Sunday, January 29, 2012

What SCIENCE Says About Attracting Women

Some SUPER IMPORTANT news for you
today, which includes TWO new videos
as well.

The first is regarding a message I have
been teaching for many years, which is
now gathering even MORE MASSIVE evidence
for being absolutely true.

In a new article by Andrea Bartz, there
is a review of recent research in the
Journal of Social Psychology which examined
how women’s evolutionary drives might affect
how they respond to stereotypical pick-up
artist style approaches.

Here are some of the highlights of this article:

1. Women who were looking for love (or at least
a long-term relationship) favored MEANINGFUL
positive comments, or even something innocuous,
however, pushing the flirty too far “conveyed
lower trustworthiness and intelligence”.

This falls totally in line with what I have
been saying for years, because a woman who is
interested in something long-term needs to
feel TRUST.

But the reports gets even better:

2. Researchers from the University of Kansas
recently examined who follows pick up artist
methods, and which women actually like it.

“Turns out the offenders are men with a preference
for one-night stands and negative sexist attitudes
towards women. (Lovely.) In response, women
with a preference for no-strings-attached sex who
also have negative attitudes toward other women
tend to respond to dudes’ aggressive tendencies.
(Even lovelier.)

So now you know: So-called pick-up
artistry serves an important function. It helps
sexist men and women find each other in
dim and crowded bars.”

As I have been saying for years,
LIKE attracts LIKE.

If you want abusive, sexist women, just follow
the tactics of abusive, sexist men.

By the way, I truly DO believe that sexism
and abuse is a form of SICKNESS, that
stems from insecurities and anxieties, and
it’s not a SHAMEFUL thing to get HELP
to work on these areas of ourselves, but
rather getting help to work on ourselves
is a COURAGEOUS step that is actually
in ITSELF attractive, because it shows
the ability to overcome FEAR AND TO

I have had to do this work on myself, I
am not ashamed to say that I myself used
to be very misguided, in part, due to the
messed up teachings of pick up artists,
but also due to my own self.

The study also shows that women who DO
only want one night stands are NOT attracted
to personality, which means that all the tactics
in the world taught by pick up artists “to be
able to get all those infinite women” don’t
even help, because the only thing that matters
to THOSE women is the PHYSICAL in terms
of what the guy LOOKS LIKE!

Sure, a woman who is only interested in the
physical might SETTLE for a guy she is
not that attracted to, for one night, but she
ain’t really FANTASIZING about being
with that guy at ALL.

Now, do I think that the article is PERFECT?
No, as I believe that a CERTAIN amount of
dominance IS important and is very attractive.

I also believe that what STARTS out as just
some mild interest in a man from a woman
can then be AMPLIFIED, even if a woman
is not that attracted from the start.

However, ALL this must be TEMPERED with
a massive emphasis on CONNECTION and
on being a genuinely confident man, and not
an insecure man who blames women for all
his suffering (which is what I USED to do
and caused me to FAIL with women in terms
of relationships) but rather a man who works
on overcoming his own insecurities and
anxieties and is TRULY comfortable with
women and with people in general.

THIS is the work that must be done on ourselves.
The battle is not with women, it’s with ourselves,
to make ourselves stronger, more secure, more
able to connect.

For an important video on the difference
between just getting “l-a-i-d”, and on actually
getting a great girlfriend for a fantastic long
term relationship, go here:

Now, I also want to give you ANOTHER important
video, that helps explain the real important part of
the approach when you see a woman you’d like to
meet and attract.

There has been this long debate out there on whether
the best way to go is “direct” or “indirect”.

Direct means you tell the woman right away that
you like her. Indirect means that you basically
try to chat to her without revealing your interest
in her DIRECTLY.

Well, the truth, it’s not so simple of it being one
or the other, and in fact the TRUTH is the most
important thing is conveying your personality
to her QUICKLY, and you convey this not
through a biography about yourself, but
rather through the VIBES you give off.

By VIBES, I mean the STATES OF MIND that
you are feeling are actually projected outward
and she FEELS what states of mind YOU feel.

If you feel secure, fun, upbeat, and kind of
sensual, it’s WAY EASIER for her to feel
that way around you too.

If you feel all nervous and uncomfortable, it
makes HER feel nervous and uncomfortable,
making it even HARDER for you.

At the same time, there is more about the
“direct” and “indirect” methods that is
important to understand, because there
are some women and situations that call
for a bit more of one method versus the
other method.

To learn more, check out this video:

And for my most powerful program on
how to get a girlfriend and how to 
KEEP a girlfriend, go here:

For my powerful program on overcoming
approach anxiety” go HERE:

To learn “hands-on”, LIVE, go here:

Till next time,

Michael Marks

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