Friday, January 13, 2012

Becoming A Better Man To Get Better Women

When I used to play pick up artist games,
I wondered why I got so many women who
played GAMES on me.

It took me a while to realize the problem
was starting with ME.

And when I was a super needy guy, I used
to wonder why women took advantage of me.

It took me a while to realize I was attracting the kind
of women that LIKE TO TAKE ADVANTAGE of

So, if you want to attract a quality woman,
you have to learn how to become the kind
of man that is NOT needy, and also is NOT
a player who needs to overcompensate his
insecurities by playing games that NEVER
work long term, because a woman will
ALWAYS eventually find out the truth.

It's also crucial to learn how to, instead of
playing games that come from insecurity, it's
crucial to learn how to quickly CONVEY
the essence of who you REALLY ARE.

There are TOOLS that you can use to help

From the way you use your voice, to the choices
of what clothing and accessories you wear, to
the kinds of responses you give, and much more.

The crucial thing to realize here is that you are
ALWAYS sending off messages about yourself,
whether you realize it or not, intentionally or

The question is, are you sending off the RIGHT
messages about yourself, or are you sending out
the WRONG messages about yourself?

I'm not talking about LIES.
I'm talking about doing yourself JUSTICE in
the messages you are giving off about yourself. 
Let's start with a clip from a rare film that actually
gets it RIGHT with how things are in reality:

To make a long story short, this guy TRANSFORMED
himself over the course of the story. He started
out truly needy as heck for an ex-girlfriend.

An ex-girlfriend that never even TREATED him
well to begin with!!!!

He eventually worked on himself and improved  himself
to the point of meeting a BETTER woman.

When his ex-girlfriend finally comes around and
wants another try with him, (although being who
she is she would probably abuse him again),
HE has already grown and realized he is now
with a much better woman, so it's pretty much
a "no, thank you" to the abusive ex!

But BEFORE this development, he was WEAK.
He would call his ex infinitely, trying to get her back.

He was a VERY insecure guy.
Have you ever had a situation like this, where
you are leaving a voice mail for a woman you
really are CRAZY about and feel insecure about?

By the end of the film, however, he has GROWN.
He is NOT needy.

And yet, he does NOT play the games of the "swingers".

We can tell from the first clip that he was KIND to this
new woman, he helped her CALM DOWN when she
was nervous about her career not taking off.

He didn't try to be a jackass and show how tough
he was by TEASING her on this issue she was
sensitive and nervous about. 

At the same time, he was chilled out, he was not
showering her with desperate compliments.

But notice some OTHER things here as well:

His overall demeanor, it's RELAXED and upbeat.
He is not perfect yet, he is not super smooth,
but that's OKAY because he is at least being
REAL and not "playing the pick up artist".

ALSO, he is SECURE enough to "OWN his reality"
and not try to make lies. He does NOT try to
"overcompensate" or show off to try to impress
her with something that isn't true.

He even refers to his apartment as a piece of *&^%,
and she JOKINGLY says, "It suits you", but she says
this because HE has made the joke first, and ALSO
because it's CLEAR that she DOES like him.

ALSO, notice how he GOES WITH IT, which
is another principle of humor when anyone says
a playful teasing remark, he doesn't FIGHT it
when she says her playful comment that the
apartment suits him, he plays along with the
teasing and just tells her to get out of here.

All  this is subtle PLAYFULNESS done in a MATURE way.

He is showing CONFIDENCE by this, and
he is also showing social intelligence, because
he understands that her playful response back
means that to her it's still ALL GOOD, the
apartment is not some kind of deal-breaker.

It's a much better response from her than some
hogwash sentimental speech about how it's okay.
She SHOWS it's okay by the fact she can JOKE
about it!

Actions speak louder than words, and her ACTION
of being PLAYFUL about it shows him it's all ok. 

If he was INSECURE, he would have for sure
interpreted her words of "it suits him" as an INSULT!

He would have gotten upset and RUINED the
entire vibe.

Have you ever allowed insecurity to make you see
something as an INSULT, which caused you start
an ARGUMENT? Or caused you to sabotage a
situation with a woman in some other way? 

Notice also, how when she says she'll "be around", he
TAKES CONTROL.  He says, "That's not good enough."

He doesn't WAIT for HER to give him her number.
He is still being a MAN.

In general, women do NOT push their numbers on guys,
even if they LIKE the guy.

That's just not the way it goes.
They figure, if you are serious, then YOU will be a
man and ASK for it, and that YOU will step up
to the plate and MAKE plans to see her again.

If a guy isn't willing to do THAT, then women figure
he's NOT the man for them.

If you are looking to get a GREAT GIRL, a truly
QUALITY woman for a relationship, I suggest you

This program not only teaches you all the ABOVE,
but it ALSO shows you the SMOOTHEST way
to go about APPROACHING women ANYWHERE
and getting all the way to intense intimacy and
getting totally sexual with women as well.

This program goes IN-DEPTH on what to do right now,
this second, when you leave your house or apartment to
go approach women and attract them, ANYWHERE.

Inside this program, you fill find TONS of crucial insights
for attracting women that you will not find anywhere else.

It's at:

And if you can make it, I seriously suggest you
sign up for BOOTCAMP as well. Make this one
area of your life that you DON'T IGNORE.

Getting the "women" part of your life handled
makes EVERYTHING else in life that much more
fun and that much more meaningful.


Till next time,

Michael Marks

P.S. To find out about ALL my programs for
getting a quality woman, go here:

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