Getting a great woman attracted
to you has nothing to do with pick-up
lines or methods of attacking a woman's
self-esteem, and it has nothing to do
with becoming a performer,
entertainer, or clown who tries
to make women laugh
When all is said and done, and
the smoke clears and the TRUTH
is revealed, the best kind of
women don't want a "player" or
pick up artist.
The best kind of women want a MAN.
And by a MAN, I mean the kind of
man that flourishes when the going
gets rough.
The kind of man that sees the truth
when everyone else falls for the lie.
The kind of man that is calm when
others are freaking out.
The kind of man that knows how to
add LIFE to any situation.
Women want the man who has the
WARRIOR heart.
Life throws just about everything
your way when you least expect it,
and there's nothing better to a
woman than knowing she has a
real man in her life that is
strong enough, wise enough,
secure enough, and mature
enough to handle whatever
is going on around him.
Women FANTASIZE about
finding such a man.
And now, for the first time EVER,
you can MASTER this part of your
life in my "Warrior Within" LIVE
In the same way that even the most
powerful computer becomes frozen,
sluggish, and ineffective if a virus is
planted into the central processing
unit, so too your infinite, natural
charisma which can charm any woman
will become sluggish, frozen-up, and
ineffective if "bad programming" has
been allowed to seep in over the years.
This "bad programming" is toxic to your
masculinity, to your natural charisma, and
to your emotions and thoughts. And yet,
just as fast as your computer suddenly
starts working at light-speed efficiency
and power the moment the virus is
removed, so too your full "warrior"
state kicks RIGHT BACK IN the
moment this toxic internal
programming is removed.
The "Warrior Within" Live Seminar will be
held in Toronto, April 25th-26th.
This event will change your life, and I suggest
you check out the full details now at:
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