Saturday, January 25, 2014

Getting The RIGHT Woman In A Crazy World

If you are looking for a great long-term
girlfriend or possibly wife, you NEED
to read this newsletter.

Ever since feminism started, there has
been a gradual EROSION of morality
amongst the masses of women. 

Now, don’t get me wrong. I DO believe
ABSOLUTELY that women should be
treated with FULL RESPECT, and be
given things like the vote, and all that.

To think otherwise, is immoral, or plain
ludicrous to think that women are not 
deserving of all the respect that men

HOWEVER, the problem is that feminism did not really preach EQUALITY only, what ENDED UP HAPPENING is that in addition to honest good things like equality, it ALSO ended up becoming ABUSED- it ended up misguided and it celebrated the idea of women emulating the very WORST characteristics of men, as opposed to the very BEST.

So, for example, promiscuity amongst women
is often CELEBRATED by women as a form
of “empowerment” and “equality”, as if all
MEN were like this and somehow women
were “evening the score”.

Otherwise, how do you explain the CELEBRATION
of people like Kim Kardashian who grew to fame
as the result of a SEX-TAPE?

Of course, many men are to blame for all this
as well, but it takes two to tango.

What REALLY PROVES HOW EVIL AND INSANE all this is, is that even when there are GLOBAL repurcussions, that have nothing to do with the MORAL, but simply to do with LIFE and SAVING life, STILLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL the feminists refuse to budge.  So even with AIDS, and even with things like HPV that is NOT EVEN DETECTABLE, STILLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL you won't find the feminists telling women to possibly be less promiscuous.  The feminists would much rather see men and women DIE than POSSIBLY admit that just MAYBE the feminists f-ed up.     

Here’s where things get REALLY screwed-up:
In nature, without the tempering forces of
culture and morals, man is designed to want
to mate with as many females as possible.

The MALE strategy is actually QUANTITY
over QUALITY, to be honest.

Of course, quality matters too, and men have
evolved to a DEGREE to be turned OFF by
women who exhibit either behavioral traits
that show they would be bad mothers, or
physical traits that imply they would bear
unhealthy children.

But still, the desire for QUANTITY of women is
a HUGE part of the PRIMAL male desire.

Now, science, history, and the study of evolution
has proven that women are not as sugar and spice as
Disney films would have us believe, and the truth
is that women are far from naturally monogamous,
but they are still NOT as primal driven for
QUANTITY as men are. 

For women, the emphasis is STILL greater on

All this makes sense, again, from an evolutionary
point of view.  For millions of years, there was
no way for a man to know if the children born
to the woman he mated with were actually HIS
children or someone ELSE’S, so he was best
off by mating with TONS of women.

All this by the way is all subconscious, men
of course did not actively THINK about any
of these reasons. Evolution does not work
that way, it just eliminates that which does
not work from the gene pool.

But for women, although it's important that a man is faithful, the BIGGER thing to them is that the man does not ABANDON the woman and the child, because for nine months she will CARRY a child, and she will need HELP raising the child that came literally from her body.

These evolutionary differences between men and women have created differences in what is MOST important to each gender regarding their SEXUAL MATE.  So although men and women may be very similar in things that have NOTHING to do with sexual mating  (i.e. for example, enjoying things that taste SWEET), WE ARE DIFFERENT in what is OF PARAMOUNT IMPORTANCE in a partner.

And before feminism, men and women UNDERSTOOD these differences because it was OBVIOUS and there was no politically correct bullshit telling women lies.

So why do I bring all this up?
It is because TODAY, men are being TOLD
that they must be FAITHFUL to a woman,
and stick to the QUALITY strategy rather
than the QUANTITY strategy they are
BORN to want to follow, and meanwhile
there is LESS INCENTIVE than ever to do so!

At least, before feminism, men were getting
a greater REWARD for being loyal and
faithful to one woman, they were getting
a woman who was not sleeping with
the entire planet of men, and they were
getting great RESPECT and FIDELITY
AND LOYALTY from women.

So, a man’s PRIMAL need to ensure his
child was indeed his own was being

Today, however, a woman who is TRULY
not hanging out with men all the time,
a woman who is truly prepared to GIVE

Instead, what we get are INFINITE women
who want to have “back ups” of many men
while they are in relationships.  So a typical
young woman (in other words, a woman who
is fertile and can produce children) will
NEVER give herself over FULLY to one man,
instead she keeps a few ‘MALE FRIENDS’
around, which she always claims are just
friends, but usually she knows full well
that if she attractive, these men want much
more than friendship.

And we get women who are hitting the club
circuit well into their 30’s, sometimes 40’s,
even as they are on the last vestiges of fertility,
and they are drinking and getting drunk and
being promiscuous, and they WONDER
why the GOOD MEN don’t want to
get SERIOUS with them.

And the most evil part of it all, is that the
FEW GOOD WOMEN who do exist
have to constantly DEFEND themselves
against the majority of women they know,
who all seem to think that the good woman
is “crazy” or nuts for wanting to truly
give herself over to a real man who won’t
take any b.s.

So I would not tell you all this if I didn’t think
there was any GOOD NEWS that I could offer

The GOOD NEWS is that indeed there ARE
some good women still left on this planet.

But I can tell you one thing: They are the
EXCEPTIONS rather than the RULE.

They often come from backgrounds where
feminism did NOT take off very well.

And it’s just so tragic that good men who
FOUGHT for women to have equal rights,
were ultimately rewarded with a society
where women make MOCKERIES of
good men who are truly loyal.

As the world GLOBALIZES and becomes
a smaller planet, cultures are colliding and
crashing, but what is also happening is that
men are LEARNING from other men, and
the men who grew up with feminism are
seeing that indeed there IS another way
to live, a way where things are compatible
with the way men and women are REALLY
hardwired to think and feel.

One of the insane things about feminism is that
it has told women LIES about what most men
REALLY want besides feeling attracted.

Aside from feeling attracted to a woman,
most men want NOTHING other than
in a woman.  We don’t care about all
the rest. We aren’t impressed because
a woman has a trillion degrees. There’s a big
difference between wisdom and having
degrees. We aren’t impressed that a woman
travelled all over the world.  And we
don’t think that pseudo-science is the
same thing as science.  

What you MUST do, if you truly want a
GREAT woman for a great relationship,
is search for the women who have not
been brainwashed by extreme feminism.

AND you must be STRONG, and not
APOLOGETIC for your beliefs.

The RIGHT woman will WANT YOU even
MORE for these strong beliefs.

And you must be prepared to LOSE a lot
of the WRONG women who like to preach
that screwing every guy in town, and never
giving loyalty to a good man, and having
tons of “platonic male friends”  is the way to
live and to be “equal” to men.

Most women really don’t even REALIZE
how PRIMAL of a desire/need it is in men
to make sure their woman is not getting
“too close” figuratively speaking, with other
men. So women think that men are like
women, and WOMEN tend to feel a greater
need to know NOT that a man is not screwing
other women, but that he is not feeling
EMOTIONS for other women. 

Women are bigger on wanting the
EMOTIONAL closeness, but MEN
are bigger on wanting to ensure there
is PHYSICAL exclusivity.

And men also KNOW that women are
very emotional,  and that having guys
around them who pretend to just be
friends, is something that can be
exploited by those men to indeed
push the right emotional buttons
and indeed have physical relations
with those women. 

All this was SUPER OBVIOUS to women
before feminism came along. No man in his
right mind would marry any woman who
gave off any indications of being CONFUSED
about these things.

Don’t even argue with the wrong women. Don’t
waste your time on them.

There ARE a few good women left.
THOSE are the ones men must search for,
if they are looking for happiness and
a successful relationship long-term.

If you are serious about getting the RIGHT
woman, go HERE now: 

 Till next time,

Michael Marks

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