Friday, August 28, 2009

Should You Try To Get Her Back?

You might have noticed that I have never spoken about
using my technology and self-development towards
getting back an ex-girlfriend or wife, etc, etc.

This is not because I don't know what it feels like
or how much you might LOVE a woman with every
last breath of your soul.

It's because usually there is a REASON for why things
did not work out.

Either you, or her, or both of you, have more work to do on
developing internally, OR possibly your personalities are both
so different that it's simply an incompatible match.

And 99% of the time, the very URGE, the very PAIN, that
makes you feel you must go back, blinds you emotionally
to all the very real issues that you need to work on

It's kind of like wanting to win the weightlifting contest
but you never actually worked out. You can't just
expect to go in there and win because you WANT to.

There are things that need to be DONE first.

well THEN, then you will be ABLE to truly make the right
decision of whether you should pursue this woman or not,
plus you will be far more ABLE to attract her if the answer
is that you should.

If she is a great woman, she would be doing the same thing
as you are, working on herself. If she isn't, that tells you
all you need to know about her.

To learn more about the deeper aspects on attraction,
(as opposed to the "one night stand" crowd) go to


Michael Marks

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