Monday, October 8, 2012

Deep Insights Into Finding, Approaching, Attracting, And Keeping A Quality Woman

Alright, so there are a few important things
I need to tell you about getting quality women.

I’ve been really busy lately so this has
been on my mind and it’s cool to finally
be able to tell you.

The first thing is that, as you know,
"Get A Great Girl" is really about that,
how to get a GREAT woman, a woman
who is that total package of being
faithful, beautiful, fun to be around,
health conscious, and woman who
helps you be your best, even if it
means challenging you sometimes
so that you can BE your best because
she BELIEVES in you.

So one question a lot of guys want to
know is where to even MEET such
a woman. Well, here’s one example,
and that is at a Yoga class.  That doesn’t
mean that every woman at the Yoga
class is going to be that woman, but
there’s a lot higher chance of meeting
a woman that has an open mind, that
has a great personality, that is into
improving herself not only physically
but also appreciates the importance
of being in the right state of mind,
and a woman who is not only about
the material things in life, at a yoga
class than at a really smoky deafeningly
loud club.

At the same time, in my Warrior Within
program, you will learn how to QUICKLY
detect a woman’s personality through her
behaviors.  And when I say quickly, I mean
usually in just SECONDS, not days or weeks.

So you can easily be hopping on the bus,
sit next to a woman, strike up a chat with 
her and find out VERY quickly if she has
the characteristics you are looking for.

By the way, ONE of the keys to determining
a woman’s personality very quickly is through
realizing that people give away their picture
of the world and of their perception of what
is right and what is wrong ALL THE TIME.

They do this because this is how they genuinely
feel.  So a woman who enjoys manipulating
other people is often PROUD OF IT.

As long as you are careful not to make her
feel judged, she will reveal EVERYTHING
about herself to you.

So that’s another key: When meeting a
new woman, do NOT give away YOUR
values right away, this way she can feel
free to convey HER values.

This leads me to my next point:

I got into this whole field to help the good guys.
I saw how so many JERKS were successful
with women, and it took  me many years
to realize that it’s not that women are truly
attracted to jerky behavior, it’s that they
are attracted to confidence, to sexuality,
to men who don’t get brainwashed by
stupid social conventions that say
only “bad” people are sexual and only
“bad” people are flirty and only “bad”
people don’t follow all the stupid rules
of society such as being boring to make
sure you don’t offend anyone.

In FACT, the whole reason so many good
guys act boring when they chat up women
is BECAUSE they have been taught that
being GOOD means FITTING IN, and
the only way to ENSURE you fit IN
is by making sure to NOT SHAKE
THE BOAT, to NOT stand out, to
NOT offend anyone even by accident.

And so, this PLAYING IT SAFE
style of behavior ends up making
sure that most men do NOTHING.

is to do NOTHING.  That way, you
for sure won’t offend anyone.

Meanwhile, the truth is that inside of
every good guy is an INFINITE fire
of creativity, of spark, of sexuality,
of so much awesome stuff that women
would love if they were just SHOWN
that instead of the “play it safe” stuff.

At the SAME TIME THOUGH, there
is something that GOOD GUYS tend
to do that is a HORRIBLE mistake,
and it truly is BECAUSE they are
so good.

The mistake is FALLING FOR A
WOMAN and not even realizing
that she indeed is a terrible person.

The reason so many good guys don’t
realize it when they are with a horribly
behaved woman is because as human
beings, we tend to see OTHERS through
the same perspective which we see

So, if we treat others fairly, if we are good
to others, if we have empathy, if we believe
in justice, then we tend to think that OTHERS
do as well.

And so it’s not the FIRST INSTINCT to
think that a woman can possibly be so
horrible.  Instead, we tend to think that
there must be SOMETHING ELSE wrong
with the picture.  i.e. Maybe you feel YOU
did something wrong.  Maybe you feel that
it is YOUR responsibility to “fix” the
situation with a woman.  Maybe you feel
“she must just be having a bad day”.

Of course, this is HORRIFYING MISTAKE
to make, because you now start to justify
all the bad behavior that a woman does to you.

And THEN, you start to backwards rationalize
all the EFFORT you are pouring into her.

You start to think, “Well, she MUST be worth
all this pain, or there is no way I would be
doing all this for her!”    

You start to think that this woman is MORE
special BECAUSE of the very fact you are
SUFFERING for her, when in reality you
are suffering BECAUSE of her.

Then, the next horrifying thing happens:
You start to FEAR the idea of LOSING her.

Oh man, this is the final disaster, because
then there is no LIMIT to the abuse you
will be willing to take. And of course,
since she is a terrible woman she indeed
WILL abuse you as far as she can take it.

And of course, all this suffering will be
backwards rationalized in your mind as
being MORE OF A REASON why she
must be so special, you will think that
the reason  you are taking all this pain
is because she is “so hot” or “so special”
or that “you will never find such a woman”
as if she is somehow a GOOD CATCH.

Your mind will come up with the weirdest
reasons, like finding ONE GOOD THING
about her and then exaggerating that thing
to somehow make her seem noble.

So, I want to make it clear here that
getting a “great girl” is not only about
what you say and do, it’s also about
being able to see how your OWN mind
is communicating with you and what it
is telling you about a woman, and being
able to know when your own mind is
actually making a MISTAKE.

So, as a good guy, it's important to understand 
that if a woman is constantly doing things that 
make you feel BAD, then you need to slap
yourself awake out of your trance and
determine if she is REALLY so special
to begin with, and if she’s not, then you
must rip the cord,  you must pull away,
you must wean yourself off of her no
matter how much you think you can’t
live without her, because she has become
an ADDICTION for you, she is a harmful
substance that you THINK you need to

Now, at the SAME TIME, I also am
not on some kind of RANT against
all women.  There are MANY good
women out there, and there are even
some GREAT ones out there, that’s
the whole reason I made “Get A Great

So, my next point is, that if you are in
general finding that you think ALL
women are nasty, or that all attractive
women are nasty, or that all attractive
women do not want to be approached,
then I suggest you consider RE-EXAMINING
the facts to see if it’s possible that you
are allowing your own emotions to
negatively filter the truth into something
much worse than it really is with women.

Because even the greatest woman on earth
can’t be expected to JUMP into the arms
of a man who is a total stranger who just
approached her, even if she DOES want
to meet the right man.

People aren’t so quick to trust ANYONE
anymore, and I don’t blame them.  All
you hear about in the news are scandals
about people you are supposed to trust
or people you used to look up to, including
even the NEWS organizations themselves.

Now, if you’re a woman, you ALSO have
to deal with the constant barrage on the
news about rapists, psychos and other
types like that, even if they don’t represent
the majority of the population, it’s a little
frightening to say the least.

And by the way, THIS is PART of why
giving  women COMPLIMENTS as a
way to “pick them up” does NOT work.

Not only does it seem like it’s too easy
for any guy to say that because so many
guys use the same approach of the compliment,
but it has almost come to be synonymous

In fact, if you were an attractive woman,
and you got a COMPLIMENT from a
man, the TRUTH is, the FIRST thing
you would be thinking is, “OK, NOW

In other words, the compliment is not
a form of giving at all.

It is almost like Pavlov’s dogs where
a bell would ring, and THEN the dogs
would be given food. 

It got to the point that just THE BELL
would cause the dogs to SALIVATE.    

Well, with women, it’s the exact
OPPOSITE feeling when most men
give the compliment, because most
men will give the compliment and
immediately be showing the verbal
and non verbal signs of “I WANT TO

I know this is hard to understand as being
a bad thing, because I myself as a man
used to fantasize about what it would
be like to have women “chase” and
give compliments and try to “get” me.

But it’s not exactly a great feeling when
every single time a guy starts a conversation
with a woman with something like, “Nice
day today, isn’t it”, she KNOWS it’s really leading
up to, “Can I go out with you?”. 

Women DO want to meet men.
They just need to feel NON-PRESSURED
and SAFE doing it.    

Now, the TRUTH also is, that body language
and tonality says the majority of your message.

Here’s an experiment for you:
Go up to a woman today and give her a

Do not try to get her number.
Do not try to GET anything.

In fact, do this at the most “creepy” time
and location you can think of.

Perhaps late at night in a store that is
not busy.

her a stereotypical compliment. 

Don’t even worry about walking up to
her in some special way.  Just go right
up to her, and tell her she is beautiful.

You will notice two things usually:
She will be a BIT freaked out initially,
and then as she SEES you are totally
not trying to take anything or do anything,
she will actually SMILE and be a bit
speechless looking at you with wonder
and curiosity and INTEREST.

This ONLY works if your MINDSET
is FOCUSED on the fact you are NOT      
taking ANYTHING from her, and is
focused on the fact you are totally
just GIVING.

This is an important experiment to
PROVE to you that most women are
in fact NOT “beeeyotches” and if they
just had a chance to KNOW that you
are NOT going to be the guy who
pressures them into feeling they need
to do something right then and there
like becoming your girlfriend without
even knowing you, they would be
MUCH MORE OPEN to actually
in fact doing that very thing- becoming
your girlfriend!

And if you are reading this right now
and would like to know how to MEET,
how to ATTRACT, and how to KEEP
a fantastic quality girlfriend that is
the “total package” of inner and outer
beauty, I seriously suggest you get my
program “Warrior Within”.

This program goes DEEP. It’s not a
“Band-Aid” superficial solution. Rather,
it transforms you for real on the deepest
level to make you the kind of man that
the most fantastic women on earth can’t
help but fall in love with.

It’s at:

Till next time,

Michael Marks

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