Friday, July 19, 2013

Sometimes The Best Costs More

There are a few things that I think you’d
like to know when it comes to getting the
best knowledge on self-improvement, on
attracting women, and on getting the kind
of quality woman that would make for
a fantastic girlfriend.

Honesty and integrity are hard things to find.
In fact, when it comes to really important  
things, most people agree that there should
be certain laws, a certain amount of

So, for example, doctors are not allowed to
turn their practices into typical businesses
with things like “SALE WEEK, ALL
SERVICES 20% OFF!” or anything like

The reason is because we want to prevent
a deterioration of services, where everything
becomes about who is the cheapest, or who
is the best at marketing or fooling people, and
it is no longer about who is truly serving
people’s needs the best.

If you remember the movie ROBOCOP,
the POLICE force became a business,
it was privatized into a corporate entity,
and we can see how dangerous that would
be as well.

CORRUPTION sets into any human endeavor
whenever it CAN.

There needs to be RULES in order to
keep corruption in check.

Everything in life has RULES.
Without it, there is total chaos
and corruption.

When it comes to the FINANCIAL
SYSTEM, we can now see how horrifying
of a mistake it was to allow so many of the
various players in that system to be
SELF-REGULATED, as it is kind of like
allowing DRACULA to be the one to
regulate the RED CROSS.

There was no REAL regulating power to
keep corruption in check.

The bottom line is, BUSINESS is not always
the same as HELPING PEOPLE.

Have you noticed that things don't tend to
LAST AS LONG as they used to, when it comes
to many, many things you purchase?

This is because companies figured out that
CHEAP is the way to go, since most people
won't KNOW how poor the quality is till
it's too late after they bought whatever
it is they bought.

A long time ago, things were made of the
highest quality, ironically, because there
was LESS competition so a GOOD company didn't
have to worry about a competitor creating a
CHEAPER but INFERIOR version, which ends
up creating a RACE TO THE BOTTOM to see
who can create the crappier product for
CHEAPER in order to win the customer
who was ignorant to how inferior it was.  


but being paid FAIRLY for it so that the person
providing the help is still motivated to help rather
than go starving because he or she is helping

Okay, so when it comes to the DATING ADVICE
field, there is basically ZERO REGULATION.

So, all the most shady business practices that can apply
to any other business most definitely apply to the
dating advice field as well.  Strategies like half-truths,
misleading video footage, misleading articles,
manipulative tactics, and preying on those who are
IGNORANT runs rampant.

Trust me, if I cared only about making money I
would be engaging in all the same tactics that
you see out there, from misleading video footage
of pick-ups, to half-truths mixed with lots of
lies, to endless talk about how every day is
somehow the “last day” to get some product of
mine at some “low” price.

I don’t engage in that manipulative b.s.
My programs have pretty much stayed at the same
prices since day one. 

My personal coaching programs stayed at the same
price for a long time, but because my time is extremely
valuable and because of supply and demand, I have
had no choice but to raise the cost of my one-on-one
personal consultations or I would be doing nothing
but consultations, and I actually have other commitments
that I need to give my time toward as well. 

And I gave a long advance notice of this, possibly
a year or two ago, that my live programs would go up,
but that this was not some “sales” tactic or “scare” tactic.  
It was a genuine advance warning for anyone who wanted
To get the benefit of those services while they were still
at the same price.

It is important to also realize that I started helping men
in this field long before it became trendy.  My first book
came out in 2003, and I was being covered in the news
and media long before the vast, vast, vaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaast
majority of any dating coaches out there.  It was
also long before the book “The Game” was ever
even published.
What this should signify to you is that this field
is something that  I naturally gravitated toward
because it was my passion, it was not something
that I saw everyone else doing, and it was not that
I thought it would be some type of thing to mimic
for sh*ts and giggles.

The bottom line is this: I don’t engage in the
manipulative b.s.  because I don’t care for it,
I would rather focus on being the BEST.

But not everyone out there can appreciate the
difference between the best and the mediocre.   
It takes some KNOWLEDGE in the first place
to even be able to TELL.  

To a starving person, a Mickey Dee’s CHEESEBURGER
is just as good as a STEAK.

And I understand that most guys are so starving
when it comes to how to be successful with women,
they go for the CHEESEBURGER advice thinking
it is the greatest thing on earth.

So rather than selling a BILLION cheeseburgers,
I instead sell GRADE A STEAKS.

I don’t sell a billion cheeseburgers.
I don’t have 'over one billion served'.
I only sell the best, to people who can TELL
the difference.

And that’s just a small group of people, to be honest.
And for that reason, I need to charge more, because
I am only dealing with the BEST.

I don't sell a TON.
I sell the BEST quality.

A Rolls Royce will cost more than your average car,
but if you can afford it, you will see it is better.

My time is valuable, and there is nobody out there
offering the same quality of my live coaching
programs, including my personal consultations.

Many years of my life went into mastering this
knowledge, and getting the personal private
coaching from me indeed will cost you more
than getting the coaching from some guy
who is trying to imitate me.

If you can’t buy my live coaching programs right
now, you can always get my home study programs,
and if that is also beyond your reach at the moment,
you can always keep on reading my free newsletters,
which tend to contain more golden advice than all
the programs of all my competitors combined.

If you are ready for PERSONAL LIVE COACHING
directly from me to help you with whatever
challenge you are facing when it comes to
dating and relationships, go HERE:

And if you are ready to get the best home-study programs
on the PLANET for attracting the best WOMEN on the
planet, go HERE immediately:

Till next time,

Michael Marks

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