Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Why Most Men FAIL To Get Good Women Today, And A Solution For You

Have you ever wondered why it is that it’s only been in the last ten years that there even EXISTS a field dedicated to helping men with women?

This NEVER existed before in history.
Sure, there were books on PICK UP lines, like Eric Weber’s How to Pick Up Girls! in the 1970s, but NOTHING even REMOTELY like the degree of sophistication that men are learning today. 

Do you want to know the reason WHY this stuff never existed before?

The structure of society as well as NATURE took OVER what really SHOULD be the most natural thing on earth- man and woman coming together as one in harmony.

But, in the western world, a lot of HORRIFYING SH*T has taken place since the 1950s and 1960s, and it’s taken place SLOWLY, so that no one noticed the intensification of the issue until it was TOO LATE, just like the myth of the “frog in the boiling pot” analogy I’ve used in the past, where the frog doesn’t notice the increasing heat till it’s too late.

This sh*t goes beyond the horrifying lies spread by feminism. It also includes the fact that making money for one’s SELF only, and being selfish in general, became more important than family, community, or country. 

There are many reasons this happened.

One reason is because people saw some corruption in government, e.g. Nixon, and so people started to become disenchanted with all established institutions, “throwing out the baby with the bathwater”, and  instead of working on FIXING these institutions, they just REBELLED AGAINST THEM.

Another reason is the widespread use of hallucinogenic drugs in the 60s.  People genuinely not in their right states of mind are much more likely to accept bullshit theories and propaganda.

Plus, the invention of the pill made it possible for women, and men, to be less responsible about sex.

Mix in FEMINISM into this, spreading lies about “male power” decade after decade, and now we have a society where many young men who are sincerely looking for serious relationships with young women are PUNISHED by most of these women, and the men who are just looking to “score” are REWARDED by the endless plethora of promiscuous young women who just want to have “fun”.

There is an answer to all this. 

It’s something other dating coaches and pick-up artists don’t talk about, because it's too "messy" and complicated and therefore hard to sell. 

It's much easier to just pretend that all women are the same and that getting a drunk or promiscuous woman is the same thing as getting a woman who is sober, has strong family values, is loyal, and is not promiscuous.

Also, they think that things like STDs, STIs, including those that cause sterility, are only science-fiction and don’t happen in the real world. Charlie Sheen is a figment of their imagination, they think.

The first thing you need to do to get the right woman involves SCREENING.

You must SCREEN women to make sure you are getting the right woman:

1. See if she speaks negatively about many other
people, including all her ex boyfriends.

If she only has bad things to say about everyone
else, chances are she won't think fondly of you
after a while either.

On the other hand, if she tends to focus on the
positive about people, she will probably be a
much better girlfriend for you as well.

2.Be on the lookout to see how she treats others.

For example, if you two are out at a cafe, restaurant,
or coffee shop, how does she treat the employees,
waiters and waitresses? Is she abusive or is she
sensitive? Kindness is free, so there is no excuse
to be a miser with it.

3. Ask her what are her top values in life,
and ask her to be specific.

If she focuses on things that are purely
superficial, like fame and wealth, chances
are she won't stick it out through the
rough patches in life with anyone when
she is in a relationship with them.

On the flip side, if she values loyalty,
honesty, trust, and health, chances are
she will appreciate a good man who treats
her well.

4. Behave in a casual relaxed manner.

This is important, because in order to
get a woman to reveal her character, it's
essential that you don't make her feel judged
for being herself.

So try to be as relaxed as possible when
interacting with a woman. Asking her about
her values must be done in a way where she
does not feel like there is a right or
wrong answer. 

Don't come across as being too serious, or
she will only present to you her "formal"
self which is more of an act, rather than
who she really is naturally.

5. Make note if she is the kind of person who is
able to apologize and own up to making a mistake.

If she is not able to do this, she will be a
horrible person to have a relationship with, for
her ego is so big that she can't admit her
mistakes or learn from them.

6. Pay particular attention to how she behaves
when she is under stress.

If she is still behaving in a way that is
kind and honest and sensitive, she is proving
to be an amazing woman.

However, if she becomes spiteful, hateful,
or abusive, this is an indicator of how she
will be in the future when under any type
of stress. And life definitely will have its
stressful moments, so you can be sure such
a woman will behave badly again in the future.

7.  Listen very carefully when she speaks,
because most people give away their personalities
very quickly without realizing it.

This is because most people don't consciously
try to behave badly, so they all think they are
great even if in fact they are abusive or cruel.

8. Take note of how hard she is trying to

One of the greatest signs of a woman's personality is
if she makes great efforts to accomplish this goal.

If she makes a consistent effort to try to understand
you and to make you feel respected, this is definitely
a reason to continue dating her.

WARNING: It's ESSENTIAL to pick up **ON** what a woman is saying rather than just being focused on "picking up" women, if you want to actually get a woman that is the right match for you as a great long-term girlfriend.

The SCREENING can also be said to include knowing where to FIND these kinds of quality women, since they are particularly RARE in so many feminist-tainted countries today. 

Plus, there is the other component, which is all about getting a quality woman ATTRACTED so she massively WANTS to be with you.

In The No-Bullshit Book On Success With Women Today, I SHOW YOU how you can FIND the kind of women who are NOT brainwashed by the forces of corruption, and I explain SUPER IMPORTANT things you need to know to get a woman attracted to the MAXIMUM.

I honestly believe that every man who wants to meet a GOOD woman needs to read this book. This book has been designed as a digital download so you can be using it in MINUTES from now!

It’s at:

I also seriously suggest you download The Energy of Attraction, which is my other newly released book that reveals the latest strategies on attracting women through your behaviors.   

Get it NOW at: 

Till next time,

Michael Marks

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