Sunday, March 2, 2014

How To Be The Calm Man Women Want

In the last newsletter, I discussed a LOT
on the importance of CALM and the deep
attraction power it has in drawing women
into you.

I received some questions asking if I could
get more into the HOW to become this kind
of person, how to get into that state, how to
stay in that state of mind, and also how to
not crack, especially under pressure from
a woman.

So there are a few things I need to say about all
this. Obviously, I get into the DETAILS in my
program, called ‘Warrior Within’, at:

At the same time, I can introduce some of the
important “HOW TO’s’ here, but keep in mind
this is low-level detail here, and my actual
programs go into true depth.

Also, my programs go into depth on how to
DETECT the right and wrong kind of women
in the first place, as well.

If a woman is constantly making you feel like
you are about to crack and lose your sense of
calm, then either one of two things is happening:

Either she is the wrong woman, or you need to do
more work on yourself to stay in the calm state of
mind so that you are not distorting things she
is doing or saying to mean something bad when she
is actually not doing or saying anything bad.

So, for example, and by the way I am not judging
anyone as I used to make the same mistakes, for
example, if one is in the insecure state of mind,
then it will INTERPRET everything a woman does
in a negative and distorted way.

If, for example, a woman says something like.
“You’re crazy” to you, depending on how she says it,
it COULD mean a compliment in the sense of you are
so above average, or work so much harder than
others, or are so GOOD, that you are CRAZY GOOD,
an insult, but only when you are CALM and SECURE
can you see the TRUTH. 

When feeling INSECURE, all actions and statements
will be interpreted in a way that seems HARMFUL,

On the other hand, when feeling SECURE, you will
see the GOOD STUFF when a woman means good,
and even if some woman is sick in the head and
saying something mean, you will see through it
and often INTERPRET IT as a compliment, which
is such a powerful sign of security and strength
and calm on your part, it will actually ATTRACT
that woman even more, although I suggest staying
away from women that are not treating you with
respect, no matter how attracted those women are.

The whole idea of CALM is actually more vital so
that you don’t screw things up with a GOOD WOMAN,
a woman that is feeling attraction to you and that
wants to be with you long-term, etc.

So here are some ways to GET CALM, and STAY CALM.


Yup, let’s start with something vital and basic.
Take long, slow, deep breaths.
Hold the breath for a few seconds.
Then, let the breath out sloooowly for a few
more seconds, till you have expelled all the air.

Regarding the breathing, breathe in deeply and
slowly through your nose.
Hold that breath for a few moments.

Then, exhale slowly through your mouth.

Repeat this for about a minute or two.
If you actually TRY this, you will see how
powerful this is.

The tragic truth is that most people will NOT do this,
this simple, basic, and effective strategy, because
the problem is that when people are not feeling
calm, they tend to NOT WANT TO FEEL CALM, they
are so brainwashed by their own emotions, that
they think they actually SHOULD NOT BEEEEEE CALM!

But the truth is, that being calm is essential for
success in attracting women, because it says so  
much about who you are, and it also helps the
woman feel calm around you, and it also helps
you take the right actions, because your actions
and thoughts tend to flow from how you FEEL,
so that is why it is so important that you focus
on feeling calm.

So that’s a super-effective EASY strategy, that
is more for IMMEDIATE use.

There are other, longer-term strategies that go
DEEPER into changing and improving your
HARD-WIRING, and take more practice, and
are a little more advanced.


Mindfulness is a practice that has been in
existence for thousands of years,  and only
in recent years has science actually caught
up and proven as well as documented the
effectiveness of it in achieving superior states
of mind, especially the calm state.

The key to mindfulness is to learn to zero in
on the present experience in a non-judgmental
and open  way that allows for acceptance.

What this means is that rather than having
emotional reactions to things, you instead
of whatever it is that you are experiencing and
you actually simply EXPERIENCE IT AS A
IT AS NEGATIVE. (or even positive, because
the whole point of mindfulness is to focus
on the sensation and accept it without judgement,
experience it for what it IS, which is simply
a sensation, it does not have to MEAN
anything else, it is JUST a sensation, no
matter how powerful it might FEEL.)

This is DEEP stuff, it goes DEEP within,
and is something I delve into in my program
(along with other deep strategies) called
‘Warrior Within’, at:


The third strategy I want to mention is
REFRAMING and changing your PERCEPTION
of a moment or experience.

This is also extremely powerful, and it’s also
not like the various strategies can’t work together
in some ways as well.

One KEY aspect of changing the way you think
about things involves  FINDING the DISTORTIONS
in your INTERPRETATION of things.

So, for example, if you approach a woman and she
responds, but doesn’t respond with a huge smile, 
you MIGHT be thinking “Oh, she for sure doesn’t
want to talk to me, she’s probably thinking I’m
psycho, or weird, and she probably wants me to leave”.

So, you have to realize that this type of thinking is
probably a distortion of truth, and the result of
something called “all or nothing” thinking, also
known as “black and white” thinking, (which is in
itself another important area to understand) where
the ONLY good response to you is if a woman goes
ECSTATIC for you, and anything other than ECSTATIC
in the first moment is interpreted as DISASTROUS.

In reality, a woman may VERY WELL BE INTERESTED
in you, or getting to know you, but she might
simply be trying to show she is not promiscuous,
that she is not easy, that she is not open to
just talking to every single guy.

She may want you to continue, but also want
you to realize that she needs you to take it
slowly with her, before she can open up more.

What you have just read here is the TIP of
the ICEBERG of what you will find in my
DVD program, called WARRIOR WITHIN.

You will find TONS MORE on the most POWERFUL
strategies for getting over internal obstacles
that stop you from being your BEST with women,
your most CONFIDENT, your most SECURE, your
most POWERFUL version of yourself, and you
will find super-effective strategies for
getting yourself to TAKE ACTION with women
as well.

You will also find the most effective ways to
DETECT a woman’s personality and values so
that you only put your energy into the RIGHT
women who will ENHANCE your life.  

Don’t wait for the YEARS to go by without
taking the MOST EFFECTIVE ACTIONS you can
for SKYROCKETING your success with women.

Get my WARRIOR WITHIN program NOW, at:

Till next time,

Michael Marks

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