Saturday, October 20, 2012

The Truth About Being Her Man

There’s a ton I’m about to share with you
that is all GOLD. Ready, set, GO:



This is such a huge factor in your success
with women that I started speaking about
even in even in my very first book years ago.
In order for her to feel like a WOMAN,
you must behave like a MAN.

This has absolutely NOTHING to do
with acting arrogant, or with thinking
that women are less intelligent, less
capable, or with thinking that women
should all be barefoot and pregnant
in the kitchen all the time.

In fact, that kind of thinking comes from
ignorance and insecurity, which are the very
opposite things from being the essence
of a man. 

What I mean by masculinity is a certain
type of ruggedness in essence.

Grooming and hygiene is EXTREMELY
important, obviously, but spending hours
in front of the mirror, primping, is NOT

When a man behaves too feminine, it makes
and this robs a woman of her feelings of femininity.   

That means in bed she will not feel PASSIONATE
as a woman.

Being a MAN is a good thing, regardless of
what some feminists say.

This brings us to the next point, on dominance:


Dominance is definitely one of the most important
concepts for attraction, but it is misunderstood, and
then gets perverted and distorted, and turned into a 
mockery by most people. 

The reality is that most women although they
expect to be treated with equality in general,
they want to feel WOMANLY around you,
and especially so in bed, and they want you to
be the MAN.

However, in order for a woman to SUBMIT to
a man’s dominance, she must be able to TRUST him
and ALSO feel he is genuinely worthy and masculine.

This means that you must not only exude
CONFIDENCE in general so that she feels
you are THE MAN, but you must also earn
her COMPLETE TRUST, so that she feels
SAFE in and womanly in submitting to you.

And what I mean by trust is not just the trust that
you will not cause her any actual HARM, what
I mean is that she trusts you on a deep level that
you will still totally respect her and in fact
CHERISH her for all this.

She must know that you do NOT think that women
are ANY less than men, that you do not think she is
less than you in any way, not less intelligent, or less capable,
or less worthy.

This is NOT about being a Neanderthal.

It’s about knowing that a woman is a human
being with all the same rights as a man, but
ALSO knowing that she is WOMAN sexually
and that she naturally wants to FEEL that role,
and she cannot feel that role if you do NOT
act dominant and assertive in bed.

Old fashioned society knew the importance of
PRESERVING the polarity between masculinity
and femininity.  They knew how each one brings
out the full intensity of the other.

Unfortunately, old society also had some screwed
up concepts of women.  Modern society has
progressed in some ways, which is good, but
it has also LOST the concept of how important
it is to protect femininity and masculinity and
to cherish and preserve those identities, and losing
that is a great loss as well.

You want to be the BEST of both worlds-
respecting a good woman who has earned
your respect, and ALSO making her feel
like a WOMAN by you being THE MAN.

It’s when you COMBINE this best of both
worlds that you spark the MAGIC in her

Show your masculinity through your demeanor,
your tonality, your decisiveness, your conviction
in yourself, and show your respect through being
sensitive to her as a fellow human being as well,
and when it comes to being under the sheets,
be way more assertive than you have been, and
you’ll be surprised to find out that 99% of women
LOVE it when you take control. 

This doesn’t mean that she can never take control or
be assertive,  of course it doesn’t mean that.  And it
doesn’t mean that there shouldn’t be that softer
kind of lovemaking as well.  Of course it doesn’t
mean that.  It means that as a general principle,
being more DOMINANT is key, key, KEY.

I really do believe that this has its roots in our
biological makeup and chemistry, and is not just
a cultural thing, because in fact our culture seems
to imply we should all be identical, and yet that
doesn’t create attraction at all.  So that’s why
I think it’s really in men’s and women’s genes
to be this way, to only feel chemistry this way.


If you’re not MEETING a lot of women, then
unless you have special connections it’s going to
be impossible to ever meet the RIGHT woman.

So whether you are meeting these women in
person by approaching them as strangers, or
you are meeting on the internet,  or through
speed-dating, or whatever other method,
the key is to be meeting MANY women
and checking out their personalities.

Now this has nothing to do with being a
womanizer or with dating several women
at once.  I’m not into either of those things,
as you know I’m all about how to find the
RIGHT woman and I actually believe
that if you are dating several women at
once, you will not be able to focus on
the woman properly, which will not only
suck for her, but will prevent you from
properly being able to sense who she
REALLY is and whether she is really
right for you or not.

However, if you want to meet the RIGHT
woman, that means a woman who is not
only attractive but who also shares and
cherishes the same VALUES as you do.

In order to meet a woman who shares the
same “blueprint” regarding your values
and perception of things, you will HAVE
to meet many women, it’s the only way,
anything else is playing the lottery game
which is just plain ridiculous.

Laziness is the ENEMY here.
You will have to WORK it, my man.
If you are deciding to meet women through
cold approaches to strangers, (which is the
method that I prefer, since you get to
see them in person right away and you
get to use all your body language in
person right in front of them) and you
will have to do it again and again. 

If you decide to work the online personals,
then you will have to WORK it there as well.
Don’t expect that the first woman you message
will be the one.  Don’t expect to get too far with
a half-assed profile, make your profile as damn
good as possible, and get the best photo of yourself
as possible.

But if you WORK it, over and over again,
for WEEKS at a time, you WILL get the
kind of results you are looking for.

Now, whether you are meeting in person,
online, or any other way, here’s another key:


It’s really a turn off to a quality woman who
is looking for the real thing when she sees
things you are saying, doing, or writing.

Inconsistencies come from trying to be
someone you are not.

And that comes from FEAR that you will
be rejected for who you ARE.

So I have news for you:
YOU FOR WHO YOU ARE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Embrace that because trust me, you WANT
to get RID of the women who do NOT want
who you really ARE!

Seriously, the best thing I ever did was when
I stopped trying to be “Mr. Cool” and instead
realized that I believed in my OWN values
enough to the point that if a woman or even if ALL
women didn’t share those values then I really had
no DESIRE to be with them in the first place,
I would rather be SINGLE.

It’s amazing the crazy things we will do out
of the fear of being alone, as if being alone 
was the worst thing that could happen to
a person.

Being alone is like being in HEAVEN compared
to pretending to be someone you are NOT.

But that’s just the tip of the iceberg, because
guess what?

The kind of woman who really IS the right match
for you, the kind of woman who really DOES share
your values, will ONLY be attracted to you if she
can DETECT that you have those values, and she
will NEVER detect them if you are trying to be
someone else.

Now, seriously think about your values before you go
following them without analysis. Some people have
some very destructive values and cherish them
and they aren't even aware how their values
are harming themselves and others around them.

However, once you have seriously thought about
your values, you should be CONSISTENT with
them, and every few months REFLECT on
them to see if they are truly positive values.

Your VALUES are the most clear indication of
who you truly ARE on the deepest level. This
is where you as a man  have the FREEDOM
to decide to do whatever you feel is truly
RIGHT instead of just following everyone
else without thinking.  This takes COURAGE
and is what separates the MEN from the boys:

Start embracing and cherishing and defending your
values and LIVE them, breathe them, let them
exude from your every action and word, and, if
you are doing the online dating thing, then from
your every WRITTEN word.

For example, let's say you are looking for a
real long term relationship, then it would
be incongruent with your values if you were also
messaging the girls who were looking for one
night stands.

These kind of inconsistencies end up confusing
you on a subconscious level and make you behave
in ways that are incongruent and that end up
telling the RIGHT WOMAN that you are
WRONG for her!

What kind of man will you be if you aren’t
confident enough in your own values to
BELIEVE they are worth it, that they are
worth the sacrifice of losing some of the
women out there- if you are not ready to
say NO to some women out there, then
you will never really be qualified to say
YES to ANY of them.


If you are serious about meeting the right woman,
then when you do meet a woman anywhere, I
urge you to get her TALKING about herself
and what’s important to her, and I urge you
to start listening better than ever before.

This is not to “show” you are a nice guy-
it’s to ACTUALLY FIND OUT if she
is right for you!

Now, the thing is, if you DO detect from the
things that she is saying that she DOES have
the right things you are looking for, well then
now you have something extremely POWERFUL
for attracting her, which is that you can

It’s interesting, because in sales, the best salesmen
on the planet are not the sleazy stereotypes of 
a salesman.  Nope, rather they are consultative
sales people.  They are trying to find out if
what they have is what you are looking for,
and if not they will help lead you in the
right direction so you can find it somewhere
else, because at least then they have STILL
provided VALUE and will be remembered
which helps increase the possibility the
customer will come BACK.

Well, it’s not THAT different when it comes
to being great with women.   You should
genuinely be listening to see what it is
she is really about, what she is really looking
for even if she is not conscious of it- and
then if you know you are the MATCH
for her, you now have all the reasons
that she has given you - either she has directly
given them to you through what she has said
or she has indirectly told you, and now you
can qualify her for being the right MATCH
for all the reasons she has actually given to you.

A woman wants to be chosen, not settled for.
and she wants to be with the RIGHT guy,
and she wants to know she is the woman
for that guy.  



If you are looking to attract a great woman who is
the total deal – inside and out, well chances
are she knows she’s got VALUE, and yet she’s
also not ARROGANT.

Like attracts like, and similar mindsets attract as well.

It’s incredibly, massively RARE to meet people who
have VALUE and who aren’t spoiled.

Those people who have value and who still keep
themselves GROUNDED and not arrogant are

So, for example, if you exude confidence and
masculinity and yet you don’t reek of player
infidelity and lack of integrity, a great woman
will pick up on this FAST.

So, in order to accelerate the process of becoming
this kind of man, start asking yourself:

“Is this thing that I am doing or saying or writing
flow from CONFIDENCE, or from ARROGANCE?”

“Does this action I am about to do come from

Become STRICT with yourself to annihilate
NEEDINESS and ARROGANCE from your soul, and
replace them with the kind of quiet confidence
that is like a wolverine- quiet, not seeking
attention, yet devastatingly powerful and
resolved to win in all situations. 

And if you are reading this right now and
are resolved to getting a GREAT woman, then
I seriously suggest you get your hands
on my program called Warrior Within.
This program works through transforming yourself
on the most authentic level, from the INSIDE out,
and not from the "outside in". It's not about
pick up lines or any other artificial 'act'.
It's about truly BECOMING the kind of man
women crave for on the deepest level.

It’s at:
And if you haven't yet downloaded my program
'Attraction Accelerators', then do that now,
it's a great way to get started taking action
with women immediately.

It's at:

Till next time,

Michael Marks

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