s not doing it anymore,
does he NOT find me that hot, or is he just
trying to hold back?  What is this guy

Do you see what I mean about how this

She is now STARTING to THINK about you,
and about what you have in MIND for her.
And because you haven’t done too MUCH,
she is now free to PICTURE the ultimate
torrid fantasy of you and her having the most
wild, intense. steamy hot lovemaking that
she has ever DREAMED about in her life.

A little goes a LONG way.

By doing a little, you prevent coming across
as a brute with no class or taste.  By doing
NOTHING, though you come across as
NOT sexual at all. 

Another way to think of the “look up” is to
call it a “the once over”, you look her over
once over. But I like the term “the look up”
because your eyes actually go UP her body
and then DOWN.

Now, this is just ONE super effective,
and super EASY strategy that you can
apply IMMEDIATELY on ANY woman you are
attracted to. And it’s FIELD TESTED,
that means it’s been PROVEN in REAL LIFE
on tons of women.

I have an OCEAN MORE of pure GOLD for you
on strategies for successfully approaching
and attracting the women you WANT.  

All you have to do to get these fantastic and
easy-to-use strategies for SKYROCKETING
women’s attraction to you on a PHYSICAL
level is download my program DEVOTED
to this topic- it is called:

This program is an absolute must, and it’s at:

Till next time,

Michael Marks

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