Saturday, February 1, 2014


The real truth is, I should be charging for these
newsletters, because absolutely NO ONE
out there in this field is explaining the types of
things that are actually IMPORTANT for
men who want GOOD QUALITY WOMEN,
and I really don't have time to write these newsletters,
but the passion in me makes me write anyway.

It’s damn EASY to get the typical promiscuous
women who are the EXACT OPPOSITE of what
is required in a woman for a GREAT RELATIONSHIP.

And mark my words, you CANNOT change
a woman’s character. Yes, YOU must do your
best to behave in a manner that is attractive, but
you must ALSO select the right woman who is
already “wise” in the ways of great relationships.

So let me get to one of the BIGGEST THINGS
on the planet that both men and women seem
to REALLY be passionate over: FIDELITY.

It seems that both MEN and WOMEN in general
DON’T want their partner to cheat on them.

Well guess what?
The ANSWER to the question of how to prevent
being cheated on is EASY, but no one has the
BALLS to say the TRUTH.

They don’t have the BALLS because to say the
TRUTH might render them open to insults of
being called “PRIMITIVE” or “CLOSED-MINDED”.

Ahhh, but what if I presented a FOOL-PROOF
method, that has worked since time immemorial,
for ensuring FIDELITY between a man and a woman?

Allow me to present the facts in an elegant way:
By and large, the absolute VAST, VAST, VAAASST
majority of the time, people who cheat on their partner
are people who have MORE OPPORTUNITIES to cheat.

Yup, it’s that simple.  It’s not a COINCIDENCE that
successful politicians, athletes, actors, celebrities, musicians,
all tend to have HORRIFYING records of infidelity running
rampant in their lives.

It’s because they are in a career where they
are BOMBARDED by these opportunities to cheat.

So, we can take out the emotions from all this and just be
SCIENTIFIC by looking at the FACTS.

One who wants to NOT cheat, should AVOID situations
that INCREASE his/her opportunities to cheat.

This has NOTHING to do with TRUST.

We are living in an INSANE society today that preaches
“it’s all about trust”, which is usually only being said by
the very ones who are DOING the cheating, in order to
SHIRK OFF THE GUILT and put the onus back onto
the INNOCENT party who is NOT in the “opportunity”

The truth is, it’s NOT about TRUST.
Trust is not the thing that MAKES people faithful.
It’s the FAITHFUL people make each other TRUST them.

And you can be one trillion percent sure that those
actors, politicians, athletes, and celebrities that DON’T
cheat on each other are living VERY DIFFERENT
LIFESTYLES than the typical lifestyles for these

So, for example, so far, it seems Angelina Jolie and Brad
Pitt have managed to make it farther than most in the
world of Hollywood marriages.  They DON’T hang
out at parties with lots of members of the opposite
sex, they don’t hang out with attractive members of
the opposite sex who they claim are “platonic friends”.

Similarly, those rare politicians who DON’T end up
cheating on their partners ALSO make sure to NOT
give themselves the opportunities to cheat.  They
bring their wives more often to the places they are
going, and they don’t encourage or reward flirting
from “fans”.

Similarly, great athletes or musicians who stay faithful
to their wives tend to never be seen at the party circuit.
They go HOME to their WIFE and FAMILY.

Well, all this is a TWO WAY STREET, of course,
that applies EQUALLY to women. But women’s
EQUALITY seems to have VANISHED here,
and instead what has happened over recent decades
is that women are showing through statistics that they
are becoming JUST AS UNFAITHFUL as the worst
of men, and for the SAME REASON: OPPORTUNITY.

So, more women in the workplace, more opportunity
to meet more men to cheat.  I really don’t care what this
sounds like, it is simply the TRUTH.

I’m not saying women should not be in the workplace,
but it is absolute horseshit to say that women being
in the workplace has not resulted in more infidelity.

Now, of course, there are the RARE EXCEPTIONS
of women who KNOW all this, and who KNOW that
if they want a relationship where they will NOT cheat,
they must adapt their lifestyle to shut OUT these opportunities,
so, for example, rather than hanging out after work with
a colleague for beers, she goes HOME to her boyfriend
or husband.

Yes, and again, all this boils down to FACTS, not
Hocus-pocus nonsense about how one “feels”, because
one can FEEL whatever they want to feel, but the feeling
doesn’t change the statistical fact that those who are
unfaithful tend to be the ones who are in situations
that give them more OPPORTUNITY to cheat.

Now that women are “liberated” to be as screwed up
as the worst men, it’s equally important for women to
enforce the SAME moral code they used to expect
from men.

But guess what? Since most men see how absolutely
are long term, a lot of men don’t see the POINT in
being faithful.

There is a complete LACK of this most important
DISCUSSION that ultimately is THE KEY
TOPIC for the future of men and women in relationships.

Women need to stop emphasizing how they can be as
promiscuous as possible, and need to show how they can
be as faithful as possible, by giving HONOR and RESPECT
to the good women who live the kinds of lives that FOSTER
loyality, fidelity, and trust, rather than the kinds of lives the
promote infidelity, suspicion, and moral corruption.

Now, I’m not religious by ANY standard, I just think
the UNION between man and woman IS sacred, it is
emotionally healthy FAMILIES  that stay together
help create a GUIDING LIGHT for the world on
how to live.

So, bottom line, do you think the typical woman
in Saudi Arabia is less faithful or more faithful
than the typical woman in the “Western” world?

The question is rhetorical, no need to answer.
And the reason is simple:

Now, I’m not saying the rest of the world should
emulate Saudi Arabian society, I’m just saying that
we should realize there IS a way for women to cheat
less, and that when women were given this supposed
special thing called equality, we ended up getting
promiscuous women who cheat as much as the worst
men, who abuse men as much as the worst man has
ever abused any woman.

Most people are only as good as their situations foster
them to be.  

And the most dangerous part of all of this is that too many men are sitting back quietly, thinking that, "Nahhh,it can’t be that bad.  All these women say they want to meet a great guy." 

But with that attitude, men won't wake up till it's TOO LATE, the damage will be so massive, that generations of children will grow into a world of coldness, a world where real genuine love has become an extinction of the past. It will take a MESSIAH of love and wisdom to bring men and women back together.
When SOME women say they want to meet a great guy, they mean they want to get respect but aren't prepared to GIVE it as well.
They want to ALSO party it up at the same time.
They are NOT prepared to cut down the situations that
increase the likelihood of them cheating, because they
feel this is a form of “controlling them”, even though
of course they would want a good man to “control
himself” and not put himself into situations that could
easily lead to infidelity.

This whole thing is partially due to the way the
word “trust” has been warped into meaning
“I can be slut/whore/unfaithful if I wanted to,
but you just have to TRUST that I’m not,
because I love you”

If someone is in a lot of situations where
they can meet attractive members of the
opposite sex, they are likely to cheat,
because they can.

The ONLY solution is enforce a self-imposed
honor code to short-circuit these dangers by
avoiding those opportunities.  A woman and
a guy who are actors or musicians or politicians
can still do their job but get the f*** out of
work when work is over instead of “hanging out”
for parties, etc.

So, if you want to get yourself a great woman
for a great relationship, don’t worry about if
she is trustworthy so much. Instead, look to see
what her LIFESTYLE is like, that will tell you
what will happen in the future much more than
any amount of trust you have in her or any lack
of trust. 

Trust is irrelevant, OPPORTUNITY to cheat is
far more relevant. 

Truly loving couples arrange their own lives to be
ones where there are not many opportunities for cheating.
They are people who are honest with themselves,
and know what happens when men and women meet,
 and so they avoid those situations.

Now, the next thing I want to say, which is super
important, is very different, it’s all about sexual attraction.

The worst thing you can do for having animal
sexual attraction for each other is to HIDE
this element about yourself and encourage her
to hide this element from herself in the early
days/moments of your interaction with her.

You see, even with all this “liberation” stuff,
the truth is women will SHUT DOWN if they
feel they are with a partner who may JUDGE

And then, if that happens, it’s REALLLLY
HARD for a guy to help her feel totally relaxed
to be her wild sexual self later, since the
IMPRESSION has already been formed.

You don’t want to set up a NON-SEXUAL
vibe between the two of you from the outset,
you want to establish a SEXUAL vibe between
the two of you from the outset, because FIRST

You want a woman to feel GOOD about engaging
in her raunchiest, dirtiest, hottest, most torrid fantasies
starring you. When a woman is in FULL HEAT, she
will be receptive to EVERYTHING you have in mind,
and she will LOVE it.

If you can find a smooth way to get into chatting about this
EARLY, it is actually WISE.

If you have three weeks of boring conversation about
the stock market or the weather, all she will feel is this is
HELL and will NEVER allow her to feel comfortable
getting to the other hot stuff with you.     
Will some women not “get it”? Yes.  Will some women
feel you are moving too fast? Yes. But will some women
TOTALLY GET IT and appreciate it, and reward you for it,
and give you WILD PASSIONATE SEX for years and years
because they knew you valued it and felt good about it from
the get go? ABSOLUTELY!

It’s easy to have small talk once the sexual fire
is already there, but it’s not that easy to get the
sexual fire if small talk is all there is.
That means turning up the sexual innuendo
jokes, and in general lowering your voice
and acting more masculine and showing
more dominance while still showing chivalry.

If you have any questions, I do offer personal
live consultations. They WILL cost you plenty,
because they are worth MUCH MORE THAN PLENTY. 

No one else on Earth will cut to the chase FASTER
with you on what you need to do to get the result you
are looking for.  I HATE B.S., I HATE GIMMICKS.


My coaching is worth 100 TIMES what it costs because
I actually get you from wherever you are NOW to where
YOU WANT TO BE when it comes to women.


I base everything I do on the most OVERWHELMING

NO ONE ELSE CAN DO THIS, all they can do is show
you how to approach TYPICAL women who will ultimately
usually screw your life up.

Remember, my experience is all about getting the
REAL thing, not about getting the typical smoking,
drinking, partying, unfaithful, promiscuous women
who just want sex.

My consultations page is at:

My consultations save you TIME, and they get you
the results you want FAST.
No more thinking, no more confusion, just doing
the effective actions to get the goal you want.

Trust me, I have no desire to spend my precious time
TALKING unless I know it is doing INSANELY
AMAZING BENEFITS for YOU. I have other
ways of making money, but I know that this
program will help you FAST since it’s me myself
working with you directly.

And of course, if you haven’t yet got my most
advanced program on attracting a quality girlfriend,
then DEFINITELY get my Warrior Within DVD

This kick-ass program goes DEEP into how to attract
a quality woman by bringing out the very best in
yourself in all the ways that women crave.

It’s at:

And if money is an issue, then you absolutely
MUST get my MP3 mini-programs that are
SPECIALIZATION programs on various
elements that are all KEY to attracting
quality women.

You are going to LOVE these programs,
each one will give you pure GOLD on
various elements of success with quality
women, and the programs also work perfectly
with what you will learn in all my other
programs and books.

Oh yeah, I forgot to add: The prices on these
programs are so insanely low, that I did it just
to make things fun and to prove that even
my $20 programs are pure PLATINUM
in value. 

Check them out now at:

Till next time,

Michael Marks

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