Sunday, March 23, 2014

The "Dirty Little Secret" To Attracting Women

Do you want to know the best kept dirty
little secret to attracting women?

Attraction is nothing but an INVOLUNTARY
emotional reaction to someone we PERCEIVE
has great POWER.

That's it.

POWER, unfortunately, defines everything.
Not in a philosophical sense, (at least not in
my philosophy) but in the sense of most
people's feelings and perceptions.

It defines who is right, who is wrong,
who is desirable, and even WHAT is "right"
and WHAT is "wrong".

This concept NEVER made COMPLETE
sense to me till I finally saw the truth about
women.  This ultimately led to also
understanding the truth about all human
BEINGS, period, although the things that
represent power for men are not the exact
same things that represent power for women.

POWER is sexy.

It attracts. Everyone.

All the "sexy" things are just forms
of power. For example:

1. Physical looks- sign of vitality,
health, survival, ability to bear
children, etc.

2.Money- obvious form of power.

However, trying to cover up an insecurity
by throwing money at women, or trying too
hard to impress women by displaying signs
of wealth, tends to convey LACK of power,
and implies deep-rooted insecurity.

3. Status- positions in society-
again obvious form of power
through level of control or
influence over others.

4. Attitude/Self-Esteem- indicates
power and ability to succeed in life;
a guy who seems positive and confident
may also reflect a powerful position
or that he has a lot going for him now
or potentially in the future, etc.

5. Intelligence---human ingenuity has
been one of the keys to our survival
as a species.

By the way, HUMOR, if done right, can
show a VERY HIGH LEVEL of intelligence,
and it can do so in a very EFFECTIVE manner
where a woman remembers you long after
your first interaction with her is over. 

6. Having large circles of connections, etc.

And on and on ad infinitum...

But the bottom line is that TODAY, so
many men in our society have been
PERCEPTION is power, and men have
been brainwashed to PERCEIVE that
they are LESS valuable than they
REALLY are to women.

Also, things like testosterone,
aggression, and muscle are NOT needed
from a practical standpoint by women
thanks to technology, and in fact
those things can get us men in a lot
of trouble today, because there are
few healthy and positive outlets for
those male instincts today. (Although
machismo as an attitude can be sexy
if applied in the right way and not
in the caveman way.)

Also, men are stripped of their power
through brainwashing that women are
all Disney-style innocents, hence
the FLOOD of guys who are kissing up
to attractive women EVERYWHERE, and
also many guys who are willing to so quickly
be financial and emotional "providers" to
women who haven't earned so much giving.

Also, a lot of guys today, they look at
how their MOMS AND GRANDMOMS behaved,
because some of those women grew up
BEFORE men became morons and spineless,
I.E. before so many women would walk
over men.

By the way, I'm not blaming women for
all this, as a lot of this is simply
the result of changing times, and men
have not adjusted themselves to the
changes that women have made for themselves.
Men can't help but still think of women
in the "Disney" innocent sense, and in
the sense of what women keep on saying,
i.e. that they just want a nice guy
who will never take them for granted.

who will not take these women for granted,

So many men are unsuspecting of the TRUTH that
is going on TODAY.

Sooooooo, when women get all this POWER, they
cannot HELP but USE it.

This is why, for example, so many women
have no problem going to a club, for the
express purpose of having men buy drinks
for them, for the express purpose of being
complimented and validated, or why so many
women have no problem using a guy who makes
himself open to use and abuse because he
thinks a woman is so special even though
she has done nothing to earn his affection.

Are there abusive men around as well?
Absolutely, there are, and it's not like
men have a monopoly on good morals.

It's just that when it comes to dating,
we live in a society where women expect
men to take the initiative, the first move,
and the first move always gives away a bit
of power, since it is immediately indicating
that the person being approached has value,
and it can lead to a percieved imbalance in
power in the man's mind and in the woman
mind, where the woman clearly has more power.

This is not a problem, however, if you
approach women in the RIGHT WAY, where
you are radiating a positive healthy
sense of power.

Remember, for every attractive woman out there,
there are usually TONS of guys doing favours for
her, trying to be her "friend", so of course the
value of emotional support (read: boyFRIEND)
goes down to almost zero, and they are instead
just looking to be with the most POWERFUL guy
they believe they can meet- whatever that
combination is- attitude, behavior, looks,
money, dress, connections, status, etc.

Even things like a fun upbeat personality-
like being a confident guy who teases women,
it's still nothing more than a sign of
confidence and power and vitality.

Because most men grow up seeing how difficult
it is to meet a woman who is not spoiled by all
this, it is men who cherish relationships more
these days, since it is so RARE.

I think a great example of this is Brad Pitt.

This guy is the ICON of female desire- status,
insanely recognizable all over the world,
good looks, wealthy, and who did he go out
with and marry first?

Jennifer Aniston, who is good looking, sure,
but not some supermodel or uber-babe.

Everybody knows if all he wanted was the
uberbabe he could have had just about any
friggen woman on the planet, this dude
doesn't need any tactics.

And there is no way in hell that he did
not know his power, I'm sure his fan mail
included women's intimate garments and
photos etc.

He KNEW how INSANE things were, and he was
TOO SMART to marry the typical "woman"
these days.

And even when he broke up with her, he married
Angelina Jolie, who is absolutely not typical
at ALL.  This is a woman who does not bank only
on her looks, who spends a great deal of time
helping children in impoverished parts of the

Also, before Angelina Jolie dated Brad, she
dated Billy Bob Thornton, a guy who completely
danced to the beat of his own drum, who had
enough confidence in his own self to not even
try to imitate anyone else. And Thornton has
revealed in interviews that he ultimately lost
confidence and did not believe that he was
worthy of her, and this is why he lost her.

What you BELIEVE about your own power is
ABSOLUTELY CRITICAL for your success
with women.

So, even though MOST MEN are getting demolished
when it comes to dating women, it is ABSOLUTELY

Most men have been stripped of their power,
and yet the WHOLE THING has been PURELY

All from IGNORANCE and guys who kiss up
to women.

Hence the floodgates to corruption have flowed in.
Women these days equal or outnumber men when it
comes to cheating, infidelity, etc.

Lest anyone read this post and think that I
have negative feelings towards women, they are
absolutely wrong.

I simply believe power corrupts, no matter
who has it, a man or a woman.

Be it a three-year-old child who is spoiled
by parents who over indulge the child, or
be it an adult who comes into almost
superhuman power.

This is why democracies tend to have checks
and balances to prevent those in power from
abusing that power.

Power is sexy.
Might is right.
Just as Thrasymachus said long ago in The Republic.

The way I look at it, it's just a question
of WHO has the might.

So if we as men believe what is going on
right now in society is "wrong", then we
need to increase our power, both as a
gender, and as individuals within our
relationships with women.

This whole power dynamic is even MORE
important in attracting women than it
is in any other sphere of human endeavor,
because even the most STAUNCH feminists
THEMSELVES are only attracted to men
who give off vibes of POWER.

Guess who JANE FONDA, a staunch, world
famous feminist married? She married
TED TURNER, one of the most outspoken,
confident, powerful men on the planet.

Guess who GLORIA STEINEM, the world-famous,
and I will now quote Wiki here, "American
feminist, journalist, and social and political
activist who became nationally recognized as a
leader of, and media spokeswoman for, the
women's liberation movement in the late 1960s
and 1970s" married? 

She married a powerful and outspoken man,
named David Bale (father of Christian
Bale the actor, but of course before
Christian Bale was famous), who was an
entrepreneur, environmentalist, and animal
rights activist.

And of course, her life-long opinion that
marriage was a form of "slavery" to men,
something that women should never do,
coincidentally CHANGED changed when she met
the man she was ATTRACTED to, and she suddenly
felt that marriage had progressed and she
felt marrying a man was now a fine thing to do.

So if even the most die-hard FEMINISTS don't
feel attraction for men who don't radiate POWER,
then how can anyone expect MAINSTREAM women
to feel? They FOR SURE want to feel FEMININE
in the arms of a man who is MASCULINE AND

So, you see, all relationships are power
based, which does not mean that KINDNESS
and sensitivity are not STILL ABSOLUTELY
VITAL, because if you don't show sensitivity
and kindness and appreciation, then on a
hard-wired instinctive level, her brain
sends the message that this guy will NOT
help her survival, as he may use all
that power to HARM her.

This is where a lot of jerks get it all wrong
when it comes to attracting women.

The key is to be caring, decent, sensitive, etc,
while SIMULTANEOUSLY giving off vibes of INFINITE

If you don't want to end up as nothing more
than a FRIEND of a woman, a male girlfriend
so to speak, you MUST change the way you
behave and the way you think.


Women try their BEST to do what gives them
power, such as looking their best, wearing
make-up, doing their hair, smiling, acting
SWEET and INNOCENT, and feminine, yet acting
HARD TO GET, while ALSO making sure to get
the best education they can as well, and
to get as high in the workplace as well,
MEN must also do what works for them.

But most men have no clue what that means
or what to do.

Don't be a sitting duck.

The same way YOU would take advantage
of a guy giving out million dollar bills
in exchange for a smile from you, so too
it's hard for a lot of women to resist taking
advantage of guy who is making himself
soooooooooooo easy to take advantage of.

Could YOU resist?
And hey, it's not even illegal!!!!!!
And most men aren't protesting it,
they are HAPPY to be kissing up for
nothing, in exchange for a smile,
or whatever else. This falls under
what a friend of mine calls

Just as women are attracted to powerful men,
one of thing that most MEN are attracted to
is a beautiful woman who is also SWEET AND

Most men consider that feminine.

Now, do you REALLY think for a SECOND
that women don't KNOW that????????????

Do you really think that women are stupid?
That they would not ACT sweet if acting
sweet will make them far more attractive?

There are also guys who DON'T find
sweet women attractive, and if he
radiates power, a woman will quickly
do her part to be whatever works,
as long as he is what SHE is looking for.

for women that gives women POWER.

It's hardwired into men's brains
by evolution, because men need
to have women who will be good
mothers for the children.

This is part of why men are attracted
to women who seem sweet.  It may also
be related to trust, i.e. that she is
actually giving birth to your child
and not some other dude's.  This is
something men have to deal with
that women don't since women obviously
know they are the mothers, and evolution
has kicked in to make men more sensitive
to matters dealing with fidelity in

Men need to smell the roses and get a
whiff of the truth.

And since POWER defines everything that
is right and wrong, (I don't agree with
this ETHICALLY, OR philosophically, I am
just saying this is the way the world WORKS
IN REALITY) if you are a man and you believe
in something, it's up to you to fight for
your beliefs because that is the only way
to make them "right" in society.

That is what women did in the last couple
of generations, and it should be an inspiration

Ultimately, every element/tactic that
works for attraction is a tool that helps
us convey POWER to a woman, whether it is
REAL or PERCEIVED. Every tiny action,
tonality, movement, act of humor, article
of clothing, the image of the people you
hang out with, is either INCREASING YOUR

As human beings, we can easily get
addicted to this thing called power
unless we are hyper aware of what is
going on and that our brain is playing
with us. In reality, the more power you
get, the more you hunger to INCREASE
your power.

This boils down to SURVIVAL mechanisms
inside our brain. Consider human progress,
and how we constantly strive to go further,
do more, (even as we often create more
problems in this process).

We all want to benefit from those with
power, and so we are naturally attracted
to them. With men and women, it becomes
a sexual thing. Within our gender, it
becomes a "charismatic" thing.

When we GET the approval of someone we
consider powerful, it makes us feel
more SECURE. It makes us feel good.

then NOTHING influences you. But how
many people, whether men or women,
are like that?

And since women tend to get FAR MORE
approval from men than vice versa,
women are only hungrier for MORE.

Ever wonder what this does to relationships?
Or what it does to a guy who is EASY?

He gets eaten up for breakfast and is
forgotten by LUNCH. Ultimately, all
this really has very little to do with
sex. I really believe this. If it was
all about the physical need for sexual
release, people would just be happy
with one person, or marriage etc.

But since most people are not secure,
they have low esteem, and feel the
HUNGER for more security, for more
validation, for more POWER. This
causes an INFINITE array of issues
that DISGUISE themselves as sexual

So, for example, in a relationship
or marriage, as soon as sex becomes
easily available and reliable, and
there is no need to worry about it
anymore, the focus becomes on getting
MORE power and getting the approval
of OTHERS. They seek NOT new SEXUAL
stimulus so much as FURTHER BONDS
their own power.

That is why people look for "spice"
which is so often linked to psychological
issues- i.e. any form of wanting to violate
a "TABOO" is nothing more than enjoying
the feeling of POWER over breaking a
prohibition. Without a prohibition,
there is no joy to break it.

BREAKING it is an assertion of POWER.

The desire to assert control over
whatever the hell is being forbidden.

Take away the taboo or the prohibition
and goodbye spice!

For example, turn ON the lights in a
"naughty" dance club and GOODBYE the
to "kick" or the enjoyment of it all.

Ever wonder why clubs are "dark" atmosphere?
Why they have names that evoke things
that are "naughty" and taboo and forbidden?

Because it's a rush of POWER to feel
like you are so powerful that you can
BREAK 'the rules".

This is why kids who have no idea of
the purpose of rules enjoy breaking
them so much. All they know is that
there is something forbidden, they
don't know why, so they enjoy the
rush and the POWER of anarchy and

For most of us, sex is to a large
degree all about ISSUES, relating
back to INSECURITY, a need to feel
ENDLESS approval from those with power.

This is why what turns people on in the
bedroom is not politically correct.

Since women have been told again and again
that men are jerks who are controlling,
women are often "rebelling" i.e. acting
out on the impulse to REVOLT at the
perceived "control".

Again, it's the insecurity, the need
for more POWER.

Ultimately, everyone is just seeking
those feelings that come from their
own definitions of POWER.

For a woman, love/passion/lust are all
INVOLUNTARY feelings that ERUPT in full
force when she thinks about a man with
the ultimate combo of POWER.

The real magic is in the knowledge.

What you have just read, as POWERFUL
as it is, is the TIP OF THE ICEBERG
of what you will find in my ARRAY
of programs designed to SKYROCKET
your success with women, including
finding and attracting the kind of
special woman that is AWARE of all
these things so that she can TRANSCEND

I cannot over-emphasize how important
these programs are to your LIFE-LONG
success with women.

Each one of my programs gives you MORE
of an advantage out there in the world
when you are interacting with women.
Having ALL my programs gives you ALL
the advantages.

If you were to get EVERY SINGLE ONE OF
MY PROGRAMS, it would come out to about
$680 for EVERYTHING. That is less than
2 bucks a day over a year- about the same as
a coffee at many places. MEN spend FORTUNES
trying to impress women, without success.

They also LOSE fortunes by being with the
WRONG women, and by being ignorant of
how to REALLY attract women.

They miss out on all the BURNING
PASSION they can experience with
the women of their choice, and instead
and loneliness.

Is it not worth 2 bucks a day, to get
ALL of my programs that are the result
of years of real-life experience and
real-life testing to make sure they
WORK to attract the women you want?

Take action NOW, and don't miss a SINGLE
one of my programs- you can download most
of them INSTANTLY to your computer and

Do that by going here NOW:

Till next time,

Michael Marks


Tobias Bratt said...

Awesome post again Michael! Just wanted to add that actually it seems harder to show certain "power traits" in society if you are genuinly a quality man. Social status and power is to alot of people nowadays about being vulgar, being the pimp who plays around with countless of women, smoking, having alot of friends around you, or just being "drunk and fun" and having a lot of money and superficial connections. But as a quality-man all those things arent especially Intresting, and therefore you get less power and social status because you dont participate in those lower-class behavior. So i just wanted to add, that it takes alot of intelligence and selfvalidation and sense of powerful values in order to not let yourself be fooled by the majority of people and give in to that impulse of laziness to just attract the quantity friends and connections by getting drunk, vulgar and don't care about intelligence, quality or anything. Theres no way but the hard way.

Michael Marks said...

Thanks for your comments and for the kind words!

The good news is that although so many people tend to be vulgar nowadays, and tend to worship vulgarity, there will always be the cream of the crop amongst men and women who are not that way- there will be those special men and women who appreciate things like wisdom, integrity, long-term thinking, etc.

Without those higher level values, the whole society crumbles into oblivion. And there are those men and women left who still know this and who still value this, and the women that know this will ESPECIALLY value those men who are still "great" in this way, for the very fact that it is so rare and precious.

It just takes more inner strength to have the conviction in these quality beliefs, and it takes more strength to resist the masses of insanity around us, nowadays.

Michael Marks said...

Hi Tobbe,

Just wanted to also say how far ahead you will be of the masses around you by realizing these things as fast as possible, instead of what the masses do, which is to only realize much, MUCH LATER in their lives, how important those quality values are, (both to have in ourselves and to find in women).

All the best,


Michael Marks said...

This is why it's all about finding a GREAT woman, rather than about trying to get "all the women".