Friday, July 5, 2013

3 Key Strategies You Must Pursue To Attract Women

Do you care about TRUTH when it comes
to dating advice on how to attract women? 

Great, because that’s what you’re about to get.


There are plenty of times when a guy gets a
phone number from a woman he approached
but it means nothing, and there are plenty of
times a guy doesn’t get a phone number but
she was attracted.

So, for example, if a woman is drunk, desperate,
confused, unfamiliar with local customs, or just
plain promiscuous, she may very well give a guy
her phone number, but this could hardly be called
the product of a special “skill-set” of a man.  

The internet is FULL of these kinds of “video-recorded”
situations that are supposed to be “proof” of attraction.

On the other hand, a woman might genuinely feel
attraction for a man based on his perfect approach,
his perfect conversation,  his perfect ability to connect
with her, even the way he looks, etc., but she may be
an extra-cautious woman when it comes to giving out
her number, and she may need more time to feel comfortable,
she may be the kind of woman who is very careful and the
complete opposite of promiscuous.

A video of this, of course, would not be “popular” even
though it would have shown a lot MORE of what to
do RIGHT .

But how would you know if she was attracted, if you
were the guy in the situation?

The fact is, you can’t know for sure. All you can
do is use that experience now, which has POLISHED
your skills even further, on the NEXT woman you
meet, to attract HER.

So, if you want to be good at this skill, you must
be more focused on doing the best job you can every
time, rather than just being obsessed about the


This means your ability to get along with people,
including of course the WOMAN you just

Just to get to the point on this one, some people have 
lots of this naturally, some people have very little.

Unless you are only looking for a one night stand with
a woman who is drunk out of her mind, emotional
intelligence is crucial to develop.

To improve your social intelligence, start focusing
your thoughts on how SHE might be perceiving the
situation of your approach.

Although I do NOT suggest asking her a bunch
of QUESTIONS, (this would come across as
interrogative, boring, or creepy), I DO suggest
making HER the focus of the conversation, but
in a non ass-kissing way.  For example, you
can playfully make a comment about her,
whether it is what she is reading, wearing,
eating, etc.

You can then take what she says back to your
playful comment as the MATERIAL for your
NEXT comment about her.

So if you tell her, for example, that she looks
REALLLY hungry as she’s eating, and then
she tells you that she IS, you can tell her that
you like it when a woman isn’t afraid to eat,
or you can tell her that you love how when
a woman is hungry, all the etiquette rules
go out the window, etc.

The fact is, the conversation is about HER,
rather than yourself, although the very fact
you are being PLAYFUL says TONS about
YOU as well, which is very cool.

You can then slowly lead the conversation
toward a more “meaningful” connection,
because as she talks to you she will reveal
some information that you can compliment
her on and THEN you can ask her a related
question about herself, as long as it’s not TOO
deep yet and not too prying, because at that point
you are already well into a conversation.

So for example, if she tells you she is a huge fan
of the particular food she is eating and that she
first tried it when she was vacationing in a certain
part of the world, you can then ask her what her
favorite place to visit in the world is, and why,
and this would then give you MORE information
about her that would help you learn about her
character and provide more fuel for the conversation.

The key is to find the right BALANCE between
humor, connection, sensitivity, showing your confidence
and masculinity, etc.

Finding the right BALANCE is part of social intelligence.

A big part of social intelligence is EMPATHY.
You are socializing with her, and she is a total stranger. 
So be attentive to her.       
You can also improve your social intelligence by
learning how to UNDERSTAND the signals she is
giving you. 

This is essential for creating that awesome situation
where the conversation FLOWS. 

In order to do this, pay attention to her
facial expressions, to the actual vocabulary
and tone she is using, and to any other relevant
factors such as her background, her culture,
even her ethnicity. 

All these things help you UNDERSTAND what
she is really trying to convey to you.

A lot of guys UNINTENTIONALLY end up offending
the women they want to attract, and of course
vice-versa as well, but I am here dealing with
how to attract women.

By learning to pay attention to all the cues,
you will be able to understand women better
and make them much more likely to want to
open up to you and get to know you.

Another thing you can do is learn to be
AWARE of your own conditioning or habits
in terms of how you react to things
women say or do. If you have a habit
of blurting things out that are
inappropriate, then learn to pause
and think first.


One of my favorite things to do when meeting
a new woman is to actually LIBERATE her from
all the conventional “fake” behavior that
people often engage in when they meet someone

I will often tell a woman something like this:
“Okay, let’s cut past all this stuff.  A lot of times
people are always trying to put their best foot
forward when they meet someone new, which
seems nice, but I would rather they put their
best foot forward ALWAYS, so if this is not the
real you, or the real me, we are wasting our time.

So what are your greatest flaws? I have no problem
talking about mine, I’m an open book.”

MANY times, women are so RELIEVED and
happy to hear this from me.  It allows them to
TOTALLY relax and actually open up and I
have no problem doing the same.

Within moments, we go from being strangers to
truly communicating on an intimate level, and
once things are on this level, it is VERY easy
to escalate to physical intimacy if you WANT to,
if you have still been “manly” since the beginning
by initiating the meeting/approach, leading the way,

It makes total sense because it is so unusual for
a woman to experience that level of sexuality,
trust, and intimacy so FAST.

So while other guys are trying to impress her
with all sorts of superficial stuff, you are actually
getting to the CORE of what gets her going on
the deepest level. 

And if you appreciate the truth of what you have
been reading, I promise you this is just the tip of
the iceberg of what you will find in my programs. 

I have been dedicated to truth in this field since
I started, which was over 12 YEARS ago. Every week 
I receive heartfelt and thankful emails, and they come from
all types of guys in all types of situations. 

They range from guys who are just getting into dating
and who have used my programs to learn how to approach
women who are total strangers and who have used my materials
to get their first girlfriends, to guys who have been using
my materials for years and who have met amazing  women, and
who have even gotten married to fantastic women and have
started families, which is inspiring for me to read as well. 

I don’t like to be arrogant, and I’m not. 
It is a simple fact, however, that my programs
and services are the best on this Earth, period.
They’ve stood the test of time. 

My programs cost more, and they are worth it.
If you’d like to learn about my home study programs,
go here:

Some of you would like private one-on-one coaching.
Please understand that I am extremely busy with coaching,
as I currently am providing coaching services for three
corporations, which means that there will likely be
a small waiting period for any private consultation

For private coaching, go here:

Thanks for reading, and I’ll see you again soon.

Till next time,

Michael Marks

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